Steven Universe | Steven Dares To Argue With Pearl! | Warp Tour | Cartoon Network

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the steven universe youtube channel has the full OST uploaded on their channel, i believe!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Apprehensive-Hawk513 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2023 🗫︎ replies
oh stephen this isn't about the thing you think you saw outside the warp stream yesterday is it but it was real something was warping somewhere in the warp listen nothing on earth can use the warps but us do you understand steven not an agreement if you understand not in agreement i'm confident pearl is right but if it'll make you feel better we can just go check [Music] nothing unusual bless you [Music] nothing here either and the g out is holding nicely [Music] whoa now that's something stephen junior's been busy this makes you a grandpa congratulations hey we're getting off task here we've looked all over there's nothing out here to find but you're wrong excuse me i i mean nothing on earth can use these warps but us well what if it came from space i don't appreciate your tone these are the warps that once connected us to other planets if something tried to come from space it would be through here but wait this war pad is broken marked inactive by the very depressed cartoon breakfast sticker you placed here yourself look pearl's right like usual ugh you get used to it we're safe well i guess so ah oh man finally that took all day it was important to make steven feel secure yes stephen feels much better now i'm a little tired of you guys telling me how i feel i know i saw something outside the stream and i know you didn't what are you so hard to just listen to stephen [Music] steven you just don't know what you're talking about it sounds like maybe you don't know what i'm talking about ah okay stephen that's enough let it go hey dude you still on about that thing in the stream uh what you eating macaroni and nothing ugh whatever we can hang out again when you stop being such a sad sack ah why am i doing this fine i give up steven was wrong and everyone else was right nothing's going to come through that warp pad [Music] you were the thing in the warp stream you did come from space you're trying to get to the workpad aren't you amethyst come back i knew it i did see something guys i was right look guys come on check this out sorry [Music] oh no you don't gordon amethyst [Music] where are you going you're coming from all over oh hey stop it [Music] i was right and now i'm gonna die i'm tired frozen little sansa [Music] take deep breaths this is what you saw i don't care about that i do i should have listened to you you're a crystal gem too stephen are you okay amethyst heard the warp pad activate and garnet said you were floating outside the stream and uh what is that we are the crystal gems we'll always save the day and if you think we can we'll always find a [Music] and steven
Channel: Steven Universe
Views: 13,471,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven universe, stephen universe, I’m stronger than you, steven, steven universe garnet, garnet stronger than you, garnet, steven universe wanted, Steven universe stronger than you, steven universe stuck together, steven universe theme song, steven universe the trial, steven universe song, steven universe songs, steven universe full ep, steven universefull episode, cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons for adults, stronger than you, warp tour, argue, pearl, salty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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