STOP Buying these 10 THINGS from IKEA: Our WORST Purchases

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spend the 12 hot dogs and move on [Music] hi guys welcome to the house of valentina i'm valentina and this is my husband jack and um we were literally just sitting here this is basically our favorite place to hang out on the weekends we just finished a massive massive project and installation yesterday so we're we're a little tired and i love it because this is where we love to just rejuvenate ourselves i love being able to look through books and we watch a little bit of tv and obviously drink a lot of coffee and have a candle going which is not my coffee this is our champagne until we get to at least 5 pm exactly ikea is one of those places we love to shop at we've moved 23 times over the years some of those were on very small budgets and so we have done more than our fair share of ikea most of it has been amazing most of the product has been just really really good but there have been a few things that for one reason or another we weren't quite as satisfied with yeah and so we stopped buying certain things and we just thought maybe this would be a nice thing to pass along to you guys because that way you'll realize that when we recommend something it actually does come from a lot of experience and you can really rely on those things and then some of these things it's because they're just not working for us so if you love videos like this and you want to see the project that we just finished up yesterday make sure you hit subscribe so you can be notified of it as soon as we have published it yes and give the video a thumbs up that helps okay you ready to jump in yes let's do it i made it on my phone so i can remember what everything was and the number one i really don't have to think too hard about it number one is the fiber fill pillow inserts they're three dollars it's so tempting to want to save yourself money and buy those fiberfill inserts the problem is and this is something that you can attest to when you sit back on a down it squishes yeah it moves to your body it can be fluffed up just like this and you can really just you know you can mold them and make them into something but when you have those fiber filled ones they're very stiff they're not very comfortable to sit with and i'm i'm going to dare to say that i would rather just not have one than to have those fiberfill ones from ikea now there's other places that sell good fiber fiberfill inserts and down alternatives if that's not your thing but the ones from ikea there's a reason they're three dollars guys it's just it's not worth it it's better just to save up and buy a down insert or one of the other better alternatives i think yeah yeah and it doesn't quite fill out the pillow all the time does it because it's not squishy so it just you're not able to shape it if it's if your cover is a little bit larger exactly and it just ends up with like pieces kind of falling apart inside of it if you own them for a long time i mean we bought them and so this comes from experience yeah so i'd rather just personally i'd rather just wait or buy something different yeah our second one is the homo paper floor light okay we've used this one before and we have other paper lights in our house we have no issue whatsoever as a matter of fact we have two in our house right now that are hanging up and in denmark and other parts of scandinavia it's really quite common to have those but they're up high where no one can touch them no one can get to them right the ceiling pendants yeah the ceiling hats yeah whereas the floor lamps we've bought them because honestly they look amazing and they look so cool and you can use them in pretty much any environment the problem is they're extremely delicate yes and without making it special right like that's the specialness of them that's why we like the ceiling ones yeah but then with kids and dogs with kids and dogs and if you want to move it around you want to try a different space next thing you know bam there's a hole punctured in it yeah there are other amazing floor lamps at ikea that if you want that's a great purchase but this one is one of those you may just want to pass over because you may not get the life out of it you're hoping for spend the 12 hot dogs and move on i like the way you think makes me want to go to ikea right now oh those vegan ones that they have now they're so good have you guys tried those they're vegan hot dogs if you have not tried them you seriously the next time you go to ikea try them he thinks i'm crazy but i order extra so i can bring them home they're that good number three is one that you have put together many many times and i seem to remember that i we used like butt power to like sit on the top of that oh my gosh yes we did we're talking about the kalax shelf units which does require butt power you have to like sit on them and just oh my gosh forgot all about that we built like an entire wall of these when we lived in copenhagen yeah and i looked back at my archive and i actually have the video of when i had these shelves styled up in our copenhagen home i got so homesick oh my gosh i know i was like oh i can't watch these videos too soon i just love it so much though and it's like you can really style up these shelves and i've heard other designers say things like oh it's a dead giveaway oh it's from ikea and i'm like who cares where the item is from i just i'm not like that i don't i don't care like that but the problem with the these shelves is that while they are very affordable and they are you can really fill out a space with them they don't hold up that well um i mean as much as i love that we got to use butt power to put them together and they are flexible there's so many different things you can do with them and i think that's part of the the draw is that you can put them on the floor you can put feet on them you can wall mount them you can stack them high you can do them wide oh my gosh and if you just look up like kalax's hack you're going to see how people have completely transformed them a million different ways but we are shipped so bad yeah the what is it the finish on the finish on them chipped off chipped off so easily and i found that it just sort of irritated me after a while that i was like ah now i feel like i've got to buy something else and i just scratched really easily even the inside because we're as again with kids a lot of times stuff would get moved or we're moving them from place to place in the house or you put a basket in an owl yeah just scratch it and just it showed it's wear really fast yeah and i would go back and for the dark ones you can use a sharpie or for the white ones like a little white pen and kind of fill it in but after a while they just didn't hold up very well and i'd rather just hold on and try to wait for something that's a little bit yeah a little bit more lasting however from versatility standpoint that's why i think they're so popular yeah oh this is yours i feel like a lot of these are because of you what'd i do the down inserts you get so mad at them if there's an anti-jack it is the down insert you hate them because i can't stand them i i can i tuck so i don't see the the fabric down loose at the corners as much because i like to tuck those things in and i just sort of make do but for you it drives you nuts there's like a loss of translation between the american yes betting sizing and the european duvets like that there that didn't didn't get that quite right the dow conveys themselves are awesome we've bought them so many times we've used them in so many room makeovers in europe but we found that here we're not buying them anymore because they just don't seem to fit that duvet and you get annoyed so just i would just say on those buy them somewhere else that sounds so snappy but you can't see the corners are empty ooh i hate laying on his house it's superficial we're not the superficial oh my gosh well we're just trying we'll try to be superficial for a few more minutes only blue jelly beans remember i told you that get back upstairs lenin i only eat the blue jelly beans no we're not superficial i want my blueberries to be perfectly round i said 42 degrees on my tap water come back upstairs oh my gosh okay number five is patterned pillows okay this isn't gonna sound this is gonna sound snobby because i've bought a lot of pattern pillows from ikea and then like everybody buys them at ikea and so it just like everybody's got them and then i don't feel unique so instead i buy the solid ones which aren't unique at all well that's part of the scalability and the magic of ikea is that they don't do short runs on anything so they do long runs on stuff and so they'll produce a pattern pillow that's amazing in year one and then by year nine you're like okay that's still the same pattern pillow yeah but that's how they scale it's how they're able to mass produce on such small economic scale for us as purchasers but it makes it to where it's like wow it just seems super saturated after a while because you've just seen it a million times in magazines and you guys probably will be like that's just idiotic i mean who cares and i have their pattern pillows i can bring them up and add them to this and it would be beautiful yeah it's just you know when you work in design i think a lot of times i see things over and over and over and i tire of them so this is you probably could just disregard this one i mean honestly just go by there just go buy the hot dog and enjoy yourself yeah hot dogs and pattern pillows it's just one of those things that i think for me as a designer i stopped buying them because there's so many of them yeah yeah that's totally snobby i don't actually care that much just by the pattern okay next up this is one that i really did stop buying and i'm going to contradict myself as well and that's the glassware we were literally drinking out of those champagne glasses last night and so he's like those are from ikea yeah oh my gosh go get them a little show i wonder why i had to build them myself as i went but so go get it and we'll show them we were literally drinking out of these last night and they're actually really good and we find that the weight of them and the quality of them is actually really really awesome however the majority of the glassware that we have bought from ikea has just broken too easily it breaks just in the dishwasher it doesn't seem to hold up now does that mean that i'm not going to go in there and buy something next week no i can't guarantee it i really can't however i would just be proceed with caution and really look at what you're buying in the glassware section i have been so disappointed with the quality of the dishes that we have bought when we moved back from europe we didn't bring any of the ikea dishes home and i find that i find that really irritating actually because we're not dish snobs that first whatever falls craft back in the day yeah whatever we got when we first got married back in you know whenever that was over 20 years using the same dishes they were good they were really good they've been 20 good years for me yours have been harder they have we're not we're not plates noms dish snobs no but like we had those additional dishes forever and forever but the ikea ones in relative terms had a very short shelf life they did they chipped really easily and so every time i walk through that section i'm like oh that's so pretty and then i just don't buy them the other thing that i stopped buying are the trays and it's just simply because i don't use plastic trays it's so tempting to buy them they're so pretty they're so fun looking yeah right it's like oh that's so cute and then like i don't use them and i used to like lean them in the kitchen and stuff and i just don't need more i just don't use them so i just stopped buying them it that sounds funny but well it's not a quality issue with that it's just more of like our taste changed and now you have like wooden cutting boards hanging up or like leaning or whatever yeah it's not i would make if i if they made one that was in a pattern i might buy it that you know if i just really loved it but generally i just don't buy them because we just weren't using them yeah and they ended up stuck in the cabinet and i was like well let's just why spend money on something you're not going to use so exactly yeah that'll just pass on the trays yeah uh the prolonged chair okay now i'm not sure where this one is okay we had one of these this is like the chair oh my gosh this is a ripoff of another designer chair so i get that people buy it because it's less expensive right and for 79.99 that sounds affordable they have other options of chairs landon when we were in ikea he sat in the little kitty one he's like i love it and we bought it and then he never sat in it because it was uncomfortable they're just not very comfortable okay so the next one is i got a bone to pick with ikea i don't understand why why one of the things that i always went to ikea four were the picture frames and i had designer friends that would come over and they're like oh it all has to be custom oh and they thought my stuff was custom framed but it was from ikea and it was the quality on their frames was so good not in the bathroom where you have steam because a lot of times that little peel the little top seal would peel off yeah so we just didn't use them in the bathroom you know where there would be moisture or whatever that would kind of do that to them but generally the picture frames were awesome and we've used them all the time the matting was nice and thick it had a glass piece on the front even if you don't like the glass you could just take it off they were raised and so they were pushed out from the walls it just they felt more significant they did yeah and they changed them why i'm sure it must have been to save money i i'm i'm convinced that's why i i can't imagine that there were enough safety issues with having glass to switch it out with that cheap wobbly plexiglas well it makes that sound yeah it does it's awful you can tell the difference i know there's light reflects on it yeah and it's terrible we gotta we're ready to take the plexi out of all of them just to use them and then the artwork falls out it's just a mess and if you have it in a kid's room we had it in landon's room and as you can probably tell from all the stories we tell on this channel he's you know active and he threw a ball at it and it fell off the wall and broke on the carpet it's not falling far right but it broke into several pieces and it's just i'm so disappointed with the quality on those picture frames so that was our list i i hope that you just had a little bit of fun with us i mean honestly we're just sitting here sipping coffee and chilling out together and it's just fun to have you guys over and just have this relaxed time supposed to be super bowl goes live and i don't know who's playing but someone is our boys want to watch it i'm just looking forward to the week yeah we'll be hanging here eating wings and enjoying the day i hope you guys will as well or if you catch it later that you know you're having a great day but we just always love when you guys stop by and hang out with us we hope this will just give you confidence when you go to buy things that you'll be able to see to be able to spot quality so that when you buy something you really get your money's worth out of it i think that's really important yeah it's never honestly about a brand or a label is really is about quality because we don't want to purchase things twice and we want things to last so we're definitely i want them to last until i'm tired of them yeah that's what i want yeah not because they broke day two so there's nothing about brand loyalty or anything else it's truly about saving you money and making your purchases matter yeah yeah so if you love this video make sure you hit subscribe and also follow us on a few other platforms which we need to link down below we're on tick tock now we're on tick tock yes every tuesday i do a crazy dance in a bikini i need to check my tick tock account i'm not on there but are you giving it away i was getting ready to go look it's impressive wow so we're on tick tock we also have two instagram accounts where we do all kinds of stuff not only photography wise but stories and now reels as well showing you behind the scenes of various projects we post one yesterday of the yeah okay stuff all the time yeah so go visit us there come hang out with us some more give us a little hello down in the comment section give the video a thumbs up and um we'll see you guys in the next one yeah bye bye i love you i love you too what's wrong with you so many things your mama dropped you
Channel: House of Valentina
Views: 112,909
Rating: 4.8343763 out of 5
Keywords: ikea, ikea shopping, ikea hack, ikea haul, ikea 2021, ikea shop with me, ikea hacks, ikea furniture, ikea organization, new at ikea, ikea home decor, ikea tour, ikea must haves, new ikea products 2021, luxury for less, luxury home decor, designer tips, interior design tips, interior design secrets, interior design course, interior design ideas, budget friendly home decor, budget friendly decor, million dollar homes, staging tips, staging a house, ikea tips, staging
Id: mRgRF51NLS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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