Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Birth of Austin 3:16

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] at the very end of 1995 steve austin made his way to the WWF after spending the majority of his career to that point and World Championship Wrestling Steve was released from WCW as Eric Bischoff didn't thank Austin was marketable and so Steve accepted an invite from Paul Hammond to air his grievances on ECW television once his shorts tent and Extreme Championship Wrestling came to an end it was off to the WWF where Steve would have to reset and begin climbing the WWF ladder in hopes of making it to the main event we all know that Steve would make it but this story of hi Steve put the pieces of the puzzle together is quite interesting this video then we'll take a look at the birth of Austin 3:16 Steve's ECW promos took everyone by surprise he would frequently talk about how WCW and Eric Bischoff capped him down talking about a real-life situation here while at the same time adding some comedy to the mix while Steve did have some opportunities in WCW to show how good he could be on the mic and particular during his Hollywood blonde Dez nothing could compare to the promos he delivered on a CW television shows Steve said his short time in ECW was a launching point for him it showed him how to verbalize his frustrations and anger feelings that he had felt before but had no idea how hard to get it all right on the mic Steve credits Paul Heyman for all of this saying that Paul gave him direction while also giving him a platform to be open and free on the mic something that was never given to him and WCW Steve Austin and ECW really was the first glimpse of this stone-cold character we would all come to love but it seemed like the WWE weren't watching ECW when they hired Steve and late night 95 because he made his debut as the ringmaster and he was given Ted DiBiase as his myspace Steve was doing an incredible job verbalizing his controlled anger on a CW yet during his initial months in the World Wrestling Federation Ted DiBiase would do most of the talking for him fence McMahon said I remember seeing Steve when he was working for WCW and I was impressed with his mechanical skills I wasn't impressed with his charisma he wasn't what I would consider a top hand I gave him an opportunity because he was so skilled in the ring he became the ringmaster because he was a master at the time of the art of the business Steve Austin said to go there is the ringmaster totally blue to discount my last five years of work and start off as something new as the ringmaster had totally sucked so before we look into the development of this stone-cold gimmick we should take a look at Steve's first matches with the WWF the first date we have is the 18th of December 1995 a Monday Night Raw match here where the ringmaster defeated Matt Hardy this was a tip event and so the match aired on television screens on the January 15th 1996 episode of Raw Steve how did they be promo on the January 8th episode however all taped on the same evening you'll also notice here that Steve worked the next day against Scott Taylor for the superstar tapings this match with Taylor that the ring master also won aired on the 20th of January 1996 one day before the 1996 Royal Rumble let's first look at the raw debut then Ted DiBiase was interviewed by brother love Bruce Prichard in the middle of the ring and DiBiase said that after searching high and low for the next million-dollar champion he had finally found his man DiBiase announced the ringmaster and I'd walked Steve Austin as the Million Dollar man's music played in the arena wearing some green trunks and white boots steve was given the million dollar championship as he announced his participation and the 1996 Royal Rumble the next week Steve's first of the WUF match was aired on Raw a match where Steve soundly defeated the young not Hardy while it's simultaneously trying to get this ringmaster gimmick to work Austin won the match showing his technical abilities during the beta and getting the victory with the million dollar dream the superstars match against Scott Hillier went pretty much the exact same way another win with the million dollar dream during this match still a split-screen promo aired where the ringmaster said he was going to win the Royal Rumble and fist the world champion at WrestleMania the Royal Rumble in 1996 and it wasn't a great night for the ringmaster of course he didn't win the raw rumble but this wasn't what upset Steve about this much the ringmaster was scheduled to be one of the last participants to get eliminated which in turn would kind of show that he could hang in there with the best that the WWF had the offer Steve however got eliminated too early when he fell out of the ring the plan was for Steve to go over the top rope with his fate not touching the floor allowing him to enter the rumble again via the bottom rope pretty standard stuff however Steve said that the top rope was covered and body oil and he lost his grip leading to his elimination happening way too early Steve was devastated at the time he thought he had just blown his big chance in the World Wrestling Federation Judith s mistake Steve said it best himself though so here's a clip of Steve talking about this incident I was doing a spot with I believe it was fine - I can't remember so the ropes were very slippery so I was gonna do a deal where he does something to me I was gonna take a bump over the top hang on the top rope I'm back in the bottom well zip zip boom lost my grip fall out on my keister on the apron down by the guardrail and I'm thinking Oh man I believe Shawn was going over and that Royal Rumble or he was an integral part of the finish so I gotta let him know that dude everything that you know I had to do to you know help you with the finish of the match I'm gone you're on your own now pal Steve would pick himself up though and the Reg master would live to fight another day ironically enough his next match was against fatty getting another one here on the february 10th episode of superstars steve got the win here again but notable here is Steve splitscreen promo during the match where he put on a pair of sunglasses and delivered a very Jack Roberts like promo his demeanor had changed he talked in a very calm and quiet manner while it's still coming across as intimidating steve was definitely experimenting here probably out of necessity but this promo really did remind me a lot of jake the snake' roberts in terms of delivery the Ringmaster's next TV appearance was a win over Marty Jannetty on the February 19th episode of Raw on this episode while stave led a beating and a gennadi Vince McMahon said the words look into his eyes he is stone-cold Vince also repeated these sentiments at the end of the match so this lets us know that around this time plans were being put in place to rename Steve as Stone Cold Steve Austin while ditching the ringmaster damn on character Steve has said himself that he hated the ringmaster Nieman gimmick and his mind he would go to the WWF and the company would create a money-making gimmick on him and he would become a megastar this of course didn't happen and Steve made sure he led everyone no backstage that he wasn't happy with this ringmaster gimmick that was placed on him Vince McMahon agreed to ditch the ringmaster Nieman character but it was up to Steve to come up with something new Steve watched a documentary on the head man for hire richard kuklinski a man who's nicknamed The Iceman by authorities coke insky had no emotion he was cold and Steve said that the documentary he watched really got his gear going Steve pitched as cold and calculating character to the office and within a short period of time the WWF faxed him three pages of new ranking session Steve and his words said that these were some of the absolute worst names he had seen in the history of his life of all the names that was sent to him the three that he always remembered were otto von ruthless i stagger and Fang and make frost so Steve sat at home feeling a little annoyed about these names that the WWF creative team had pitched for him his wife at the time brought him a cup of hot tea and said drink your tea before it goes stone-cold and the rest is history after the gennadi match Steve Austin wrestled Tony Williams on superstars still as the ringmaster but Vince McMahon was pushing the stone codename like crazy on the headset the March 11th 1996 episode of Raw was the very first time Austin wrestled on TV with his new name Stone Cold Steve Austin on this episode of Raw Austin wrestled against Savio Vega kicking off Steve's very first feud in the World Wrestling Federation their march here ended and a double contact Steve was booked on the WrestleMania 12 show from Anaheim California Steve's first mini appearance ever and the only mania event where Steve would be featured and a med card spot Steve worked against Savio Vega here defeating him and around the 10-minute mark and a decent match following WrestleMania Steve would get another one over Bart Gunn on Raw and then it was time for a WWF tour of Germany the stir is very noteworthy as on the very first date of the tour Steve Austin worked against Brad Hart losing to the head man here but still Austin was not getting a chance against me inventors of the World Wrestling Federation along with frequently working with Brad on this tour Austin stepped into the ring multiple times with WWF Champion Shawn Michaels of course his job was to lose the Evander's but austin was still being trusted to have good matches with the word wrestling Federation's top stars on TV austin's feud with Savio Vega would continue leading to a dark match between the two yet in your eyes good friends better enemies and the two you also faced each other and in your hosts beware of dog an order for Steve that grew as a solo performer he needed to get away from ted dibiase in the million dollar championship DiBiase was written out of the WWF via the Caribbean strap match that occurred at in your house beware of dog between Vega and Austin if Austin lost DiBiase would be forced to leave the World Wrestling Federation this is exactly what happened although the match that happened twice due to the power outage that occurred during the original live broadcast of beware of dog with DiBiase gone and the whole million dollar champion moniker know a thing of the past Steve could focus on evolving the stone-cold character and it happened almost instantly Steve caught a backstage promo where he said that Ted DiBiase was holding him back and he had his sights set on becoming the 1996 king of the ring this promo I Phil was the first true Stone Cold Steve Austin promo yes he had cut promos previously as stone cold but he was still doing the GA craw bird style stuff during this time his King of the Ring 1996 Antron promo hair felt like the no-nonsense straight-talking Steve Austin that we would all become accustomed to during the Attitude Era Triple H was scheduled to win the 1996 king of the ring but a few weeks before the event he took part on the and from this curtain call that led the hunter getting jobs out for months as a punishment Steve Austin then was picked to win the whole tournament so in a roundabout way Austin's early success was kind of handed down by the clique the king of the ring ended up being quite eventful for Austin though for many reasons and the semifinals Steve Austin versus Marc Mero turned out to be a great match in itself I feel this was actually one of Merrill's best WWE matches ever after the showdown that went on for about 15 minutes Steve had to go to Hall only get stitches on his lip and return to the arena later for the finals Jake Roberts had defeated via via disqualification and the other semifinal match and the story here was that Vader dominates DX ribs weakening Jake's chances of winning the finals later in the evening Jake Roberts was running with this born-again Christian gimmick at the time a gimmick that again in a roundabout way served Steve Austin extremely well Steve defeated Jake and completely dominant fashion and after the March Steve cook the famous Austin 3:16 promote a promo that is became legendary in the world of wrestling because of G X newfound faith Austin uses Mike time the ridicule Roberts saying that Jake talks about his sons and talks about John 3:16 but Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass what the after remember here is that this was all ad-libbed nothing was scripted it was all natural and it worked Austin 3:16 stuck with stone cold throughout the remainder of his career becoming the most marketable catchphrase in wrestling just a year after Eric Bischoff aired Austin from WCW for being unmarketable something that's forgotten about the King of the Ring 1996 though was this brief moment Austin shared with bran Coleman during his adren son to the final match as we know Austin impalement had teamed together in WCW is the Hollywood blondes so the two had a history together Pearlman had just signed with the WWF around this time however he was unable to compete due to an injury but Pearlman would begin how laning himself with stone cold in the weeks that followed [Music] we commonly hear that the night after the King of the Ring there were tons of Austin 3:16 signs in the audience during Raw Jim Cornette said it on the original Monday Night war DVD for example the very next night we go to Raw and there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Austin 3:16 signs all over the building so what's interesting to go back here and see for ourselves Austin was booked into a match with the Undertaker the very next night after King of the Ring a much that he lost via disqualification I watched this entire raw presentation once again and I didn't see a single Austin 3:16 sign in the audience no that's not to say that there weren't an E at all maybe they were all behind the hard camera or maybe just out of plan sight but the way WWE has spawned us in the past would make you think that the crowd became receptive of Austin right after the 3 16 promo had happened and the world of wrestling was suddenly shifted but from what I can see this wasn't the kiss to clarify also this episode of Raw was not tipped before the King of the Ring it was life so this was definitely the night after the King of the Ring and there definitely wasn't a see of Austin 3:16 signs in the audience it just didn't happen the next raw tapings happened after in your house international incident and that these tapings Steve Austin defeated the Undertaker and also competed and a bottle to decide the number one contender for the WWF title at these raw tapings again there was a lack of Austin 3:16 signs anyway just to quickly go back there international incident Steve Austin defeated Marc Mero and a rematch from their King of the Ring encounter Austin also wore new trunks and this match that had a white and blue stone cold' logo on the back by the time the next Raw tapings had come around Steve Austin had removed this logo from his trunks and instead placed it on his new leather vest a vest he would wear to the ring and the vest that would also become synonymous with the stone-cold character during the summer of 1996 videos aired showing brat heart away from the ring with questions arising about when the head man would return to the squared circle brand Pullman and Owen Hart said they had an interview with Brad at in your house mind games with stone cold also saying that he wants to have words with Brad also Brad sent a video to the WWF saying that both bran and Owen are lying and he never gave any commitment to show up at nine games stone cold instead came to the ring and said that Brad Hart was afraid of him while delivering the classic line if you put the ladder s in front of head man you have my exact opinion of Brad Hart so you can see here that the Brad vs Austin program was being put in place here before Brad's eventual TV return to the WWF before this program kicked off Steve was scheduled to face Savio Vega once again at a near house buried alive however Savio was unable to compete due to injury and hunter hearst-helmsley took his place a rare Haley vs. hey match here which turned out to be extremely good and it's definitely worth your time Austin got the win here and notable also is the fact that this was the very first time the classic glass shattering stone-cold theme music was used Bret Hart came back the raw of the night following buried alive announcing that he will fear Steve Austin at the 1996 Survivor Series Bret Hart put Austin over huge during his promo saying that Steve Austin was the best wrestler and the WWF at that time big words coming from that man the Survivor Series match would take place on the 17th of November 1996 and just two weeks before this the infamous episode of Raw where Austin broken the brand holmen's home aired on TV an episode that got the word Wrestling Federation in hot water with the USA Network Austin had cut ties with Pullman before this incident by further damaging his injured knee with a steel chair an act that would become known as a pulmonary still the whole brand Pullman versus Steve Austin saga that took place during this time period was important in the growth and evolution of the stone cold car he was a loner by Nature and he didn't trust anyone he doesn't want friends and he didn't need friends so this is where I'll end this upload as I've already covered the Brad vs. Austin feud right up until WrestleMania 13 and I'd just be talking about the same things over again you'll find a link to the Brad vs. austin video and this uploads description if you'll want to continue on Survivor Series 1996 was a real turning point for Steve Austin as much with Brad here was grip but the pivotal match would have hair at WrestleMania 13 when Brad turned hill and Austin garnered sympathy from the fans at home on the fans in attendance but hopefully now you have a better understanding on Austin's initial months within the WWF and how his path changed within the word wrestling federation thanks to ditching the ringmaster gimmick timing was also a key part of Austin's rise within the World Wrestling Federation from the curtain call to the general wrestling audience beginning to get behind the bad guys everything fell into place nicely for Steve Austin in 1996 that being said cravat has to go to Austin for being able to capitalize on the opportunities that were presented to him Steve would continue to capitalize while gaining huge fan support during 1997 on his road becoming the biggest drawing superstar in the history of the WWE [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wrestling Bios
Views: 573,103
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Keywords: Wrestling lists, wwe lists, wrestling bios, wwe, wwf, stone cold wwe, stone cold wrestler, stone cold wwf, steve austin wrestler, the ringmaster wwf, the ringmaster wrestler, steve austin ringmaster, ring master, steve austin ted dibiase, steve austin wwf debut, the ringmaster debut, fang mcfrost, stone cold steve austin wwf, wrestling stories, wrestling facts, wwe stories, wwe facts, wrestling documentary, wrestler documentary, wwe documentary, wwf 1996, wwe 1996
Id: iU0Kty1LjCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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