Steven Universe Future Series Finale BREAKDOWN! Pink Pearl Mystery, Easter Eggs & Details You Missed
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Channel: The Roundtable
Views: 1,028,057
Rating: 4.8870587 out of 5
Keywords: steven universe future, steven universe finale, steven universe future final episode, everything's fine, i am my monster, homeworld bound, the future, steven universe ending, steven leaves beach city, monster steven, corrupted steven, steven transforms, pink diamond, blue diamond, yellow diamond, white diamond, pink pearl, volleyball, spinel, jasper, steven shatters jasper, steven tries to shatter white diamond, connie, lapis lazuli, peridot, bismuth
Id: 0jhci2IVCPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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