"The Best of Times" or "The Worst of Times" | Life Tabernacle Church

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus said my house should be called in house of prayer let's turn this to what jesus said it is tonight across this sanctuary god the heaven is your throne and the earth is thy footstool lord jesus god the very heaven of heavens cannot contain your glory almighty god david wanted to know whether should he go from thy spirit and flee from thy presence wherever he was you were right there within god because you were omnipresent lord god that we would that you would manifest your presence in the sanctuary tonight meet the needs of a sight people oh god god we want to baptize you with a spirit of worship and thanksgiving god god we want to honor you god the way that you deserve it tonight jesus we worship your god we glorify you and magnify you lord jesus we bless you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we will bless you in all times thy praise shall continually be in our mouth our soul maketh her most in the lord jesus the humble shall hear thereof and be glad almighty god the heaven is thy throne in the earth the heaven of heavens cannot contain your glory jesus but god let your glory fall among us as we lift your name on a high jesus as we exalt you lord let your glory fall on us tonight jesus we worship your god hallelujah falling in love with jesus falling in love with jesus falling in love with [Music] jesus is the best thing i've ever ever done [Music] falling in love with jesus falling in love with jesus falling in love falling in love [Music] is disconnected no place [Music] [Music] is with jesus [Applause] [Music] we need you lord we need you lord we need you lord right now we need you lord we need you lord right now we need you lord we need you lord right now sing it straight to the throne of heaven we need you lord we need you lord right now we need you lord we need you lord we need you lord [Music] we love you lord we love you lord [Music] we love you lord we love you that's how i feel about you tonight god god that's how much i love you jesus with all of my heart with all of my soul with all of my strength with everything within me god i live your god i breathe you lord you are my everything jesus you are my all in all o hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i bless you in the good times i bless you in the bad times i bless you when things are going right i bless you when things are going wrong i love you lord hallelujah hallelujah why don't we give jesus a handcuff i pray to heal tonight david said i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm gonna boast in the lord here tonight what about you i will bless the lord [Music] i will bless the lord all the rest of my life [Music] [Music] his glory and his baby i will bless the lord for the rest of my life [Music] let us exalt [Music] his glory and his name [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] i will bless the lord for the rest of my life [Music] let us exalt him [Music] bless the is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i come to bless you god i said i come to bless your name lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus to the world it might look silly because you come in here on a tuesday night worship god but if they knew where you were whenever jesus found you they'd understand the reason that you act the way you do let's let my hands together to jesus [Music] christ are anyone who's ever seen the mountain of their sin just disappear [Music] for anyone has ever felt the hand of heaven reach down through their tears and wash away the fears already life once empty that now finds itself alive and full of soul victory song then you will understand the reason for the way the saints of god to the world it might look crazy for anyone who knows the hope that keeps them moving on through trouble days can i get a witness here tonight for anyone knows they've got a future [Music] a different story how he brought us out of darkness into life [Music] [Music] oh [Music] or anyone that knows the hope that keeps them moving on through troubled days [Music] are anyone that knows they've got a future see every life's a different story how he brought us out of darkness light there's just no way to keep us silent cause every press another chance to testify so we testify there's carry on now my brother carry on now my sister yeah i said carry on now my brother carry on now my sister [Music] [Applause] carry on now my sister [Music] and here's why you gotta keep on keeping up myself my name is [Music] what you're gonna do [Music] hallelujah jesus got a hold of my life one day i never have been the same i can take it to the place i can take the time when the lord saved me hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus amen i want us to get our song sheets out tonight the song said we will walk through the streets of the city now there's there's we're going to get in this song because the bible doesn't suggest it the bible doesn't even recommend it but the bible said enter into his gates with thanksgiving to his courts with praise and come before his presence with singing so we're going to sing the first verse in the chorus the second verse in the course and we're going to get in a victory march there's two reasons that you're getting the victory march everybody give me the victory sign tonight number one because we got the victory i don't know about you but i got the victory tonight the devil is defeated he walked into the garden but he crawled out on his belly i've got the victory the second reason is because some of us need the victory tonight i can tell by looking at some of y'all's mug shots y'all could use the victory tonight cause you hadn't smiled since you've been in here but you're gonna get the victory when we get in the victory march go something like this when we get to heaven we're gonna walk through the streets of the city [Music] [Music] and we will walk through the streets and we will go through the case sickness or sorrow in that city where death never comes where the angel of death never enters the eternal home and we will walk through the streets of that city from the north east and west they shall enter from the south to a hole shall arrive and we'll children gather [Music] god's eternal through the fields of his unending love viewing seeds ever rising before us eternity [Music] about let us sin be kind true and faithful to our savior says we will go through we're gonna sing that third verse and this is proof that the south is gonna rise again somebody shout hallelujah because no matter where you're from what race or age you are what your background is level of education the bible said all the saints of god are gonna rise on resurrection morning let's go from the north east and west they shall enter from the south to a hole shall arise then we'll children on the bed we oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah why don't we lift our hands across the sanctuary tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus so how i love jesus [Music] sing it with us now oh [Laughter] how i love jesus [Applause] to me he's so wonderful to me so wonderful to me he is so wonderful [Music] wonderful [Music] amen don't you really love the lord tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus amen the lord blesses each and every one tonight as we're making our way back to our places god bless you all in jesus name what a wonderful privileged honor it is to be together in the house of the lord with god's wonderful people on this beautiful tuesday evening we say god bless you may the name of the lord be exalted here tonight among us god's richest blessings be upon your life tonight amen we're thankful for so many guests we want to make you welcome here tonight into the house of the lord looking over here amen to our right our good friends all the way from detroit michigan and with us in the house of the lord tonight let's give them a handcraft god bless them amen and then over here from north louisiana god bless these good people with us again on tuesday night amen again all the way from memphis tennessee right here on the third row god bless them tonight also an honor to have our louisiana legislators with us in the house of the lord on this tuesday night they're here making history for the first time in over 50 years in the state of louisiana we are conducting presently in veto override session these good people have left their homes families occupations since early april and they have come in here and to the state of into the city of baton rouge they have written out bills and then they go to all the members of the house and all the members of the senate and then they get votes on their bill then they bring that bill to the floor and that bill passes then they go to the senate different judiciary committees and then it passes there only to go to the governor's desk and he used the power of the veto to throw those bills out what a waste of tax dollars what a waste of time what a waste such and waste whenever the people have spoken yet the governor overrides the voice of the people but they have made history tonight this group of legislators that are over here they've made history because they said enough is enough and we're going to have a veto override session that's what this is all about you can say no but we'll say no better amen why don't y'all stand up tonight and make yourself known brother mccormick amen i know for most of y'all i bless you all thank you all for being in the house of the lord darrell omni thank you all for being here tonight we honor you we pray for you god speed on you and may the will of the lord be done through you protecting our freedoms civil and religious liberties and standing up for the rights of louisianians god bless them so spell come we're going to sing tonight amen how do you really feel the presence of the lord in this house thank you jesus thank you jesus whatever you worship is your god there be god's many some men worship money some thing paul said some men's god is their belly whatever you worship is your god whatever rules you as your lord many men and women are ruled by different things some by greed some by fear worship their fear hates but he's my lord and he's my god [Music] he's my lord and my god he's not just a stranger to me when i looked past the veil it was easy to see these [Music] he's not just a stranger was easy to see he's my [Music] thomas the doubter said i won't believe until [Music] [Music] he fell to his knees he's my lord and my god he's not just a stranger to me what's easy to see is the skeptics today bring confusion to all but tradition won't let some folks see but jesus said i [Music] unless you know me and he's my he's not just a stranger to me [Music] is [Music] that's true tonight thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus amen what what a wonderful wonderful year this has been a year a time of unprecedented change in america yet a time of drawing closer to god has never been seen before how many can really say god has been good to you this year he woke you up this morning started you on your way put food on your table let you live to see the light of one more day thank you jesus thank you jesus we're happy to report that this past week we purchased three more sunday school buses for our sunday school bus fleet put one of those on the road this past sunday morning amen one of those buses brought 33 people to church on sunday morning god bless pray for amen thankful thankful to brother cooley his son who worked a miracle on bus number six this monday bringing it back to life it was ready for the graveyard and we don't want to call any names because we wouldn't want to let you know that sister lacy put 40 gallons of def in that bus diesel tank and tried to destroy my bus but it was an honest accident amen you can't do wrong unless you're doing something you can only mess up if you're attempting to do good and do it so so uh they they put 40 gallons of diesel exhaust fluid in the diesel tank and and the devil thought he was going to kill the most notorious bus in the world that bus has been seen all over the world but john deere green stripe six is running hitting on all the cylinders [Applause] [Music] so jesus is a miracle worker but you should have seen it when it was sitting there in jesus by itself and he sent along brother cooley and he worked his magic on it and it's running so good you can [Music] peace no matter how you try just as sure as you are living and the lord is in [Music] heaven [Music] no matter how you try no matter how you try [Music] just ashore as you are living and the lord is [Applause] [Music] just keep on giving because it's really true [Music] no matter how you try [Music] hallelujah let's stand across this house those soldiers of the lord put your swords in your hands tonight [Music] we come to execute vengeance on hell's chief demon i know the word of a god is right hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah amen we want to let you we want to let you turn tonight to the book of second timothy chapter number three timothy chapter three and verse number one in your old scope field bibles this is going to be page 1280 second timothy chapter three verse number 1 the word of the lord reads this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come the bible tells you what these times bring men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent despisers of those that are good not only are they evil but they despise you for being good it's one thing for you to do what you do but when you despise those that are good traitors headed high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god turn to the book of acts the fifth book of your new testament the acts of the apostles turning in here to the second chapter acts chapter 2 and verse 17 page 1150 old schofield acts 2 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall dream shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams even on my servants and on my handmaidens i will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy depending how you call these times the best of times or the worst of times will be dependent upon which portion of scripture you choose to relate to tonight there were those that will define us as a time of peril and it is and say these are the worst that times have ever been and there were those that to say that god is pouring out his spirit and he is making it the best of times bless you as you seated in the fear of the lord tonight to of mindset in our world today one mindset says this is the worst of times another mindset said these are the best of times which category do you fall into tonight you're not in the valley of decision nor are you straddling the fence your mind is made up one way or the other c s lewis and mere christianity said there is no middle ground in the universe every square inch every split second is either claimed by god or counterclaimed by the devil which category do you fall into tonight the apostle paul wrote in the book of second timothy this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come times apparel in which we are living tonight unthankfulness have you ever seen unthankfulness so rampant as it is tonight unholiness a lack of sanctification a lack of separation not only of the church in the world but but a lack of separation between humanity and activities that we share in common with the animal kingdom perilous times men who despise those that are good if you think people are going to pat you on the back and congratulate you because you live for god you've got another thought coming paul said these are the times that are coming upon us romans 13 11 paul said in that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed this is not time to be sleeping tonight these are no times to be sitting on the sideline tonight this is not a time to be sitting under a pomegranate tree reminiscing and talking about the good old days and some folks only have a recollection and a memory of the way things used to be those of you that live in your past are being robbed of the present gift that you have today guilt keeps you focused on your past fear keeps you focused on your future they rob you of your presence first chronicles 12 and 32 the bible talks about children of issachar men who had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do god give us those kind of men tonight who know what ought to be done who know what ought to be done and will do what ought to be done there is a difference in knowing and doing you can know to do right but to him that knoweth to do good and do it but not to him it is sin the bible tells you and there are three attitudes that you will develop tonight whether you recognize the time of trouble that we're living in or not or whether you recognize the blessed hour in which god has gifted us to live there are three attitudes that will be developed number one there are those who will give up it's never been as bad as it is nothing can be done about the present situation there's no use in trying we quit we're giving up psalm 137 and 1 the bible said by the rivers of babylon we sat yea we wept when we remembered zion they had reminisced as being carried as prisoners from jerusalem israel into the day into the nation of babylon and they wept yea we wept when we remembered zion remembered how good things used to be we remembered the davidic kingdom how every enemy that stood against david and his armies was defeated by the power of god we remember the days of solomon the shields of gold the the wise the peace that we had the wives that solomon had married the the times of success great economic prosperity and now that we're carried captive into the nation of babylon the bible said we wept when we remembered zion yay we hanged our harps upon the willows we sat down by the river we hanged up our harps on the willows and they that carried us away captive required of us a song they said sing us one of the songs of silence we've heard about you israelites how you can really sing we've heard about how you can strum your guitars and your harps and play your tambourines and you can bring down the glory of god sing us one of your songs but they said we quit this is the worst it's ever been we're never going to go back to jerusalem israel we're never going to have the glory of the latter days that we had in days gone by and in in yesteryear there's no use in us singing anymore there's no use in us trying to relate to this new world we're simply going to quit when things go wrong as they sometimes will and the road you trudge seems all uphill when your money is gone your debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh when care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must but don't ever quit life is queer with his twists and turns as every one of us sometimes learns many a failure has turned about when he might have won had he stuck it out so don't give up when your pace seems slow you might just succeed with another blow often the goal is nearer than it seems to the feigning faltering man often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup and he learned too late when the night came down how close he was to his golden crown success is failure turned inside out the silver tint in the clouds of doubt and you never know how close you are you may be near when it seems so far so stick to your fight when your heart is hit it's when things get worse that you must not quit oh these israelites may have chosen to quit they may have chosen to quit singing but did it ever dawn on you why god put you here in the beginning and that was so you could sing your song to a people that needed to witness and to know who god was oh babylon had i have been there i'll let you know that your babylonianism does not intimidate me being a child of god your worldliness does not intimidate my holiness your lack of morality does not change my my persuasion of godliness some people have chosen to quit some people have chosen to dive in and swim in all different directions but that is not the answer tonight the bible said to let your light so shine before men how how how can we sing it's very simple there's never been a greater hour for the church to sing than right now there's never been a greater time for the church to witness than to right now there's never been a greater opportunity when the world is in trouble when the devil is doing his worst it's time that the church let their light shine before men that we can glorify our father which is in heaven hallelujah the first attitude is to quit just blend in don't stand out just go along to get along oh but why did god put us here the darker the night the brighter the light is going to shine and we're in a dark hour tonight it is the worst of times because things have never been as wicked as they are tonight we have solemnized same-sex marriage you cannot marry men with men and women with women we have legalized partial birth abortion we are legalizing mind-altering chemicals we have called right wrong and wrong right confused good and evil to the degree that the lines have been blurred and we cannot tell or distinguish and decipher between what is good or bad any longer yes it could be the worst of times but there's never been a time like right now for us to preach for us to sing for us to witness for us to be the church for us to let our power bring out but let for us to show the world that jesus is still the answer jesus is still the answer jesus is still the answer [Applause] oh you can choose to quit tonight but as for me and my house we will serve the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know what jeremiah told the children of israel when you get in babylon build your houses plant your vineyards dig your wells declare who you are we might be here it might be a lot of trouble hell might be breaking loose all around us problems might be on every hand but that's no reason for the church to quit it's not time for the church to quit it's not time for the people of god to back down it's not time for the righteousness to be quiet but it's time for the righteous to lift up your head and shout and sing and preach and praise and witness [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it was it got so bad in the in the first part of the 20th century that people they preached the imminent return of jesus and holiness people apostolic pentecostal people they knew the lord was coming at any time they turned their pictures to the wall they got rid of their retirement they quit their jobs and they and they occupied until jesus came but he still hadn't come back tonight because there is no discharge in this war i know that some of you wish things were better i know you wish there was a different administration in washington i know you wish that laws would not be passed that are being passed but the fact of the matter is those days are not coming back oh a living dog is better than a dead lion the bible said a living dog is better than a dead lion there may be lions that lived yesterday they are dead and they are not coming back you might not be the caliber of man or woman that they were but i've got news for you if you're alive tonight you've got an opportunity to make a difference you've got a position to make a change you've got the power to be all that you can be for jesus there are five circles of influence number one ourself number two our family number three our our team number four our organization and number five our community that's where we have our greatest influence number one we influence ourselves it's important what you say when you talk to yourself if you tell yourself it's bad it ain't never going to get good it's never going to be like it was then you're going to influence your family and they're going to lose hope and they're not going to strive for excellence and then the team that you're associated with that spirit is contagious it's going to get off on them and then the organization whether it's a job or whether it's a church or whether it's a sunday school class they're going to be affected by that and then an entire community will lose hope because of one person that makes a decision to quit but what you need to do is like i have put here tonight is you live out your principles first your followers are a product of who you are and it is impossible to train people to be something that they don't see in you you can talk about courage you can talk about bravery you can talk about doing right but you can't train anybody to do something that you haven't done yourself you cannot come back from where you haven't been but i've got news for baton rouge i've got news for america i've got news for the globe tonight that we are an influential church and that we have influenced ourselves that we're not going to give up we're not going to quit we're not going to back down we're never going to close the church it meant something about the big big big big big government tried to shut down the church but they couldn't shut down this little old church they couldn't shut up this little old preacher they couldn't stop this little old congregation and do you know there's people all across america tonight that are that are members of this church they they relate with our self-convictions and they said we want the convictions that you have if they could stand then we can stand and because we have influenced self we have influenced our families we have influenced our team we have influenced our organization we have influenced our entire community do you see for the want of a nail a shoe is lost for the one of a shoe a horse is lost for the one of a horse a rider is lost for the one of a rider a message is lost for the one of a message a battle is lost for the one of a battle a war is lost wars are lost by little bitty insignificant nails it all hinges big doors swing on little hinges so don't you ever despise the day of small things just because you came into this house tonight is evidence enough the devil to the world to tyranny to people that want to to fight us that we will never quit these are the best of times it's never been so good i've never felt like preaching more than i do tonight i've never seen more people baptized than i have in the past year i've never seen more miracles than i have in the past year [Applause] hallelujah you must be focused on becoming a hundred percent you must know your tendencies and own them number one you number one you must be focused on becoming a hundred percent i can't help what everybody else does but i can help what i do i can't help what the rest of the world does but i can help what i do i can't help what my brother or sister does but i can help what i do others may but i cannot i can't help if others go to church but i can help if i do i can't help if others are faithful but i can help if i am i can't help if others are going to worship but i can help if i do i can't help if others say amen but i can help if i do i've got no control over you but if i can be right myself then i can influence you and if one can chase a thousand two can chase ten thousand of life you focus on becoming a hundred percent number two you know your tendencies and own them if you have the tendencies to gravitate to quitters you need to make up in your mind i'm gonna get away from quitters you lay down with dogs you'll get up with fleas i said you lay down with dogs you'll get up with fleas evil communications corrupt good manners and you got to be careful who you lend your ears to don't use your ears for a garbage can somebody said you know how we can cure the covet 19 just turn off the news channels just turn off the just turn off the television set amen but if you'd have been here number one this church the corner of hooper and blackwater was the number one tourist attraction in the state of louisiana for 2020. you can say it was the worst of times because our state was destroyed and debt was mounted and 40 of small businesses will never reopen but i say it's the best of times for the first time mardi gras didn't have more people than the church for the first time the nfl didn't have more people than the church for the first time the tiger stadium didn't have more people than the church you know what to god be the glory it's the best of times it's the best of times [Applause] it all depends on how you look at it [Applause] you must work hard to improve your patterns for the good of everyone somebody's looking at you tonight somebody's looking at you tonight somebody asked a man by the name of walk lindsay who slung a 12-pound sledgehammer against the berlin wall separating east and west berlin and when he was interviewed by cnn they said where did you get the courage to swing that sledgehammer he said he said i read about a woman in montgomery alabama that refused to get up off of her bus seat and give a white man her bus seat when he said you're sitting in my seat she was sitting in her seat but his seats were occupied and he said you're in my seat she said i just don't think i'm a move today when she asked where she got her courage she said the word of god when i read about a daniel when i read about an esther when i read about a david against goliath i got courage i just don't think i'm gonna quit today i just don't think i'm gonna give up today i just don't think i'm a back down today you work hard to improve your patterns and for the good of everyone their patterns will be improved number two that's the first attitude we just quit number two daniel purposed in his heart there's two kinds of leadership there is accidental leadership and intentional leadership accidental leadership says i hope everybody does right today i hope people do their job today i hope people do things better today i hope things change today well you can hope all you want but that is that is accidental leadership then there is intentional leadership intentional leadership says i will hold myself accountable and other people accountable for their duties i am going to be the change that i want everybody else to be i can talk about how bad things are i can whine about how bad things are i can get other people on my team and tell them things are never going to be better but that does not affect anybody for the good all that does is drag people down to your level all that does is bring a progression of depression but you know what daniel did while everybody was sitting by the river che bar in psalm 137 and they hung their guitars up and they zipped their lips and hushed their mugs daniel said i purpose in my heart that i'm not going to be defiled with the portion of the king's meat i'm not going to drink his wine you might have changed our name you might have changed our apparel but i'm going to do what daniel did i'm going to purpose in my heart this is the best it's ever been oh not a lot of people remember king nebuchadnezzar a lot of people don't remember king darius a lot of people don't remember king xerxes they don't remember the media persian kings they don't remember a hazaris they don't remember the babylonian king but everybody in the world remembers daniel daniel was a man that lives forever daniel was a man that said it might be the worst of times but i'm going to make the best out of a bad situation [Applause] hallelujah daniel was an intentional man i'm gonna sing right here in the palace i'm gonna live right right here in the palace i might be the only one but i got three boys looking at me shadrach meshach and abednego and he lived for 70 years in the nation of babylon he saw kings come and go he saw four kings live and die he saw four empires rise and fall but he said i'm still gonna be here you know what you know what jesus told herod they said jesus if you go into that city herod is gonna kill you jesus said you go tell that fox that i'm gonna be here today i'm gonna be here tomorrow and i'm gonna be here the day after tomorrow and if he wants me he can come get me you know that's the way i feel about it tonight the church needs to be the church no matter what anybody thinks about us we need to quit looking like an excuse and acting like an apology we need to quit hanging our heads and tucking our tails it's time for us to stand up for right it's time for us to join in the fight it's time for us to do what we know needs to be done hallelujah daniel look at the power of your actions daniel number one the power of your actions we are encouraged by your actions today daniel good job job good job you and your actions are so powerful that we're still hanging in there today because of you job number two add support to your world that means get some others around you that have your mindset get some people that's gonna prop you up when you feel like falling get some people that's going to push you back in line when you get out of line get some people that's going to hold you accountable for your actions oh you can find anybody that wants to quit you can find anybody that wants to throw in the towel you can find anybody that that that aims for nothing and hits it every time but you better surround yourself with people that are as good or better than you and when you get their spirit on you then you can go down and try to help somebody else that's down and out that needs some help but you better listen to me tonight you need to add support to your world i can't i can't i can't i can't make it up this mountain without somebody helping me i can't build this church without somebody helping me i can't do what i'm doing without somebody helping me [Applause] start your mornings well tell your neighbor start your morning well get up on the right side of the bed kick your shoes so far underneath your bed that you got to get up in the morning and get down on your knees to get them out from underneath there and when you're down there say god if it's not your will i'm not going to do it today if it's not right i'm not going to speak it today but god when i put my feet on the floor the devil is fixing it no i'm up the devil speaks no i'm fixing to make a change in this world start your mornings well stop listening to the pessimists stop listening to the naysayers if god be true and every man a liar if god be for you who can be against you [Applause] hallelujah the worst altar you could ever bow your knee at is the altar of other people's opinions hallelujah that you better make up in your mind if you don't make it up in your mind the devil will make it up for you i am what i am by the grace of god you didn't call me to preach god did you didn't call me to be a saint god did you didn't call me to this church god did you didn't bring me to the kingdom for such a time as this god did and if god brought me to this job if god put me here i'm gonna be the best at it that i've ever been i'm gonna do more than anybody's ever done [Applause] start your mornings well start your mornings well hallelujah you better watch who you answered that phone for you better watch whose text you respond to anybody that's trying to drag you down number one never argue with an idiot they will beat you with experience every time and drag you down on their level they got time to argue with you i know i'm right and if you think i'm wrong that's all right if the word of god says it that settles it i believe it if god said do not forsake the assembling of yourself together that settles it i believe it the government didn't give us our right to go to church the government didn't give us our right to bear arms that was settled a long time ago these are inalienable rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that means god gave us those rights and only god can take from us those rights among those are life and you have the right to protect your life if the government tries to take our right to bear arms they don't have that right that right was endowed to us by our creator the right to peaceably assemble the word church means assembly you can't be in a church without assembly the word in the greek is a cliche that was a god-given right that the constitution protects but the constitution doesn't give us our right to go to church god gives us a command to go to church dwell in the house of the lord forever i'm gonna go to the house of god i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord [Applause] start your mornings well challenge more effectively more effectively be effective in your challenge be effective be right be sold out become more consistent nothing in the world grieves the holy ghost worse than vacillation hot and cold hot and cold fever and chill fever and chill why churches are feast or famine feast or famine if your physical anatomy was that way you'd have to be admitted at the hospital and a doctor would have to administer medicine and medical care to you to try to get your body leveled out god never meant for us to be up and down hot and cold he said i want you one way or the other i want you either red hot or iced cold because if you're cold enough you'll go hunting a good fire and if you're hot enough you'll go looking for something that will cool you down but he said because you're lukewarm i'll spew you out of my mouth but you remember to be steadfast to be unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord you know we need people today that are going to be true to their word that are going to be consistent to their calling and are going to be god pleasers instead of man pleasers if you try to please man all the time and if you try to please yourself all the time you're going to make shipwreck of your life but you have to say god how does this line up with what you want from me society daniel said is not going to define me society does not describe me i'm going to define my society the world was never authorized to change the church the church was put here to change the world the church was not meant to blend in with the world satan isn't fighting our churches anymore satan is joining our churches he does more by sowing tares than pulling wheat he does more by a counterfeit gospel than he does by by trying to deteriorate the true gospel so the lines have been blurred today but daniel says i'm a purposeful man and shadrach meshach and abednego said we're not careful to answer you in this matter we know what's right we're going to do what's right there was a girl by the name of ruth that said i'm going this way the whole world can go that way abraham said i'm going to please god enoch said i'm going to please god noah said i'm going to please god if it takes 120 years i'm still going to keep on working for the lord it doesn't matter how long it takes church if god gave you a word you just stay true to god until the word comes to pass hallelujah it's still in question who the pharaoh was in exodus the first chapter some say oh it was some said ptolemy or some said ramses and some said ramses ii it's still a question great minds and and and theologians have discrepancies as to who that pharaoh was we don't really care who he was he was a baby killer he said we're going to kill all the boys all the man all the men children we're going to kill we're going to abort them but everybody remembers moses and everybody remembers moses because of his mom and dad amram and jochebed amram and jacob said we don't care what pharaoh says we don't care what his laws say and it was a law that you were to kill every baby boy and he was going to exterminate the jewish race but they said we don't care what the law says we care what god says thou shalt not kill and we still know who amram and jochebed and moses is and we build monuments to moses but who is that pharaoh out there in the sands of cairo egypt somewhere nobody really cares because monuments built to failures don't last but monuments built to heroes and heroines are going to last forever because they are the people that make a difference it's the best of times and it's the worst of times whatever side you want to live on but moses said it's the best of time my mother did not kill me i'm here today because i had a mother that said i refuse to bow to the king [Applause] 17 months later we we started third 17 months ago with 34 acres today we got 41 acres 17 months ago we had this many baptisms today we got over 900 baptisms 17 months ago we had not so many people in this church but but 17 months later people from all 50 states and and other continents have come into this church and have been healed of diseases they've been healed of cancer and hiv and lupus look at death in the eye looking a casket in the face but god said no i want a church that's going to be bold and i praise god today amen that we were not afraid of the king isn't it time we get some people that said we're not afraid we're not afraid we ought to fear god more than man we ought to fear god more than a virus if you thought cover 19 was something you just wait till the next one comes out they're calling it delta lambda or whatever now it's got all kind of different variants my friends on the west coast said thank god you won in the fifth circuit court of appeals he said because they are tightening down on us harder now than they did 17 months ago i don't know what we're going to do it's never been this bad before it's never been that it's never been so tyrannical before what are we going to do but when we look at you in your church if you can do it then we can do it it's still the united states of america it's still one nation under god it's still if god be for us who can be against us oh i thank god that when the devil said shut down the lord said just keep on [Applause] going hallelujah nobody remembers those egyptians that were buried in the red sea but everybody remembers miriam you all know what miriam did when she got on the other side of the red sea she got her tambourine out she started dancing and singing the horse and the rider thought they were gonna run us down they thought they were gonna bury us but they are buried in the red sea somebody danced with me she got her tambourine out and we're still preaching about it today oh the devil meant for bad god meant for good what the devil thought would bury us god planted us fertilized us and we're growing stronger than nights hallelujah hallelujah number one you can give up number two you can purpose in your heart to be a daniel number three esther you can be the means to a miracle there is no accidental leadership in esther she said haman wants to exterminate the jews i'll go into the king's palace unsummoned and if i perish i perish i may die but i'm going to die fighting for my convictions i may lose but the devil's going to live a lifetime knowing that he fought me isn't that the attitude that you need tonight hallelujah i know not what course others may take our brethren are already in the field but as for me give me liberty or give me death hallelujah what really matters tonight is not those who have quit you can get back on anytime you'd like we don't hold any fault against you hallelujah we don't look down on you but thank god for the esther's that stayed when elimelech and naomi madeleine chilean went down to moab boaz stayed boaz stayed that's what one of two books in your bible is named after a woman and one of them is not a jew and that's ruth it should have been called the book of boaz because there wouldn't have been a ruth had boa as not of stayed boaz and elimelech was in the same famine boaz and limoulek had the same judgments boaz and elimelech had the same king boaz and elimelech worship the same god the difference was elimelech went down and died boaz stayed and lived thank god that somebody stayed tonight thank god somebody's still fighting for freedom thank god somebody's still saying not on my watch thank god somebody still got some backbone in them thank god somebody still says gonna make a difference thank god somebody's still gonna get on their bus at 6 30 sunday morning and drive out and pick up 30 people on their bus across those 36 buses 35 buses today 35 buses are going to fire up we're going to spend 2500 in fuel we're going to spend a thousand dollars on breakfast we're going to give and give and give until it hurts without the expectation of appreciation or gratitude because it never was about that anyway it was always about god anyway hallelujah these are the best of times the best of times make of them what you will had job of not have gone through his trouble he would not have had double at the end of his 42 chapters had or not that daniel had stopped praying his enemies would not have been destroyed in the den of lions it's the best of times because god is making up his jewels right now malachi 3 16 god is making up his jewels he's putting together a perfect ornament called the church he's arranging it strategically placing it separating wheat from tear and sheep from goats and calling out you to be salty god didn't call you to fit in or blend in or go along to get along god didn't call you to have your favorite color camouflage but god caused you to be a stark difference a differentiation between good and evil right and wrong the church of the world and that's who you are tonight oh yes it's worse than it's ever been but it's the best paul said the last days times of peril are here but jesus said in the last days i will pour out of my spirit don't you see it's got to get this bad so i can show you how good i really am don't you see it's got to get this wicked everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that the things that cannot be shaken will remain hallelujah god help us tonight i don't want to quit but i want to be a daniel i want to be a change somebody join me in this altar tonight let the lord baptize you with a spirit of influence of righteousness and holiness and integrity and goodness [Music] hallelujah [Music] play with the lord [Music] all the way i'm going all the way i'm going all the way so [Music] with going all the way [Applause] [Music] i'm going all the way [Music] [Music] lord [Music] i'm going all the way all the way [Music] of the holy strengthen us god guide us empower us god encourage us god for the fight strengthen our arms our hands our hearts and spirits [Music] going all the way all the way [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh going on [Applause] and i'm going all the way [Music] the way all the way no turning back away i'm going all the way [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord i'm going all on [Music] so [Music] good morning [Music]
Channel: Tony Spell
Views: 823
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic Church, Life Tabernacle Church, Pastor Tony Spell
Id: r26WI4O_Dgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 48sec (5628 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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