Steve Scalise holds press conference at the border

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from coming united states because their mission is now turned into a humanitarian mission something that they're not sworn to do and so the by administration is failing these families and failing our neighboring countries and failing the citizens of the united states by their inability to maintain and manage this challenge and what's the result 55 pounds of fentanyl came into this sector in this fiscal year how much more could we have caught or interdict it if we had people out on the front lines instead of in court in hospital or in the donna detention facility 55 pounds enough to kill 4 400 americans think of what's out there that we're not interdicted so it's a drug crisis too it's a money laundering and terrorism crisis something we're concerned about on house financial services committee in february cbp says based on their estimates and based on these trafficking numbers 14 million dollars a day almost 15 million dollars a day are being earned by the cartel 400 million dollars in one month the month of february you don't think that's a terror finance problem on the border of the united states so president biden and the vice president this is out of control it's a crisis your leadership is failing and you need to take action to protect the american people yield back thank you any word for those companies that were building the wall and they were just told we'll get into questions and our last uh speakers nicole thank you uh i'm nicole malliotakis i represent new york's 11th district i want to thank minority whip scalise for inviting me to be a part of this trip what the biden administration does not want you to know is simply that they have handed over the borders of our country to the cartels and smugglers our custom and border protection our law enforcement they do an amazing job but they need to have the resources they need to have the staffing and they need to have the ability to not have their hands tied to actually take action and do the work that they need to do to protect our country at the current pace of a hundred and fifty thousand to a hundred and seventy thousand individuals crossing illegally we're talking about by this summer more than a million people crossing illegally through our southern border in the year 2020 so far come this summer which is more people than reside in president biden's home state of delaware that is the amount of people we're talking about now i'm the daughter of immigrants my mother is a cuban refugee i have a lot of compassion for the individuals that i saw today when my mother came to this country there were rules in place there was order what i saw this trip was chaos disorder and i saw people children being exploited by bad people who are making billions of dollars trafficking individuals trafficking drugs trafficking guns and it's incredibly shocking to me that any country that any leader would allow this to happen thank you we'll be happy to take questions now yes sir uh what do you tell the companies that we're building the wall and all of a sudden we're told just to stop yeah on day one when president biden took office he ordered a halt to construction of the wall and again the border wall was working and these are contracts in place so the taxpayers of america are still paying the companies who have these contracts to build the wall but now taxpayers are paying for the wall not to be built and these are abandoned work sites like i told you a border patrol agent just recently was severely injured because he was apprehending somebody crossing illegally and he went through the work site following this this illegal crosser and ultimately ended up getting seriously injured may not be able to work again again what does biden tell to people like that that are experiencing this hi congressman mccall you mentioned that you had a briefing with secretary mallorcas could you explain how long that was and you said he didn't need the hangar but didn't he tour donna when he came yeah and i questioned him during our hearing he never answered my question about why did you rescind the migration protection protocols that remain in mexico the asylum agreements which are masterfully negotiated by the prior administration uh which has created this problem now i did not meet with him but i will tell you that some of the top leadership at cbp were quite disappointed that he didn't visit the donna detention facility while he was here i i think just giving having a q a with your just a couple of your employees in an airport hangar is not a sufficient trip and it does not help the morale that i'm very worried about i've worked with border patrol when i was a federal prosecutor chairman of homeland i worry about their morale particularly when it's been stated 40 percent of their efforts are taken away from the front lines to become babysitters and bus drivers i think it's incumbent upon a leader to visit his troops to go see compassionately what they have created and try to fix it and he failed to do that he did not meet with us no no correct okay two hunter davis with questions news the first for representative mccall in the second four representatives police or whichever order the first the border wall and the construction that has stopped has left a lot of levees in jeopardy uh one here in mission texas specifically maybe three miles from here it's currently down and there's no border wall protecting this city like it was supposed to has that been a conversation as we approach hurricane season yeah as a hundred percent so we saw the unfinished levee and wall and you know levees can provide infrastructure to protect the border as well and they have a practical purpose for flood mitigation uh what border patrol told us today uh was that they're very much in jeopardy of flooding now because it's not finished it's put on pause you know congress's intent when we passed this legislation an appropriation was to finish the job and president biden by executive orders defined the will of congress and so it is a problem uh we are the the agents are very worried about hurricane season approaching as you know we in texas in august september and october and if it's not completed it's going to pose a threat to the residents there so i hope we can move forward you know with this but it is it is a danger to the residents here in mission and in mcallen and i then know if it's clear to everybody but it seems clear that as of now there's going to be no movement on the current policies that are in place at the border so what is congress going to do what are you guys going to do when you get back to washington to help the situation here we're going to do everything in our power to first raise awareness about what's happening because the biden administration clearly doesn't want america to know they're keeping the press out of these facilities for a reason they're trying to hide this national scandal we're going to also file legislation to reverse some of those executive actions president biden took that every border patrol agent will tell you it's it's not like the jury's out it's not like you get five different suggestions every border agent who knows how to manage america's border tells you the exact same thing it was the biden executive orders reversing those trump policies that led to this national disgrace this uh this influx of people across our border so clearly continuing to call on president biden to come see this for himself look maybe he's so ashamed of it that he wanted to dump this off on kamala harris she's so ashamed of it she doesn't want to have anything to do with it which is why she won't even come here herself imagine a vice president united states being placed in charge of a national crisis by the president and weeks later she still hasn't come down to see what's going on so she can address it that's a dereliction of duty and so we call on the president vice president to do their job they can reverse this policy tomorrow we'll continue to raise national awareness we'll try to push legislation good luck trying to get pelosi to address this uh scandal because speaker pelosi doesn't want to address this problem either but again when you talk about what's happening in that donna detention facility for example you've got right now in most states you can't have more than 250 people in a facility restaurants are being told they can't have more than 25 capacity and yet you've got the donna detention facility right down the street that has a capacity of 250 people that has over 4 000 in that facility today in the middle of a global pandemic where's president biden's concern about the science that he used to talk about when he was a candidate that now he has abandoned he is letting they said about ten percent of the people in that facility right now have coveted 19. and they're not six feet apart they're not three feet apart when we saw these these cells that they're holding these kids in designed for 33 people and there's over 400 in them they're inches apart many without masks transmitting covet they're super spreader events and you don't see any concern by president biden for that these are the things that we're going to continue to expose and let people all across the country know what's going on you see so many members of congress from all around the nation we're going to continue to spread this message and it can all be stopped today but the ultimate goal would be to get president biden to address this problem and fix it he can do it he created this problem with a stroke of a pen he can fix this problem with the stroke of effect congress reconciled the fact that um according to reports hhs is spending 60 million dollars a week to take care of the unaccompanied minors and the administration right now is trying to propose a big infrastructure bill that it means a lot of money for taxpayers and one and the second part um what do you think what is your message to the secretary of homeland security he did not bring any journalists it was not open for the media any of these trips it's important to have the transparency of mobile reporters having access to this facility yeah we would like to see full transparency and as you mentioned the secretary of homeland security came as congressman mccall said stayed in the hangar the whole time didn't take questions from the press he only talked to a few border patrol agents and if he listened to them like we listened to them they all are saying the same thing that can fix this problem and he refuses to do it but if you get back to the money we're talking billions of dollars of cost to the american taxpayer by president biden's crisis he's created but before you go borrowing money from our kids and grandkids to do trillions in infrastructure they're already spending money that's been appropriated to build this wall and they're spending that money to not build the wall how about you take the money that's already being spent and actually build wall border security infrastructure flood protection i'm from new orleans we know a thing or two about levees and flood protection and they told us thousands thousands of families in mission texas are exposed to flooding today on the midst of hurricane season because president biden stopped building their flood protection and they by the way the administration promised they wouldn't leave them hanging during hurricane season and he's left them holding the bag there it's a national disgrace what's happening all self-created by president obama the kids i mean in 2014 we had the same issue and a lot of the kids were sent back to their countries their first ladies came they visited with them that should be a way to try to send them back and that way it is not the burden what the border patrol agents will tell you is that the ward's gotten out all across not just central and south america at donna there's over 50 countries represented in that detention facility and we're talking about people on the terrace watch list that they've now apprehended a thousand felons that were released from american prisons and deported back to their countries a thousand that have come over just this year a hundred pedophiles that were arrested in america to time in america for pedophilia that were then released sent back home and now they've come across those are just the ones we've caught so again this can all be stopped by president biden reversing the action he took that created this crisis send the message back across the world that our border is going to be secured like every other country but when the message today is that the border is open they're coming in droves again we were there less than an hour and it was a constant parade of people coming across illegally because they know the loopholes in the system and the drug dealers are the ones making the most money and americans are the ones paying the price thank you all for coming thank my colleagues for coming out to see this thanks good job you were completely liberal you
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, FNC, Fox News, News, live, live stream, live streaming, live video, live news, live press conference, fox news live stream, fox news live, fox live stream, fox live, border, us mexico border, texas, texas border crisis, biden, biden border crisis, immigration, immigration crisis, house republicans, law enforcement, sheriffs, gop live, texas sheriffs, steve scalise, scalise, steve scalise live, fox news steve scalise live, steve scalise border tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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