Stone Temple Pilots - Sour Girl (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Stone Temple Pilots
Views: 13,059,293
Rating: 4.8581629 out of 5
Keywords: stone temple pilots, stp, stone temple pilots music videos, stone temple pilots videos, stone temple pilots songs, stone temple pilots 90s, stone temple pilots playlist, 90s music, 90s playlist, alternative rock, grunge, hard rock, sour girl, sour girl video, stone temple pilots sour girl, sour girl stone temple pilots, stp sour girl, stone temple pilots music, stone temple pilots lyrics, stone temple pilots greatest hits, stone temple pilots best songs, stp videos, stp songs
Id: YxS4lqppZ6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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Aw, man. I liked them. I thought their lyrics were killer and the music was well done. I forgot SMG was in this one though, thanks for reminding me!
I dunno, I kept expecting her to just stake him . . .
As a huge Buffy and STP this was always the perfect amalgam of my two favorite things. Such a sad day.
Not a fan of STP but Sarah is a nice lady and tweeted a nice message for Scott. She classy. I like her.
Looks like vamps finally got her.
OK, that was weird.