Stitch-with-me Jan 2021

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[Music] so hello my lovely flosstube friends i'm here i'm here um at last i'm here um yeah this this video was supposed to have been a video that i was going to do back in december and do a little stitch with me before the end of the year and then i was planning on doing a lot more videos of like stitch with me's and bits and pieces through january as you can tell that hasn't happened so here i am with the attempt and i i loosely say attempt to stitch with me so if i can stitch and talk all at the same time then we're winning um i was having enough trouble just remember trying to remember how to use the camera and how to set this up so so yeah that's how long this has been but i have got some bits to tell you because a lot has happened since the last time we spoke um so the fact that i really do need to get some stitching done i thought why not talk and chat and stitch and try and do all at the same time and do a little multitasking so as you can see i am planning to work on my heavenly design alternative reality um artwork by josephine wall so if we scoot on down this is where i'm at and this is one of my whip go projects so it needs to be done let's move this to this way a little better you're going to have to ignore arms and things because i'm using my pattern keeper which is also on my stand and yeah you might just see my arm dive through so i apologize for that in advance and i'm using my mag eyes so that i can see what i'm doing as well well theoretically i can see what i'm doing i'm just checking to make sure that you can see what i'm doing that's as far in as i can get you so hopefully that will work and that it's not going to keep blurring out focus i did try and make it so that it focused on stitching and not on my hands moving so let's just get this started hold on where am i going teresa don't see it's already started i'm already trying to put this in the wrong place oh dear oh dear oh dear there we go okay let's see if we can uh let's see if we can do this chatting and stitching i might have enough trouble just find it off just finding the time to stitch if i'm honest i say finding the time to stitch i think it's the one into stitch i really haven't been feeling the love but there's been quite a lot that's happened since the last time we had a little chat and the last chat that we had was basically my end of year review there we go see now i've started a thread and i think that's the end of the thread no it's not let's park that there we go so what to tell you what has been happening in the world of teresa well i say the world of my family should i say so christmas was probably much the same as everybody else's christmas that was in lockdown we didn't do christmas this year so to speak we did but it was literally just whoever was in your household so the plan of having christmas with the whole family i say the whole family but at least like my brothers my brother so that we had the plan was originally we was going to have this household um my brother and his rather large family of uh children and my husband's mum and dad was the plan so they said that we were it was acceptable to have three three households so that was what we was going to go with so it was going to go with three households up until i think it was about a week before christmas and then they said no you can't circus we squashed that but the problem was we squashed the plans of of the actual spending christmas day together but i couldn't cancel the butcher and i'd already paid for all the meat with the butcher but although i'd paid for the meat at the butchers everybody else didn't have any meat because they thought they were coming to us and they weren't planning on doing anything on boxing day or you know they didn't have their reserves so to speak so i turned around and said wait it only makes sense if i've got more meat than i know what to do with and you've got no meat whatsoever i'll still cook the meat and then i'll come round and sort of dump it on the driveway so that that way they've got some meat and we can still exchange to christmas presents but without actually going anywhere near each other so that was the plan so christmas morning i was up at the crack of dawn i think about four o'clock four or five o'clock i was up cooking all the meat which i've gotta say it makes your house smell divine doesn't it when you smell all that food cooking but then the problem is that the minute you've cooked it all and it's ready to dish up when you're the one that's been the cook i really don't fancy it so yeah it was um i dished it up and i had a little nibble because as you do being the chef i need to make sure that you know it tastes appropriate um i had a little taster whilst it was um being carved and plated but yeah by the time dinner came i really didn't fancy dinner at all so but i did go off out and do my mrs christmas thing and at least because what i did do was mum was so upset by the fact that she wasn't going to see the kids that i put her in the back of the car with the windows done up so that that way when i went and done the deliveries so to speak she was in the car and she could wave out the window and at least sort of like open the window and and shout at them across the driveway to say merry christmas and so that she could at least say that she saw them at christmas so that was what we did um and then christmas day was a very subdued affair so so that we could see the kids open their presents because it was all about them i mean that's that's one thing my daughter had said if if if my brother was coming with these kids they were going to do christmas with us because it's fun but if my brother and the kids weren't coming they were going to go and do christmas somewhere else because they said christmas here is boring because it's just adults so yeah that sort of says enough about us doesn't it but i was fine with that but obviously as soon as they found out that the kids were you know the intention was that my brother was coming with the kids they they were happy to stay um but of course christmas being quashed completely they couldn't do anything that they wanted to do either so i think you know they felt equally as cheated it was a joint thing so so yeah christmas was a much more chilled affair than originally planned it was going to be a wild christmas which turned into a very subdued christmas to the point that like i say i didn't eat my christmas dinner so i mean i did eat christmas dinner but i just didn't eat very much of it because i wasn't very hungry but then neither was anyone else to be honest so by the time we got to the point that we sat down and we at dinner after i'd been out and done the rounds it must have been i don't know four o'clockish ish she says um and then yeah it was just that well sort of done for the day now and we were really sort of done for the day so my mum ended up going back to her house she was tired had a little nap and me and hubby basically just sat and chilled on the sofa that that was that was that was the christmas day excitement so yeah much more subdued than originally planned but these things happen um then what happened so then obviously everyone went into lockdown so other than going out and walking the dog i'm so i was sort of you know making sure mum was shielded and i shielded in accordance so that at least i could sort of like interact with that because otherwise i couldn't interact with her so we did the shielding thing you know hubby still had to work because he's classed as a sort of key worker um because he deals in the food industry so he was off out to work between christmas and new year i'll just put my guys back on so i can see what i'm doing um everything seemed to be fine and then all of a sudden we got a phone call from darren's mum sorry the camera went a bit funny and must have done something so you probably just missed half of what i said so so yeah post-christmas uh mother-in-law called up and said uh my nephew's girlfriend and mum had caught covid but they were okay so my husband basically had turned around and said well you know mum you need to be careful because of the way that kovid is he said whatever you do he said if jake pops around to see you because jake is forever popping around to his nans he's only allowed to talk to you through the window not at the door just to be careful so curse gloria's like oh no no no of course no i wouldn't let him in and this that in the other so it was like well fine that's okay then um then the next thing we know we gets a phone call from gloria saying that she's just done a covey test and she's got covered and darren's mum is i think she's just turned 70 literally this year just turned 17. so it was a bit like well how do you feel and sure why don't she said don't get me wrong she said i feel i feel pretty terrible she said i feel like i've got really bad flu um she said but nothing untoward she said like it just feels like flu she said and i've lost all my taste of sense like my sense of taste and smell and she did in all honesty sound okay you know not not like you would sort of you know not how it's sort of where you see people that are really struggling on the telly so i was like well she's obviously coping okay with it um and we left it like that and said you know we'll just keep popping in and checking you know not popping in um keep calling her and checking in on her anyway everything was totally fine until she got to nine days in so she was feeling rotten we popped around and stood outside the window we specifically said to her don't come to the door just stand at the window and talk to us just so that we can make sure you're okay and you know hand over food supplies um what i forgot to say is at the same time that my mother-in-law got covered so did her husband um but he was nowhere near as bad as she was so she had like what felt like a raging flu he just had a slight cough and a temperature for one day one or two days but other than that he just felt tired but he was fine gloria on the other hand looked and felt like she had raging flu and even when we turned up i was like yeah you look like someone that's really sick or not really sick but you look like someone that should you know be in bed or at least land on the sofa so and she said all i'm doing is sleeping so i said well that that's normally what happens i said where the body's fighting the infection i said if your body needs to sleep let it sleep so anyway everything seemed fine until about day nine and then day nine well day eight i noticed we called her up on the evening of day eight rather than go round and we could tell that she sanded out her breath when she was trying to talk on the telephone admittedly she kept coughing all the time so she was like oh it's just it's just where i'm coughing but i was like you know when you're not sure that that's that's exactly what that is so anyway day nine comes by day nine the niece had popped around with some shopping and sort of like parked it on the doorstep and tried to talk to nan through the window and she rung or text us saying i'm really worried about nan she looks a lot worse and she sounds a lot worse so curse we made an excuse to go around so that we could sort of look at her through the window and and make a judgment call and i've got to be honest she was awful and when we sort of said how do you feel she could she could barely breathe she could barely talk to us and it was like no we need to do something um but it was really difficult because it's like well what do we do you know we don't live there we can't force them to do something she doesn't want to do so i said to her you know do you feel like you need an ambulance and then she got all upset so i was like well the problem is gloria i said right now with the way that kovid is i said you don't want to wait i said until you know it's a true emergency you can't breathe at all i said to call an ambulance i said because an ambulance isn't going to turn up very quickly i said so if you're in any doubt that your breathing is becoming problematic to the point that you're struggling i said now is the time for you to make a phone call of course that just upset her i think because one she was frightened um but two i think it's like it's a bit more of a reality when someone else says it to you because i think they were a bit undecided like where am i bad enough that i need to call someone or am i not bad enough and i think this is some of the problems that people are facing that have you know that they're getting coded because it's like well at what point at what point do you need medical intervention you know because they've already sort of said for those people that catch it it does give you breathing difficulties um and it does make it so that you've got a really bad cough so but we sort of said well look you're in the age bracket of 70 irrespective of whether you've just turned 70 or not so chris we've done nothing more than come away my husband was really worried about her so we sort of said well maybe we'll win 1-1-1 so 1-1-1 is like a an advisory it's not a 999 service so it's not the blue lights or a direct ambulance but it is sort of a like the consultation of you know do we need to do something does she need someone to come out to her so curse we've run one one one we've done a telephone assessment with them explaining that we weren't in the house with them um but her husband was there so they said well okay we'll we'll give her a call and we'll do an assessment over the phone without just to sort of determine whether you know whether she needs to be seen well we rung the mother-in-law and father-in-law and said right 111 are going to call you make sure that gloria talks to them so that they can tell that she's unable to talk because that will tell them everything that they need to know um he was like yeah okay then well chris they did sort of say it could take up to four hours so we're all sitting around waiting to find out what the verdict is and then we'd sort of said when they call let us know so that we know what what's happening yeah yeah okay well my father-in-law is not renowned for being um the salt that divulges too much information so because when someone's wrong eventually um he's basically turned around and said well she's asleep on the sofa so they said well we need permission from her to say that we can talk about her on on her behalf from you so he razzed out enough to tell for her to say yes that's fine but then she didn't speak to them she went back to sleep so they spoke to the father-in-law and obviously he's not one for giving away too much information and he wouldn't he wouldn't in you know he wouldn't divulge more information than he feels is necessary so he's answered the questions but then like when they've turned around and said is she struggling to be able to sort of you know do her everyday things and he went well he said she's she's quite a heavy girl anyway he said so she struggles like with some normal things anyway because she needs to have her knees like she needs a knee replacement and it's like that doesn't help the situation because then that makes it sound like well she already has problems anyway not that in actual fact normally she's totally fine he's quite capable of cooking meals and you know yes her knees hurt to get up the stairs because she needs a knee replacement but she does go up and down the stairs whereas at the moment she was really struggling to do anything other than lay on a sofa from her breathing perspective so because we was somewhat annoyed because their answer to all of it was well if she gets any worse call us back that was it that was that was all they said so because we were sort of a bit annoyed at bill cause we said we told you to wake her up so that she could talk to them he's like well they were happy to talk to me so yeah but we're not we needed them to sort of hear how bad she is for them to make the decision of whether she needs to be seen you answering questions for her does not give them any information and he will play it down because he was panicking a little bit because obviously i don't think he don't think he realizes how serious it is because gloria's such a good patient she'll be the sort of person that won't make a fuss over anything even if she's really struggling she would never turn around and say to bill i'm really struggling so yeah so we was fuming and they turned around and said you know if you have any problems call us back well my husband was like well maybe we should call them back and say no you need to call again you need to call back up and this time speak to my mum so we sort of said well well we'll wait and see how she does and we'll give it until we'll give it till the morning and then we'll call 111 again because obviously we're like well we're worried we're worried enough that she needs assistance anyway the crux of it was that within four hours of that happening one one one called back again somebody else and said that the assessment hadn't been done correctly and they need to speak to gloria so that they obviously worked out their self that they should have spoken with her rather than with him so curse when they've spoken to gloria i tried to speak to her they've realized she can't speak because she can't talk because she can't breathe um and they said well i think we need to get someone to to check your co2 levels so they said someone will give you a call back within four hours um and we'll need to come out anyway so we're like well that's that's looking a bit more promising at least they're going to come and check that our co2 our oxygen levels are acceptable um anyway it goes to about six hours late and we still hadn't heard anything so we called them up and they're like no we haven't heard anything um but we're getting tired now so we're gonna go to bed and we'll wait for them to call so chris we've all done the same thing we know that you know she's not she's not not on the radar from one one's perspective they know about her um and obviously it's it's a case of it's a priority thing um so then where am i so then about five o'clock in the morning they got a phone call saying can you bring her to the community hospital so bill sort of said well yeah sure i can but what they didn't ask is one is anyone able to drive i mean i i was a bit well i don't i don't even know what i thought really i thought it was a bit odd that you're asking for her to come to you even though you know she's got problems with her breathing and and she was in a bad way but obviously they didn't realize that um because bill said he could drive they didn't say do you have kovid but there's him with covid then getting in the car or trying to get gloria in the car to go to a community hospital about 10 miles away for someone to check her co2 levels but he's also got covered so now you've got him driving around in the car with kovid because no one even asked whether he was unwell which it just strikes me as odd you know if you know that someone with covid's that's potentially quite bad is in a house with someone else that the likelihoods are that that someone else will also have covered but apparently it's fine for him to be driving around in the car with covid even though he was unwell but because he wasn't that unwell that he wasn't in the same position that gloria was in they've deemed it as acceptable for him to to drive the car so we was a bit like well that's you know although he's not bad bad that's still like someone experienced me and expected to get up and get in the car and drive somewhere with the raging flu so i was just like oh god really and i was like if you can imagine how it is for for my in-laws and i might and they've got a car what what what do they expect people to do that don't have a car do they expect them to get on a bus like that to get there or or is it at that point that they you know they they send someone or i don't know but i was just like really but hey it was what it was bill ended up sitting outside in the car she went in and because they turned up in a car they turned around and said yeah we are concerned about oxygen levels we think you need to go to hospital um is it okay if you make your own way to basildon a e hospital well chris gloria's just sort of said yes because she's away with the fairies by now um got in the car with bill and said i need to go to the hospital she said but i just can't bring myself to do that just yet she said i'm too tired she said and i'm too exhausted she said take me home so chris bill won't argue with that he's done nothing more than drive her home so they've driven home i'm just gonna move the camera because the camera does turn on and off there we go so they've driven home so the gloria can have a little nap i mean we was we was just like gloria if they say you need a hospital because you're breathing you need to go there now the reason you're so tired is because you're oxygen deprived i said that's that's the reason that you're so tired but they wouldn't listen and obviously we're not we couldn't force them you know you can't force your parents to do anything not when you're even not even living in the same house um anyway we we called up and we got the whole family together to basically bully bill to say give her an hour or so and wake her back up and get her over to the hospital do not let her lay there sleeping so anyway within the hour bill got her back up and again bill is in the car and he's driven her to a e he's not allowed to go in without obviously as expected but he ended up sitting in a car with covid with symptoms feeling you know pretty dreadful outside a hospital for nearly four and a half hours to find out what was happening with his wife who was in the hospital who was made to sit in the a e area like a special covered section struggling to breathe and be bearing in mind that she's you know she's over the over over the 70 bracket and i'm like really is this how it is these poor people but anyway crux of it was gloria was kept in why is that a different color that's a bit strange that's okay um crux of it were gloria was kept in and she stayed in hospital and they gave her the support she needed and she got a lung infection on top of everything else which was not helping it was compounding the problem with the breathing um so as you can imagine sort of the last couple of weeks have been been a bit testing you know and a bit worrying because you just don't know what's happening you can't go visiting and because of the problems with their breathing she couldn't talk to you on the phone because she just physically couldn't talk um and because she was so tired and felt so unwell although she'd text every now and then some of the texts really didn't make any sense whatsoever and the other text they were just so short and sweet because she obviously didn't have the energy to text it was just so worrying and you know then obviously we're worrying about darren's dad because obviously he's now at home with kovid on his own and trying to fend for himself so we're sort of ferrying food backwards and forwards and yeah it's just been awful and there have been so many people that i know that have now passed away that it was almost like of course the camera turned off i have no idea where you got to so um where i got to when the camera switched off so let me think where was i um so i was saying about my mother-in-law being in hospital and the number of people that i know now that have either had covered died from covid um and my next-door neighbor but one they got covered i think around just after christmas time um and unfortunately he lost his battle from kovid and he you know he wasn't even he was nowhere near 70 that's for sure um um yeah unfortunately he lost his battle to covid and at that point it's just like well you know we've got him we found out the news that he passed away but at the same time we have my mother-in-law in the hospital and it's just like it's much more frightening when i mean don't get me wrong i mean i've always been very very cautious about the whole covid situation anyway purely because of my mum and i do take the whole thing very very seriously it's a case of having to so you know where we can we avoid leaving the house purely because you know i don't want to give it to my mum or anyone else so the best way to protect as many people as possible including my own direct family is to follow the rules and literally stay at home so i don't go out to the shops my husband does that because he has to go out to work so it doesn't make any sense for me for me to go to the shops and him to go to work why why why make the statistics a high possibility of me catching kovid by being out and about when he's already out and about so he does all the all the shopping and the going out and other than walk the dog or a walk by myself like a power walk um i don't really go anywhere i stay indoors because it's the safest place to be right now especially where i live because we're we're in the in the area where we had the highest numbers of covid so so yeah so i'm in hiding or at least that's how it feels so yeah so that's that's been how the you know what's been happening in my world and on top of all of that i've then obviously been trying to work which always is a bit difficult to try and work when you've got things like that on your mind and you don't know what's going on so although they were brilliant you know they they were very very good about the situation um but there's nothing that you can do and i think that's the hardest bit about sort of you know normally if someone gets took into hospital you can go visiting you can you can actively do something feel like you're making a difference feel like you're helping in some way even if that's inadvertently only helping yourself it at least you feel like you're doing something whereas in this situation it's a completely different completely different thing you know you can't help you can't go visiting you can't help the father-in-law not really other than you know do food deliveries like drop-offs um but other than that there's nothing you can do you can't you can't assist so yeah it was um very tricky but because of that i mean i'd love to see her and say that you know i took her i took my i took i took my mind off of everything by doing sitting and stitching but i've got to be honest i haven't i've barely stitched anything hence the reason why i thought you know what if i do this video it will make me sit and stitch because i'm doing a video i have to sit and stitch if i'm going to talk to you or at least that was my thought so yeah so my you know i've not done any stitching so my plan of my plan of you know all this being at home cold weather not going outside in the garden would mean that i would sit and do more stitching hasn't happened i've got a stray so i'm going to get rid of this tray it hasn't happened so so i thought well you know i need to do something to motivate myself i mean i have done stitching but whereas before it would be like any free moment that i had when i wasn't doing anything other than working i would sit and stitch um has not been the case but there is a reason for that and that is that i wouldn't say i found another passion although it does seem to be heading down that route um i've become very very into um paper crafting and card making specifically so i've been making lots of cards because i told them i bought my qriket maker and the fact that it does vinyls and it does fabrics and it does paper i was like well you know i bought it really for the fabric cutting side of stuff and for the little things that you can make with it and then found that i actually really really enjoy the card making side of things so then obviously i got a gemini junior for christmas from my daughter i already had loads of card stock from when i tried my attempt at card making the first time a few years back which didn't go so well and this time it just seems to have it's just made all the difference so yes i've been making a lot of cards because i said i was going to make cards for everyone this year rather than going and buying cards because i was like why not if i've got my if i've got my cricut maker it does all of that it doesn't make any sense to go and buy other cards but yeah so i've been dabbling in all sorts i've been stamping die stenciling inking um sort of you know like quilters do paper piecing they sort of do paper piecing on cards as well so yeah so that's what i've been doing so i'm being torn so i tend to through the daytime at lunch times and whatever because i'm sitting in the office anyway i've been sitting there doing paper crafting on lunch and then in the evening when i sit down and relax i've been coming out and trying to work on whatever's on my frame out here but because hubby is predominantly here now it keeps putting things on the telly that we both rather like so i'll do sort of i don't know less than 50 stitches that's how bad it is so less than 50 stitches and then i'll put it over to one side and start watching the tv and before i know it it's like 10 11 o'clock and it's like okay it's bedtime so yeah like i say it's not that i'm not stitching i'm just not doing a lot of stitching and even less so than before because before i didn't have i didn't have card making that was a distraction whereas now i mean like even sort of what i've been watching on the tv so normally when i'm working i'll watch flosstube on the telly like whilst i'm working and have it on in the background i've not even been doing that i've been watching craft tv and chris you know what that's like when you sort of sit and watch you know crafters companion or create and craft and you know they show you something oh yeah that's lovely oh that looks really easy oh okay i'll have to buy that so yeah that's that's the rabbit hole i fell down so yeah needless to say not much stitching has happened and a lot more products have been purchased but it's been paper stuff but i'm fine with that oh hold on i'm just marked incorrectly people there we go let's mark that um so yeah so as you can see it's coming on and it appears that i can talk to you and do this at the same time i hope whatever i've been talking about has actually made any sense to you because i'm sitting here again oh yeah look i can i can do i can do this and talk to you at the same time and i don't know for sure exactly what i've told you you know when it's just i'm just rambling i'm just sitting here rambling i have no idea what i said to you oh hold on i need to i need to pull a color oh we got three one eight um oh no i haven't got three one eight but i have but not here ah that's not good okay so maybe we can't finish this square i was going to finish this square with you that was my plan and then call it a day i might have to just call it a day now i don't know how long i've been recording for okay let's have a look and see what else there is what have we got what have we got we've got that one we can do that one um what else to tell you people works work nothing changes there does it um where are we i think that's that one that's it um yeah nothing changes on the work front so works going fine and they basically said that it looks like you know we're staying or working from home and even when we do go back to the office it's likely you know it's not guaranteed but it's most likely that even when we go back the requirement will only be to go into the office two to maybe three times a week there will there won't be a a requirement to be in the office five days a week so that's nice because i i mean i know that a lot of people have got the problem of you know their children at home they're they're dealing with homeschooling they're trying to work and they've got kids at home you've got everyone trying to use the internet at the same time um yeah i know i know that there's a lot of my work colleagues that are in that same position they're you know almost ready to pull their hair out i on the other hand don't have small children so for me personally hang on where i might one two three um i personally love working from home um and we've got a business broadband because of my daughter that does you know her youtube at home um so we've got like the super duper extra extra fast everything which means that if she's online and i'm online at the same time it's not a problem at all so but for others i know that it's yeah it's it's it's hard really hard if only anyone had told us that this is where we'd be huh but for me working from home would be you know that i mean that would be my ideal job anyway to be to just you know i have a job working for myself or working from home i can't think of anything better where are we yes do this one see that one i think it's this one just making it up as we go along here so yeah so mommy's well staying very very hidden and i got her letter yesterday about getting her covered vaccination number one and yeah i think i need to ring the gp or something because they've sent this this letter through from the nhs saying go on this website and pick a place all of the places that they've given us uh i like miles and miles and miles away i mean i found one that wasn't quite so bad which was about 25 miles away which i'm like that's not a problem i can check her in the car and take her um but when you book your first vaccine you have to book the second one at the same time and the place that i could take her to to get the first one done apparently isn't available for the second one but you have to book the second one so then when i was looking at finding like where's an alternative place that we could go to to get the second vaccine they are miles and miles and miles and miles away like even in the car it would be a nightmare to get there so i'm like why on earth are they sending these letters out i mean and i sort of you know it's fine for i say it's fine for my mum is it well it's not fine because i have to find a way of getting her to where i need to get her to um but reality is worst case scenario even if it meant we needed to spend four hours in the car to get a vaccine i can it's just it's like you know you'd expect that they have something in the local vicinity scenes is this like a a global pandemic and that they're supposed to be covering the entire country you know surely they don't expect older people in their 80s to you know to go sort of on trains because i mean most of them don't drive most of the elderly the elderly people won't be driving especially not in that category and you know when you start sitting there thinking well how do you expect them to get there you know that only leaves the trains and we've already said where you can don't go on public transport that's like a haven of close proximity oh dear we've got some problems here people i've got more threads than i should have and the wrong colors it appears what have i no that is two different colors isn't it oh that's why that's because that one belongs up there okay i've been duplicating my threads bad trees treasure well where was i so yeah i do feel for that for the people that have received you know that they're you know they just want to get their copied vaccines and they've received this thing and you go online and the only options you've got are to go places like i don't know um like sussex and i mean it's not even in the same county as us in fact other than the one that will do the first vaccine but not any of the others um there isn't even anywhere in my local vicinity where i live in in the county so i've got to go outside of the county to get my mom's vaccine for the for the second one anyway that's what i mean it's just like really that can't be right surely i'm gonna fill these bits in here because these are the same color um so yeah it's yeah it's i'm baffled by it so i was thinking maybe i'll call the gp and say well you know what what are you doing with all the other people that are like you know in the high-risk category are you sending them miles and miles and miles away i just find it very hard to believe that we're sending people the other side of london when we don't even live in london um to get a vaccine when this is supposed to be a you know a rolling out of a global vaccine and that they're doing it almost anywhere and everywhere and yet there's nowhere local to me that's doing the vaccines apparently so yeah i find that hard to believe well well there we go people what can i say i've nearly finished we nearly done a hundred we probably did do a hundred if we include this little bit down here so yeah so i feel like i've achieved something i've got a rogue thread there i know that stephanie mcneill asked me to do a video on how i how i do my threads how i stamp my threads off with the single strands hang on one two three four five that's it put that there um and she asked me how i how i start a thread at the back at the front of my project with a single strand i did actually demonstrate at the beginning of this video um but wasn't talking about what i was doing at the same time um i think what i will do is because i've been asked the same question a number of times of could i show it a bit closer um i think i will do it in its own video and give it its own video so that it's an easy find for people that are looking to see how i do it but it is very very easy very very easy so okay i think that will do us i feel like i've talked about nothing but doom and gloom so i apologize i'm normally much more upbeat than this certainly don't normally talk about things like covid but i'm afraid covid has hit my family and hit my life um in more ways than it would normally and with nothing else really happening it makes it very difficult to talk about anything other than that so i'm sorry if that was all a bit depressing but at least you got to see me stitch and it did force me to stitch so even if you don't enjoy this video the fact that i got more stitching out of it is a win-win for me so so again thank you all for your support on this channel and you know i will try very hard to to make sure that there's a bit more content coming your way um but i just do need to do some stitching i mean maybe i should show you my cards instead maybe i'll do cards and stitching what do you reckon let me know is is could i mean cards doesn't really fall into floss tube though does it i could probably call the videos you know card videos and just keep it completely separate and do it that way because at the moment i seem to be doing more with paper than i am with my fabrics but you know i i can do both there's nothing to say that i'm only allowed to have one hobby so so again thank you so much and i hope you all have a lovely day and i hope you're staying as safe as possible um and fingers crossed fingers crossed we all get our vaccines very very soon so until next time people bye bye for now
Channel: Teresa Little Stitcher
Views: 14,710
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: flosstube, cross stitch, full coverage, stitch with me, cross stitch full coverage for beginners, teresa little stitcher, teresalittlestitcher, stitch with me flosstube, stitch with me cross stitch, heaven and earth designs, heaven and earth designs cross stitch, HAED, parking technique, cross stitch parking techniques, haed cross stitch parking, cross stitch parking youtube, parking method cross stitch youtube
Id: EhU63wP6Cxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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