Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Stone Temple Pilots
Views: 8,091,224
Rating: 4.8700013 out of 5
Keywords: stone temple pilots, stp, stone temple pilots music videos, stone temple pilots videos, stone temple pilots songs, stone temple pilots 90s, stone temple pilots playlist, 90s music, 90s playlist, alternative rock, grunge, hard rock, big bang baby, big bang baby video, stone temple pilots big bang baby, big bang baby stone temple pilots, stp big bang baby, stone temple pilots music, stone temple pilots lyrics, stone temple pilots greatest hits, stone temple pilots best songs
Id: G0gAxuvo5rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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Extremely underrated record. I think a lot of people overlook it because of the reputation they had of being a "Pearl Jam ripoff" grunge band. This album was a real psychedelic throwback to the 70s with great songwriting and even better arrangements.
One of my favorite 90s artists.
If you got some time to kill this week, I urge you to check out Matt Pinfield's podcast interview of the Deleo brothers. It covers the entire career and gives you some great insights into the early days of STP.
So turn it up and burn it, there's a hole in your head.
Stone Temple Pilots
artist pic 1,575,465 listeners, 32,725,453 plays
tags: Grunge, rock, alternative rock, 90s
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the Tiny Gifts album was a cornerstone of my teenagehood, in like 2009, not when it came out. Adhesive dude.....
Meadow is one of my favourite songs