Stop the Self Help Stuff, Its all Bullshit

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I share this guys sentiment, but I ain't out here making youtube videos like grandpa ranty because it's the same energy.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bobibouche 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Self help for self help sake is not the point. The point is what do you want to learn or improve. Its not for everyone, for sure. If you are comfortable where you are don't waste your money.

For what i understand you call self help are motivational speakers. And motivational speakers are going to give you motivation, for the time they speak.

Bill Gates reads tones of book every year, including self help books. He even regularly shares his favorite books.

I feel you are angry towards motivational speakers because you are trying to find something without knowing what you are looking for. Here's my 2cents, save your money from all that motivation stuff and try to figure out what you want, what you want to do, and start working towards it. Thats it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chewee133 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
you [Music] stop the self-help tapes videos books all the stuff as lovely doesn't work okay baffles brains this is the last video that you'll ever need to watch it tells you everything you need to know about self-help you know in fact you don't need me any need to even come back and watch this video again you just need to watch it once and then you see I've spent years going to seminars I've read hundreds of books on self up it all tell you the same thing they tell you what you're reading what you really know I used to go to seminars you know all the round whatever and I used to like I was looking in books and seminars for that one word that would change me i solicited to the speakers alright and hope that they might say something they said the same things all the time and I keep thinking but I've heard this before when's he gonna say something new he never does self up takes your money and it put your courses it's addictive it cost you money it's addictive okay that's the one thing and secondly it's also a picture there's an underlying theme in self whole that perpetuates the feeling that there's something you need to fix you're not complete you did that we're gonna help you we're gonna help you come of age and come off we're gonna help you get enlightened it's all in fact you know what you must do you say all our self-help books have burned them well no that's a bit harsh don't burn them give them away to somebody that would like to that means that once you use them and don't charge money for it give it away that stuff doesn't need to be charged money for dead just selling something to somebody that already knows you were born with everything you need to know right from the beginning you were born on anything you need to know how to succeed there's nothing to teach you and you know this already all right if you for example let's take you need to lose weight ok great you don't need to go in some self up Corp to the core cause to build your confidence nothing ok what do you need you knew if you need to lose weight you need you know what foods to eat you know what to eat you get on the internet you fire what food you got speak to a doctor you go to join a gym you want to start a new business how can I make a successful business well she's simple you get on the internet fine first what I'm gonna say I'm gonna sell our interest I need to find out what the laws are for selling oranges where can I go and sell oranges you probably need to see in an accountant so this stuff you'd know you don't need to learn of course you don't need to have somebody come and give you a 20 course seminar on how to do that murderface you caught you can't get motivational things from the outside it all comes from the inside and you know the three the most successful people in the world have never read a self-help book does that make sense I mean that's like ringing alarmed as it should be it should be have you ever seen Bill Gates or or Jack Hobbs or any Alexander the Great let's take it to that citing the book that changed his life maybe even the seminar that he went to the check man because they're just doing extinct idli what they know okay all right I think I've come the only book that I suggest you read is this book philosophy 101 and it's a simple little book I hope you can see it it's a simple little book on practical things you know real life practical examples of how ethics the history of thought these are the books to read other books to read self-help books in terms of look you weren't born to know how a radio works alright so if you're gonna have a passion for radios you can't buy a book on reddit's how do I actually fix the read I know I put it together and speak to somebody about these this self-help stuff is useful because that stuff you don't skills stuff that you don't know but then other stuff is all right you were born with everything I'm gonna say this again you were born with everything you need to you know to succeed there's nothing to teach you you know everything already and you know that you know there's a video then I suggest you watch it's in mine I'm gonna put in a link of a guy he tells it in a nice way the truth behind self up the nice guy in America he gives an ass explanation of why you should why you should be stopped the south up alright stop it self up doesn't help you baffles brains [Music]
Channel: Kiss
Views: 8,845
Rating: 4.8802395 out of 5
Keywords: Stop the Self Help Stuff, stpo the self help stuff, stpo teh self halp stuff, stop teh self help stuff, Stop the self halp stuff, its all bullshit, stop the self halp stuff, Stop the Self Help Stuff Its all Bullshit, stop teh self help stuff its all bullshit, self halp does not work, self halp doens nto owrk, self help does nto work, Self help is BS, self help does not work, All self help is BS, Why self help is bs, stop watching self halp, stpo watching self halp
Id: PTGpfLQr5Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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