Stop Letting Food Eat Up Your Budget

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food has a big pizza my heart's but it's a place we spend a lot of money so in today's episode I'll show you how you can save money in your huge budgets [Music] all right today we're going to talk about one of my favorite things food now this is one of the best places that you can save money and use that money to pay off debt so we're going to bring on debt kicking mom to show us how she feeds her family of six for only a hundred and twenty five dollars a week yeah that's right and then my friend chef Marla will be on who I love and he is going to give us an amazing summer recipe that feeds a family of four for under $25 but you guys listen food is expensive and this is a huge budget buster in fact here's what the average American family spends on groceries each month so this doesn't include eating out at restaurants just groceries now these ranges came from USDA and there's lower ends there's higher ends and I saw the averages and those like what so then I thought I have to go into my Facebook community to figure out okay how much do they spend on food because they're killing it and like all areas so it was fascinating comparing the two groups now the single person in America spends anywhere from a hundred and sixty-five dollars to three hundred and thirty dollars a month in groceries and in the Facebook community they're spending two hundred and eighty four dollars good job guys family of two on average is spending three hundred and eighty eight dollars to seven hundred and sixty nine dollars but a family of two and our Facebook community is spending three hundred and forty six dollars the average family of four in America is spending six hundred and fifty dollars to twelve hundred and ninety four dollars a month in groceries but the average family of four in the Facebook community is spending five hundred and forty five dollars okay if you're falling on the higher end of those numbers listen it's possible to cut back and you're probably going to want to join the official Rachael Cruz Facebook community because they're gonna give you tips and encouragement along the way because they are obviously killing it now that was just groceries and groceries is not the only place we spend money on our food is it we go out to eat yes I love going out to eat love restaurants it's one of my love languages now the average householder America spends two hundred and fifty dollars a month eating out at restaurants but in my facebook community the average family only spent one hundred and fifty dollars a month so good now listen if you're in debt this is a place going out to eat this is a place where you can cut back don't go out to eat it's amazing what a couple of hundred dollars a month can do by just throwing it at your debt you can get out of debt so much quicker now if you're looking to make some real progress getting out of debt make sure you take Financial Peace University the average family who goes through Financial Peace University pays off fifty three hundred dollars in debt and saves twenty seven hundred dollars in just 90 days that's an $8,000 turnaround it's incredible now when you sign up you're going to get access to every dollar plus which automatically tracks all of your expenses there and that fancy budget app and it's really going to give you a reality check because when you click that little every dollar app on your phone you're going to be able to track all of your expenses and some of you guys don't even know what you're spending each month so make sure to click the link and the show notes to find out more all right let's talk about to my food budgets [Music] all right it's important to remember that your food budget is not static okay it's going to reflect your life for instance the cruises our family's curling that's right cruise baby number three a little boy he's on the way we're so excited but the stage life were in is Amelia is for Carolinas to Caroline sweet sweet baby Caroline love her but we don't love her at restaurants no she is terrible so the last like three times we've been out to eat Wednesday I've looked at each other and we're like what are we doing here this is miserable and half of us are like up and down from the table taking her in and I'll cuz she wants in her high chair I mean it's just like it's terrible and then we're sitting there and we're having to tip waiter and you're just spending extra money or just like oh my gosh this is not good so our C's in a life right now we are not going out to eat a lot if we do go out to you we get food to go and bring it home so it's good to realize okay what season are we in with kids and also like the literal seasons a lot of times people in the summer go out to eat more because you got to with friends maybe after work you go hang out here you know your friends at a restaurant or something so just kind of know what your life looks like and your budget should reflect that and you always need to be looking ahead this is important like do you have big trips coming up what's happening your food budget is going to reflect your life all right up next is debt mom who you'll recall from a few episodes ago was on with her husband and they paid off seventy seven thousand dollars in debt now she's back to show us how she feeds her family of six for only one hundred and twenty five dollars a week you guys that's amazing maybe as amazing as these mozzarella sticks we love finding new ways to save money we lower categories in our budget buy things on sale and even use coupons but we often forget about the biggest expense we have and I'm talking about your mortgage if you have been in your home for a while there may be options available that can save you money not just pocket change but real money the best way to get started and see what options you have is buy the Churchill check out by Churchill mortgage a quick call with an expert home loan specialists can help you figure out what's best for you and discover incredible opportunities to save time and money to get your Churchill check out go to Churchill slash Churchill - check up ok I'm so glad you're here because you are an expert I really what I would call you an expert when it comes to grocery shopping for a family it's thank you because you do it so well so tell me a little bit about you and your husband you guys paid off $77,000 know yet a big reason you did that did you cut expenses yes like food yes so what's like how have you figured this out and like what's your what's your what are you all about are you doing this yeah so I really honed in on the grocery budget because that was our biggest expense next to our mortgage it was like we were spending about a thousand dollars a month on groceries to feed six mouths so for children me and my husband the one of the one of the biggest things that changed everything for me was discovering Aldi the grocery store Aldi when which we are not sponsored but all these sponsored segments but the truth it is and and that's and that's the thing I think that some people don't realize that like you know just just changing where you shop saves you so much money you know so just and all that you figured out how to feed six mouths yeah a week for a hundred and twenty-five dollars oh yeah a hundred and twenty-five dollars a week oh yeah so walk me through how do you do that yeah so I kind of came up I you know I didn't realize it was a method until I found myself just doing it regularly I realized that there's four steps in really saving the most money on groceries the first thing is taking inventory of what you have what do you have in the pantry what do you have in the freezer what do you have that needs to get eaten up so taking inventory that's huge part of that because I'll speak totally this is yeah just my personal perception in life and how I view things cuz it's about being organized - yeah because I'm not the most organized person in the world so when you open up my pantry I hate to say it I need I need to get been I need to like make it prettier so I everything but I get stuff gets just get stuffed yeah and so I'll go buy three cans of black beans for some Mexican thing I'm doing and I look like I had to yeah there so you know and not that it's like gonna cost you an arm and a leg for Academies but so it's things that I have now I just did not take inventory so I think that's a great point so then after I take inventory um then I'm meal plan around my inventory so making sure that we are planning our meals around the food that needs to get eaten up that because we don't want it to go to waste so we don't have to throw that food away so if there's you know you have an abundance of spinach and romaine then plan some salads that you're gonna have to be able to eat that up or plant it figure out a way to eat that up so meal planning around your inventory that's step two great yeah and then from there creating your grocery list based off of that meal plan and then only buying the things at the grocery store that you need to complete your meal plan to be able to feed your family so really the grocery list is huge but you're only making that grocery list on things that you need and then you got to stick to it when you go to the grocery store but this is you yeah I do this yeah and I like I do I make that list and I've done good I take some practice yeah but once you learn to be diligent what's it you're like yeah this is exactly what I need and I'm good and when you leave the grocery store there's not this sense of like oh my gosh it totally busted the budget or man I just I shouldn't have bought that but I just felt this impulse to yeah well right there it's kind of like your accountability partner yeah yes oh it's you you got to go in with a list after I've done that after I've really create an already meal planned and created my grocery list then I will take a look at the sales ads and I'll figure out what's on sale and then I'll kind of say okay well maybe I can buy some meat that's on sale that I can stick in my freezer sure and then when the next week comes around I take inventory that's part of my inventory that now a meal plan around but I bought it at its lowest price yes so that's that's really advantage of the sales doing it within reason within reason yeah and you know it's kind of it's a little bit different perspective because a lot of times you hear people say that to save money on groceries you should meal plan around the sales but I found that a lot of times when I would focus on just what was on sale I would either over buy or my meal plan wasn't quite quite right and then I'd still end up throwing away the things at home that didn't get eaten up in time I'd still end up throwing away food obviously when you're not throwing away as much food you're not throwing away as much money you're gonna save money okay so walk me through real quick just like a few dinner cuz dinners the tough spot yeah for at least I'll say the cruise is like yeah that fish you can kind of get your oatmeal you know you can gotta get your basics I agree and lunch some what dinners can be hard so mm-hmm off the top of your head not to put you on the spot Japan like name off just a couple of like really cheap dinners that's my goodness I mean right off the top of my head I can think of buying whole chickens I'd all do they're about 95 to 97 cents per pound or well it's so much cheaper to buy a whole chicken and then you have that whole chicken to work with so buying a whole chicken you can cook it in the crock-pot and put a little bit of teriyaki sauce on the side or barbecue sauce depend on how you want to serve it boiling up some rice and then maybe some steamed broccoli or something that makes it really easy dinner you can do it very quickly and then I like to use any of that leftover meat from that whole chicken I can use that leftover meat to shred up that chicken and then you can make it into tacos burritos chicken noodle soup chicken potpie chicken and rice there's so many possibilities those are some of the like quick easy also super frugal well and you're right cuz you post a lot of this you have like a big Instagram follow me yeah your journey deck kick and mom so guys weekly you're talking about food that's like your thing your bet your bread and butter cuz she's so good at it about how to still be healthy but you're doing it again with these great tips but you're doing it on a budget yes saving money so girl you're awesome thank you seriously thank you so much and I love like this all these packs you guys $125 for the week oh yeah I'm inspired yeah thanks so much for coming yeah thank you so much for having me this is fun good [Music] isn't she awesome seriously I love how she took care of her family by really looking up the grocery budget and if you haven't seen their story yet I'll put a link in the show notes of this episode so make sure to check it out all right another way that you guys need to take care of your family is with life insurance I can't stress enough how important it is this is an absolute must for everyone I know it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day but we need to make sure that our family is taken care of now and in the future and term life insurance does just that well make sure that your family is taken care of financially if something happens to our life insurance is really inexpensive you can secure your family for a fraction of what it costs to get whole life insurance and actually half the population thinks term life insurance cost more than it does Winston and I use Xander insurance Xander makes things super easy they walk with you through every step of the process they shop all the top carriers to find you the best rates and make sure what you get is what you need for your family so go to Xander comm to get a quote now all right keeping up with the food theme up next is Marlon I don't know if you remember him but he came on last year and he's a chef and a restaurant owner here in Nashville and I wanted him to come back on and give us another great budget-friendly meal for the summer because it's be honest we left food and we love chicken so take a look are you guys it's summer time which means grilling is here so I brought my favorite man of summer Marlon back it's been like a year I guess since you've been back on the show and you had a fantastic recipe for us last time and I'm not gonna lie I loved you too because you quoted my mom Sharon Ramsey without even know week do you remember the quote was just open up your spice cabinet cabinet but Marlon is a master at the grill so what do we make today we're gonna do some lemon pepper chicken wings and chicken legs with root vegetables some pineapple and if they think we have extra pineapple like we may or may not do some pineapple just make sure to stick around with that okay the one thing I do love about the summer Marlon is the food that you can make especially the girl it feels if you can do it so budget-friendly pretty much everything's budget-friendly you just got to know what you're looking for how many people you feed right keep it simple I love it okay we're gonna start we'll do some vegetables okay so we have some red onion dressing zucchini squash grill up real easy yes yes just taking them I love watching professional chefs chow no wait okay so zucchini and squash for me that's a good I mean like that's something that we do a lot I don't usually grill red onion it's different it's um it's aromatic and smells real good when you grill it or sauteing it happy did you just take olive oil no sir spread it over do a little salt pepper yes yes okay we're gonna jazz it up and just add a little rose some lemon pepper lemon pepper oh yeah that smells really good already on a grill it smells you soon have your neighbors like no listen we got our budget we know who are feeding can't be interrupting my dinner oh I love it so great that's good okay next up thank stuff we got chicken legs and chicken wings okay sit there and this is super expensive I think we've got like all of us for like under $10 like all this needs you can find wings and legs cheap family packs all day long so good okay some olive oil garlic jazz it up what's your favorite barbecue sauce you can buy at the store almost sweet baby Ray's naughty no that's it you opened up my fridge right now we're like kindred spirits we're the same good I have this bear named overnight it's best to let me marinate overnight sort of flavor okay so silly question aluminum foil over at stick in the fridge excited let us sit there and then we got sliced pineapple you got chicken wings chicken legs vegetables very tight love it start putting some stuff on the grill real time chicken chicken [Music] okay everything's grilled else so good okay so chicken you grilled it for about how 20-25 minutes a spoon and how long would you say it took the pineapple pineapples probably about seven to ten minutes veggies that is the same about seven to ten that's perfect so while it's on the girl you guys then you can make some pineapple juice Oh Nate pineapple juice so what you do dice up some pineapples a whole pie whole brought out one big pineapple one cup of water okay and to the tablespoons of sugar so easy very easy ingredients this is stuff you do and people are like after the blended restrain it yeah already had some already to go here Roland you buy these straws there was something I found so great here cheers choose happy girl happy summer mm-hmm help me on a Caribbean island good nice okay so it's plate we'll put some on our plates Grill it match that you cook some chicken because you have a chicken restaurant in Nashville have a fried chicken restaurant on us about it it's called slow burn hot chicken out of Madison Tennessee and we're not brought chicken in Asheville but his I have 10 hot heat levels that can take you from no heat to you might want to call your doctor but it's worth it oh that is so good Marlon thank you seriously so fun so good you guys okay to get all these recipes click the link in the show notes and the best part is you can feed a family of four all this stuff for under $25 so great Harlan thanks again best Cheers happy summer [Music] uh everything he made was seriously so good-looking that dang pineapple juice love the glass right now so delicious are you guys I love this episode because food it's a big deal in life and in your budget so you have to keep tabs on your spending because it's so easy to get off track I'm telling you this is an area of your budget to pay attention to because you really can cut back so thanks to Marlon for the great recipe and for debt koukin mom for coming back again and thank you guys for watching now I'd love it if you subscribe to my channel and liked this video and be sure to check out my podcast for more tips and bonus episodes all you have to do is search for the Rachel Cruz show and remember to take control of your money and creates a life you love [Music]
Channel: The Rachel Cruze Show
Views: 196,449
Rating: 4.867413 out of 5
Keywords: Rachel Cruze Dave Ramsey Money, give, save, spend, budget, TVRC, Stop Letting Food Eat Up Your Budget, food, budgeting, the rachel cruze sho, the rachel cruze show, the rachel cruze show youtube, money, rachel cruze, dave ramsey, how to save money, how to budget, save money, how to make money, debt, rachel cruze show
Id: LCuhbsMpA5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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