Sticking Knife in Toaster? Welding with SALT WATER?!!! (LATITY-009)

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hi i'm making this fantastic project that looks like a work of art that i can't show you because it's not done yet so today instead we are going to look at your reddit submissions that are guaranteed to be fun so if you don't have anything better to do like using my link electroboom to sign up for my sponsor audible more at the end let's look at them [Music] okay my friend and i got into an argument if this video was fake yeah this is a super old video of a guy sticking a knife in a toaster i've seen a while back what do you think is it real let's stick a knife in a toaster and see don't stick a knife in a toaster this is a scientific experience i will do not you here's a toast there we turn it on and let's see what happens if we shove a knife into it i'm joking nothing will happen what will happen is that very likely you'll short the metal body of the toaster to the filament inside and if i measure the continuity between the earth of the plug to the exposed metal of the toast there you see they are shorted which means you will short earth to one of the voltages inside and if you have a ground fault protection device it will pop actually let's try that here we are plugged into a gfci and if i turn on the toaster and try to short it well it popped scared me though well toaster filament is just a resistive element like this that heats up with electricity and if you short any part of it it won't cause an explosion just that it bypasses a part of the filament and the rest of the filament gets super hot and burns even if you end up shorting the power lines with no resistance between them what is the worst thing that can happen the explosion that i did in the hotel in uk oh geez pretty sure those guys blew up their toaster with some sort of explosive for the effects the worst thing that can happen to you is that if you grab a knife that doesn't have a plastic insulation and you directly touch a power line and there is no fuse or breaker then you may get a shock either way it's a very stupid thing to shove a knife in the toaster don't do it just remember this verse when the circuits are alive do not touch them with a knife happy birthday maddie yep i turned 45 so logically as i age my angle should go this way so at 90 i'll be horizontal if i shock myself enough i might be able to do a full 360. fun with flags norway xorway xnorway andway nanway not way 1200 upvotes you people get easily entertained electro boom has a unibrow challenger lol top 5 soviet leaders ranked by their eyebrows number one bresnef two there is no number two there is no competing with brezhnev i agree there is no competing with that beauty is this real the guy is welding by electricity passing through some jars salt jars some clamps so he's putting some electrodes together to put in the jars fills the jars with salt water who's this guy at the corner here he connects the jars to power lines so he wants to pass electricity through the salt water wow this is one of the most dangerous ways to weld something this is dangerous let's try it anyways this is a very stupid thing to do never try this we have a jar of salt water that we mix with our exacto knife what the salt water does is that it acts like a series resistance to the power line so that if you short the output it limits the currents that can go out i put two exacto knives in the saltwater without them touching as my electrodes i do have one of these old as welding electrodes that i connect to one of my exacto knives now we connect a live wire to the other exacto knife to current limit and we also connect the neutral and we can start welding ow this setup is rubbish yes the salt water current limits the supply to a couple of amps which is still too much for a human body the output voltage is still at 120 volts and i guess in the guys case it is actually 240 volts this is a stupid dangerous setup welding is typically done at a lower voltage much higher current or some other very safe setup not this junk in any case let's see how we can rate the welding experience geez oh it arcs a little bit i guess what happened the breaker popped so the salt water is still current limiting to more than 10 amps maybe i put too much salt in it okay i replaced a ton of salt water with fresh water we still need much more current than this this is oh this is did i short something i think i shorted the electrodes now it's good so it seems if we short circuit the salt water and get some decent current we can do some welding but the breaker pops and with the salt water we have a lot of bubbling there see look at all the gas and considering it is salt water it must be chloride or something yeah which is poisonous and it's not really welding like a guy shows he's just leaving burn marks on his metal ah it ruined my exacto knives well it did weld my alligator clip shot so i guess it does well to some extent still a very crappy dangerous welding system don't try that just mediphoto oh my god it looks like i lost half of my brain there the electro boom drawing nice you captured my evil smile beautifully truth has been spoken the most difficult part of building a free energy device is figuring out where to hide the battery that's true do you remember the magnet motor of the turkish inventor muammar yildiz the first time i saw his video was back in 2010 12 years ago and the video is him taking his magnet motor infinity machine into the university of delft and i'm also busy with new energy zero point energy free energy i'm baffled why a university even entertains the idea of free energy so that's the motor sitting there and presumably it only runs on magnets and there is no battery inside so he always hammers something in the back and the motor starts growing [Music] and everyone's so excited then he takes the motor apart to show inside and that there is no battery in there only magnets well of course it's only half open it definitely looks like there is only magnets in those parts he takes it to another university to demonstrate he also has his own documentary about the motor but it works there is no that is no doubt the machine works no it doesn't in 2017 he even took it to the inventor's expo in geneva well he's quite persistent i'll give him that i wonder where he is now did the government happily happed him what i give mr yield is the award of best hidden battery i guess this is how many prepare for maths tests exams you can electrically shock a person's brain to greatly improve their math skills for up to six months light me the up twice a year just twice this is the way regular alarm clock exploding capacitors you would have to arm your alarm clock every night maybe we can make a magazine that auto reloads the capacitors for the next morning alarm two hundred thousand likes on this video and i'll make that i'm learning as much as i'm taking enjoyment out of medi nearly dying electro booms viewers when he doesn't have a near-death experience i guess i'll die yeah remember i have to do a full 360. and i'm kind of immune by now i'm joking you never become immune so always be careful me fixing my outlet using a youtube tutorial after they remove the dislikes oh but we have to protect the small youtubers against mass dislikes is this really feasible yeah it seems like it's something that floats on magnets and with solar panels on the outside connected to coils inside and the solar panels energize the coils inside that on these magnetic fields make them rotate here i connected the solar panel to a bunch of coil and i have a strong neo medium magnet neodymium i place the magnet on an empty box and with a strong light i'll shine on top of the solar panel and it should make the magnet wiggle nothing maybe it needs a stronger light there you go it's moving now very little energy from the solar panels combined with a lot of light and the frictionless floating magnetic setup makes it turn you ask how the commutation is done by the light that alternates on different solar panels well thanks for your awesome submissions so let's move on to my sponsor audible sign up through my link electroboom or in us text electroboom to 500 500 and try audible for free for 30 days because for a lot of work or projects putting them together doesn't take much brain power and it's just hard labor and you actually want to listen to something to make your time more enjoyable and that's what audiobooks do with audible you can listen to the biggest archive of titles on top of audible originals podcasts comedy theatrical performances and wellness programs which i could make use of i don't work out i just sit in front of the damn computer day and night i want to work out but it feels like torture i would definitely listen to any title that would motivate me to work out the little black book of workout motivation by michael matthews it has some good reviews too let's listen to the sample the reinvention of jennifer i set goals all the time but i just can't make myself do all the things i need to do jennifer has to force the sentence out shaking her head she's ashamed with more than the words she's ashamed with herself why do you think that is i ask i don't know maybe i'm just too lazy or maybe i just don't really care enough my god i am jennifer i need to hear this see you guys later and thanks for watching
Channel: ElectroBOOM
Views: 2,371,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: educational, electrical, ElectroBOOM, science, electronics, engineering, entertainment, equipment, measurement, experiment, mehdi, mehdi sadaghdar, arc, mishap, physics, Sadaghdar, test, tools, circuit, funny, learn, shock, spark, discharge
Id: lfjZRBuKPZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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