7 MILLION VOLT TASER (stun... thingy)!!!

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Is that head knock a subtle sound effect or a real sound? https://youtu.be/DOMs7mYm_zs?t=383

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SHOTbyGUN 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I saw Jerry do this and thought to myself... "oh no"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/gandu_chele 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

"I'm free to fuck.".

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/xnamkcor 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

NICE. Quality episode with the stuff that made Mehdi popular to begin with. Keep it up.

Also, is it possible he got HAIRIER?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/marklein 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

My concern besides accidentally shocking myself accidentally, I'm wondering if the electro magnetic field created by the coils in the circuit could damage my phone. According to this video https://youtu.be/pZnzp4ip5lI his circuit resembles the primary coil of a Tesla Coil. Is his EMP gun fake?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ForwardAward 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cool vid, i saw the unbox therapy video and was like "what... It doesnt work like that"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lovreli 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video. Also for general purpose knowledge. Although 'Tazers' and CEW's (Conducted Energy Weapons) are prohibited under Canadian Law, It is only prohibited if the total length is under 480mm. So that means you can make/have a stun baton.

Former Prohibited Weapons Order, No. 3

6 Any device that is designed to be capable of injuring, immobilizing or incapacitating a person or an animal by discharging an electrical charge produced by means of the amplification or accumulation of the electrical current generated by a battery, where the device is designed or altered so that the electrical charge may be discharged when the device is of a length of less than 480 mm, and any similar device.

Source: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-98-462/FullText.html

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Canaderp37 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

With all this electricity power and knowledge, it looks like /u/melector is on his way to become become the next Raven from Mortal Kombat 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Diazepam 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn illegality. I wanted to see those Cockroft Walton multipliers in the device!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hashymika 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hi! I don't know if you have seen those stun guns they sell online. I saw channels like JerryRigEverything or Unbox Therapy reviewing this Yellow Jacket Stun Gun which is a cell phone case that can output SEVEN MILLION VOLTS! *Cheeky bastard* 'The future...of self defense.' 'We can apply this to the groin area–' Very good channels, by the way, if you like reviews and unboxing. 'It's also a power bank, and it has seven million volts of stun gun protection–' *Cocky* Jerry, come on Jerry! Jerry? Seven million volts, Jerry? There MUST be a typo somewhere, Jerry! *Mouth click* Amazon says seven million–maybe that's the typo. '*Electric spark sound* Apparently, this thing can put out seven million volts–' It says it right on the box! Let's download its user manual. There it is. 'Yellow Jacket case is a seven million voltage stun gun–' A seven million VOLTAGE stun gun? Really? Seven million VOLTAGE? Voltage is the electromotive force or the potential energy required to move the electrical charge! The unit is VOLT! Seven million VOLT stun gun. I reject your claim based on such a simple grammatical error! No, but really, this phone case is not the only one claiming such a high voltage. Just look at these high voltage arc generators! *Listing* 400 thousand volts! One million volts! 400 thousand volts! 400 kilovolts! 500 KILOvolts! False claims! False claims everywhere! [Maybe the wonder "free energy" boy is back at it again] It won't stop me from buying one of these babies, though. I don't really need them, though. If you remember, I made my own taser back in my OLD video. The arcs can jump o– F**K! S**T! You don't bring your finger close to a stun gun when it's running! Everyone can build something like this, or even stronger, but it might not be legal everywhere. Let's check. *Typing* Is it legal–*laughs, reading* 'to marry yourself;' 'to grow pot in bc;' 'to bait deer in bc;' 'to smoke weed in bc;' 'to marry your cousin in canada.' *Clicks* 'No European country prohibits marriage between first cousins. It is also legal throughout Canada and Mexico to marry your cousin. The U.S. is the only western country with cousin marriage restrictions.' Fun fact. *Typing* Is it legal to have stun gun in Canada? 'In the United States, tasers are not considered firearms'–ugh, nobody cares. They can buy shotguns! 'In Canada, however, tasers are a prohibited weapon.' *Whoops* *Grasping* Huh, well CLEARLY it's not a taser! It's not even portable! Only for educational purposes! *Police sirens approaching* S**T! *Sirens stop* Now, why do I say those voltage claims are garbage? Simple! Air can break down under 15 thousand to 30 thousand volts across a one centimeter gap. And that depends on the humidity and pressure and many other factors. I've borrowed an ESD gun and I've set it to 25 kilovolts and I'll bring a ground wire close so that the arcs *sounds of electric arcs* start jumping. And then I can measure the air gap using my–F*****G S**T! [Quality content] *Correcting* –right after I shut down the gun. [Nice save] Okay, let's try it. *Electric arc sounds* Somewhere around there. And it's almoooooossssssstttt 15 millimeters? And that's around 16 to 17 kilovolts per centimeter. So, for example, for the phone case that had its prongs around one centimeter, the arcs would jump for around 16 kilovolts, and that's what the voltage would be limited to. Not *engage god voice* SEVEN MILLION VOLTS! Why is the voltage limited, you ask? Let me show you how an arc is made. We have two points with a voltage difference and every one of them makes the air around it ionized. As the voltage between them rises, they make more and more air ionized around them. And, although air is a very good nonconductive isolator, the ionized air is a very good conductor. If the voltage between them rises enough, the ionized areas around them get so big that they touch each other and short circuit the two points. And, so, a huge current runs through the gap, and the current looks something like this. This spike, here, can be tens of amps, but it happens in less than a nanosecond! This whole event can be tens of nanoseconds, and the voltage immediately drops to zero, and that's one pulse of electricity. [O.o] So, the voltage can go only so far before the ionized air shorts it, and that depends on the distance between the prongs. So, in order to get seven million volts, you need a distance of roughly more than three and a half meters! Huh, I mean, having a cellphone cover that's also a stun gun is cool and all, but are you really comfortable having a stun gun on your head while talking to somebody? *Chuckles* I can imagine many people fidgeting with the all buttons while they are talking to the person they have a crush on! *Imitating* Oh, tonight?! No, I'm completely free to–*shock noise* F**K! S**T! [This jump-scared me so hard] I don't know why manufacturers claim such bogus numbers! Here's a few of them! 'World's smallest' at SIX MILLION VOLTS! See, even the prongs are not that far! And here's a pink, zebra taser with 18 MILLION VOLTS! What the f**k is this? 980 MILLION VOLTS? Even most lightenings [good word choice] don't have that much voltage! I am starting to think there is no regulation around bulls**t out there! It's funny. Long ago, I thought if somebody was attacked by a stun gun, they would be *mocking* paralyzed after the shock for a long while thanks to Hollywood! 'I'M CALM! *Crowd gasping* *Weird taser noises?*' '*Short electric spark*' 'Oh honey, help me up here, please?' *Taser sound effect* *More taser noises* *Distant speaking* But after being zapped so many times over years, I realized that you just feel such huge pain that will paralyze you while being shocked. But, as soon as the electrical shock stops, if it hasn't left a permanent damage, you'll be instantly fine. It may mess with your muscle control while being shocked, but if you're mentally strong against pain, even the pain won't be able to completely paralyze you! This police man puts it very well. The concept's kind of neat, but it's pain compliance. And pain compliance, if you're motivated enough, pain compliance–you can fight through the pain. So, this might shock you–*cocky laugh*–but Hollywood science is mostly bogus too. 'It's not the voltage that kills you; there's not a whole lot of amperage flowing through with those volts–' *Suspicious* Jerry? Who is this "Jerry rig" guy? *Whispering noises building up* *Mouth noise made with tongue moving back and forth; continuous* *Spy music made from mouth sounds* 'Zack Nelson!' *Spy music continues* 'Zack Nelson:' 'Owner of JerryRigEverything' *Spy music continues* *Music stops* Oh, okay. So he has a bachelor in management. He doesn't have electronic background. And he's such a nice guy! I can't stay mad at him. But I can stay mad at THIS guy! 'It's really the current that gets you, and, not really the voltage.' *Taking over video* Obviously he's a scientist talking about electronics. What he claims is that his Van de Graaff tower is at 200 THOUSAND VOLTS! Which is fine. And then, he isolates himself on a stool and touches the tower–which is okay, and his hair sticks up. But, even at that point, the tower is not at 200 thousand volts anymore! I bet it is dropped to 50 kilovolts or less because his body provides a much greater surface area that electric charges run away from. And THEN, he eventually touches the ground as well, at which point his body shorts and dissipates the charges to ground! You can see it by his hair dropping back to zero. And I'm ready to change my name if the tower voltage is not less than 50 volts, if not zero! NOWHERE does he mention of such voltage drop and leaves audience thinking he's touching across 200 thousand volts! And instead, he says, 'it's really the current that gets you, and, not really the voltage–' He seems like a very nice guy, though. I bet it was a one-time mistake. So no hard feelings. You know, saying that it's not the voltage that hurts, but the current is like saying I'm gonna shoot you in the head with a shotgun! But as long as the bullets hit you *reassuring* very softly, you won't feel a thing! WaNnA tRy? How many times do I have to say this?! If there is high voltage across your body, there is no way to limit the current and you'll die! Here. Let's say this 12 ohm resistor is a human, and I'll put 10 volt across it with no current limit. Let's see what happens. See?! The human burns! BUT, if I current-limit the supply to .1 amps and put the same 10 volt across a fresh 12 ohm and it doesn't burn! But is the voltage the same? NO! It has dropped very low. If your supply is current-limited, the voltage must drop. If the voltage doesn't drop, the current remains high. And that's why the signs say, 'DANGER - High voltage,' not 'High current.' Here, I'm running *spark sound* 10 amps through the wire–and I'm touching it–and I feel nothing because the voltage across my body is zero! So let's correct that sentence. *Proper; harpsichord music plays* 'It is not necessarily a supply voltage at no load, BUT, the amount of current it can provide when touched that indicates how much hurting you shall receive.' *Continues* Because a touched supply voltage may drop, if its current is somehow limited.' Well it's much longer than "it's not the voltage, it's the current," but way more accurate! Oh, tonight? NO, I'm completely free to–F**K! *Phone crashes to ground after an amazing catch ;)* *Laughing sadness* [I think] Pahng Pahng Pouh pahng Pahng Pahng Pouh pahng Pahng Pahng Pahng Pahng Pahng Pouh pahng
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,165,951
Rating: 4.9365368 out of 5
Keywords: educational, electrical, electroboom, electronics, engineering, entertainment, equipment, mehdi, mehdi sadaghdar, arc, mishap, physics, Sadaghdar, science, test, tools, circuit, funny, learn, shock, spark, protection, short circuit, high current, high voltage, stun, tase, taser, 7 million, plasma, ionize, ionized air, igniter, electric, ignitor, generator, jimmyrigeverything, unbox therapy, Van de Graaff generator
Id: DOMs7mYm_zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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