Flosstube # 66 Feb/March Update

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Wow is April it's been a while get the bear update you on what's been going on in my world we're gonna talk about some updates we're going to talk about some whips we're gonna look at some hole so sit back relax have a chair I know my lovely frosty friends that welcome back to my channel warm welcome to those lovely new subscribers if you like what you see during this video please don't forget to hit the subscribe button give me a thumbs up and let me know you like it so you would think that with everything that's going on in the world and the fact that we're all doing social distancing and a version of lockdown regardless of wherever you are in the world that I would have managed to achieve lots of stitching because I would have had lots of free time that's not the case for me so for those of you that know I do a lot of working from home anyway the industry and job that I currently do means that during a situation such as this it doesn't really affect our business massively in fact it makes our business sort of go rather crazy so I've been really busy really busy working and that's not to say that I haven't managed to do anything so you're not here to listen to me ramble about what I do for a living let's look at what I do as a hobby first up let's let's go with the whip because it's been a while I mean the last actual update where I showed you what I've actually been doing was back in January and then February you've got the Arizona trip so that was fabulous video March well this is sort of March this is basically walk but it's gonna be a combination of what I managed in February and March and unfortunately both miles I haven't found to be overly productive but I'm not swearing that I'm not swearing that so where should we start let's start with so we have the lovely Andromeda Mira be Leah about now I'll be putting pictures up so that you can see what it looks like what it should look like and also where you last saw it if I've got pictures so this one where did it how much how much time did Andromeda get let's have a little look so Andromeda got one day one and up one and a half days worth of stitching done on now and the more I stitch on this the more I'm like I don't love it I don't love it but I'm sort of adamant that I'm not giving up on it because it's already sort of so so much of it's done it's it's wrong to stop so here is what we've got to let me bring her in for you so you can have a good loop so obviously we already had that bit done and this is the bit that I've been working on down the bottom here so we've worked on this section here and also we've done some more over on the corner bring that in excuse all the hanging threads as you know I'm a bit of a I'm a bit of a thread hanging tight person so that is where we've got to on her she's not doing too badly but like I say I'm I'm not loving her I don't know maybe I love her a bit more the further one I get but I'm really just not loving them but the more I sort of doable the more I think you know what it's already gone past the point of no return do you ever have those you know those projects where you've done so much of them that there's just no way that you can just stop and think no I'm gonna let that one go I tend to be able to make things ufo's if I haven't really done a lot but I'm not very good at doing it when them happens a fair amount of my time so so that same drama doll so that's that's my lady and obviously I haven't started any other ladies because I've always thought I said I'll only have one mirror video on the a time it's a shame I can't do that on my heaven and there isn't it so next up is the lovely alternative reality a fad now you should be seeing a picture of what she should look like when she's completed and when you last saw her alternative reality got three days worth of stitching over the course of the two months like I said you know I haven't really managed to get that much done on most things so this isn't where we've got to so we've done more over here on this corner section it's so close really to a page finish I mean that that there one more little section there that little bit there is a page finish there's really no excuse for not actually having that done by now but other than the fact that it's just not done yet so that is where we've got to on the lovely alternative reality still love that one just yeah not enough hours in the day is there not enough hours in the day so that is the lovely alternative of reality so she had a bit of a touch next up we have the lovely autumn promise here's what it will look like when it's finished this is sort of like drawn fed drawn thread and Hardanger piece absolutely love this it's on the frame at the moment because I'm in the middle of of doing some more so let's put something behind it so that you can't see straight through it and here is where we've got to so I think the last time you saw it I'd finished this band here I've now completed the serpentine band with the cloister blocks or is it this bit no I think the last time you saw it I've done I've done half of this band so this band is now been completed this is the serpentine stitch with the cut work and I've now moved on to the next the next block I love this piece I really really love this piece I can't wait for it to be finished so we're actually where you can see cuz I've been marking on the chart where I'm at so we're actually on this block here now so as you can see there's really not much to go so and then all it needs is beads and I think I haven't done the wrapping of all the bars at the top so I'll need to go back and do the wrecking of the bars but absolutely love this there we go and where I've done the wrapping of these bars because it's not really wrapping the serpentine stitches actually just got some it's the way you pull the threads together the remaining threads so love this so that is the lovely autumn promise that's the one that I'm currently working on what's next so autumn promise so far has had two days you had two days in March and I'm currently worth tonight now and it's an ankle but obviously I can only include April's days that's an April when I do my ankle update so next up we have spring Quakers rosewood Manor this was the one that I wasn't sure that I liked and then I got it out and started working on a cute snap on it and found that actually once I had it in my in my super duper new little destined door table stand I actually find it really much easier to stitch up I'm not quite sure where you last saw it so this one got did this one get spring character I think got two days but it wasn't two whole days it was literally just too token gesture days or in fact I think it might have only been a day I think I was at a planning on stitching this while I was traveling and then didn't so i completed this section down here so this is now complete and i've started on this section over here so yeah not too bad not too shabby it's not a lot done on it but I don't mind I'd be very miserable if I did mind not actually getting touches on everything for days and getting maximized Oh progress done because I never get that much progress done so that is that one so next up is the lovely shutter lane evening in the park so the Chatelain evening in the park I think this got three days on it this one I've been trying to sort of work on the top corner and it just keeps burning me out so that is it in its total glory so far today and I have been working on the top section she says if I can bring it up high enough so that was a section already had done I decided that was moving over and I was working on this section over here I can't see a thing of what you can see so I'm hoping that you can see that me let me change hands so I can see what you're seeing there we go so this is the section that I've been working on just here and this section here so yeah I'm just sort of picking bits as I go on this now but I really do need to stop start actually you know spending a bit more time on it because I feel like it's on a bit of a go slow but I think it's because I know that there's still so much to go yeah it looks like it's sort of close so it's one of those it's quite decieving it's a very deceiving little project so so that is the lovely evening in the park update and then finally since what see how quick this video could be the only thing I spoke about was my WIPs good job back on waffle and I can talk to you so next up is the lovely long dog sampler castles in the air' you'll know that I've only just started on this one this one was one of my newer projects and about now you should be seeing where you last saw it and I'm pleased to report but whilst I was away in Arizona I managed to get a page finish on this one so and this here's where we've got to so obviously I didn't go with one color I've gone with earn a few colors and I've used at eat treasure braid just to give it some bling and some sparkle and I'm just sort of picking bits out but I think I want in the different colors really no idea what I'm doing but I like it so that is where this one has got to and I was super super happy and the more I stitch on it the more I'm up pretty tight and it is so different to anything else that I've stitched on so so different and I've joined the long dog sampler and Facebook group so there's a Facebook group for all of the long dog samplers so yeah love it and the fact that it's page finish yay leave me but basically since I've got back from Arizona that has not really been touched so yeah but they're not a lot has been touched I haven't really touched on a lot of anything but had me bad and so that is the webs of everything that I've actually been stitching on umm like I said I've been so busy so so busy I fell down the rabbit hole with a whole new thing which I will do in a completely separate video so it's a bit of a it's a bit of a surprise saying you'll find out about that soon enough but I've basically been doing something else other than my stitch in in my free time like I say that's something for another day so what else did I do so I got a bit burnt out whilst I was you know coming back from Arizona and trying to sort myself out and get back into the swing of things and then obviously the whole you know social distancing started and I was too tired really to do any actual stitching so I thought you know what let's have another go at this minute and this meeting malarkey so I had some lovely wall what is it she pees air tribe which is actually a sock wall I've got it to make socks but then I found a patent on Ravelry which was for a like a shawl that requires sock yarn so this is where I got to I don't know how much you can see at that so it's got a bit of a pattern on it as you can see is it's giving it a tug so yeah it's it's I've got that that little scrap um and I think I've already gone wrong would you believe it because I seem to have more stitches on it than I should have now I don't know if that's a problem or whether I can get away with that or not so yeah I'm undecided whether I should unpick it but I feel like I've just done so much again and then it's all gone wrong maybe I'm just not Anita maybe I have to just accept that without someone to actually be on hand to help me in the room that can go no cheese I don't do that you need to do this maybe that's the problem so I don't know who knows who knows and I've got to be honest I'm finding this video much more difficult than I should do but I think it's because it's been so long since I've done a video that I'm sort of the swing of things or at least that's how it feels I feel like I'm I'm not in my usual Xiamen people so yeah so I'm not sure that that's a fair yet until yeah maybe I needs to sort of revisit the pattern I thought the pattern looked really easy because it actually gave you the line by line and you can check off how many lines you've done and count properly but I still don't manage to have the same amount of lines I should have so who knows who knows and so you'll remember that in January is raving about the whole whip dosing and I gave you a little picture of what my wig toe look like was it a whip go or was it a no-go well I've got to be honest February was a no-go I didn't complete either with the tasks and then March has come and gone and I didn't achieve that either so I didn't do really very well with the whip go it's more of a no-go but that says April I'm planning to basically reinstate it so I hope it fell off the bandwagon completely I just didn't have enough time the other thing I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna alter my whip go so whereas I was saying I wanted five hundred stitches on this I'm 5-under stitches on that when I actually create I did I wasn't being realistic I don't think I think that were really unrealistic goals it was fine for January because obviously it was December into January and you know nothing else was happening in life it was all post Christmasy stuff so I had a lot of time on my hands whereas now it's a you know everything's wrapped right up work is ridiculously busy you know the family is constantly here I mean this whole lockdown and social distancing there's definitely changes the dynamics of my house you know I mean I'm knowing left to my own devices most weekends I'm left on my own and most evenings I have a number of hours on my own and obviously with everyone here borrowing my husband who's working but his reduced hours and he's reduced on overtime these classes a key worker so he has to go to work yeah there's I mean you can't go to the gym he can't go great scene he can you know he can't go to see his friends so he's here all the time I mean don't get me wrong I mean I'm saying the dynamics of my family of change they have not all in a bad way it's not like oh I don't have any time for myself and because I have a very open plan house there isn't really anywhere that you can go and lock yourself away and do a video or you know sit down and really concentrate on your stitching and my husband love him is so not used to being stuck indoors and then stuck at home that he needs assistance to help him occupy his mind so of course I have a list as long as you're on things to do but to make him do it means that I have to either partake or keep him occupied so in doing that it's made it so that when my time reason been vastly reduced in comparison to what in nobody is but these are strange times we are living in a strange time and we're dealing with it all as best we can the upside to it is it for the first time ever and I say ever meaning ever I mean I've always worked full-time since my daughter was born both me and my husband have always worked full-time and we've always had the dynamics in this house that other than maybe a Sundy roaster that would be about the only day that we would all sit down at a table and eat together and both forcing us into this lockdown and forcing us into this social distancing I can honestly say that most evenings now we all sit down as a family and actually talk you know the kids say the kids kids loosely so my daughter and her boyfriend who is living with us they come out by sit and eat dinner with us me and my husband sit with them and eat and we actually chat you know the mobile phones get put down I would love to say that the TV's turned off but of course it isn't my house always has a TV or a radio on I don't know my husband has the thing about he has to have something going on in the background but it's definitely brought the family together but as you know being people that love hobbies and stitching being more of a solitary hobby it's very difficult to be a solitary hobby type person when you've got a bustling family that's surrounding you and wants a little piece of you or wants you to sit and have dinner or wants you to interact with them because they're all well the board so but like I say it's not a negative it's definitely a positive so whilst I was out in Arizona I stopped off at that attic and everyone sent me messages from the last video when I what sort of shared that Arizona trip what did you buy a change to have you got a massive hole or do you know what I have to disappoint everybody I don't have a massive haul I actually bought one thing I say one thing it was one project so when you go into a place like that when you when you've never been to an L&S or a shop or a store full of all that goodness the problem is unless you go in with a list of things that you know you wanted you're in awe of everything and I was so overwhelmed by the whole thing that I came out with only one thing I mean now now I'm home and I know what was there when I'm sitting there thinking about it you know I could have bought the whole shop I really kid over could have bought the whole shop but I did it so and as usual I was totally restrained because I normally am and I only bought one thing so I've called butterflies and bees by Wendy Casey designs so let me taste it out of it that's it thank you so this is the design that I bought so it's like a sampler here we go now in the picture this is a bit like it's a bit like the shutter line so I've shown you that picture and even when I look at the picture I'm like it doesn't really look much on the picture but the reason I actually bought this was because I saw this stitched in the shop and wow it looks a million times different to this picture and that was the beauty about going to the attic is that they had so much so much up on the walls and surrounding you there was just so much sense everywhere it was just yeah I was in awe so with that I bought obviously the materials so the material would call for was a 32 count belfast antique white so nice and plain there we go and i also purchased all of the stripes whilst I was there so it's mainly gentle arts yes oh it's gentle arts and wheat supper leave classic color works so let me just show you the colors she says pick them all up so there's the colours that he calls for and some petite treasure braids okay so that was the only thing that I bought whilst I went to the Attic which makes me sorts it man really that the best opportune given that I was so excited to go but it was so so nice to meet there was a lady that had messaged me on oh my or left a message on one of my last two videos when I said that I was going out to Arizona and that we was maybe going to Yeti and it was her that a contacted me son or when you come in when you come in I want what I don't know and it was so so lovely [Applause] turn it up we go and actually met her and put a face to the name so whilst I was in Arizona I decided while I was at Deborah's that I was gonna throw caution to the wind and buy myself another Chateau loan from European cross-stitch so it's the frosty knock garden I ordered the full kit except the fabric because I like to choose my own fabric and also it doesn't come with a chart I place the order on the 1st of March and I received a notification of shipping today which is the 3rd of April so I don't think that's that at all and so I just need to wait for it to turn up I do need to order the chart which I will do directly through the chatelaine website I'll put a little link here below but yeah so I'm really looking forward to getting that and it would go I'm gonna see whether I get hit with shipping because this will be my third Chatelain arrival in the first one got through without getting charged any charges or any additional charges the second one was my sleeping beauty which is sitting waiting in the wings to be started that one got hit with a lot of charges so it really to see whether frosty not garden gets through without being charged or not whether I end up paying paying income duty on it coming into the country so watch this space I'm sure that as soon as it turns up I will find out what else to tell you so before I went off to Arizona I decided that I wanted to order myself some more needle minders I happened to sort of stumble across some some ones that I rather liked now the unaccompanied is there I ordered I think I ordered two but got three and I've only got two to show you because I'll Percy one is on the project somewhere and I just don't know where it is so I went to the lovely I think it's den kite designs here's our card and I couldn't resist myself when I saw this one so there was two fairies there was this one and another one I think the other one is or definitely on a project somewhere so this is the one I purchased she's just too cute little fairy and it was another fairy but when I received it I got a lovely message from the lady denk I designs saying that she loves my flushed Tube videos but she's through another one in for me so I've got a third one for free and it's a little butterfly so thank you so so much and I'm so so pleased that you like my videos but these came so quickly so these I ordered I old is back in the Feast 5th of February and I think in less than a week these turned out so and as well as that in the little packet I also gone a packy of love heart sweets back you know the ones that sort of sail it with science little messages on there that love you and yeah I haven't opened them yet they're sweeties I'm trying to be good I'm trying to stay away from the sweets of which when we're in isolation and we're in lockdown it's really difficult to behave yourself and not eat yourself silly so what else to tell you so finally I think that's finally let me go back to my my list of of things that I was gonna talk to you about so whilst I was in Arizona Deborah done I will parade where she shared with us all of her lovely lovely lips and then obviously we was all going through going through everything that she's got she's got a lot and one of the ones that came up that she said that she was never gonna stitch on because it was just too big she had too many other projects that she wanted to stitch on was one of the hands across the sea toys from hands across the sea is a limited and special edition celebrating the kings and queens of Great Britain so it here's the here's the chart of which it's more than just a chart it's like a whole book and it's a bit of a monster I mean it's huge I can't remember for the life of me the size of the fabric that she went with whether it was a 28 count because it suggests on here 28 count 32 36 or 40 so I'm not a hundred percent sure what fabric is I'll find out from Deborah I mean it's just it comes with everything all the bits and pieces I love the card but it is a book so for those that know about these designs you'll know that it's a massive great book but when you see the size of this project you'll understand why the chart is book like this so I took this off Deborah's hands and when I say I took it she didn't just give it to me I actually bought you off about here's the threads these are oliveira schwoz which as you know i love a very choix threads so the fact that it's done with a very schwa friends was just like what I'd be a fool not to that's just some of them says there's a bag full of the rest here so Deborah had this fully kitted out lover I probably cost her a fortune so I took it off her hands for her and said that although she'd started it I would I would see if I could carry it on for I mean she said that she hasn't done a lot but it looks up a lot I mean this is the size of the fabric the fabric is huge so this gives you a good indication of how big this project is now I can't take credit for the stitching that's already happened here and how beautiful it is because this is Deborah's work so let me bring you in so this is where Deborah got it - look at those stitches look how beautiful the stitching is she's done such a fabulous job with stitching and I'm just hoping that I can do an equally good job with the stitching and carry on when I saw it and I saw the colors and I saw and they so not me I don't know what's coming for me recently but there's there's things that I've never been drawn to before and when I saw this I was like that is beautiful so I decided I would take it on and I would see whether whether I could do it so this is a inherited whip so I didn't start it and I cannot take credit for what he's already stitched there I will only be able to take credit for when I pick it up and start adding into those stitches so this is an additional whip now to my my list of whips in fact I think that I will act up probably starting next week I haven't got to it yet but this is too many other things that I need to be stitching on so yeah so I've added another whip to my whip list but I'm really looking forward to sort of giving it a go although you know when you're sort of deep down your victim you'll be worried that you're not going to do it justice not in the same way that Deborah's teaching was but just to give you this is this is basically the inside spread of what of what the design looks like I mean it's huge it is a monster but I love it absolutely love it and the fact that it's in the threads that I absolutely adore stitching with just made it even more that I had to have it so there you go that is all the stitching stuff that I've inherited that I fault that I've accomplished or not comforted as the case may be so like I said on the which go I'm gonna adapt my whip go my whip go basically I think the goals are too big I think I went a little overzealous I don't have enough free time in my life to to be doing 500 stitches on two projects every month so I'm going to adapt it and change it a little bit but just to make it a bit more realistic if I know that I've only got a hundred stitches that I've got to get on the project in one month and then maybe 50 or 100 in another project I think that's a bit more doable so so I'm gonna adapt my whip go and I will share that with you next month as to yeah I'll share what the new adapted version is so life update for those that are interested for those that are not bye-bye thank you for hanging out with me so life update as you know this the the situation in the world with the coronavirus actually kicked off whilst I was in Arizona managed to get back from Arizona was supposed to have gone to work the following Monday you didn't go to work was told to stay at home obviously my mum being that she's over the age of 70 and it has underlining health conditions my mum is in that 12 weeks of you know no contact to the outside world in almost total isolation that can't really work very well when my mum lives right there so obviously you know I have a lot contact with my mum so when I go down there I talked about we still sort of keep her 2 meter distance between us there's a just-in-case but she's doing okay she's not got cabin fever yet I think she's a bit disappointed that she can't just go off out and go to the shops but as I said - I was nothing stopping her going out on her on a scooter and just riding around the street for half an hour I said to get a breath of fresh air she wants to just don't go near any people and obviously because I deal with my mum and obviously there's no reason for me to leave the house my husband is a like I said is a is a key worker so he has to go to work so because he has to go to work it makes sense that he does the shopping you know he he's the only connection to the outside world that we have at this house you know my daughter I've been her boyfriend they don't leave the house we don't let them go out obviously I don't go out to the shops or anywhere where there's people because obviously I'm dealing with my mum which he really only leaves Downton so Darren is the only one in this household that is leaving the house he's going to work still reduced hours and obviously not doing overtime but he also does all of the shopping and all of that out of the house stuff so when I say that we're in sort of total lockdown here we sort of are I mean basically since I come back from Arizona I think I've left the house once other than when I've gone for a walk with my husband or I've gone for a run which obviously with the fact that I'm not doing any dancing because dancing all got stopped and counseled because social distancing I need to do some form of exercise so I've started going for a run again which is good I mean not sure my hips are going to agree with me because obviously that was the reason that I stopped running in the first place but but yeah enjoying doing a little bit of activity because I'm finding it that um I could just sit all day you know my job is sitting down all day not going to the office there's no walking that's going on which would normally happen and there's no stepping away from the computer like that that would normally happen so so yeah so it's important for those of you that are working from home and that do sort of this rule so don't burden you know if you're used to being more active my company's sort of advocating that you know you can't just sit in front of the computer all day put times in the calendars or block out time and to set reminders on your phone so that you make sure that periodically you're getting up you go for a walk in the garden or go for a walk around the house or just do something other than sit there which yeah that's the bit that I'm struggling with is I find that I just get so absorbed and sucked into work that I forget that I need to get up and move and then I'm as stiff as a board so the whole going out doing a little bit of walking and a little bit of running and a bit of cycling and he's actually doing me the world of good but I really do need to conscious you make a conscious effort to try and move a little bit more other than just sit and static because that's what's happening um what else that was disappointed so there was two other really disappointing things so today I was supposed to have been in London going to see if Disney oh nice I've got front-row seats to me my niece my sister-in-law and Lauren we was all going to go to watch Disney on Ice it was going to be our most amazing experience obviously it got cancelled so I've not gone to that and also I was do I think last weekend or the weekend before to go to my first ever stitch in morning with the lovely ladies at honcho so Susan who I actually met at the stitch in an eating show she recognized me from floss to be introduced herself we exchanged contact details and she invited me to a stitching session that they have locally to me I think once a month or once every few months and they just sit and stitch for a few hours and obviously I was she invited me back in sort of towards the end of 2019 you had it all in the calendar I was all ready to go but unfortunately due to the coronavirus it got delayed so so yeah so I was getting it I was actually really looking forward to sort of going to meeting up with Susan and the ladies for the first time ever but that's not to say it won't happen it's just going to be delayed so but yeah so I think that's it I think that's all I can share with you I mean I am rather hoping that now sort of I've made this video and that I can start to a bit of a routine of the videos and the fact that I'm actually at home more now than ever I'm rather hoping that it'll inspire me to try and do a little bit more stitching maybe do some some more videos some stitch with me videos but I have got the garden Kitty to contend with because spring is here my tulips are rocking the primulas are out the daffodils are out do love this time of year I started everything off in the greenhouse you know that I'm very much into flowers and was a little bit less about vegetables well because of the coronavirus and the fact that you know we're all going to be stuck at home I ordered a bed truck off a little picture here because it's just in case you don't know what one is I've got limited space here because I'm not prepared to compromise my flower beds for vegetables so I've tried I'm gonna try this whole raised raised bed vegetable growing so I've got I've got my little plants my little plug plants at the ready in the cold frame outside so I'm just waiting on my bed truck but I thought I ordered it in good time but I haven't seen it yeah and there's still no sign of anything shipping so I'm hoping that it's gonna turn up soon because otherwise my little plants can be dire and they need to be planted so so yeah so I've gone on this whole I'm gonna grow some vegetables this year so there'll be another little bit of fun for me in the garden and but obviously the weather is starting to turn so this Sunday we are predicted I say loosely we are predicted to get 20 degrees and sunny so I'm rather hoping that that is the case because I will then be outside in the sunshine and we're gonna have a little family barbecue so I've got plenty to keep me occupied plenty so with everything that's going on in the world I wish you all safety and to take good care of yourselves and I think given that we've got the sort of community where we post our videos I mean obviously floss tube this is the perfect platform for us all to just keep in touch and make sure that people though absolutely isolated because of this coronavirus of still still in contact with people and still got some connection to the outside world and what what better way to connect with each other than over our hobbies so so yeah so I wish you all exceptionally well so please people stay indoors stay safe and stay happy until next time people bye-bye now [Music]
Channel: Teresa Little Stitcher
Views: 8,118
Rating: 4.9751167 out of 5
Keywords: flosstube, cross stitch, full coverage, WIPS, hardanger, drawn thread, cross stitch full coverage for beginners, teresa little stitcher, teresalittlestitcher, Haul, Life update, knitting, crossstitching, hobbies, crafting
Id: H6BtN2tjj6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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