Steve Coogan Won't Stop Doing Impressions | Friday Night With Jonathan Ross

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ladies and gentlemen i genuinely believe them to be two of the finest and most original comedians this country has produced in recent years mr bob mortimer and the one and only steve cougar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bob bob and steve telling you how nice to have you both here uh because you know you're you're genuinely fantastically talented men oh thank you for coming on the show you're welcome nice to see steve's made a bit of the effort you look like just dropped off the kids in a local he was going to make much more of an effort but i uh i asked him nothing he normally wears suits and i know a little bit scruffy so we thought we'd flip it flip it okay you meet in the middle but jonathan you're overdressed aren't you no not necessarily i like to think the worldly people watching this is the last place that can come to a no they're going to get someone who is dressed respectfully to appear in their television the corner of their rooms every night they all know where they should stay god save the queen the queen be an operative word yeah like a gay person yeah are you with me that's the kind of razor sharp we've missed on television hollywood ladies and gentlemen um now the reason why uh bob and stevie together and it might seem strange because normally you would expect to say bob and vic together is that steve and bob are working with vic who just isn't here this evening on a new itv comedy which started this evening at 10 o'clock i believe monkey pants monkey trousers monkey trousers slightly more polite okay uh what incredible cast of people you haven't it's a sketch show essentially how do you get the people you have tell us who's on it with you there's john thompson ronnie on corner um alistair mcgowan tim healey tim healey that was quite a lovely moment between the two of you there now presumably either you know all these people as friends and therefore you can bully them into doing it or they're just attracted by what a lot of money we've got something on all of them yeah we're just calling in favors you know well i know you have something on most people but really what a great cast i mean that is a dream i bet itv couldn't wait to get the show off you could if you if you can deliver that kind of talent in a manner of speaking in the manner of speaking we just we're just all the people that we thought were funny we normally see there's lots of funny people in the world jonathan yeah we thought it was very nice to get all the funny people and put them together in one show well i didn't want to ask you about why some people who you've known for years didn't get asked to be in the show and other people did we asked we asked you we asked you to be a gay circus draper didn't we no you didn't i would have come in as a gay circus man you were you you said you refused to play a draper the gay partner the gay part comes naturally do you like design don't you i love design i'm often found that i'm dressing up my pets exactly some people say i'm more than halfway there already um now you are a father of how many children two children two lovely boys yep uh how old are they now they're six and eight six or eight and you find that fun is that good did you enjoy it or is it something you wish you hadn't ventured into it's the best you know if it wasn't for them i think i would kill myself well that's fearless that's the kind of breezy response i was hoping for steve has having a child fostered thoughts of your potential suicide yeah obviously without a child equally you know along with i would indeed kill myself but it's nice having a daughter it it really brings out the goodness in here and each day i think to myself shall i hop my court today no my lovely daughter i'll continue i'll stay on this report okay well it's a difficult business isn't it it's a very you know like nigella larson said that she's the picture frame she said she's no longer the picture she is now the famous well i feel like the picture hug you're barely involved really well no that's i'm just holding them up do your kids watch on shows do they ever watch you with vic um i don't think your daughter wouldn't watch partridge or would you no she's not seeing anybody she'd heard about it she saw me and around the world in 80 days which was seen by you and your family and about four other people but hey i really liked it it was a really good fun film i don't understand why that wasn't a hit i really enjoyed it and you went to all the trouble of growing your hair long for it and you always had your teeth done in hollywood because you don't look anywhere near as gawky as you used to you look like a proper leading man now doesn't it looks gorgeous look at that perhaps you look a little bit like a younger griffey stones when you do that that's bad well not if you agree if he's quite he's got character he's yeah carrick yeah he's nice he's a nice bloke um i saw miss and i'm sure you know you guys just i want to see more adam partridge i so love dalan partridge and i know it's hard to you know he's not dead he's not dead he's just he's in cold stories he's cryogenically preserved but when are you going to be back when i'm going to defrost you don't have plans do you no i do actually well they were thinking of doing a partridge film oh wow that'd be great yeah you might have a little cameo in it you're saying that now but you don't mean it no of course not me but that would be quite genuinely and is that on the cards yeah yeah you know that's the with the people who are talking about we're talking about money and actors so it's really who are these people steve i don't know who they are strangers strangers strange men with cigars and money uh the first time i met steve coogan it was many many years ago he was just a boy really and it was at a royal variety performance and you came out and it was a totally different you really you you weren't doing the kind of clever character comedy you do now you were basically you were an impressionist yeah you came out and i think did you do frank spencer that night i didn't but i think psychologically i might as well have done it was kind of that kind of act and i remember thinking why this is a talented young man we'll see him doing variety so many years and then you you sort of made the decision you didn't want to go in that direction didn't you well no i was i was known as a sort of like i was known as kind of a cut price rory bremner so you know if you can imagine such a thing and uh and i was i was doing lots of uh impressions i was doing spitting image and all that and that and i just uh i just think yeah i mean i love impressions it's great fun but it's to me it's a glorified party trick you know and i wanted to get away from that so i started doing characters in the sort of stand-up thing but i used to do all that kind of uh i used to like just i was the funny voice man who did you used to do well um do you know what i'm going to do frank spencer because i think if i do it then i kind of like i've done it then yeah okay and and did you do thanks but you didn't actually do thanksgiving i never did but and obviously i knew how to do them it's kind of like is it there in the back pocket for emergencies yeah yeah because you know a crowd loves put it over there or do it in the it's morning i can't believe it but you think if you've got a talent like that then use it because it's god-giver don't even do is your your spencer i can oh but what that's going on i've i've i've probably hurt myself jennifer that's a dalek that's not bad is it a little better i don't know like a sea devil i was trying i'm not known for my purpose you're very good at impressions i'll do some very good ones that's a super impressive marvelous indian but you're not allowed to anymore no i know the world's gone mad i do it for the kids obviously yeah you can talk ramsay um you want to watch yourself um i remember you used to do a hell of a lot of voiceovers for commercials now we mentioned earlier a lady who was overcome while wearing passion panties in asda and steve used to be the voice of azda remember the lady used to jingle the coins in the back of her quite large bottom and then it used to say at the end of the advert that's asda price show your eyes let's have that again well now there's even more for your money at asda what is the accent it's kind of reassuring not any part of the country but all the countries big woolly jumpers in it yeah fully jumpers and comfortable leather slip-on shoes now the other thing about bob you're also back on tv in uh cataract which you've written uh with vic and you're starting with vic and it's a brilliant if wildly unusual program i really adored it uh it was on bbc three and it's one of the most strange comedy programs i think i've ever seen which is a compliment no i love it but i think it's the best thing that vic and i have ever done but you know and once again a great cast there with you matt lucas in it moena banks i mean all right across the board how would you sum up katarik if you had to in a short way for people who are not acquainted with it yet it's it's like i saw instead of a sitcom it's like a road com you know it's just the same characters um in the same situation but a story is developing over six weeks rather than a different story every week and it's quite in a way it's played quite straight the character is absurd but you kind of it's like proper acting and doesn't it well i wouldn't say what i do is probably yeah but that's the intention you're so self-defecating yeah yeah you want to take some of his ridiculous over confidence and share it out i'll give him some of that could i do that steve yeah sure are you of course do you like working together though i mean i don't know how much you actually i'm working with him i uh which i understand and respect but i love working with vic and bob because they're so meaty i can use that phrase um no it was very good working because uh they attracted a certain kind of performer myself attracted a different kind of performer so because it's going through your company of course and together so really you it's a meeting of talents who have different people they can draw upon yeah yeah that's it well it's quite a dull answer when people said to me you weren't actually funny without a script i didn't believe [Laughter] it's just got a naturally funny face isn't it it's a beauty it's a impis but yeah i look like a grotesque pumpkin these days i feel uh the face the character you do in the show in monkey trousers is kind of a demented there he is now that's a quite a face are you just pulling that face our prosthetics involved that look at that it's uh it's a strange sort of uh that's really hot it's a sort of uh it's a northern a northern practice in homosexual things could you stop it now please no i don't want to that's the best reason jonathan he doesn't want to why don't you stop it one two well despite not wanting to stop it of the show please stop it that's really horrible you look even more like grifforce jones uh ladies and gentlemen i'm sure you'll agree their spending guess congratulations monkey trousers great fun it's on itv uh well it started tonight it's like tonight 10 o'clock on fridays yeah and how many weeks are you running for it's running for six weeks okay and catwick is on bbc's on mondays at 10 o'clock a while you're just busy and it's a lot of fun it really is uh make sure you watch some if i need to keep him from committing suicide ladies and gentlemen thank you very much indeed for having us lovely to see you both here together you know what you you look good together you know you'd be a great like a new cop team yeah yeah i think so and like you know everyone needs a gimmicky cops with forensic forensic cis isn't that what that's what they sold cagney and lacy on wouldn't it no it's lack of i i do not wish i was dead don't think of your kids charlie if it wasn't for those kids one of those pesky kids um so nice sibo thank you for coming on mr bob mortimer mr steve coogan ladies [Applause] always [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Friday Night With Jonathan Ross
Views: 730,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British humor, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, TV celebrities, TV talk shows, amusing anecdotes, celebrity banter, comedic duo, comedy partnerships, entertainment industry, famous actors, fun interviews, hilarious moments, interview highlights, must-see moments, on-screen chemistry, popular TV shows, screen presence, show highlights, standout performances, talk show guests, television icons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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