Stop Using Only Your First Frets!

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do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey how you doing justin here today we're going to be taking open chord shapes and moving them all around the guitar neck and seeing what happens it's super fun super creative and super useful there's loads of get out of jail free cards here if you're struggling with a particular bar shape there's some little tricks here that'll get around and it just sounds cool it's like another level of interest in your playing rather than just sticking with the same old chord shapes some of these just say they sound wicked you know and definitely for songwriters this is a really really really great tool to explore so i'm going to take you through each of the five caged shapes so c shape a g e and d and we're going to have a look at the minors as well i'll talk a little bit about the most common ones and the ones that are particularly useful uh for getting out of tricky situations but as well i just would encourage you as well as what i'm taking you through just to explore on your own and try other chord shapes like dominant seventh chords or minor seven chords or j any any chord that you find just move it around the neck and see uh what you can find because it's super fun let's get to a close-up and check it out okay so we're gonna start here with a c chord should all know c chord by now so what happens if we move the c chord or if you move it up a fret like and you're like dude like what are you doing this just doesn't sound very good well yeah you're right that's not a particularly useful one but if we move it up one more now we've got a pretty cool sound now this is be a substitute for a regular d i guess in theory we've got a ninth there and we've added a fourth it doesn't really matter it's just a kind of a d root note note that with the c shape [Applause] [Music] we're moving the lowest note of the chord with us it doesn't happen all the time though so but this is a really nice one anytime you've got like a gdc song for example you might go g [Music] d c [Music] anytime you got that deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] something it's just got little [Music] it's got a bit of magic there now if you find it a bit too uh out a cool trick that you've got with the c chord always is adding little finger down on the same fret as the third finger on the thinnest string sounds great just on a regular c chord as well you don't have to move it around to do it but things like that d chord [Music] that can also sound really nice i think sometimes nice this one it's got a little bit too much going on sometimes but add the little finger down that is a great substitute for a d chord almost any time you got a d if you go e minor to d like a e minor [Music] it's just so much richer it's got that this little clash in the middle just sounds lovely but it goes way beyond that one so we could try moving out one again now this one sounds horrible because of this note but again the solution would be popping little finger down this is just now an e flat major chord this note is just doubled now this is a really good one again uh the e flat can sometimes double as a c minor chord so if you had a say a song that went c to c minor and you didn't know how to play your c minor bar chord you could substitute this e flat major chord instead so you'd have c [Music] [Applause] [Music] for that e flat instead of c to c minor okay just a little you throw it up three frets you kind of it's a substitute sound for this you can hear kind of similar so exactly the same but it's all of these are like additional they're chords with loads of color tones in it that make things sound a little bit more spicy or interesting so that e flat major chord really nice one if we move this shape up again we get a kind of an e major but with the g which chords with a major and a minor third generally don't sound that great so it doesn't really work for the e but move it up one more oh now we're lovely this is an f chord it would be an f at nine lovely going from the c if you've got a c [Applause] to f [Music] if you you know if you were struggling to do this you can just take your c [Applause] [Music] pop it straight up onto the you know third finger on the f root note which is the eighth fret i like the little finger there but you can also add that one as you probably remember was an f major seven so if you've got an f major seven vibe c f major seven [Applause] [Music] move it up one more yeah i'm not really feeling that [Music] f sharp flashing with the g it's just not a happy camper really g though how nice is that okay it's a g that's just another g adding a six so it's a g6 chord but again if you've got something that's going c f g you can have [Music] f to g [Music] he had a song that was doing like c f and g like this [Applause] for the whole song and you didn't do anything different get pretty boring but now you got this option maybe for the verse as you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then in the chorus [Applause] so you've got these different ways of playing the same thing and you can start to get differences between the sections it's a really cool little trick again let's try moving up one more not really feeling this kind of a flat major 70 sound here it's interesting there's an a it makes it an a7 actually 12 11 open 10 open it's just a c chord but it's an a7 so if you had a song that was going c [Music] a7 for example you could go [Applause] [Music] c how cool does that sound like is it change rather than just going [Applause] having that extra kind of yeah just it's adding loads of spice loads of flavor to your playing so with the c chord we had c we've got a d chord just a d substitute for a d major all with little finger down optionally with little finger down definitely we had an e flat chord it doesn't work with that little thing of that one uh e doesn't work f with a major seven or regular f with a little finger down the g either little finger down or off and the a little finger down or off so you've suddenly got a whole bunch of different chords that you can play and they would just c chord z every we all know c c is relatively easy so you start moving around the guitar you've got some good stuff going on so the next shape we're going to look at is a now a is a little different because we're not playing the root note so the root note is here is the open string so most commonly if you're moving the a chord around uh you're going to have that a drone so it's a slightly different effect this is more things that you might want to try on the a chord but there's a couple of little super nice little tricks that you can use with this one as well so there's our a chord if we move it up one fret it's kind of weird but it also sounds a bit kind of cool spanish-y thing is something i used to do as a kid it works with the e chord as well we're doing like [Music] which is kind of being a bit silly but kind of works okay we can move it up one more now this would be a b chord with an a bass and it's got a very particular flavor you wouldn't often substitute it for a regular a chord right you you could do if you're in the key of e you might want to do it but it can kind of sometimes works as a b chord as well like even though it's got that a bass note it kind of sounds like it might want to be a b but just [Music] again maybe for songwriters you can find some interesting stuff there a really cool one a really cool one with this one that i really enjoy using is moving it up one more and we actually end up with an a minor seven so that's an a major chord move the same shape up to the fifth fret we get an a minor seven chord right a really really nice change [Music] move it up one more yeah not really feeling that's very useful now this is cool this is it would be called a d a chord like a d chord with an a bass note just a hip pretty hip sound straight away it's commonly used like d with nay bass a lot of stones he sort of riffs do that but it's just a useful one sounds pretty cool yeah eighth fret not really feeling this is sounding pretty cool now so the e one this would have been like an e bar chord we counted up like a a sharp b c c sharp d b e this also sounds cool so another trick that you might want to try here if you had a chord progression that went a d to e you could try just sliding this up to the seventh fret and the ninth fret so instead of uh [Music] [Applause] you might try [Music] there's standard chords here's the new one [Music] now you don't have to but again isn't it nice to have a choice rather than just playing the standard open grips having this other idea where you can go yeah i'm going to do the same chords a different way particularly when it comes to this section thing i know i talk about it all the time but having a slightly different way of playing things for the verses and the choruses i think is a generally a really good starting point especially if you're playing on your own if you're with a band doesn't matter so much because there are other ways of layering things up next one up really nice one again an f this would be called an f slash a very common kind of a grip [Music] you might have it like a chord progression that went a minor f [Music] that kind of thing would work really well for the one more yeah i'm not really feeling that this one maybe it's useful somewhere along the way give it a go see but that's already uh we got particularly for the a the killer one to the fifth fret where we get an a minor chord and then the seventh fret and the ninth fret where we get like a d with an a bass and an e with an a bass which are both possible substitutes for a regular d or a regular e chord depending on the context all of these things if it sounds good it is good if it sounds bad it is bad and i really would encourage you to get into just trying stuff and if something sounds really cool then it is and if it really just doesn't sound very cool then it's not it is that simple so don't be afraid of trying stuff you know the one of the biggest hang-ups i had about chords was that i always thought the chords had to be like this particular shape that i learned somewhere and they don't you can just muck around particularly if you're trying to be a creative artist musician-y kind of person rather than just playing other people's songs you want to really embrace this and get into the idea of just trying out whatever whatever falls under your fingers move stuff around try changing this well what if i do it this way just don't don't be afraid nothing's going to go wrong you know no one's going to get hurt it just might sound bad for one second you go oh it didn't sound good and then you do something else okay don't be afraid okay g chord now it just i don't i never found a use for it right there it probably would be but so there's a g chord if i move it up one fret i just no matter where i move it [Music] maybe the 10th fret i just you know it's i haven't found ways of using that g shape uh successfully the ones there's one tune by a band called gomez [Music] had this little riff in it which is like a g7 chord that they moved it's like it's absolutely wrong as wrong could be but actually it sounds great so that was a good example of like one that where they just picked a chord shape and just probably moved it to the wrong fret maybe accidentally went oh that kind of sounds cool and then just continue to follow the idea through you know that you don't want to give up on stuff so quickly so g doesn't really work for me don't be afraid to try it and see you might find something really super cool e chord now e like a has a kind of a drone string kinda i'm gonna show you a little trick on that as well so if we just move the e chord up and down the fretboard like we move it up one to an f we're back to our you know fake flamingo [Music] just bursting a little bit of c major scale in between you kind of get a bit of a fake flamingo but if we keep moving around no not really not really sure f sharp that one's not really working maybe no [Music] that kind of sounds cool [Applause] [Music] so i'm just moving it up to the uh so second finger is in the sixth fret also works two frets higher in between i'm pretty sure it won't yeah [Music] but like i said there is a trick here though i'm going to show you in a sec sounds pretty cool [Music] that sounds interesting as well now the trick with that particular shape is not always playing that lowest root note and then thinking that the bass note if we move it up to say here the a now i'm imagining and we can actually play it this is i'm going to do a whole lesson on these kind of movable grips but if you just don't play that stream like move your third finger up and pretend that that's the root note that's an a okay because that would be there'd be a root note there so you'd end up with a e [Music] this would be some sort of f [Music] [Applause] f major 7 sharp 11 technically i suppose move it up again we get an f sharp 11 f sharp dominant 7th sound with an eleventh in it as well [Music] here would be a g6 technically it would be a g6 with a d bass but whatever it's a substitute for a g chord that doesn't sound very nice this is lovely for an a [Music] if you've got a instead of playing e to a e [Music] hey sounds wicked like i'm not playing that thicker string okay that same works with the b okay so if we had a song that went e b to a f sharp [Music] just trying to get you to hear that this is the same as going and again if you don't know b if you're struggling with a b chord you can play that sounds great like very very rarely will you play that instead of a bingo sometimes sometimes a regular b will sound better and you just need to learn your bar chords but if you don't know your bar chords what better thing than doing this [Music] i think it's like i kind of prefer to hear that note that i often play this e without my first finger you can totally do it [Music] i'm just used to playing it this way because i use my finger to play different bass notes [Music] doesn't matter which way you do it um but let's keep moving that idea so there was the b what a nice c chord this is another c major 70 thing so if you had a uh a minor to c major seven you could have a minor [Music] c major seven just by using obviously that was a different uh string set that sounds a bit sour oh what a nice d chord [Music] so if it's going e to d for example you could have e [Music] it's just cool there's so many fun things going on here now uh i'm gonna do one more chord check then talk a little bit about the minors as well so here's d this is one of my favorites okay so d up one and down one are just kind of [Music] you might find a use from somewhere but upper tone technically a d an e with a d bass but it sounds cool if you move it up one more so that the uh first finger in the fifth fret this is actually a d minor seven good uh song for this is the old man by neil young where he's moving from this grip [Music] okay so that's this shape is a d minor chord very very cool up one yeah oh now we're talking this is a g slash d this would be again a substitute for a g chord you could have if you had a song that was going d g [Music] you might it's cool up one maybe not so much ah now we're sounding cool this is an a with a d bass okay so if you had a song that was going d to a g hey d hey now obviously it sounds different right you listen to it's like yeah it's not the same chord dude yeah but it's something a different approach to playing the same things that's what i'm trying to get you to explore is to go hey i'm going to do these songs my own way this isn't so much about learning other people's songs although there's like a song the extreme song uh wholehearted uses that d chord around a lot uh there are loads of songs it's like somebody asking you what your favorite song is you can never think of it there are tons of songs that use this d chord uh shape moving around the the neck i'll find i'll try and find some examples of these exact things and pop them over on the website so do if you're over on youtube click link in the description head over there there'll be a little list there by the time this lesson goes live so that's it yeah it's it's just making this d chord 10th fret it's not bad that's [Music] a b flat chord there you go if you're playing a d chord and the next song was b next chord was b flat and you didn't know how to play it you definitely do that the d is a chord tone of b flat anyway that definitely works b maybe not so much [Music] up one more into c over d okay so this again it's just really really useful things to explore i'd really recommend i've talked about it a hundred times already as part of my beginner course so if you haven't done it already you might have missed that but uh having your own chord book and discovering chord shapes and discovering your own chords that you want to get into using it's a really really good idea and this is the kind of thing where having a little slot in your practice routine where you're going through and experimenting with a particular chord shape just for you know a five minute session just on the c i wouldn't i try and dig i'd recommend digging deeper into one shape and finding chords and shapes that you can actually put into practice and find songs for making your own versions of songs and putting them into practice rather than just being an exercise in in moving your hand around or whatever and well then there's benefit to that the the act of listening and concentrating and exploring the instrument is definitely a good thing as well but generally speaking i find like trying to get a few new chord grips in at a time and incorporating them into my playing is a lot easier than trying to learn 100 all at once so this is this idea having a little chord book of your own chords will also help you remember it the fact that you've written the chord down and it's there it's just you know good good for your brain good for your remembering stuff um so next up i wanted to just look at the miners as well uh there are three open minor shapes first one is a minor lovely to move just well if we move it up one sounds a bit sour but up to [Music] lovely kind of a it's a b minor sound and again a substitute that you might have for a song that regularly went to a b minor if you don't know him [Music] so she's got all the really nice things going here substitute for a b minor chord would just be an a minor chord up two frets just try it sometimes the bass note will want to get muted again you can use mute the ba the a string with the tip of your second finger a minor and that's a b minor the bass note's missing it doesn't matter maybe you've got a bass player to do that or maybe you just imagine the listener will imagine that there's that bass note there they're hearing enough of the harmony to guess that what's going on there yeah i'm not sure about that [Music] maybe it kind of makes actually that d my the minor shape up on this fret gives us a an a major seventh which is kind of an interesting i think it sounds great coming from the a minor but interesting chord group anyway this one up on and now uh first thing is on the sixth fret this would be a d minor with an a base so if you're doing b a minor to d minor you might go [Music] really nice change instead of just doing that for that all the time up one more yeah maybe not maybe it's kind of an a90 kind of a sound [Music] go [Music] okay i'm gonna explore that one later new song ideas here they're everywhere not feeling that this one it's a really cool ending chord it's an a6 chord [Music] okay so a minor on the wrong plate in the wrong place gives us this uh a6 chord interesting hey up one more i'm not really feeling that i'm not really feeling that either uh but that's the a minor chord again there's there's so many like this is going to be a long list and there's so much stuff here i'm hoping you're kind of feeling a bit overwhelmed and you want to go back and explore on your own and pick out the bits that are most useful either that will watch through the video again and take some notes or see the website where i would have made notes for you already so d minor it's like an e minor over d [Music] i'm not really feeling that oh d major seventh again a nice sound just a d minor chord but the first fingers up on the fifth fret so it would probably be an f [Music] that's kind of interesting as well g minor over d maybe not maybe not [Music] kind of interesting that's another d6 chord [Music] okay so you keep finding you will keep finding these like cool little ideas oh that's a cool sound how can i use that and see it doesn't always have to be just moving a shape around like the same shape up and down the fretboard that's a good starting point but you should try and dig into it a little bit deeper and find these other ways of uh chords that stand alone like that unlikely i'm going to jump to that from a d minor chord but as a chord griff it's a pretty funky little thing to explore um and last one actually i i'll do uh the e minor shape so there would be our regular e minor uh e major that we moved around before and all these cool shapes now if we do the minor and we just move it just gets a bit mucky you might might do something like that it's about the only thing that i can think where you'd want to move it around but if you add the first finger down so that would be e minor if we move that forward one and put first finger down like a replacement for the open string [Applause] now this one sounds funny because it's a f minor but if we move it up one more oh i love this chord it's an f minor 11 so i'm not playing the bass note the bass note is muted but it's essentially the e minor chord moved up two i've used my first finger there [Music] if you ever see f sharp minor in a song you don't know how to play it that's the one same with g sharp minor if you move it up to g sounds horrible so the g sharp minor f sharp minor to e well i'm usually e major because that's how nice is that to have this is the a one we looked at earlier a g sharp minor f sharp minor e [Music] so good so much fun this also works there's an a minor so there was our a looked at before first finger down instead really really nice a minor let's keep going and not a bad b minor again e b minor to a for example just as a common chord progression e b minor [Music] okay b minor yeah the c is not going to work c sharp [Music] again [Music] [Applause] not playing the thickest string 11 11 9 open open substitute for a c minor chord maybe kind of a d minor sound [Music] i'm hoping that you get the idea now we've just looked at major minor and that's it but do you think that you could do it with any chord could you do it where every time say you're learning a dominant seventh chord maybe you could explore moving those shapes around or a major seventh or a dominant knight any any chord at all you can try this with you can just move them around and see what sounds good make a note of the ones that sound good to you that you really enjoy that you think you might actually make use of make music out of make a note of them practice them have a go at doing some of your arrangements of some songs that you might have learned before like uh knocking on heaven's door or what you know whatever the tune is that you know a simple three chord tune that you've played a hundred times before and you're a bit sick of see if you can try this idea of changing some of the ways that you play the chords to make it a whole lot more interesting it's another one of those tricks that you got in your bag where if you have jamming with somebody you can start playing a different version of the same things like whoa this sounds really cool man it always grabs people's ears because it sounds a lot more complicated than it is okay there's not very many opportunities on guitar where things are actually a lot simpler but sound way cooler and this is one it's such a such a fun trick so it does take a little bit of grit it's going to require a bit of practice a little bit exploring making some notes putting into a practical application of it but it's really worth it i'm sure you're going to have a great time with this it's i i hope you enjoyed it thus far if you're still around it's probably going to end up being a long video but uh if you did enjoy it do go and check out the website like i said there'll be notes about uh the specifics of which chords are sounding good and what the different names are and how they work and all that sort of stuff that'll be in the text part of uh the website if you're over on youtube uh really appreciate you hitting the subscribe button the bell if you want to get you know the drill on the bell if you want to get notified uh let me know in the comments if you've got any problems with this i do check the comments on youtube and i check the comments on the website the website one slightly more uh just because it's a bit easier for me to deal with that kind of space because that's where serious learners if you're really into the guitar and you want to get serious about it go and head over on the website because we there's not going to be any of those like click-baity videos hiding in the corner to distract you from what you should be doing it'll allow you to stay focused you can use the practice assistant so you can keep track of all you know what you should be practicing for how long what your stats are how fast or slow you did different things there's a lot of good stuff over there so uh if you haven't been over for a bit go do go and check it out really hope you enjoyed it and i'll see you for plenty more very soon you'll take care of yourselves bye-bye
Channel: JustinGuitar
Views: 219,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play open chords up the neck, How to MoveOpen Chords, how to play open chords up teh neck, easy open chord shapes, play up the neck, how to play up the fretboard, how to move open chords, moving open chord shapes, how to move easy open chords, caged system for beginners, exploring the fretboard, easy chords all over the fretboard, justin guitar songs, justinguitar songs, justin guitar, justinguitar, Guitar songs for beginners
Id: x55gAAdqOLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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