STOP Translating in Your Head - THINK IN ENGLISH Instead

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if you're thinking in your native language when you're trying to speak English you will never speak fluently if you want to speak fluent English you have to think in English imagine if every thought you had was in English no translating in your head no struggling to find that word that you know but can't remember when you're speaking it sounds great right but how well that's the topic of this video my name is Luke I've been teaching English for over 10 years and in this video you're going to learn the five key things that you need to do to start thinking in English at the end I'm going to share a bonus tip that you will not want to miss ready let's get started first live in an English world I remember a story about Tesla they were having problems making cars fast enough and so Elon Musk decided to go live in the factory and sleep on the floor until they figured it out well you kind of have to do that in a way you have to live in an English world you can't spend all of your time in your language and then expect to just be able to start speaking English really well you have to go and live there if you want to make progress and that means movies podcasts articles activities interests everything everything in English second stop all translation when you discover a new word don't translate it connecting a new English word to that same word in your language means you have to carry both words around with you anytime you need to say that English word you have to do this complicated thing where your transends ating back and forth well that sounds exhausting and it's definitely not a good idea instead just learn the word like a baby learning words I'm I'm watching my baby son right now he's learning words he knows some words when he hears his name he goes huh well he's not translating anything if he can do it you can do it if a parrot can do it you can do it so work to figure out the meaning or meanings of words and make sure that you use it in a sentence make sure that you see it in a sentence and then use it in a sentence make your own sentences third have conversations in your head this is permission to be slightly crazy right do you ever do you ever talk to yourself I've got a lot of voices talking in my head I have conversations with myself all the time well imagine that your native language voice is going on a vacation for a while and now the only voice is the English voice it's awkward at first maybe a little uncomfortable so start slowly describe what you plan to do today in your head do this this in your head start naming things that you see describing things that you see get in the habit of having these little conversations with yourself in English let's try it now in your head right now I want you to say okay Luke I'll do it ready good right you can't help it that's all it is just start talking in your head with yourself in English and it'll will help you get into the habit of using English fourth journal in English write about yes right right WR about your day your feelings your plans it doesn't have to be perfect there's this idea that oh if it's not good enough what's the point no no it doesn't have to be perfect the key is to use it to practice using it in a way that isn't practice but is just part of your life right so the act of writing without translating again just writing is going to force you to use the words the phrases the grammar that you know that you're learning and it really helps you build good habits it is very important finally fifth step outside your comfort zone find difficult things to do in English that could be volunteering online or starting a YouTube channel I know sounds crazy maybe sign up for a language exam like the toak exam or the TOEFL exam or something like that or even the dualingo English test write down three things that you could do that you could do in English that would scare you a little bit they should be slightly scary if it's scary or makes you think oh I could never do that well that means it's outside of your comfort zone are you going to just stay in your comfort zone your whole life I sure hope not right so write down these things I suggest three that scare you a little bit and then do them force yourself to do them because when you do hard things you learn faster that's how it works when you do hard things you learn faster okay so those are our five keys to thinking in English to start getting in the habit of thinking in English and it gets easier as you go but I said I was going to give you a bonus tip so here it is your bonus tip start using AI tools like Chachi BT or Gemini start using these tools even the free versions they can help you in so many ways I have a course about how to use chat GPT to improve your English and I'll leave a link to that in the description but start using these tools they are extremely powerful extremely powerful to help you improve practice and really push yourself in English okay so I hope these tips help you start thinking in English if you enjoyed this video hit the like button and subscribe and tell me in the comments how you feel about thinking in English is that scary how do you feel about it again check out the courses in the description and I will see you in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Cloud English
Views: 4,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American English, English pronunciation, Spoken English, Travel English, English language, Cloud English, Luke Priddy, Free English Lesson, American culture, ESL, Learn American English, American English Pronunciation, American English Teacher, English words, English learning best practices, Master English, Intermediate English lessons, Free English lessons, How to do things in English, English, English literacy, English learning lifestyle, English learning podcast
Id: jdsixl7P6PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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