Steven Universe | Rose's Scabbard - Steven Comforts Pearl | Cartoon Network

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Every time I listen to the SU Original Soundtrack playlist, "I'm Still Here" is always the one hits me the hardest

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TheNoneedlife 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
here it is rose's sword how did it get in there i don't know but there's a ton of stuff in there i keep stuffing them too [Laughter] but how does lion have something to do with rose oh of course that's why he's pink it's a little obvious but rose didn't have a lion it seems like her stuff in there no rose didn't have a lion because if rose had a lion i would have known about it rose can't many things secret even from us but not from me i was the one she told everything yo you're not the only one who misses her you can't understand how i feel none of you had what we had she probably just wanted to protect you like everyone else what do you know you've never even met her fine go go cry about it where'd she go who cares i hate it when she gets like this garnet is she okay well i'm gonna go find her do you know where she went i'm going to assume that means you do let's go find pearl good luck pearl leave me alone wait for me get that thing away from me you better sit this one out lion [Music] i had to talk with lion he's gonna chill out here we're alone now nice and private [Music] a good idea i'll meet you with the top this is really hard to do in sandals go away pearl did i did i do something wrong you gotta tell me [Music] hello pearl you have to tell me what's wrong sometimes you even sound like her do you remember this place do you have any of her memories we were right here over 5000 years ago [Music] pearl yes i'm going to stay and fight for this planet you don't have to do this with me but i want to i know you do please please understand if we lose we'll be killed and if we win we can never go home why would i ever want to go home if you're here [Music] my pearl you're wonderful everything i ever did i did for her now she's gone but i'm still here sometimes i wonder if she can see me through your eyes what would she think of me now well i think you're pretty great [Music] and if you think we can [Music] and stephen
Channel: Steven Universe
Views: 14,363,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven universe, stephen universe, I’m stronger than you, steven, steven universe garnet, garnet stronger than you, garnet, steven universe wanted, Steven universe stronger than you, steven universe stuck together, steven universe theme song, steven universe the trial, steven universe song, steven universe songs, steven universe full ep, steven universefull episode, cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons for adults, stronger than you
Id: Z34V-pHgLRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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