Still KD: Through the Noise - Kevin Durant Full Documentary

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👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/TheMonarchsWrath 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

holy shit that was a half hour orgasm. so good. soundtrack was 🔥🔥🔥

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/kinefresh 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

After KD ties NBA finals record in game 1:

I don't a f***, we need three more wins. That's all that matters

Pretty much sums up how we all felt after last season. Love this man.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Jester_077 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Straight chills.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/JoePatowski 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Haha that was a cool moment with him and McCaw at 32:34

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/WinterAssassinR 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow half an hour long. I hope he and his production team keeps this kind of quality up. I love it

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/oneu1 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Nothing but the most utter respect for the man! KD, you are a true professional 👏🏻

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/caseyj209 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

not gon lie, i teared up a bit when yan came on screen. make that $$$, mr. clark.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/KirbyFuckit 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

"You know that saying, 'Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work'? Somebody forgot to tell him he was talented."

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/somebunnny 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] then the last time a player this caliber came onto a team is done he wants to do it but he's worried about the reaction but kind of gravy train difference things don't move to try to ease your way he's done everything wrong [Music] cabin waned Orient 929 88 he was a big boy 8 pounds 3 ounces of 22 and a half inches I remember it exactly and I had natural birth for him [Music] I remember him playing on a huge and they always questioned him so the team moms they kept a profile of the kids and so they always said they have a copy of his birth certificate because they thought he was older because he was taller first time I laid eyes on him was during an au event I told anybody that once you see him play anybody could walk in and that guy's gonna be a great player I didn't think I would be in the NBA I didn't know it for sure but I didn't plan on anything else since I was like nine I was humble enough to know that it may not happen but I was arrogant enough to be late all right I have no choice but to be [Music] understood a journey at an early age soup my first goal was to make the varsity team I did that second goal was to like start on varsity and be late in school I did that my sophomore year one of the staff shoot on my college ball was go to college a big-time college and play Division one I did that so I said goes along the way and I hit him quicker than I thought and they're not smiles I hope I'm on a nice little trajectory the day that he walked in my room he cried he said coach I don't know how to say it really just said I think it's time that I've got to pursuit the draft and he had to I mean one he should have been a very first pick I mean that was a no-brainer but he wasn't but it didn't matter you just knew wherever he went he was gonna be a difference maker you knew that he had that special it that a lot of the great ones have I was an assistant coach in Seattle and then I became his head coach his second season what he did just did not happen overnight it has taken decades I don't think he was trying to be the best ever but I think of what he was trying to do was to be the best Kevin ever I think it goes back to way was raised its background is young coaches that were there with him at an early stage in his life and they kept him out of trouble and told him that they do gonna be good at this game you gotta work hard you know who's saying that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work somebody forgot to tell me he was talented Glantz leaving the only NBA franchise he's ever known and heading west [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] direct driving name [Applause] [Music] never could get over yo and as a kid like we would go to Florida right next door to the hotel was just like this piece of shot we just always go into and they had the tips in the cup and do went to the back all my teammates took a dollar off the cup I took a dollar he only called me I was like I can't never get over even if I wanted to you know I'm saying used like that used to happen to me all the time I used to tried to get over all stuff and I never could [Music] [Music] once you pull up stuff piccolo stuff introduce you text me after most games you talk about stuff you see what I do a lot of squats and shots and you get my core right - right I'm saying so there's a guru out that we call the oh you got my Yoda working on the Steve you know we're working out I don't really think about how good he is I just try to you know plant seeds in his mind to remind him little things that you know sometimes we forget about and that can hopefully allow him to improve it or reach his potential which you know he's already exceeded [Music] when I watch him play the game it's incredible to see how he puts it all together his size and skill set is something we've never really seen in this league you seem very skilled big guys before tall guys but not with this combination of size skill and athleticism agility quickness ability to play multiple positions and to be as accurate as he is kids are saying he's a unicorn I'll go with that [Applause] playoffs are the most fun I mean that's that's what it all is for all the hard work all the hours all the dreaming as kid you know it's great to make the league it's great to be a draft pick and to realize some of those other things but at the heart of it all of that energy and emotion and challenge of overcoming the adversity of waiting at the playoffs when you're loser go home that's where you long for those moments where the pressures on there's a little bit of a drug [Music] [Music] the right side step [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] I hate that injury no inside the out they're just moving elsewhere [Music] try to be positive cheer my teammates on their game injury and playoffs and never happy to leave the floor so I mean luckily it's not as bad it's not as bad as Angie I had before see that gets me right that knee locks up and then it's forced back that's gotta be I didn't work with him during the knee injury is about six weeks where he wasn't doing a lot when he got back on the court I worked with them you know for me I was surprised how good he was in a relatively short period of time I think I saw his first scrimmage with the team and he looks a little bit like a fish out of water for two minutes in the last eight minutes a scrimmage he played like every people I think in some ways that's why he tweaked his calf thereafter because it's just like wow he's all the way back and probably opened up the gates a little too soon but you know he's the type of guy that can fool us all because he just looks like he never had a day off I work so I worked tired of sequel so it's easy to discredit alive you don't see the work and you know just the gutter there's a losses in this shots made shots bad it matters what you don't see that's the stuff that matters as it's the kids and I just keep building on that foundation I lay twenty years ago I'm trying to make a match okay I was gone for a minute but I'm back now back down since I got my buddy not a Hollywood I was like that now I'm gonna show your mother that ad now i'ma show my dad i'ma show my dad he's one of my favorite players he just always been an inspiration a role model having a tee no mentor me in a way is was unbelievable for any kid you know coming from college I thought kids would probably die to be in my position right now he keeps it real he doesn't sugarcoat anything if I do something wrong on the floor when I'm out there he always tell me you know figure it out no you can do better to continue to work as hard as he is and to be at this level I think that he sees that in me that's attention that I have you know I haven't proven anything in this league but for him to give me that praise is a bad ball player I think that only helps my confidence even more he's fun and he's he's funny crack jokes real cool always got that smile on his face I think that's the best part about him a lot of guys are too cool for handshakes I'm not Katie [Music] down the board trying to take it all the way to rent will this is the landfill care to put his own back still by green giving it up Clark calendar and as we said Utah home now click box on gold state versus Houston Golden State versus San Antonio while GE the wonderful people all the same a secret society like that sorry Kevin he is a loving generous kind person he's the kind of person that believes that everyone is inherently good that's just how Kevin is insult you know sexy move ten years ago the warnings in Oklahoma people they have said some really horrific things about humans been quite ask us is mom but as develop see if you can't know Kevlar you know sometimes it's difficult because I don't understand why people don't love him Chris is such a sweetheart they really don't know him for you mister nothing mister never felt like I've been getting bullied or here I took the easy way out I don't deserve a day that's it easy this isn't you know because they never had no music there is no doubt in my mind it was a crushing day for him when he knew that the decision he had to make would be to go to Golden State because he would never want anybody there to think that he didn't appreciate him that he didn't mean every word he had ever spoken when he was there kevin gave 9 years to OKC it's a long time and he gave everything he had but the tough decision was made and you grow from it you learned from it it's how you handle it we had a lot of great moments together it was time for him to move on and change is good and changes sometimes very difficult for people to accept it was just parting but still being loved that's the part that concern to him not a lot of people in his situation will express vulnerability because it's perceived as weakness right before I made the decision he said something like I don't want to do this is so hard that to me was pretty profound to hear someone that's supposed to be some kind of superhero acknowledging he's a human being which is obviously is but sometimes we forget that and we all have to make these choices in our careers and they're hard and sometimes there's a fork in the road and it's not you know it's a tough one and we've all relate to that but we don't have it plastered all over society [Music] it's hard to make it atop your profession no matter what it is but it's easy for people to describe it it's like man you watch the whole life to get to this point and sometimes I don't even enjoy it because you like other people got sick essence struggling some days especially when you play NBA where all you hear is the noise it's hard to tune it out as much as people want us to like be tough mine have thick skin sometimes it's our - might not take up for yourself and be like yo work hard as hell you know we're not in the gym after shooting around after practice tonight you know what's going on - my hair like day before game you don't know it's just a game that some people would just be real life to this I think people get this idea that like he made his decision and then on July 4th he was like bring out the ace of spades let's pop champagne I'm going to go on stay I mean was the opposite like his July 4th barbecue didn't exist like there was no celebration he was in more pain making that decision than anybody because that was the opposite of what he had done his whole life which was make sure that everybody was happy the all of a sudden was like nah I'm in charge of my own thing I'm in charge of my own ship here and he always was but he knew it now [Music] that's cold [Music] check your TomTom intern [Music] really good [Music] [Music] [Applause] obviously been in the MBA is amazing dream of mine as a kid that's all I wanted to do but as I got older I realized the impact that we all have it's not only just basketball players but ask people to impact somebody's lives and so to do this is my way of giving back and letting you guys know that the dream as always the lab is always real so I always believe in your sofa and that's whether something as small as a basketball court did for me hopefully I'm giving it back to you guys Oakley Minds me a lot of Washington DC where I grew up just a couple days ago we refurbished two courts in an area where I grew up and I first start playing the game [Music] [Applause] it was special to me because that's what a dream started you know I was in your guys position at one point just hoping that you know something sparked me to do something that I love and I found the game of basketball from always going outside and playing my friends and just enjoying with basketball brains which is teamwork and leadership you know all of those qualities that I learned while playing the game of basketball so to be here and to see all that is come full circle is a dream come true [Applause] [Music] ain't even like the back yeah but we are never trip other than those guys back there no we never check on that baby no I can't quit no I don't fires a pass to the land [Applause] [Music] mr. Shah said nobody on the floor Utah after I saw the boy innocence [Music] yeah I was up since 8 p.m. last night I [Music] needed to sweat a little bit to wake me up give him our gentleman pump in a little bit I just needed to get in court I can tell you it's millions of shots now not thousands he's probably put millions of shots up he's done at his whole life I mean that's him if I were a young player today he's the kind of guy that I would want to emulate you're talking about a guy that works as hard as anybody at his trade the guy that works as hard as anybody of trying to get better every day he's never satisfied he's a man is on a mission to win a championship Durant Durant good look for three got it as the Warriors are headed to the NBA Finals for the third consecutive year [Music] volunteer bottles [Music] finest man's only game on TV ready to get back we're gonna get the game flag scouting didn't watch her field so that's the phone fun other series it was waiting to the last minute to figure out who's gonna play most lady would we can I started lost name just new for me because I wasn't a part of the last two so my level of hate it goes deep cuz there's my teammates and I know they don't like the Cavs just playing against him so many times but I feel like I'm I just who played more Christmas I just overrated today to the matchup and ejected myself into the game and I felt part of it I felt their pain they had lost but I got I got my corner pieces that my DNA I got poison green enjoy [Music] ambition flow inside my DNA I was born like this this one like this he makes you late construction nitrous form like this will come like this what else you a new weapon I don't catch the plane I matter take them off your pump your head this that whisper kiss the [ __ ] this your luck event [Music] [Music] cross-court to Durant fires a three to bring the rents anything is done [Applause] [Music] Golden State resulted 38 points eight assists 8 rebounds and a proud bond [Music] Tainan all-time record and only four turnovers for any playoff game in the history of need three more wins [Music] [Applause] getting it done defensively and then offenses taken there goes that man [Applause] and he's doing my job she's doing what I paid to do which is to put in work get better so no matter how I do it whether it's coming over earlier wait talk after to all the guys finding should get my work again just got to do it so I should be praised for doing wrong horse people [Applause] I feel like a different vibe around the team or just more experienced they've been here before they'd know how serious a game for you what it what it feels like to be up in this area to lose I think everybody has that feeling I just want to know what's it gonna be like coming in the Lions Den it's gotta come out with extreme passion and energy he's all out there you look at it that way it's easier than getting mexicanos and what I have to do it and stop these killers they got booked let's play hard yeah no up the art Durant knocks down a three James [Music] [Applause] James is now guarding the land law freeze Kevin Durant rattles home of reporter James splits the defense kicks it out JR Smith for trade over corner tree antenna the floor rebounder and [Applause] I said they keep backing up you're gonna shoot this I've seen him practice they shot a thousand times watch them in pickup games shoot it five feet further round when I coached him I used to tell him Kevin the seven or eight rebounds you get defensively a tap when he at the rebound I knew I just knew that he was pulling up for a three I've seen him so many times you know for that one to go in that was living room right there a mess 38 game 133 in Game two and 31 here tonight as Golden State makes two commanding three nothing lead and now the Cavaliers in a position that no team has ever crawled out of in an NBA playoff series [Music] if your luggage is here - couple hours ago that's what it feels like to play in the June [Music] more than any other way [Music] [Applause] James science on Iguodala keeps his dribble along the baseline pack up top Smith from way outside Cleveland is still alive as Golden State's questrom player perfection comes to tonight you get your ass whooped like that you'd like man check up again let's go back but you get another chance we can go we can run it back so you see something on home court in that neighborhood I see what happens there is no doubt in my mind that he would give up all the scorn you'd give up all the Player of the Year trophy the MVP trophies to be part of the championship team [Music] and they get it done I think all that emotion and all that hard work that he's put into this game is gonna disrupt [Applause] durant has an opening [Applause] [ __ ] shot after big shot from both teams well some good happens to me I'll attend me to look back and see the journey that I was on before it happened that's why I get so emotional like when I want MVP it wasn't that what MVP it was there I could I could just play back in my head and all the times I woke up and they want to go to the gym and II had a bad game one game hey it's mentally drained and pissed at myself for a few days I was back well what happened I would think about it it's gonna just let it flow that it happened whatever happens out there just leave it all out I can see inside back out to McCall the rookie fights Durant steps back for three stops pulls up jumper got it 13 of 17 from the field [Applause] [Music] of state who [Applause] grunts of all time is [Applause] explains everything I went to tonight for my fatty coming down and me hugging my mom Paul II am a I all a team up there with a families and like all their spirits when the Commissioner gave us the trophy and I wonder experience being funny piece or like all that was on my life like to-do list in his tenth year in the league he's been a perennial all-star he's been in the league MVP but he's never been the Finals MVP you're Bill Russell 2017 Finals MVP Kevin Durant and to get to do all of that I was like alright I got that out the way I can die now basically [Applause] that was that was something that I cherished more so than just having to read those little experiences to say I just did it that's huge for me [Music] Chelsea Menagerie okay back off a plane in a long time he came in the night in their third quarter you see him to freak yes layups with the right yeah champion this man last year was going to class college about pre out another crazy story for you they want to call us a super team Anna Clark what school you go to what pic did you get draft I didn't get that company team suit laid off this is my 33rd what are you right now today I make what nobody even noticed me I don't even know you better put some rock with no respect on yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you play ball with your friends and like you all for the day you know you can go to school next morning and talk it's all because you were like that's how I feel I feel like I'm in a parking right Mabel Hurley may know who the best team in the block [Music] you have to [ __ ] isn't that career yeah I got away a whole year see Jack get it back he takes on a lot no he's a lot of people either love him I hate him because he came to the Warriors I appreciate that he's able to put all that stuff aside to be himself to have a great voice for our game and for our young generation and to not be afraid to make the a popular decision that will help him grow as a man but someone that I can't have anything about the most respectful I appreciate about it as a person for he's but he's done a lot for a lot of people and anybody that knows you would tell you that if anybody deserves it he does know that you just bosses for the rest of the year like you like it talked about you you can say whatever you want about us at the table but we champs and I said no they respect you get me where champion off but me for the most part I'm just going to explore a visual I enjoy this the key work [Music] [Music] here's a little song I thought you might want to sing a lot for
Channel: Boardroom
Views: 4,032,390
Rating: 4.7424517 out of 5
Keywords: kevin durant, golden state warriors, basketball, nba, nba finals, nba playoffs, nba championship, mvp, cleveland cavaliers, san antonio spurs, utah jazz, san francisco, oakland
Id: l_2IwlwayG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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