StewardShip | Pastor Tony Spell

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know your place find your place get in your place and stay in your place and be faithful in whatever place god has placed you faithful in a few things now the criteria necessary for god to use us in greater things in greater proportions is first of all being faithful in a few things before god would ever let david go out and face goliath he first of all had to see if he could trust him when nobody was watching his lions and bears steal his daddy's sheep god incrementally tests a little teenage boy anoints him privately when nobody's watching some people can't do anything unless somebody's watching nobody's watching and david's out here strumming his guitar and here comes a nine and a half foot long middle eastern line not talking about these little lines that you see at the baton rouge suit we're talking about the length of that table right there and david could have easily said it's just one sheep my dad will not miss one sheep and i could risk my life i may lose my life protecting a sheep he can have that thing i'm not going to risk my life over one little sheep but god tested david to see how he would handle one little sheep can you be faithful in a few things and if you can't be faithful in a few things i'll put you in the valley of ela when everybody who is somebody in israel is afraid and scared to death on the mountainside i'm gonna let you go out there at 16 and chop goliath's head off but first i need to see if you're faithful in a few things before i make you lord or ruler over many things this is the way god learns to trust his people and this is the way god this is the way we trust god all right now so faithful in a few things can you be faithful in a few things in the small things well you know this is an insignificant job it's just i'm just over the dishes or i'm just over the lawn or i'm just over the garbage or i'm just over picking up the cigarette butts on the front lawn listen if you can't be faithful and appeal why is your man of god going to trust you over many things if you can't be faithful in the little stuff something is little when i didn't have two nickels to rub together and we were young married it was something as little as stopping at the convenience store every service and picking up a couple of double a batteries for the cordless mic that nobody else could be counted on nobody else knew i was doing but i wanted the microphone to have fresh batteries nobody saw that nobody praised that but you start out with two batteries and then this past week god gives you the greatest meeting in pentecost he gives you your record crowd in 62 years he gives you the biggest crowd in the city of central's history friday night of a football game of a car show of any kind of event but he said first can you be faithful in a few things then i'll make you lord over many things everybody ripping so far yes so we're looking at stewardship stewardship look at the definition here of stewardship read that far as brother willie if you would stewardship look at the top of the page what is the steward there you got it you on the page make sure you get the lessons we'll pass them out no you're on the spot now go ahead god demands good stewardship a steward of the individual in charge of another man's good listen we are stewards of the mysteries of god we are in charge of not our own goods we're in charge of god's goods he had given to us as i'm going to show you the ministry of reconciliation we are we are stewards of the mysteries of god when salvador walks away from this restaurant he leaves a steward in charge you operate in my stead when i walk away from here you are the steward for this place of business i hold you accountable for the successes and the failures if something goes wrong it's on you if something is right it's because of your good stewardship it's a person who is in charge of another man's goods we're still in matthew 25. whenever the master went away he said i'm going to give you some talents you i'm given two you i'm given five you i'm getting one it's insignificant who has five two and one because we all have different talents or abilities god doesn't ask of the man who's been given one talent to do with the man who's been given five talents god doesn't ask of the person that's been given two talents to do the same as the person that's been given five talents he demands however a return on his goods whatever i gave you i demand a return i want you to double whatever i've given to you the parable goes that the one that he gave five to went out and doubled and bested wisely and made 10. jesus upon his return says well done thou good and faithful servant you've been faithful in a few things go and be ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the lord the person who was given two talents he doubled it made four well done now good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things i will make you rule over many things go in and out into the joy of the lord the individual that was given one talent he said i was afraid so i dug a hole and i hid it in the earth and jesus looks at him and socialists hate this verse communists hate this verse look at chapter 25. and 26 25 and 26 brother willie 25 26 bottom right corner old school field 13 10 35. his lord incident said unto him now wicked and slopped you are wicked and you are slow full you know that i demand a return on my goods you know i've given you this ability you had the least amount of responsibility of anybody on this parable he had five duties he had two duties you only had one you only had one job you were wicked we're soulful read thou seven the bible tells you to be not slothful in business but fervent in spirit when you are fervent in spirit you can't be slopeful in business you want to be a good steward of what god has entrusted you with read listen uh thou knowest that i reap where i sow not 28 take therefore the talent from him underline that i like that you either use it or you lose you either do with what i give you or i'm gonna take from you and give to the person that's doing with what they have i will take from you who has won and i will make you worse off than when i found you by giving to him that has five socialism the exact opposite of that yeah yeah communism exact opposite death tax the rip tax the rich penalize the hard worker penalize the hard worker we keep trying to get ahead and get ahead and get ahead and they're taken from those that have and given to those that have not and you can't survive that way it's the destruction of the foundation okay the same thing happened with the virgins there were ten virgins five wives and five fools and when the bridegroom came at midnight the boom said to the wise give us your oil we've run out not so because the bridegroom demands that we have oil and if we give you ours we won't have enough to please him and they wound up missing the bridle party the wedding the marriage supper of the lamb oil in your vessel is the baptism of the holy ghost they all had white garments they all had lamps they all looked like good christians they all had the same land the word is a lamp under my feet but not all of them had oil they all didn't have the baptism of the holy ghost you've got to have oil in the lab you can't read this with a carnal mind you got to read this under the anointing of the holy ghost and when you read it under the anointing of the holy ghost the words jump off the page at you and says how come i never saw that before how come i never felt that before but through the anointing of the holy ghost that lamp becomes a burning inferno in your soul okay now let's keep going stewardship is a person in charge of another man's good let's go down through here tonight titus chapter one seven titus is matthew martin john x romans first second corinthians relations flipping colossians find the book of second uh timothy and you'll find the book of titus go to hebrews and back two books to philemon the titus chapter 1 and let's start in seven 1-7 1283 1-7 steward of god the word is overseer bishop overseer that is not confined to the ministry you're an overseer of your finances you're an overseer of your business you're an overseer of your home and family of your well-being but you've got to be blameless as the steward of god steward of god let's keep going through here it can't be about your will but god's will not soon anger too many people want their will and they kneel down to pray and say god this is my will anytime someone speaks to me they say god said to me that's all i need to know you don't even talk to me god trumps me once god said it what do you need me for everybody with me so far amos chapter three everybody amos chapter 3 amos amos amos amos amos old testament minor prophet isaiah jeremiah ezekiel daniel let's go with page 936 page 936 amos 3 7. name is 37 page 936 amos 3 7 aim of 37 page 936 to our old schools so watch me go with that uh sister niecy surely the lord god would do nothing god is gonna do nothing without this process reid but he revealed his secret but he has some secrets and what does he do with those secrets read he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets god is a chain of command god has a flow and miriam and aaron learned the hard way they were angry at moses because of whom he married at which point the cloud departed from the tabernacle and god steps down and speaks to miriam and said listen i know without you moses will be dead you put him in that ark full rush is responsible for getting jock a man to nurse him for years and teach him about the oneness of god but it said if i speak to this people i'm going to talk through that man right there so you've got a problem here it's the same problem that korah had cora says who do you think you are moses and god says well let me show you before this day is over fourteen thousand nine hundred and fifty of y'all's gonna be dead to show you you're not gonna touch my anointing i'm gonna start with 200 the earth is going to open up and swallow you so you should say instead of god told me you should say you tell me what god would say unto me man of god tell me what thus saith the word of the lord you find out about a church the people in that church have the heart of the man of god like attracts life kind attracts kind of and that's what churches are made up of that's what congregations are made up of okay i want that to be clear and plain to you he said whatever kind of heart you got that's the kind of preacher i'm gonna give you sincere transparent loyal faithful good steward hard-working whatever is in here whatever's whatever's in the pipe is going to come out in the faucet whatever's in that spigot is going to come out into the cup and you have lots of choices all right so stewards and god wants to speak through you he loves you so much he loves me so much that he has sent preachers to me oracles of god to speak to me directly confirming his word that nobody else knew but that individual and when a man's lined up with god he'll read your mail six ways from sunday and you'll say in the church you've been talking to that preacher about me god is revealing his secrets unto the servant the prophet and you want that kind of ministry that's right the people said so terrible is the sight of sinai we exceedingly fear and quake we don't want to go up there you go for us and you tell us what god is doing all right and god at one point wanted to kill the entire nation of israel and moses said you go through me first you kill them you gotta get me another point moses wants to kill them all and god says you got to go through me if moses and god ever got on the same page israel would have got it at which point look what happens god is so interested in loving his people and ministering to his people and caring for his people that he will speak to that prophet and he will reveal your secrets and tell your innermost desires and give you exactly what you need all at one given time in the same service um all right so we're talking about stewardship faithfulness is the cardinal virtue of a child of god got a long ways to go let's keep moving look at the next scripture here um first corinthians four you're gonna like this one first corinthians four first quarter indians four address romans first corinthians 1 4 1 see where we are here the woods that a man saw of us as of the ministers of christ and servants of the mysteries of god so we're stewards of the mysteries of god so there are mysteries the bible has seven mysteries mystery of the church mystery of iniquity seven mysteries greatest mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh seven mysteries so we are stewards that means god says i put you in charge of this but look what it says in verse two read moreover it is required in stuart but here is the first requirement of a steward what is it that a man be found faithful faithful if you're not faithful nothing else matters there are preachers who have much more talent than i but they were not faithful to do what i did it doesn't matter there are people that have more education than i your abilities are greater than mine but you're not faithful it doesn't matter there are people that can sing better than i and leave a service better than i or play a piano better than i but it doesn't matter i'm not interested in your abilities i'm interested in your availability that's right it's done by the faithful it's done by the faithful stewards of the mysteries of god that's why god god will bypass people that you think should be the ones like judas judas had the most education judas was the treasurer judas could walk right into the high priest office unannounced judas was of the tribe of judah just like jesus they were family and who did the devil use the most peter is a fisherman he doesn't have theological training like judas he can't handle money like judas he doesn't know people in the sanhedrin like judas it doesn't matter you peter although you're a cussing fisherman all you although you denied me three times on the night of the crucifixion i'm going to use you to preach the greatest message that the world would ever hear when the day of pentecost was fully come peter said repent and be baptized you see you can have everything going for you but if you're not faithful what good is it yeah right what good is it that i should be judged of you of a man's judgment okay moreover it is required let's keep going um luke 16 is good but we're moving moving moving moving to let's go with matthew number 25 and 15. back where we started matthew 25 15 matthew 25 15 matthew 25 15. read eyes this is joe yep according to his several abilities i'm going to give you according to your abilities and to whom much is given much is required the more i give you the more i require of you okay and the more he requires of us the more of him we need all right so every man according to his abilities god's not interested in what you have don't have think you need want he knew who you were whenever he called you he knew what you were capable of whenever he called you whenever he said willie william timothy lester here's what i'm going to use you for i know your capabilities i know your abilities i know your talents now go and do what i tell you to do i'm not asking you to do what he does or she does don't go to comparing yourself with other people if i wanted if i wanted you to do what they do i would have made you them stop looking at other people that may be better than you and wonder why you can't do what they're doing god didn't call you to do what they're doing you are the best you that you can be and don't try to be anybody else don't try to do what anybody else is doing be faithful in a few things as a steward you must be faithful god will reveal unto his servants what your positions are what you are to be doing god's gonna ask that of you [Music] okay then he's gonna require that of you okay he's going to demand that of us all right now according to his several ability where we're reading according to his several abilities and straightway took his journey look over here in second corinthians 10. second quarter indians 10 and number 12 page 12 37 2nd corinthians 10 12 2nd corinthians 10 12. brother ben 10 and 12. the way they're not make our sales of the number or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves do not compare yourselves among some people who commend themselves do not compare yourself among others why reed are they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise oh i'm doing i'm doing much better than brother ben that's not the question are you doing what's required oh i'm doing much better than that boy that rides the bus it doesn't matter you've been given more than that boy that rides the bus it's not about you doing more than him or you're doing what's required oh we're doing better than the trinitarians or the charismatics or the whoevers it doesn't matter you are the stewards of the mysteries of god god demands a return on his goods you don't compare yourself among people that don't even have the revelation of jesus christ you don't compare yourself among people that hadn't said in revolution services like you have you don't compare yourself because you may have a fine or suit of clothes and that person doesn't know how to conduct themselves in the church you are unwise to do that oh i'm doing better than them so what they haven't been taught what you've been taught how how irresponsible of us to compare ourselves among people in the world who may be drunkards or drug addicts or can't hold out a job or whatever your name what good are you doing comparing yourself they have not sat where you have set they haven't been preached to what you've been preached to you are a steward more has been taught to you so more is required of you how how easy it is for us to compare someone who's been in the church for a week or two and look at them the way they behave talk act worship pray attire and say shame on them yeah look at me how much better i am what are you talking about they have not been taught what you've been taught they have not felt what you have felt they have not been where you have been unto us is entrusted the oracles of god and if you're not careful you would develop a spirit of preeminence i'm hit and there's nobody else yeah self-righteousness yeah i'm much better than they are you are not being a good steward because the reason god put that person in your path is so that you could be an exemplary person of an ambassador of jesus christ to show them let me show you a more perfect way yeah let me let me let me teach you let me show you because right now just like a baby that's born in the family how can you expect of the six month old what the 16 year old is doing and that's why god brings that six month old so that they can watch the 16 year old and see that's why atlas didn't start crawling until almost a year but cyrus his little brother my second grandson is standing up and almost walking in six months because he's got an example to look at and people that are coming into the church are progressing much faster than we have after 62 years because they got an example to look at now they can hear you pray and say i want to pray like that they can watch you worship and say i want to worship like that and bus captains coming into the church can get 30 on their route and it took me years to get 50 like i had son i didn't have a teacher you don't have an excuse you have a teacher jesus said all right questions so far look at your scripture question question question at a church what are you doing to teach them what are you doing to help them i can't stand somebody wearing that in church what are you doing to teach them preaching are you teaching them are you god called you you've been given the mysteries and the stewards of god what are you doing maybe god put that somebody in your path to see if he could trust you with that little sheep faithful in a few things before he makes you rule over many things everybody whipping so far i told you i was gonna hurt you okay now let's keep going lots of good stuff here so god demands a return on the investment of his saints in their abilities if we read 11 and 20 yet matthew yes you just read it 24. starting 23 11 and 23 brother willie 11 23. and though matthew 11 yep yep and val capernaum and dr prentium which are exalted unto heaven shall be brought down into hell you've been you've been exalted unto heaven man back in mark two they let a man down lame carried a four i told him son get up rise take up thy bed and walk y'all all saw me said you should be in heaven by now you're gonna be brought down to hell all that we have seen all that we have heard is apostolic pentecostals and we can't even be good stewards of what god has entrusted to us read for it the mighty works which have been done indeed have been done in sodom yeah it would have remained until this day 24. but i saying to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of sodom you've been in this for five generations you've heard the greatest of preaching you've seen miracle after miracle after miracle and you're still on the same level with this person that's been in church for two months it's going to be more tolerable for the cities of sovereign than it is for you in the day of judgment i demand a return on my goods there should be a momentum in your life you should be so much further down the road than where you are you should have so much more ability than what you have everybody with so far so god demands a return on your several abilities his goods god will judge according to measurements of investments how much has he invested in you how much has he invested in you look what god has invested in me okay i could have i could have sat down on 14 acres and driven a rolls royce back cabinet with one nationality in my church and retired after 25 years but god says i've given you abilities to pastor people on six continents 27 different nationalities bridging gaps that have never been bridged in pentecost doing supernatural works through you and your church because you know why you're not going to want the glory for it as long as i can get the glory i'll do things through y'all that's never been done before and in our church there's no big eyes in little youths it ain't about me myself and i don't know it ain't about who can be recognized ain't about who's got the best pair of alligator shoes man i give that chunk to the game war whether i want to or not watch and that's what a lot of religion has turned into who's got the nicest car who's got the slickest suit but you can't get a prayer through the ceiling of the room scared to lay hands on somebody because their devil might get on you and beat your clothes off but god i'd rather preach under that oak tree on the front lawn and be a copper and have the favor of god and be a good steward of what you have trusted me than to be the richest preacher on earth and can't get a prayer through when somebody needs a miracle that's right everybody with me yes man according he said i'm gonna judge you according to the measurements that i've given to you number two not just your abilities but your talents that's why the strong gets stronger and the weak get weaker i told y'all a year and a half ago there'll be some among us that won't be with us a year and a half you can't go to that other dimension with certain people in your life they're going to demand that you stay down here with them yeah and anybody that's going to keep me from going to another dimension i got to shake them off i gotta go up i gotta climb i gotta go when this restaurant was on that side and this was a car driving academy there were some people that worked for him that life that small and manageable and us foreign trips us hating everything's great but when it enlarges and grows it demands more so those people have to shake off in the journey of growth in order to go to another dimension that's the same way in the kingdom of god it's the same way in your business it's the same way in your faith some people can't go with you all the way people looked at jesus and said these saiyans are too hard we can't follow you anymore jesus said shake the dust off your feet almost go somewhere else but i am interested in people that may not have all their eyes dotted and t's crossed who's doing their dead level best to keep up with me i'm gonna say i'm gonna drag you everywhere that i can as long as you're fighting to do what's right yeah you might stumble you might fall you might fall off the wagon and you got this person that never sucked a cigarette or looked at a tv in his life they got it all right it don't matter they're not faithful they're not faithful that's true jesus preached his longest biblical sermon to a woman that had married five times and shacked up with the man she was with yeah who are we to think that god can't use somebody else because they don't have our heritage or pedigree okay i'm just a nobody but god took us somebody took a nobody and made somebody out of it that's it all right so you have abilities you have talents let's keep going oh yes time time proverbs 6 6 what does that say proverbs 6 6 proverbs 6 6 proverbs proverbial chapter 6 and space and says you're gonna like this scripture let's talk about being a good steward of our time uh page 675 sister uni christian 675-6666 go to the ant thou stop slugger consider her ways and be wise you want to know how to be a good steward look at the ant they're the littlest of creatures on the earth when you look up in here you slugger go look at that hand consider her ways and be wise seven verse seven read which having no guide overseer or ruler they don't even have what you have reed provided for meat in the summer you gotta work when it's summertime you gotta make hay when the sun shines you have to prepare when it's time to prepare if you're playing when you should be working you'll be working while everybody else has played right don't be at the bus stop when your ship comes in be there the two greatest words in religion today be there be there because that time you weren't there may have been the time that god wanted to give you what you've been needing right be there he will feed you according to your appetite as he will and when a when a congregation is on their feet and they man in me and slapping the pulpit it makes me want to preach more yeah and more and more and more i feed people according to their appetite sunday morning it was it was the uh greatest service i'd ever been in my life people were hungry people got the holy ghost a nazarene was baptized in jesus name people were healed of diseases god feeds us according to our appetite and that level of intensity was so pure and rich let's keep going uh what does the next verse say sister unity time for you to wake up get up get your head up it's time for a letter you need to be fed up with the current situation if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got and always be what you've always been and about time we have a change all right next verse yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands here's what's coming on you 11. so shall thy poverty come as one that's how it comes that's how it comes that's how your poverty comes it's going to come on you this gray hairs are going to be here and there and you don't even know it and the same as with the positive you just keep plugging away at it day in and day out if you're in debt put a penny on it tomorrow and you're you're one less penny in debt you just keep plugging away at it plugging away after the great flood of 2016 when we lost two and a half million dollars in a few hours time with no flood insurance banks would not loan us money you know what we did we just plugged away at it we could have quit we could have given up but god says if you'll just stick with it if you'll just be a good steward i'll give you more than what you have before the flood that's one of the reasons for your trouble god wants you to double okay it's got to keep going you can't quit um romans 12 and 11. romans 12 11 you're in uh romans imagine worldly genetics romans 12 11 12 11 good stewards 12 and 11 12 11 page 1207. um 9 16 or powerful powerful scriptures we've already quoted verse 11 not slothful and business with fervent spirit servant lord 17-20 powerful recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it'd be possible as much as lies in you live peacefully with all men that means it's not always possible to live peaceably with some people this means war dearly beloved avenged not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine saith the lord i will repent so if your enemy is hungry feed him if you thirst give him something to drink or in so doing thou shalt he calls a fire on his head and that ain't why you do it you don't do it to burn them up but in so doing it will burn them up be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good that entire chapter if you if you can live up to romans 12 you're pretty good because i'll be honest with you i got a hard time doing it it doesn't pay for me to win battles and lose wars it doesn't pay for me to win arguments and lose soap if i'm worth my salt i can win any argument in the word of god but if i lose the soul what have i done it's not about women i don't always have to win i would rather lose and ultimately win than to win ultimately lose everybody with me yes sir these are important features and reaching and teaching and being a good steward and it doesn't mean you compromise it means you're wise and you want to be a winner let's look else here and uh ii thessalonians everybody about five books do you write galatians ephesians philippians colossians 2 thessalonians 3 and let's see what i want 3 and 12. do 11. 40 and 11 14 11. sister robin when we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner well that's going to be in every church free not working at all that are busy buddies they got busy bodies in every church people that don't care when they're low they're low shifters not loads barely they are consumers not investors investors in the church walk by a piece of paper on the ground and say i can't tolerate that consumers say why don't they clean this place up investors walk by something that's messed up and say i'm gonna fix that up consumers say i don't know why this place is consumers are always finding out what's wrong and complaining investors investors see what's wrong keep it to themselves and fix it without anybody even know it concealing the matters this is a room full of investors tonight people of god stewards of the mysteries of god okay three and there's busy bodies that means they always look in somebody's business you can't hear what i'm preaching because of what he's doing in the church yeah you better be like a mule and put blinders on and stay in your lane come to church tune everything else out and just get in tune with the man of god amen don't be a busybody that's good busybody means a tailbearer gossip always always looking at the splinter in your brother's eye to keep everybody's attention off the log in your eye everybody whip it yeah wondering what wise pastor letting him get by with that you know why because in your heart you wishing you could be doing that that's what it is everybody in this church was just like me what kind of church would this church be next verse read sister emily read now them that are such weak command and exhort by our lord jesus christ that with quietness they work in eat their own bread you take care number one with quietness eat your own bread i'm not going to answer the god for you you're not going to answer to god for me so i'm going to be a good steward of what god has entrusted to me and 16 months ago the government wanted to pass whatever church in america you can't even keep the grass cut on the medians of the intercept you can't even keep our houses from flooding right you know where we're how much trillions in debt now who even cares anymore you can't even run your own business but you want to tell us how to run our churches i think the church needs to be running your business i'll get us out of debt real quick if you're out goes more than your income your up keeps your downfall don't give out more than what you got coming in all right stewards everybody and uh some of the greatest people i've ever pastored they were not wealthy people they were not people of means they were just people that were faithful never had a second problem out of them but they were faithful uh they didn't live in the nicest of neighborhoods but they were faithful yeah that's what matters that's what god called us to be that's who i want and and in doing so you'll find out that it's not your talents that matter it's not your abilities that matter god does not call the equip he equips the call he will equip you to do what he called you to do and when he does you're going to be blessed far all right uh real quick i think we're over time but we got a scripture here oh we're four minutes overtime leviticus 11 real quick are leviticus 11 or deuteronomy 14 to be easier deuteronomy 14 3. deuteronomy 14 3 deuteronomy 14 3 5th book of the bible 14 3 14 3 for the might taco breathe thou shalt not be any abominable thing there are nine biblical abominations that means you can't anything you can't eat anything with a shell you can't eat any fish you can't eat any fish that don't have a skin unless it has a scale you can't eat the animal unless this hoof is divided and you choose the could however this is the only biblical abomination that god dealt with specifically in the new testament all right in acts 10 quickly acts 10 this is the only one don't get any ideas on anything else acts 10 matthew mulligan acts 10. and this is a question somebody has it later number 10 and that's page 11 62. 15. starting 14 10 and 14 and 15 10 14 15 uh sister jeronica i don't need anything that's a crawfish crab a shrimp a catfish squid the osprey or the ostrich all kind of birds leviticus 11 names everything and what did jesus say don't call dirty what i died to cleanse this is the only biblical abomination that god dealt with in a new testament in other words you'd be a lot healthier if you didn't eat all that junk right hog head cheese and boudin everything else is good for you when we live longer we just stay away from bacon and ham and pour however it's not an essentiality for salvation what was he talking about this far i'm overtime y'all can't afford me on overtime but listen why was he talking about this because it was a matter of jewish gentiles that's right the jews were clean the gentiles were dirty peter wouldn't go preach to the gentiles he called them dogs if they brushed up against them they would turn your head and spit and he said don't you ever call dirty what i died to make clean come on you go and preach to cornelius the roman centurion so there's your answer god we thank you for your word tonight let your word lie in our hearts we may not sin against you thank you forever man woman boy and girl in this class tonight let the unction of the holy ghost shower this word fertilize it watered and let it grow forth produce much fruit jesus name we pray nobody said [Music] you
Channel: Tony Spell
Views: 816
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: Stewardship, Faithfulness, Well done my good and faithful servant, Servant, Kingdom Servants, Life Tabernacle Church, Pastor Tony Spell, Tony Spell, Apostolic Church, Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal Apostolic Church, Apostolic Churches in Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Holiness Church in Baton Rouge, Apostolic Sermons, The Church That Never Closed, WPF Churches, Bible Teaching, Sermons, Bible Sermons, Bible Messages, Preaching, Apostolic Preaching, Life Tabernacle, El Magey
Id: rlBRUrPuoHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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