The Final Episode of CHEF AJ LIVE! Q & A with NYT Bestselling Author Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Episode 2078

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hey everyone and welcome to Chef AJ live I'm your host Chef AJ and this is where I introduce you to amazing people like you who are doing great things in the world that I think you should know about well they say that all good things must come to an end and today is the last episode of Chef AJ live as we know it now don't worry I'm not going away I'm not leaving YouTube I'll still do one maybe two shows a week if you want to find out when and where Please Subscribe at chef and or subscribe at YouTube and I'll also be recording recipe videos which you've asked for but in case this is the first time you're seeing me I've actually Gone live at least one time a day maybe sometimes up to six every day since March 20th 2020 so that is 1 1563 days and today is episode 2077 the reason I'm taking the Hiatus for four months is I have a new book coming out and my publisher has me booked on a worldwi book tour so many cities even a foreign country so many podcast that I really want to promote the book and give it every chance to be a bestseller particularly a New York Times bestseller so I just can't be doing this every day it has been such an honor a privilege and a pleasure to inter to interview the amazing guests I've had plant-based doctors authors chefs and especially I'll miss the Zuni which is the name for the people in the community on Zoom that I've chatted with every day I'm not going away so just know that but we had to end with a very special episode and you guys voted for your fan favorite who to end the show with he's been on the show before we love having him on he really needs no introduction but I'll just tell you who he is he's a multiple New York Times bestseller you might be familiar with I think the first book that started it all for him eat to live and now he runs this amazing retreat in San Diego for those of you that say I've done everything and I can't lose weight well I don't think you've done everything if you haven't gone to the eat toiv treat and even if you don't need to lose weight you might want to go because it's absolutely beautiful and you can have meals with Dr Joel Ferman please welcome to the show thank you for being my my swan song well that is astounding that you've done all these shows all these for the last 25 years just amazing how you thank you I was trying to you know be the Cal riping of YouTube and make it five years but it's okay you know this is great so Dr Ferman people love you they love your humor they love you know you you don't mince words you tell the truth and so we I I think I told you this that when we sent out on our mailing list well we showed the episode of you being The French Chef if you haven't seen that I'll link below it's a hilarious YouTube video that Dr Ferman and I did almost 15 years ago but we asked for questions and we set a time where they couldn't send it and of course they're sending them still but the thing is is I have a special email on my phone that only Linda my virtual assistant knows one hour after sending out that email I had over 200 emails to that email so people love you so I mean you you could just actually you do this anyway you have your your online system your you know in Dr if people don't get their question answer today they can tell us about that because you don't really promote yourself enough well yeah I have at my website people could join as a member and at a level to be able to ask me questions and people join and they ask it's called the ask the doctor Forum part of the website and a lot of people like to have me out there beck and call to ask me their questions because they have medical conditions or they need guidance they need my constant motivation so I so I still in contact even though I don't have a full Medical Practice where I'm having people come to see me can a I'm able to care for like hundreds of people every day by spending a few hours every day answering people's questions so it's kind of like I'm keeping this community of people who want my care um motivated and activated you know right so if if you not we're not going to get to all over 200 questions so if you have a burning question consider joining It's a Wonderful resource there's recipes there's community so we will start with the first question from Lena and she says hi Dr Ferman I have a question about your height and weight chart it seems rather strict compared to the other ones I've seen with the possible exception of Dr Walter kempner's which is actually stricter but my question is this should our weight be calculated on how tall we are or how tall we should be I was in an accident and fractured my spine and I'm now one and a half inches shorter than I used to be so do I calculate my ideal weight on my current height or what my height was and what is it for elderly people who shrink do they calculate their weight on their adult weight or what they are now I thought that was a kind of interesting question it is and and I don't really have the answer because you know I have no I don't really have a specific chart or a specific weight I want to person to be it's more like an art you know to know what's the best weight for a particular person and we T we use body fat percent uh to help us guide that because like I I want the body fat percent to be low and let's just say what I'm shooting for I'm shooting for below 15% body fat for a male as they age certainly when they're younger they should be you know better than that and below and certainly below 25% body fat for a female or a woman um that's what I'm shooting for that doesn't mean that's ideal because maybe it's not even ideal but at least that's what I'm figuring is acceptable over than that starts to see you know insulin resistance start to see problems developing and that's body fat percent now it corresponds to a BMI of like below 23 for most people but you can occasionally have a person with a BMI of 23 and a half it's still good because they're very MUSC and they're strong their body Fat's low there's no like one because we all have different sizes and shapes we can't go by oh this person should weigh 120 pounds this person want 110 pounds it's very individualized how big their bones are what you know so the answer is I don't know precisely but I want you to become the best scientist artist in taking care of yourself so you should know better than I could know what your best weight is because you would know your you know your height your weight your where you were when you were young when you were 20 years old when you were best physical fitness of your life you would know where what your body fat is you would know where your you know where you feel the best is where you have a roll of where you have fat on your waist or not so I think it's hard for me to just come up with a straight number based on a chart you know what I mean yeah okay thank you but so I I understand you correctly the the percentage of body fat is actually more important than the number yes and and like for example my body fat at age 70 is about 11% body fat when I was younger maybe it was 10% so maybe I don't know maybe it's maybe it's some so I'm around 10 and a half 11% body fat and I'm saying men should be below 15% body fat they don't have to be as lean as I am but still um but probably being 1 12 13 14 is even better than 15 you know what I mean same thing with a woman women we want to below 25 but maybe being 23 or 24 is even better than being below 25 but at least try to get to your body fat strive to get your body fat below 25 and of course people could angry at me for that but I'm because but my Niche is to be like this longevity nut this health nut who wants to tell people what's ideal for them and some people are mad could get angry because that's oh that's too strict for me if I go to that something what you want me to do then I'm going to become crazily obsessed and it's just going to be you know so I'm so in other words um you know trying to say what's ideal to maximize longevity but may not be perfect for everybody well speaking of longevity nuts and we get a lot of questions and actually one came in from Dan how you feel about the research that you can't mix a banana with a blueberry now in oatmeal or a smoothie like is that something that we should be worried about well you don't worry about it but like it made me want to have more of my um blueberry meals and of course blackberries and wild blueberries even better than regular blueberries you know what I mean the little baby blueberries are even more nutritious than than the big plump of blueberries so and the blackberries ined than the blueberri so yeah a lot of times I try to use wild berries I try not to use bananas with it but some days I want to have bananas with it too doesn't have to be perfect every day I don't have to like avoid bananas every single breakfast my wife made a great um homemade banana bread the other day and I had you know so so I just wanted some of that with it so in other words most of the time I do it right but I'm not fanatic I don't have to do it perfect every time right are you familiar with that new research on intermittent fasting and people are actually I'll wait because you have an we have an actual question on that from someone so let me get to that but are you familiar with the research I'm talking about that they're saying contributes to okay because I saw that as a question so I will ask it exactly as it came in but first here's a fun one from Patricia and she said Dr Ferman why is it even with eating a nutricious and Whole Food plant-based diet do we still have odor with a ball movement will it ever go away maybe it's normal bacteria breaking down maybe it is that's why we poop into water because the water prevents the odor we're not if we go out in the woods like a dog and have our poop it's going to smell more because it's go into the air so usually you flush the toilet before the poop gets above the water because it's going to stink more if it sticks up out of the water I learned that through my wife I told you these were great questions but but don't you feel like carnivorous poop smells worse because if you think of how cat poop smells versus dog poop one's an omnivore one's a carnivore absolutely absolutely but I don't want to say my poop doesn't stink okay that is so funny I thought you'd like this question so this is I I like a lot of these questions because they're broad they're not just pertaining to one person's uh uh physiology so this is a good one from Katherine because she's saying Dr Ferman does eating sugar exacerbate a sugar addiction or does it scratch the itch what itch I think you know I think I think have a craving I feel like they think that they they if they indulge it lights the fire to your desire so yes it's that the reason people consider me so um what's like a a dietary perfectionist or something that I'm so they don't want people to have a 10% sheet I when I wrote eat to live I allowed people after the first you know I don't know six Monon period or six week period to say okay do it 90 % eating healthy 10% do what you want but I don't really believe that's best and I don't really do that myself um why would I want it and over the years we found that that screws that messes people up because so many people just can't go out and have a drink on the weekend because they want to drink more than that if they do that and they can't just see have sugar on occasions because they keep lighting their desire to have more sweets all the time just like artificial sweeteners the no calorie sweeteners like Stevia and monk fruit and xylol and sorbitol they don't put calories on you but they let they keep your drive to want to have sweets they prevent you from developing The Taste muscle that enhances your ability to taste sweet so a strawberry or a piece of lettuce tastes better and they also Drive the neurologic mechanisms in the brain to make you constantly want to eat more sugar so yes absolutely um and why have that anyway I mean why have anything that's honey maple syrup you know sugar why do that it's stripping your body of nutrients and I'm saying right here that our lifespan and our health is proportional to the nutrient density of our cells how much phytochemical nutrition do you have in the cell that's what correlates with your longevity and every time you eat so that means you have to eat a diet that's has a high micronutrient and phytochemical density and you have to have low body fat and be smaller to to incorporate this High nutrient density in your tissues and every time you eat white bread or sugar you're stripping nutrients out of your tissues because it takes vitamins and some minerals it takes nutrients to convert sugar into energy and if the food doesn't Supply it you're just stripping your body of your nutrient reserves and or and that that um impact then is turn is more readily turning sugar to go to fat storage turning on fat storage hormones now which is which is age you and of course one of my cont contributions to the science of addiction is the this concept of caloric Rush do you know what this concept of caloric Rush is about yeah it has to do with how many calories you get into the bloodstream at one time and when you're eating an apple or Berry the Cal you can't get that many calories in at one time but sugar or honey you can put a lot more calories in at one time and when you pass a certain Bliss point a certain threshold of calories in the blood it starts to stimulate the C The Addictive centers of the brain and make you more dopamine insensitive and make you Habit habituated to and desirous of more calories and more sweets and that happens with hitting the the caloric Rush from sugar and that happens with the caloric Rush from oil because the only way you can get all those calories in the blood to manipulate brain addictive centers is by eating sweets and oils because it's hard to get so many and of course animal fats like bacon and but it's hard to because it's hard to get that much fat and sugar into the blood if you're eating Natural Foods you know it just takes they takes you can only get a little bit calories in at one time so so yes I I don't see any reason for it we can have delicious desserts with just by using I only put like one date for two people for a dessert serving I don't even need one so I could make a banana ice cream or a or a brownie or or a bean brownie or whatever I'm is I'm making or an apple pie and I only need to put I could put no dates and just have the fruit or I could put Maybe four medul Ates for eight servings and it's plenty sweet enough you don't need to make things so highly sweetened you don't need to but if you're used to it it's hard sometimes for people to not do that you know it's interesting Dr Ferman because that takes time of abstinence to be able to get your taste buds to prefer to have less sweets if you keep doing it that's the whole point why we don't people do it because they're never going to get to prefer less sweetened substances and less sweeten desserts unless they live with it at a lower level of sweetness for a while well well listen I agree with you because I've eaten with you and I I feel like I eat very much like you but how long will it take a person to neuro adapt so that they can appreciate banana ice cream over Banana Splits six months wow six months that's incredible you you know it's funny Dr Ferman so as I'm doing interviews for my new book it has 156 recipes and invariably every uh podcaster says well what's your favorite recipe and you might be able to relate to this because there's really rich they're SOS free but there's some very rich desserts in there like chocolate peanut butter cheesecake and it's still banana and ice cream that's my faite favorite I love that stuff yeah me too that's cool it's so just give me like a a little apple a little baked apple or a little baked plantain with a little bit of grain crumb on top with like one scoop of banana and ice cream made with maybe Macadamia n some frozen banana I don't need any date in there just some vanilla bean powder frozen banana a little mac Dam W on top of this little crusted Apple thing and it's that's like incredible what's the better dessert that I have on my birthday party you know have you heard of the Ninja creamy no what's that mean so you might like that I'm guessing you probably have the champion juicer or maybe the Vitamix that you make your banana ice cream with is that how you make it at the E to live Center yeah pretty much okay well we actually have an ice cream maker that makes it more fluffy okay so may maybe you have something like that I'm curious what the name of the machine is but ninja creamy technology was based on the Paco jet technology that high-end restaurants used to make ice cream they were like $3,000 but now for like a little over a 100 it's this machine where you you have to freeze it 24 hours in advance and your base can just be mashed bananas and then it it like whips it like a drill press and what's nice about it is if you don't finish you put it back in the freezer and you can spin it again the next day oh that's cool yeah we have one that we it actually makes the you pour it in there and it make it freezes it in there and it mixes it up and it like makes the ice cream it's I would love to know one day tell me what that is because I'm a I'm a machine I'm a machine junkie but you know it airify it makes a little Airy and creamier but you know but anyway it's all good stuff that sounds well you know I you know I think about I had I had chicken pox as late at 27 and you know when I thought think about how bad you know they might I I had to tape like oven mitts to my hands right because whenever I would scratch the itch it didn't make the itch go away it made me itch more and so I think that question was is I think a lot of people feel that if they have a craving I mean if you have a craving for kale I would say indulge it right I mean but but they're making a point is that I do recommend sometimes having some dessert at night because it like marks the of eating for the day and you had you but it's a healthy dessert and it means that okay I had something I really enjoyed and it could be like a couple of dried peaches soaked in you know cacha whatever it is so and so I have this or I have a couple prunes and then I clean clean the kit put away clean the kitchen put everything away clean your teeth and then recreate the rest of your night without without food coming in and that little bit of dessert just it just marked the end of eating for the day and psychologically you stay away from food the rest of the day that's great thank you you know when you talked about this caloric rush I remember once you you said oil is like a bolus and that that image stuck in my head yeah the medical term for like a lot of something enters the bloodstream all at once is called a Bolis yeah thank you so this next question from Sally I think she's talking about blood type because she goes o o plus so I'm guessing that's O positive and she says we use up torine very fast which is provided from organic grass-fed beef I lose weight on a plant-based diet and feel better but I go into a depression and as soon as I eat even 3 to 4 ounces of grass-fed RI by steak my body pulls me right out of the depression any help with this would be appreciated or am I just one of the few that just need to eat three ounces of meat twice a week um I think she's confusing the word depression with addiction because depression takes weeks to go into depression when when you give a person a drug for example to help them with depression or to give them Samy or saffron or fish oils it takes many weeks to get them out of depression and when you put them into depression with a chemical um depressive something with a depressive side effect it takes many weeks or months to get them into depression so it takes time so she's getting instantaneous feeling bad when she she's feeling better when she has something like an animal product and she's feeling worse when she doesn't have animal products and of course we know animal products are difficult to digest and they they have put a lot of stress in the digestive tract so they add a lot of toxins to the body and it's a big workload for the body so the body can't detoxify and heal itself when it's taking it once it's digesting animal products a lot at the same time so it's like you feel better from the withdrawal from smoking in other words if you have another cigarette you're going to ease up your way you feel stopping an addiction you feel worse it could act exacerbate anxiety even with dral depression when you stop something you're addicted to and you can feel better by having another cup of coffee by going back and having more alcohol get taking back the sweets again going back on the meat again you temporarily feel better but how you know it's addiction and withdrawal from your addictive substance is that you can see it's happening relatively quickly this is not a lack of a nutrient causing depression that would take months or years to occur not days or we are immediately feeling better so the fact is when a person stops having meat they start to go into a a deeper phase of detox and that could mobilize toxin in their body that could make them feel fatigued or anxiety or even go through some withdrawal depression and she has some nutritional imbalances that are causing this and she's rationalizing to think it's the lack of torine that's causing it which is a confusion she's been told that by somebody in the like the carnivore movement or something you know and if that was the case if it was torine she could just take a few torine pills you know and and still be on a healthy diet but it's not the torine it's more complicated than that I don't think taking torine as a supplement would help her even if she took 500 milligrams of of torine you know every hour she still would not stop the withdrawal from meat from the lack of from taking meat out of her diet so she's probably um it shows you how bad meat is for her that the minute she doesn't have it she starts to feel symptomatic it shows you that how how it's causing a major problem with aging and damaging her body and of course her body her blood type has nothing to do with that so she's just um but in any case it would be fun to work with that person and to you know give them some supplements maybe some um extra toine and plant-based proteins such as hemp seed or PE protein you know and and see and make sure she's getting those nutrients that she thinks she's missing and make her clean her diet up and give her the re give her the extra things that help with depression like saffron Sammy and 5htp and making sure omega-3 index is adequate and then actually have her detox off this meat heavy diet and see if we can get her being able to go on to a healthy plant-based diet that will afford her the ability to stay out of depression not have ups and downs and to live a long life simultaneously because now she's in a vicious cycle that's going to lead to a you know tragedy in her life so you said you'd be fun to work with this person do it mean coming to the E to live Center Retreat or is there other ways people can work with you I was referring to my past life when I really did see patients but but no she could you know I don't want to make it seem like people have to come to my Retreats and spend the money and time to work with me on something they could have just they could if they need my advice or help they could just join the website and ask me questions and they ask the doctor for them that's the most um economical way to do it for people you know yeah you know I'm I'm wondering I'm I'm not a doctor but I'm wondering because in her question she said that she loses weight on a plant-based diet and then she needs to add meat you know you've often said that feeling feeling better doesn't mean getting better you've said that a lot like with medications but do you think maybe her diet is too low in caloric density and the meat is you know because meat is much higher in caloric density than fruits vegetables old grains and legumes and could she be just craving more calories because sometimes people don't eat enough when they do a plant-based diet that's so rare I in other words yeah there are people who are like anorexic and it now I don't that's very unusual and I wouldn't expect that's most likely but you know that's likely but we could look at but if she was really super thin you know that could be the case but she might need more fat in her diet or more protein in her diet but I doubt it yeah you know she you brought up a good point because even people that are like take like anti-depressants they don't feel better after the first pill it takes a while yes it takes many weeks for them to feel better and she's saying brain chemistry you have to change brain chemistry you can't chemistry is not going to change and nutrients don't even change things that quickly you can't change how you feel that quickly unless you're causing addiction type flux right yeah yeah because she said she immediately lifts her out of depression okay okay so this can be controversial because it's about alcohol and I don't know if you familiar with Dr John scharenberg he's a physician plant-based physician he's almost 101 and when he gives his longevity talks one of the top things he says is don't drink alcohol and so Diana is asking she said I have the Dilemma about drinking organic sulfite free or anything else added vegan wine I'm not an alcoholic nor anyone that drinks in an excess but I just don't understand how something that is from the earth basically a gift from God in the form of grapes that have been fermented into the depth of something that can be enjoyed in a different way could be harmful I really would like to fully understand this there are a lot of others I think and I'm not alone in feeling this way I know that there are a lot of other alcohols that do have harmful effects without a doubt but when it comes to organic n sulfite added vegan wine I just don't understand it I would love it if it could actually be broken down and an explained in a way that I could understand properly so I could finally understand this well first there's the philosop philosophical issue as she's saying that that is kind of you know almost immaterial or illogical because something is natural comes from the earth doesn't make it healthy and you know and B the way alcohol doesn't come from doesn't grow on trees when we eat things that were fresh from the earth they don't have alcohol in them or have minimal amounts but as you know cocaine comes from the earth and tobacco comes from the earth and arsenic comes from the earth and Lead comes from the earth and you know star fruit is not great to eat too often and that comes from the Earth and I I'm in mourning because I stopped eating cheras because I just found out that cheras are linked to Parkinson's disease and and dementia and I was eating them all the time you know and and I have to rip up my cherya trees because something's grown on the earth it doesn't mean it's the right food for a human there are a lot of poisonous things we can eat um so that's kind of an irrelevant argument and what the question is is whether you whether we use logic and science to dictate your behavior or whether you want to have a belief system that's not based on um science and facts and the facts are that the amount of alcohol you consume is a risk factor for cancer in proportion to you consume the alcohol that one um serving of wine a day is not as dangerous as two servings of wine a day or three but one serving of wine a day is associated with about a 12% increased risk of breast cancer in large investigational studies that's been corroborated in numerous studies today that to show that even in small amounts you're still increasing your risk and Us nutritarian and other health enthusiasts don't want to do things that increase a risk of cancer I'm sure smoking cigarettes um just two or three of cigarettes a week may not be that dangerous compared to a pack a day or a half a pack a day but I'm still not smoking two or three cigarettes a week and increasing my risk a little bit why should I do that for you know so why would I want to drink use alcohol if I know it's going to put my body at high risks the studies show me that even using mouthwash with alcohol even small amounts of alcohol are still carcinogenic you don't change the fact that alcohol is carcinogenic because this person doesn't like that science she doesn't make her feel good but you can do whatever you want and I'm not here as your mother and you could do you know it's and your risk is proportional to the amount you drink and certainly I think if you had one glass of wine a week it would probably be insignificant but you start to have go on to three or four times or every day you're going to have a significant risk factor and I would strongly advise against that but people you know people do lots of worse things right people go out and have donuts and have burgers and have bacon and have all this stuff so why not the alcohol is probably a better choice than having the bacon and so it's up to you you know whether you want to be as much of a health nut as me or not or just have take throw you know throw take more risk or take less risk and do something you enjoy that's your choice you know I'm just telling you um what's best right and so nature grapes could fall from a tree and they would get fermented and I guess an animal could eat them and get mildly you know woozy but when wine is actually fermented isn't it much stronger than the grapes we would find falling off the tree and fermenting I don't even know if we want to go there you know what do it doesn't matter we know that alcohol is a carcinogen in proportion to in proportion to the dose let's just and that's a fact let's just accept that if you like if you like to drink just accept that that it's a carcinogen and it ages you in proportion to the dose that you and bubi in yes but red wine has radrol okay so you don't drink right Dr Ferman no I don't even drink any liquids nothing not even water that was kind of a good joke I know I know I got it that was good oh I have a joke you want to hear it because I know you love corny jokes you know you know what poptarts are right of course well do you know why they don't make Mom Tarts no why because because there's a pastry Archy okay pretty bad but okay bad jokes are still good because they make you smile and mix longer if you smile and laugh that is so funny okay thank you all right you've never tasted alcohol right if or is it Gold Hammer that's never tasted a beverage of alcohol no I've tasted it I've had sangria you know I don't like beer and wine you know I've had like sangria because it's fruity but I've you know but you know why do you think people like it so much I don't know why do they smoke cigarettes that's gross you know how could they smoke cigarettes yikes be smoke into the lung I don't know I guess because it's you know they start it when they're young it makes them look cool I don't know reminds me I was back I was young I was about 20 years old and I went to this place what was it called in like the in the Caribbean um Club Med I went to a Singles Club Med right always looking for girls where I was young right so this this beautiful blonde is driving this ski booat and I'm water skiing behind the swam skiing behind the boat and um why am I bringing this up oh because I had sangria because I had sangria at this at this party right so she pulls the boat alongside of me and says are you going to come up to my room um at about 6 o' tonight after this so I I said oh yeah sure I'll I'll come to your room no problem I thought she's invited me to her room I get to a room there's about 400 people there there's like a 100 people there and paning people at sangria when you walk into the door you know anyway just a wow that's so great that's that's a cute story thank you uh this is from Gary and Gary would like to know he saw another doctor posting on YouTube that it it's good to cook tomatoes in a little bit of olive oil because it help extracts fat soluble lopine does water get all the lopine or is oil needed to get more no it's not the oil that gets the lopen out it's just heating the the sauce that makes you enhance the absorbability of the lopine so yes tomato sauce is a great food and you know we you know I make big giant pots of tomato sauce at a time because I'm going to cook some tomato sauce with a whole bunch of tomatoes and garlic and some mushrooms and Dill and oregano and I want it to cook a long time to get nice and thick you know and you want to cook a long time we're not like frying anything in an oil we're just cooking this giant pot and simmering it for like 10 hours you know what I mean so yeah enhances the absorbability of the lopine over raw Tomatoes thank you okay here I just found the intermittent fasting question that was sent in by Julie recently there's been some discussion as to possible dangers of intermittent fasting can you please talk about that I know you recommend finishing dinner early but even so is it is it possible that it might be fasting over 12 hours what is the recommended fasting window and what do you think of the research of course um well there's lots of research on intermittent fasting there's more than a thousand studies now on intermittent fasting research and the overwhelming um you know overwhelming conclusion of that is that keeping your caloric window more favorable over the week is better than having excessive caloric window but what we can look at all the stud and all the data that skipping breakfast is not good for you and eating it later at night is not good for you you know how the Europeans eat and have the intimate fast they eat dinner at nine o'clock at night and they won't have anything in the morning except a cup of coffee or something you know what I mean so that's not good for your health to eat late at night and just skip breakfast so then when they do those stud intermittent fasting a lot of people do it in the European style they just wake up in the morning they don't eat because they eat heavy at night and that's not lifespan inducing that's a negative form of intermittent fasting but if you look at the um the type of intimate fasting where people are eating through the day and then having an earlier dinner so they can go to bed on an empty stomach is what I recommend in other don't eat after six o'clock at night and eat a lighter dinner so you're not full when you go to bed at night that form of intermittent fasting seems to be beneficial but I am somewhat cautious in my use of intermittent fasting and don't advise it across the board because I deal with so many people that are overweight and looking to lose weight and have these issues with food addiction and if they cut their calories down too low to like 500 to 600 calorie days when they intermittent fast it makes them more obsessed about food and want to binge in the days they're not fasting and they still get that diet and binge mentality and I'm trying to get them out of the diet and binge mentality I'm trying to teach them consistently to have your 1,50 calories every day don't go to 800 calories and then back up to 1600 don't go lose too much weight and gain it back again lose weight slow and steady keep on the diet long term make the changes you're going to make that you're going to stick with the rest of your life stop doing these fads and things so aggressive you can't stick with so I'm more cautious not to have people be too aggressive with fasting juice fasting inent fasting to speed up their weight loss because they they always say can I speed they come here they say can I speed up my weight loss by skipping out dinner and I'll say well you could do that but I'd actually think it's better you don't probably because it's not a question of how much weight you lose this month the question is if you keep losing slow and steady and you keep on the program and you maintain your most favored weight for the rest of your life and is you going more strictly right now and cutting back calories more to speed up your weight loss going to be conducive to that because most likely it's going to actually make you more obsessed about food and more likely to go back to um a the wrong diet I want you to be consistent and follow the right approach and perfect the right approach for you and be the scientist and figuring out what's the right meal timing for you and what's the right food for you and what's the right right caloric window for you let's figure it out so you lose weight slow and steady so you can stay with this for a long term and consider living this way forever yeah so many people gain it back Dr Ferman you've probably noticed that in your practice right yes and I'm afraid that if they even even water fasting even and that if they try to go too strict to speed up the weight loss it's there's two there's a high probability they're going to bounce back the other way too so we're trying to have them learn to make changes they're going to stick with the rest of their life that's the main thing because whatever you do don't forget whatever you do in the short term has minimal effects on your longevity whether you fast whether you don't fast you do this whether you do that whether you what really has the biggest effect is what you do day in and day out for the most days you're alive that's what has the biggest effect get your sleep get your exercise eat right don't go over don't and can be consistent in what you're doing long term that's the best way to have good health right thank you this next question is about what you think of fecal transplants in general and specifically for mild Parkinson's disease well I'd have to say um there's lots of new technologies emerging you know for people with you know ultrasounds and implants and all the and different things people do but I am not an expert in the new tech the emerging Technologies for this so I'd probably just um you know maybe I'm not the right person to ask that question too okay but have you heard though like that like I I mean I know they've done this with mice I don't know if they've done with humans where they take um a an obese mice and do a feal transplant to a normal weight mice and that mice becomes obese and vice versa I mean have you heard about that um yeah of course but don't forget that the per that yeah if you take fecal transplants from a person who from a healthy diet and put a person with an unhealthy diet they're going to temporarily do better but of course over time the unhealthy diet is going to lead to the bad microbiome again and then you can't just putting you know so it's not going to be a long-term solution it'll just be a temporary little bit of help it just demonstrates that when you eat healthy one thing that happens is you develop a healthy microbiome too you know so whether it's um so it's not um it's not going to be sufficient to be a legitimate and you know modality that to make give people good health or reverse disease yeah I didn't realize that it was something you had to keep doing with these you know because I would I would be happy to donate my poop for the cause so what is helpful a healthy person to live with a person who's unhealthy so they can keep giving them their their good healthy poop to put into their body so they don't have to eat healthy they can just eat the healthy poop pushed in the other direction so they can keep going to McDonald's eating cheesecake and ice cream and and burgers and and ribs go it's kind of this is kind of ridiculous huh yeah well really so so what is helpful for Parkinson's or mild Parkinson then well that that's what I was saying there is um the best thing thing to do is to take is to do live every do everything right but Parkinson's doesn't easily Advance doesn't easily reverse itself because it say neurologic tissue in your brain is not easy to reverse compared to like your liver your kidney or or your even your blood vessels brain tissue is hard to reverse and in early stage dementia we get good results but as it gets more advanced the results are harder to get and the same thing with Parkinson's and as you know I know many um Health enthusiasts and natural hygienists who develop Parkinson's you know due to Omega-3 efficiency and now I see a lot of people getting Parkinson's due to getting their who dry clean their clothing because one of the big risk factors with Parkinson's is having your clothing dry cleaned um and another bis risk factor for Parkinson is eating by Valves and and um CL shellfish because you eat shellfish like lobster and crab and you take in VI valves like clams clams scallops oysters and muscles and you're exposing yourself to bmaa which is linked to now to Als in Parkinson's so we have so yes the most most important thing is to avoid the cause of it because this is not a disease easy to reverse itself and even though the natural treatments can um give you make you feel better you know like there's natural forms of like dopamine of like or take the drug when we want and the more the person takes the drug or the treatments it more dependent they become on those things so we're trying to minimize the use of Parkinson in treatment and when people have early stages and and but in any case prevention is you know a pound of a pound of prevention is worth a 100 pounds of cure in this case wow I I did not know that about dry cleaning I don't generally dry clean but when I have a performance I do dry clean my chef Co but I'm not going to do that anymore yeah don't and if and working in a dry cleaner you know is really dangerous yeah wow thank you know risk known risk factor did not know that see I learned something all the time so this question from Danielle says Dr Ferman back in the 80s I would always read that if you ate nuts they should be either roasted or soaked as they contain enzyme Inhibitors that can make it so you can't absorb their nutrients now everyone advises eating raw nuts what gives was the original information proven wrong at some point or was it just forgotten so Dr Ferman do you soak your nuts okay um first my usual answer to that would be as you know was me ha hardly even use soap but that's that's I'm not going to give that answer here today because that's too stupid and not not but in any case the real answer is it's not that information was proved wrong it's it was never right to begin with it was a nonsensical madeup idea we just believe any kind of nonsense that people tell us or written in a you know and so we didn't rely on scientific evidence sufficiently to come to a conclusion and people take these things and think it's their in any case um when food is cooked some nutrients can be more readily absorbed and some nutrients could be hurt or damaged in the process and it has to do with and certainly the protein bioavailability of nuts and seeds which is significant is reduced when you roast the nut but if you lightly toast it and you toast it yourself so it's not as heavily toasted as commercial roasting is it's not brown like you could lightly toast your almonds or L toast your sesame seeds to enhance the flavor and they're still going to be good for you and maintain and have good protein bioavailability so yes we can cook any food into Oblivion the more we cook a food the more we damage it but moderately cooked foods are still maintain some of those benefits the same thing with broccoli if you walk broccoli and moderately cook it it's still really good for you but if you cook it so it's totally mush and you overcook it you can lose a lot of nutrients but the moderately cooked broccoli and certain nutrients absorb better than the raw broccoli the broccoli still good for you but like you asked me with the blueberries and the bananas just because we lose some of it with cooked broccoli doesn't make cooked broccoli still a really good food it's still and the raw broccoli has some is good but maybe they were absorbing some nutrients better from cooked broccoli like what they do with tomatoes we absorb something things better cooked so the answer to the question is yes we should have most of our nuts raw or lightly toasted not heavily roasted but the the main thing is avoid the oil and the salt on your nuts yes the main thing is to you know as we know the conventional diet most people get all their fat from animal fats and oils us nutritarian get our fat from nuts and seeds and avocado and every study and every person claiming fats are harmful in some way are using studies on oil not on nuts and seeds so we almost we have tremendous amount of false information being propagated because using oils is so detrimental to your health even in small amounts and you know and of course there's other studies that show that even using some olive oil in small amounts is better than no fat in your diet because you can need some fat to get a maximum absorption of phytochemicals and antioxidants that prevent cancer and have anti-inflammatory effects but it's still not as good as eating the whole Nutter seeds which have more which obviously don't have the caloric rush and the Obesity promoting properties of oil even olive oil even olive oil do you think that a half a cup of flax seeds in a smoothie is too much and I don't want to bash any other doctor especially she you've asked me that I think we've talked we've asked some previous thing yeah I I think it's too much I think it's potentially harmful long term for the rest of your life to have that if you're doing it just for a short term to hyper nourish or is it too much in one serving or is it too much for a whole day well it's too much for one serving and it's too much for a whole day and it's not a well balanced diet and a well it's not a well balanced diet because you have it's not going to be life expand promoting and you don't need to do that to reverse your disease I've taken care of thousands of people with autoimmune conditions in reversed I've published on and you know had many wonderful rewards reward um experience I discussed a lot of those cases in my books on my website that you don't need to have a dangerous amount of flax the point is is that flax seeds um have cadmium in them have thallium in them and they're a great food but we shouldn't take any one food and eat so much of it we should have a variety of food in our diet so we the variety of food in our diet keeps our our body's ability to deal with toxicity um without harming oursel there's all there natural toxins in the environment and we have a variety of food we get a variety of toxins in the way they're um the way they're absorbed into the bloodstream but we take in one food in such a high amount it could throw off that imbalance and we could start to develop um a negative effect from the toxicity of that one food yeah what do you think about an all Raw or a high raw diet now correct me if I'm wrong but I could have sworn you once said that people that follow an exclusively raw diet long term have either mental or dental problems did you say that or did I just imagine that um I think it was more it may have said more likely to have dental problems but um because we have some risk of osteoporosis or atrophy of the teeth and gums if your diet is too high in fruit for your whole life and you don't have enough protein and but I would have but I most often critique a diet too that's raw or too high in Fruit as people enhancing imos inessence with aging which means that they get more deterioration of their immune system as they get older because they're not they're not absorbing enough protein in their diet they're from too much fruit and too much because there not by not eating beans and it's very unless your diet is like very heavy in nuts you know where you and eating it's very hard to get enough calories unless eating too much nuts or fruit or avocado or coconut when you're on a raw diet it makes your diet more imbalanced you know person could do it and some people may adapt to it but but my experience over the last 40 years has many raw foodists have developed um infections fungal infections and bacterial infections in later life and I think it's because their diet is too high in fruit in proportion to the other plant Foods so there are five categories of plant Foods fruit vegetables beans nuts and seeds and intact and whole grains are those five categories and the only category low in protein is fruit beans vegetables intact whole grains and nuts and seeds who all have adequate protein so when you have and and we cook the beans and we cook the grains and we cook the so if you and we eat both cooked and raw vegetables we increase our vegetable exposure by being able to cook vegetables we can eat more vegetables in our diet too more greens too and greens have no threshold effect in other words more greens are supped of a longer lifespan but in any case when your diet becomes too high in Fruit it as we age in our ability to assimilate and digest protein goes down the lack of protein the diet on a plant-based diet could be visibly affecting your health if you're eating all raw or too much fruit in your diet whereas if you're having cooked foods with beans and greens and you know and cooked grains the more variety of different amino acids gives you better health and better protein bioavailability keeping your IM immune strength as you age yeah there are some raw fooders now that are including sprouted oats because of apparently they're raw and even sprouted beans in their diet right so you know I mean I personally don't know why they have to be do that I mean I mean they why they have to do such nutritional gymnastics to get what they need they could just be why would be why they can't eat some cooked beans what's the fear of eating cooked beans I don't know but but I also think that um it's not even safe to eat some beans sprouted like red kidney beans you sprout them they still have too many glutenins in them you can sprout mung beans and lentils and other things but even some beans aren't good to sprout it's really best to cook them yeah and why not he be able to eat a red bean or a soybean cooked you know or put it in a soup per have some vegetable mushroom soup I don't really see the Health Advantage they're going to glean from being from restricting themselves that far yeah thank you and this is a great segue because the next question is about soy and it's from Kathy and she says Dr Ferman my daughter won't eat tofu because of the negative controversy around it but Dr Gregor gave scientific reasons why it's medically safe I love it and I still eat it and don't know who to trust I'd like to know your opinion on soy in general tofu specifically I wrote a whole segment on that in my most recent book eat for Life a whole segment on beans in particularly soy and my conclusion was that soybeans had the most protection against cancer especially hormonally sensitive cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer compared to any other being though beans in general were so protective against cancer that I recommend people eat a variety of different types of beans and not predominantly soy because you get Advantage from nutritional variety and the same thing with mushrooms even though there are certain types of mushrooms that are very powerfully protective you get more protection when you increase your mushroom variety so even though I'm a soy Advocate and I recognize there's so much literature showing the protective effects of soy against cancer I still recommend people eat a variety of beans and soy be part of their whole bean repertoire I think that's pretty clear and there's no evidence that the soy poses risks that's um that's not scientific literature that's internet nonsense now that doesn't mean that corn chips and Fritos are good either because they're made from corn there's plenty of processed foods made from soy and isolated soy protein has the effect to raise igf-1 unfavorably like that would like meat wood and it may be too powerful a protein concentration concentrate to be a good food for humans so foods made from soy out of isolated soy protein I'm not saying it good for you but take but now we're talking about a an organic soybean boiled and made at aami fermented and made into Tempe or dried and put into your soup we're talking about you know and possibly a little bit of tofu or milk that's has no other ingredients except water and organic soybeans we're talking about unprocessed or minimally processed soy in moderate amounts to have a variety of beans in your diet is a tremendous asset for longevity and excluding that would be there' be no scientific um evidence with collaborative studies you know collaborative studies means we look at one study and we see if the other studies corroborate that to make this finding more believable and give it more credence like there was one study out of Hawaii that show that people ate a lot of tofu had more um dementia and we knew that there was a lot of aluminum contamination in the tofu plant in Hawaii and it was one study other studies on tofu didn't corroborate that that other people in tofu had more Dimensions may there's one Hawaiian study so it's not just one study we're looking to pull the answer we're saying okay let's look at all the studies on tofu and dementia and see if this outlying study has how much Credence that has but in any case I'm I'm encouraging you to eat soy on a regular basis thank you so Renee has two questions and the first one is I've been Whole Food plant-based for over a year and I'm still having trouble with gas bloating when I have 1/3 to 1/2 cup of beans on my big salad for lunch how can I avoid this problem you have to um titrate down the amount of beans you're eating to the point where the gas and bloating is tolerable and so the one3 a cup is too much at one meal you should probably go to 1/8 cup to 1/4 cup or just a tablespoon of beans and then I'm suggesting that if you're just doing a tablespoon of beans and then vary the beans you know lentils chickpeas soy beans and kidney beans and isuki beans vary the beans number one and number two have some beans with every meal three times a day in other words it may even be a teaspoon of beans with breakfast it may be a tablespoon of beans with lunch have beans at every single meal act below the threshold which causing too much gas and then your body will build up the digestive capacity to handle beans regularly and you'll be start to impact the dig the the microbiome in the gut with the ability to digest beans better and you'll be able to start increasing it till eventually you could have a third to a half a cup with one meal but that's you're you're exceeding your capacity for beans at one meal so take that onethird of a cup and split it between three different meals and you'll find you digest it much better and you'll eventually develop the ability eat more beans so I would start out with less than that maybe a tablespoon with each meal to first start out with but don't forget do with every single meal not just once a day because your body's going to take longer too long to get it used to it with once a day thank you and then she furthers the question by saying after I finish my salad about 2 to 2 and 1 half hours later I'm looking for something sweet to eat I'm usually too full from the salad to eat fruit at the same meal at times I really crave chocolate but I know that even dark chocolate has a lot of fat especially sat ated fat can you suggest a food that I could replace the creaminess of chocolate and not go overboard simultaneously I feel the same thing sometimes I feel like I'm getting full from lunch I feel like eating you know but but in any case um I forgot to tell her about the gas thing I forgot to say that they have to be these people have to be more mindful of chewing better because the key is you digest you learn to digest better and you build a better microbiome and everything works better when you liquefy it in your mouth before you allow it to be swallowed so it's making sure there nothing goes down in solid form the the the salad you're eating is completely liquefied and the beans you're eating are completely liquefied so really focus on chewing much better for better digestion now as far as this person um not being satisfied after the lunch I'm saying that um we want to have all three with lunch all four actually you want to have the salad you want to have some beans in a soup or you know or or just on your salad and you want to have some nuts and seeds you want to do all that and you want to have a piece of fruit too or or fruit serving so even it's a small amount of fruit like one little piece of dried papaya or one little p or a couple of strawberries in your salad so do all of that at the same meal because that total amount of the beans with the greens with the nuts and seeds with a little fruit it'll slow gastric emptying and it'll it's like taking a zic it'll make you not it make you satisfied for like the whole afternoon without eating because you did have the beans and the nuts and the fruit if you just have the beans and the grains you're going to the beans and the greens you're going to just digest it too fast and you're not going to not going to slow gas EMP being you're going to be hungry again too soon and then if you are hungry again then we're trying to not be a food addict you're trying to have a piece of fruit which is the way we enjoy sweets from nature in a healthy fashion my favorite fruit is an apricot let's say or a mango or a piece of watermelon so I'm not going to want chocolate bar I have a piece of watermelon or have an apricot or something or a or a peach you know go to a healthy normal food not a processed food like a chocolate bar if possible and if you wanted something heavier like a dessert that was war mimics a chocolate bar like a healthy bar like I have then have that with the meal don't have it as a snack which is going then ruin your um hung being able to be hungry again for dinner on time we want you to get hungry we want you to see when you're eating din at 5 o' you're hungry you can digest it better we don't want you to be snacking all day because then you're not going to digest desire dinner or be or digested as well in other words there are glands that line in the digestive track that are holocrine which means they they ex they turn inside out and push all the digestive enzymes into the digestive tract and they take hours to fill back up again to get ready to digest the next meal most efficiently and we want time between meals for the body to be able to excrete enzymes into the digestive food properly so we don't want you putting food in your mouth all day long so I don't get a she's too full for dessert but she has room for chocolate I think she's saying she gets hungry like a a couple hours later and then she's just craving something sweet like chocolate and I'm suggesting well she's getting hungry too soon so she should have had some more nuts with the meal and little little fruit you know and number chew better and they'll take it take up if you chew it really well you're going to feel and number two if she really was truly hungry she could just have a piece of fruit if she wants something more concentrated or calorie like a chocolate bar or something that's called food addiction she's desires the caloric rush because most people habituated to caloric Rush feel empty unless they have something more they could eat a regular meal and after the meal they didn't get a enough caloric rush and they feel empty and they need something like a piece of cheesecake a chocolate bar some dried fruit there they got to have something that more stim that is more um simulating the high caloric dangerous desserts Americans are used to eating and they had need something with more Cal more calories in their bloodstream and that's just a form of addiction they got to get used to not having that not feeling that how do you feel about chocolate in general though I feel that in moderate Amounts is okay um you know you got to get the kind that's that doesn't have lead free some of the commercial brands are using cheap brands of you know of chocolate that are more contaminated possibly and you know then those and they have sugar in them and and other things in them the higher percentage of chocolate like 80 85 90% have less sugar in them and if you had a little small piece or something it wouldn't be that bad because you didn't flood your body with sugar after meal or as part of a dessert or something or a little few shreds of cacao powder or Co or cacao or a little bit of unsweetened chocolate or a little bit of cocoa powder to make a dessert is okay but you're using it moderate amounts not every day and we're not consuming down big pieces of a whole chocolate bar at one time that has a lot of sugar in it either you know what I mean I was thinking like you know banana ice cream like maybe with a tablespoon of cocoa powder in it yeah that's fine because the cocoa powder is not supply is not made with a lot of sugar and oil in it's just using cocoa powder and so that's something that you can make nice desserts and flavor them with a little cocoa powder unsweetened cocoa powder yeah I don't I don't do chocolate do you do chocolate well I have these bars that I do that I make myself that are made with they're called the G bombs bars they have greens beans onions mushrooms and they have very little sugar no sugar of course except a date but the amount of date is so low that they're like seven grams of sugar a bar so yes I occasionally have one of my own G bombs bar they're not as sweet as a conventional chocolate bar but I have but they're really delicious have mushrooms and onions and chocolate they have they have G bombs they have greens beans onions mushrooms berries and seeds in the bar right with some let's say you know nuts and cocoa powder and dat and they so it has so it's a mixture so the bar overall is not as conventionally sweet as a real chocolate bar but it's like one of my bestselling products because people love it you know that's so cool actually there was a question about that but we're probably not going to get to all of them so we have time for one more question I think and I really appreciate this Dr Ferman it's nice to have a very special guest for the last show you're just such a wealth of information and I know you're helping so many people just with the few questions we're getting to which turns out to be 13 which means if you come back 10 more times we might be able to get to all the questions so the last question and is from Sandy and she said that she signed up for two of my courses but she never followed through and she said Dr Ferman I don't have follow through I signed up for your Dr Ferman program I did a few years ago I did do Dr goldner's goodbye lupus six we program with tremendous results but I couldn't stay with smoothies for a long time I really want to make a change I'm 65 and my latest diagnosis is parathyroid issues my question is do you have a program that is monitored with doctors I think you actually have a place you built just for that right I have my retreat in San Diego where people come and stay with me for a few few months or a minimum of a month and to deal so I can really make sure they leave with the tools both intellectually and emotionally psychologically to be able to do this for the rest of their life and I run courses as you know occasionally during the year to train people with the information I think can help them not do something as aggressive as a juice diet or a smoothie diet or a you know something that you're not g be able to follow but come to the realization of what you can do live with and stay with forever because that's obviously our ultimate goal get you eating healthy get you enjoying it and get you sticking with it long term so I I have um different levels where people can interact with me to enable that to to accomplish that obviously yeah well please give me all that information including clickable links we want to have everything easily accessible in the show notes but not being able to follow through that that's that's the problem with a lot of people not is necessarily on diet you know yeah I mean I think that's the big question and because a lot of people learn about eating healthfully and just can't do it and that's why we're talking about it's not just learning how to eat healthy it's also about building the right emotional strength to be able to live as a different human being and being around people who are um committing suicide with with with dangerous substances and dangerous foods all the time and trying to get you to drink with them and trying to get you unhealthy with them and it takes quite a bit of emotional strength fortitude determination to be able to stay living healthfully in such an unhealthy world so we respect every person that does it but it takes some training and knowledge to be able to navigate that and not and not fa fail in that endeavor you know all right that's why fast food genocide is my favorite book of yours well thank you for that oh Dr Ferman thank you so much do you have any closing thoughts or anything you want to say to the audience well just that um as you do this more habitually and as you stay with it long term it becomes the way you love to eat and love to live and you're it's a blessing it's not something that was hard to do it gets easier and it gets the way you just choose to live this way it's the way that gives you the most fun and the most peace in your life and it Go and it melds together with helping the world helping others protecting the planet and so this it's just makes that this more sensible enjoyable peaceful and way to live and with more happiness so it's not hard to do this it's easy to do this so I leave you with the you know with the goal to take better care of your health be happy have a great life and wishing you the very best because your health is your greatest wealth thank you Dr Ferman for all you do and thanks all of you for a great four and a half years take care everyone bye-bye
Channel: CHEF AJ
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Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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