STOP DOING CRUNCHES | 5 Exercises For A Six Pack | Ep. 06

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[Music] time to get back to small school folder nation videos and by that I mean we're dissecting a body part today that we probably haven't done in like two years I haven't done just a add video in like two years so it's definitely time to do that and it's not just because okay it is because I have abs but I get a lot of people asking me to do these there's a lot of myths surrounding AB training number one stop doing situps just stop doing situps even crunches aren't a great developer of ABS on the other thing I want to discuss you can't Kate can't crunch your way to abs or to ABS train your abs to where you get to expect having abs as a result of working out eating right and being at a caloric deficit to where you have minimal body fat to then show your abs when I talk about abs you have your transverse abdominis transverse abdomen there you have your serratus these are straightest is up here get your external obliques right here external obliques start like your eighth rib run down your pelvis your transverse abdomen start to your pelvis runs runs up to your sternum here then underneath that external obliques you actually have an internal oblique that runs the opposite way so external oblique runs this way internal oblique run up towards your midsection and then even below that you have your transverse abdomen and that really is like you're your own personal safety belt it is really it runs around your waist this way whereas the transverse is up and down this runs laterally so that's really the four and then your side for services which come into play they're cool the leguan your lien we're going to primarily be talking about this first for today so stop doing crunches don't think you can you can train your abs to a six-pack studies show that you can do abs every day and it's not gonna do a damn thing to change your body composition unless you have the proper nutrition you're following your macros you're following your meal plan you're getting leaner now what we are doing now that's called spot reduction spot reductions when you think you can do a million sit-ups and you're gonna have that just is not the case what that does is help spot shape you might have muscle you might develop add muscle but until you get rid of that layer fat over top of everything they're not going to show lastly genetic genetics come into play with that some people have my ABS aren't perfectly symmetrical some people have a more of a print pronounced transverse some people have more it just depends on where how much separation I guess is in their abdomen wall also the amount of ABS the six-pack we call it some people you know even have eight some people have four that's a matter of genetics so I'm going to give you guys today whether you're beginner an intermediate or advanced person ab workout for you guys to follow let's do it alright the first thing we were doing vertical shift near eight now this one is a great one is going to activate a lot more a lot more fibers in your abdomen then a crunch would ever do so I'm in school coming up Pass high as you can high as you can I don't want to go all the way back down to the bottom the goal for beginners here you're at least ten reps [Music] so once you can get at least ten vertical me up we're actually holding yourself here I want you to come over and I want you to do them hanging you can also throw in a side [Music] and then once you can do at least ten there what I want you to do is it's going to be the most advanced it's gonna be the most advanced move we can do here this is just a toda bar and this is a very we're gonna do it over here because I'm going to be too tall for this one we're going to be doing here slow and controlled the mind muscle connection is so important perhaps and now that you know the anatomy of the ABS you can kind of think that 9mph connection where are we work in here we work in that rectus working the transverse anytime we're turning the side-to-side our external obliques are really in charge of turning our trunk so we will be working those a little bit so that's why it's important to do movements that that keep you out of that one plane that transverse plane we want to try to break that and do different things here this one most advanced movement hardest movement I'd say out of all of the hanging leg or knee raises we're going to go straight up with the with the toes and control back down [Music] why [Music] these are Louisiana Tilikum was punching in the ABS again both are the three different movements and you can pick which all of you are so I want you to pick one of those exercises either the chair the hanging or the toes the bar and we're doing that first in the movement fire for the second movement in the circuit again we're training abs in a circuit fashion so you're going to do that one the first exercise we showed you one of those three immediately into this next exercise that's all we're going to be doing it's just a good old-fashioned plank and you either do it on your elbows this is the beginner movement here and when you do a plank I want your glutes flex I want you to delt this pinch $100 bills become your budget and that way you know how hard you need to squeeze you don't want it over bill go also you want someone's able to punch you in your abs that's how hard this reflex me this is almost the same type movement or it's not movement this is the same type feeling you should have a most heavy compound list so something like a deadlift or a squat you always want to set up your core first this is that movement we're blowing out all that air flexing is exactly how I want you to be and that's why doing core doing heavy compound movements it's so important for our apps for our core that's one of the best way to strengthen your core is to do those bench to do those cleans those deadlifts the overhead pressing and all starts with a solid core foundation which includes our lower back as well we're going to go over that here one minute there work up to one minute so once you master that beginner Planck for a minute I want you to start working in some side plank so one minute normal and then come to the side for maybe 30 second beat after 30 seconds there where you wonder 30 seconds on the other side [Music] all right now for the advanced movement of this section here once you get to get a Swiss ball and anytime we're bustin this out you know we're needing to engage a lot of these are the muscles and smaller stability muscles to really just stable that core so this is going to be one that's going to test your limit here what we'll be doing is just a roll out plank position so we're here we're going to come all the way in and then back into a plank position oh you think see my and again the straighter your legs are the harder it's going to be to want to keep your knees custom dual a kind of problem where I must up to this point where I can do them with straight legs that's going to be hard Vance but we have that number that number one exercise and you pick the second exercise out of those three I just demonstrated and then now we're on to the next the third exercise by the third grouping of exercises going to be doing here we're start off with the beginner that bicycle crotch bicycle crunch probably Athenians before we're not going to be all the way back we're going to try to hold ourselves in this position and we're just going to alternate touching our feet on the outside of our summer shoes just alter [Music] again this is really working our rectus and also our trends are our external obliques well then it's also because we're holding it here we start getting into that deeper that transverse abdomen and then also the internal weight as well as we start start twisting here so this is a good one there really can stimulate all of our abdomen [Music] once you can graduate by doing at least 30 of these you're moving on to the intermediate alright for the intermediate version of this one the third exercise I'm going to be doing a reverse crunch on a decline board here they're going to notice the reverse crunch the main purpose is try to keep that pelvis close to the back if you can I don't want it coming all the way up here I want to come in as close had more of an accordion type movement than actual total Lego we're just trying to squeeze as much as you can [Music] [Music] hey once you get Ted when I done yet we come up with that final the power position and we're coming straight up let's ten incline crunchy and then 1007 total feeling that that is the intermediate intermediate exercise for the third installment of our Edward app we're dealt today the last thing we do is the advanced movement of the third installment and then almost going to show you some back exercises because our lower back and our core are closely related any time we're doing a heavy compound lift that lower back in and after stabilizers so a lot of times when we have back pain sexually due to an imbalance with the strength in our ABS so I like to turn my abs three times a week where I really come in and hammer them or hammer them after my workout if you're one of those people that don't get abs gun try doing them before your workout and then spacing out a little bit if you're doing legs that you probably want to tell one of you abs before you workout you need them to really stabilize your core also what you can do just one set of ABS I tell there's people that's all the time just do one thing of F's maybe do this come in before your workout to get warmed up once that as many as you can reverse crunches once said it means you can't a plank for as long as you can that's a great way to get some ab work in each and every day you can do it like that find a train that's every day I don't want you doing tons and tons of sets and tons and tons of reps and if you're doing that one actual ab date train up three times a week or so three to four depending on if you're getting ready for a show like I am let's go show you the final final movement for our ab training [Music] to the last last movement we're going to do here join my favorites I call them around the world and as you can see why they're going to involve a lot of external oblique and also transverse and then as we twist we're going to bring all those that's that internal oblique external obliques transverse ABS directed [Music] [Music] and that is life the most advanced movement so what I want you guys to be doing on this circuit fashion whether you're beginner an intermediate or advanced now how all the exercises you do I want you to do each one four times so if you're a beginner you're doing that hanging knee straight into a plank straight into your bicycle crunch then you do four rounds of that and you're going at least 10 to 15 reps on the hanging cherries at least one minute on the plank and then bicycles ask you to do that and if you're an intermediate we follow the same same rep schemes for the intermediate circuit fashion same with advanced so I'm not asking you to do all of them pick your career beginner beginners an idiot an intermediate or an advanced person and stay with that so we got four rounds of those after that get some back training to do all right it's because you're all finished up with your ab circuit doesn't mean we're done training the core I count my lower back that's part of the core so I obviously trained my back just like I would any other body part and that includes my lower back any time doing deadlifts anytime you're doing good morning anytime you're doing 45-degree hyperextension that's lower back your lower back actually takes longer than any muscle group in the body to recover so on days I only like to do I like to do more stability work for the lower back so I'm not going to be doing anything here today with weight we saved that for the actual back day this is more so just to keep the lower back strengthen without over stimulating it without annihilating it you're a beginner we're down there on the mat I'm going to be doing Superman Superman's all it requires we're going to be bringing our entire body off the ground that includes my legs in the vacuum so the only thing that is custom goes my pelvis a nap or you can come up with highs you can back down hold for 10 seconds and back down and again tonight it looks a little funny in your gym and you might not feel like it's working at a con but it is we're strengthening that lower back after our ABS so we got three sets of 10 with a 10-second hold on each rep oh if you are an intermediate you've been around the gym who did the intermediate AB section once you'd be doing these for a lower back here and again you can do it with no weight I just have a bar on here because of my back pay I would actually have weight on here we're just going all the way down I don't want that back rolling chest as high back space nice and tight back up [Music] that is our intermediate back section [Music] all right here so this is our final movement for our core here if you're a expert meaning you can use those other two with no problem I don't want those other to be hard even on these days we're going to leave that lower back that heavy lower back training for active but if you're an expert and what I want you guys to do 45-degree back extension on this if you come around the side you'll notice as I threw out my upper body down I'm pushing my blood back while keeping it in place if it has so max you're trying to push my butt back I don't want to roll my back here it's not going what I don't want to do keep my back straight all the way down and then from here we're squeezing the glute and coming up and bring in the backhoe if you do these nice and slow with the correct form not rounding your back and pushing those hips back this should be the hardest out of those three movement if you just do this it won't be the hardest but again we're slow control that is it for our four day really I'm training students taking more than twenty minutes from start to finish especially the day where you've trained some core like you've done a heavy compound movement like a deadlift or squash you really should take out one of these exercises and just get away with two movements I always like doing at least three movements in a circuit fashion for rounds and then hitting some lower back that's going to keep your your core not only looking good not not only looking good and tight we want that narrow tight waist that's why you'll never see me doing any side bends of weight side bends with weight and crunches like just on the ground crunches and sit-ups steps especially that just make me cringe they're not the best way to get a six pack for to get that nice cut that goes down that's going to be through proper diet through being in a course deficits where you're dropping bodies back and then spot shape not spot reducing which spot shapes yes do that you'll be well on your way to a nice develop six-pack and let's be honest there's few things there was more acidic than a nice tight waist with a defined six-pack if you have that you have the basics you have read the basis that the goods would be so happy training get that done let me know in the comments what you think there's also other ab exercises you know I don't stick to just these stick to these for a while and then try something new you feel it stick with it if you don't let it go the last thing you want to do is you you're doing an ab workout just because you see someone else doing it these are scientifically proven ab exercises for example bicycles have been shown to look like 120 percent more activation than a full crunch so these ones I know will get the job done if you do them right you have that mind-muscle connection that's not to say that there aren't other ton of other ab exercises that I even do myself so give it a go mix it up just have fun with it happy AB training
Channel: Steve Cook
Views: 8,557,947
Rating: 4.8984089 out of 5
Keywords: six pack, ab exercises, abs, core workout, steve cook, swoldier nation, fitness professional, personal trainer, fitness model, ifbb pro, mens physique, trainer, online coach, christian guzman, bradley martyn, calum von moger, bodybuilding, swoldier, fat loss, trainer edition, aesthetic, mens fitness, mens health, health, diet, nutrition, fitness competitor, contest prep, fitness, fitness expert, advanced abs, intermediate abs, beginner abs, build muscle, optimum nutriton
Id: oaD6j_iPNc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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