Steve Harvey on the Two Sides: POSITIVE and NEGATIVE - How to Be Positive and successful.

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what you put out is what comes back so if you say I'm going to be successful I'm going to be happy I'm going to enrich my life I'm going to have a top quality life this is how it works your brain is divided into two halves good positive negative and Evil good and positive negative and evil your mind don't work on no other principle it's either right or wrong good or bad righteous or evil it don't operate no other way skip anything else you've ever heard there are in each side of the brain millions of factory workers in charge of each one of these different sides is a format you have forming positive you have forming negative those are the two people in charge this is how it works you wake up in the morning and you say man man this I'm having a bad day I woke up on the wrong side of the bed the foreman on the negative evil side of your brain steps to the Forefront says excuse me what did you say I said I'm having a bad day I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that farming turns around has a megaphone makes an announcement to the million of factory workers on the left side of the brain the negative and the evil side and he says Hey Steve's having a bad day this morning he woke up on the wrong side of the bed they go right away sir they turn around and start manufacturing thoughts to justify you having a bad day today I will produce everything you need to go with what you said that's what you thinking that's what it is and then your mind just starts going yeah we got up I missed my alarm I set the snooze button and I got I got to get out in this rush hour traffic I got to go down here and see these people I don't even care about today I don't feel like man my electric toothbrush it ain't even charged up ain't no more damn toothpaste in this too I'd have rolled it all out it just starts rolling on the other hand if you wake up every morning you say thank you I sure appreciate you Lord thank you for waking me up today I expect to have another great day that farming comes to the front excuse me what did you just say I said I'm having a great day I want to thank you and I'm looking forward and I expect to have a great day he said right away he turned around get that megaphone and say all right guys Steve's having a great day he's expecting some good things to happen today and uh he thinks it's going to be a really great day for him today let's get to work the workers start producing you know what man we got a job to go to man we making some money man I got a roof over my head it may not be the house I want but I'm headed in that direction man I got a car outside man I got the ability to walk to the bus stop man I'm healthy you know what I'm saying that's how it works it's not a magic trick the difference between successful people and non-successful people is we wake up expecting great things to happen now listen some bad things gonna happen to you that's life know that the road to success is always under construction Ain't No Easy Way ain't no get everybody go right there everybody will go do that It's Gonna Get Funky for you in 2019. you're gonna get some setbacks you're gonna lose some loved ones I buried my best friend we playing golf in October he died while we're playing golf my best friend I miss him but I ain't want to climb in the casket you know I was at the funeral crying but you know when they shut it down and roll it out I let them go ahead I ain't I got to go on with my life it happens life is 10 what you happens to you is 90 what you do about it quit tripping every time something negative happened it's the step to the next level you gotta pass test you can't have a testimony without no test you can't tell nobody what you've been through unless you've been through something I can't stand here and tell you that this works unless I haven't seen it work why don't you take your god-given gift the thing that he gave all of you at Birth and start using it all of you have a gift that God gave you at Birth the Bible says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of Great Men not your job [Music] not your career choice your gift I've been to the White House but President Obama probably eight times I'd never been there before don't look like I'm going back again [Music] I haven't been to the White House I'd have met a supreme ruler of Abu Dhabi I've met the president of Botswana I met Kings I met because of my gift that's the only reason I'm here and cause I'm educated I don't have none but just God you serve is listening to you all you got to do is ask it you got to talk to God you got to tell him what you want you got to believe that he gonna give it to you you got to be willing to put the work in and you got to wait on him God will give you everything you ask for if you put the work in and you wait on it if I was you I would try that stop fooling yourself talk to God in 2019 expect 2019 to be the greatest year of your life and God will give that to you he gonna give it to me watch I bet he'll do it for you thank y'all thank you [Music]
Views: 261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveharvey, positive, negative, mindset, brain power, positivity, personal development, self-improvement, mental well-being, happiness, success, motivation, inspiration, self-growth, mindset shift, positive thinking, inner strength, daily habits, mental resilience, emotional intelligence, self-awareness
Id: Xeo9FQZppTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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