Stop Failing and Become a Top Tier Student in 2024| Academic Comeback Guide

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today we're going to learn how to go from failing all of your classes to becoming a top tier student in 2024 now to get things into perspective in 2021 I enter University into business administration and I failed nine out of my 10 classes and then ruined one of my biggest sight hustles that I had at the moment but then in 2022 I decided to make the most logical decision that anyone would make when they have failed nine out of their 10 classes and it ised to go into a more difficult degree which was Computer Engineering and I became a top tier student and I won three academic awards that same year and in today's video we're going to go over the top five principles that help me become that top two student so that you can also make your best academic comeback this year in 2024 okay now the first principle that helped me make my academic comeback is Faking it until you make it the most important factor in habit creation is identity this is something that James Clear talks about in his book Atomic habits and it is the concept that in order to change your behavior for good you need to start believing in new things about yourself so in order to become a top Seer student you first need to internalize that into your brain you first need to tell yourself that yeah I am that tops student only that I am 6 months or two months behind schedule and if you think about manifestation and Law of Attraction and all that thing it is something very similar you're just aligning yourself your vibration to that energy that you want to attract and now how do we do this okay how do we empirically become that person who is that top TI student you become that top two student by doing the Small Things by doing the small habits that that person will do okay now think about that in your head what would a top student do he will go to a library he will go and revise information he will go and do the extra thing in those assignments he will pay attention in class all those little things are things that top students do so why don't you just do them and fake it until you make it because the biggest difference between you and a high achiever right now is just those habits that he implements the results May Come but the biggest difference and the most tangible things that you can can see and look at are those small habits that that person implements now the second principle in order to become a top steer student is forgetting about the ego because the ego is the enemy a lot of times we don't do things because we are afraid okay we're afraid of getting things wrong so maybe you have an assignment and you're not particularly good at that class the professor asks something and you don't respond even though you know the answer you're just afraid of getting it wrong so you just keep it to yourself and you don't talk and if you're that kind of person as I would back in the day I mean nobody will remember you really nobody will remember you if you think that you're so so important that people will actually remember what you asked about in class number 17 I mean you're delusional nobody is going to remember what you have asked because people are so so busy thinking about themselves that they don't have the time to think about you the ones that care don't matter and the ones that matter don't care so just get that over with and start asking questions when you don't know in class because maybe you're helping someone out that had the same question and you're just making your brain going through more processes in order to learn that same information this way it'll stick to your brain in a better way another way that ego acts against us in this situation is that you actually think that you are the best this is something that happened to me in my first year of Business Administration and is that I already had a little business that I had running and I thought that I was better than anybody else okay I thought that I was the absolute best I thought that I was earning more than most of my my PE because okay that was true I was earning more but I thought that I was on top of the world and nobody could teach me anything and that has stopped me from learning new things just because I thought that I already knew it all like why would I just put effort into learning new things if I knew it all already and this is a concept that Socrates is known a lot for okay he's known for this quote that I only know that I know nothing this means that only the people who realize that they're so ignorant they don't know nothing they're able to learn new things once you have said to yourself that hey I'm the best I I have nothing else to learn you're not going to learn anything because you already think that you know it all you already think that you're the best you don't have your ego is not letting you learn new things and you might have seen this but you don't know the name of it it is the Dunning Krueger effect okay it's a graph where people who know a little bit about a subject they think that they know it all they think that they're the best so they just stop learning because they think that they're on top of the world but then once you start learning more about the fact the curve starts going up and you start realizing oh maybe I'm not intell that intelligent maybe I'm not that smart maybe I'm not that knowledgeable in that path and once you start learning more going sideways into the graph you start realizing okay I don't know I'm just some kind of newbie in this and I have all of these new things to learn I have so much much much much more to learn so I'm just going to put my ego down and I'm just going to start learning from people who are better than me in this type of activity or anything that I'm trying to learn the third principle that helped me become a topse student is consistency consistency it's not as hard as you think I'd be lying to you if I said that I was studying 2 hours a day okay I did not I wasn't the type of student who studied every single day okay I was just simply not just because of the characteristics of my life I was not the type of person who would do that but one thing I did I viewed my life in a weekly basis I wouldn't go into any class being clueless about the thing that the professor was saying because that would just be stupid I would just be there wasting my time and wasting the professor's time so I I would never do that now my University plans their classes like this in a weekly basis we have two classes of every single class a theory lesson and then a practical lesson now in order to do the Practical lesson you need to know about the theorical lesson now what I would do is I would focus my mind entirely in the theory lesson and I would try to understand everything that the professor is saying so that the day before our practical lesson I would just look at my notes I would just know a little bit about the thing that we were doing and in the Practical lesson I will consolidate my knowledge about that same thing and I would just improve my I don't know brain connections or whatever you want to call it so that I would understand that concept completely I was not the type of person who would spend hours and hours in a library studying I would just try to understand and try to teach people because another fact that helped me become a a better student is that I would help people out okay in order to learn my things better I will actually go and help people people will ask me questions and I will try to answer them as simple as I could this is called the feeman technique developed by Richard fan he was in the project Manhattan if you have watched opener you know what I'm talking about this technique basically means that if you want to know if you have understood a concept completely fully you have to take that complex concept and if you're able to explain it simply to a 5-year-old in order for him to understand it you have accomplished it you have understood that concept so that's what I would do I will learn this stuff in order to help people out and then I will explain it to them now the fourth principle in order to become called a great student is selective companion honestly you need to be more selective about the people who are around you you are the combination of the five people you hang around with the most so if you're hanging out with drunk and drug addicts chances are you're going to become a drunk and drug addict in some way or another okay whether you drink more or less you're going to become one of them and I'm not telling you to ditch your friends just because they're not good in school okay that's not what I'm saying because in life there are things called categories okay you you actually have friends for school you have friends to go exercising you have friends to go drinking you have friends to go potting or whatever whatever your life categories are so Choose Wisely what type of people you want to have around yourself when you are in that Focus mode when you're studying this is something that I have done and has worked wonders for me I would go and just become friends with people who I see that are very interested in a matter that we're talking about in class and we will go and study together and we will share things that we have learned from our individual experience and we will just multiply our ability to learn like 2x we would learn the same thing that we were trying to learn in like half of the time that's something you should try it works wond trust me now the fifth and final principle that has helped me becoming a top Seer student is that gear does matter if you have a little bit of money right now just invest in good gear that will save you time and improve your work it is one of the best investments that you can make I can sit here and tell you that year doesn't matter you can do it all without gear but I'll be ly okay that's that's being a because by having the right gear you're actually improving your work 10 times you're saving time you're improving the quality of your work I bought this MacBook before entering into University it is a b best choices that I have made because it works at anything that I throw at it it does whatever I want to do and it just complement my life in a way that improves it 10x the same with this iPad this is not even the newest one this is the 2017 iPad Pro with an apple pencil so this is like dirt cheap right now but you get what I'm saying and also I have a monitor right here that monitor has saved me so much time I can open two screens at the same time I just have two screens at the same time I can go into internet I can write my papers on on one side and that's it it saves me a lot of time and it makes my work much much more productive another thing that I have about that improved my life like 10x I'm not lying to you 10x my airpods Pros do you know the amount of concentration that I have for those things okay I can go and plug my airpods and when I go into a library I don't want to hear you talk I don't want to hear people just walking I just put my airpods in put the nose constellation put some classical music and I start studying I can get into a workflow a flow state in like 5 minutes and all of that just comes from things that I have bought to improve my lifestyle and to improve my quality of work so instead of buying yourself a new pair of Nikes or whatever I don't know what you like okay instead of going for some beers or anything just consider what is the return of investment of this item that I'm going to buy in my case the return of investment of the airpods the monitor or the computer is like 10x I would just I will gladly pay 200 bucks for the airpods instead of I don't know some pair of sneakers just because they improve my life in a way that every single day I look forward to studying or to working just because it makes it so much better it saves you time it makes working something pleasurable and those were the top five principles that you can Implement into your life to become a great and top two student in 2024 and as always be patient because your prophecy is unfolding my friend
Channel: Ivan
Views: 5,203
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Id: 9qe7iKWUh0M
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Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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