Step By Step Guide To Government Contracting in 2023 | Win Your First Government Contract

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the federal government spends over 600 billion dollars a year yes that's right over 600 billion and i'm here to share with you steps to get a government contract you have to add value what problems do you solve why should the federal government work with you when there's thousands upon thousands of different contracting companies out there what do you offer that's maybe a little different perhaps unique or maybe you offer something that somebody else offers however you add a little twist or your client relation skills are amazing because the federal government wants their lives to be easy don't we all isn't that why we shop at places like amazon you also have to ask yourself in terms of steps to get a government contract what is your business model so i'm going to share my screen and walk through several things you're going to notice that throughout this video money making idea matrix we're just gonna jump right into it because if you're not making money this isn't a business it's not it's something you do for fun maybe is a hobby but when it comes to a business regardless of who your client is it is all about being able to make money so you stay in business you know one stat just to be aware of before i jump into this eighty percent of black owned businesses fail within 18 months i own three multi-million dollar company so i know it can be done it's just that we have to have these tough kind of conversations these raw honest conversations and that's why we're beginning here with money because value is involved with money so you have to ask yourself what is my money making idea and i have this matrix here for you to help you walk through it so what you're going to want to do is come up with ideas what are you interested in offering to the federal government is there a profitable need for it is this something you could scale will this bring you joy how long do you want to do this and you may be asking yourself well how do i even figure this out where do i even begin don't ask too many questions just dream dream like you did when you were a little kid you just dream what are some ideas hey initially when i started out i loved training i loved helping with diversity and inclusion i loved analyzing data i loved just being of help was there a profitable need yes there's always going to be a need for diversity and inclusion training is that something i could scale at that time yes did it bring me joy immense joy i even have a book published on the title it's surreal how long did i want to do it at the time i thought hey i'm gonna do it as long as i'm able to do it had no idea right but what i did have an idea about is dreaming just like you did when you're a little kid and i knew that diversity and inclusion training data analytics was value added how there are job openings for it private sector clients were out there the federal government spends money on it i just knew from just checking out things on google so dream don't get caught up in the competition dream this is just dream you know if you have to you don't have to type it you can even use crayons or markers allow yourself to dream this is so important it's very very important hey moving on here money making idea formula this is just as important as coming up with your money making ideas or idea it involves has to be profitable something you enjoy there has to be some type of recurring revenue we're going to talk a little bit more about this okay but this is the formula that i have created and this will help you stay in business so you may be wondering what in the heck is this what is n-a-i-c-s why is this on her screen i know so it stands for north american industry classification system and what we're going to do is take a look at some other areas that are related to this that i have set aside for you okay so this is the next website so i'm going to share this link with you what's really important is the federal government they use this naked system to organize to classify products and services that they need this is very important because so many people will say well you know i offer this medical device private sector clients love it i know the va is going to need it okay maybe maybe not but you have to at least have an understanding of how are they classifying it what terms should you use to even determine if they really want this is this really a problem for them that they need you to solve perhaps it's not or maybe somebody else is already solving it or there's a different type of problem out there so let's go a little deeper so what you're going to end up doing is taking your ideas and you're going to now correspond or kind of exchange them with nakes codes so i kind of look at it as like a currency exchange you know like you're going to a cameo and you're exchanging dollars for a different kind of currency maybe canadian dollars or something of that sort that's basically what you're doing is you're translating you're exchanging your ideas with these next codes so you have a good idea of if the government is interested in these areas and things of that sort so we're going to run with it so in order to look up the different names that correspond with your ideas you should you need to go to this website and i will provide the link so you go here and you're going to type in the keywords from the list that you had over here you're going to type in the different keywords so we are going to start with training because that is where i started out in the government space you're going to see something interesting and i also want to share this this is very important as you go through this journey several of these links different websites they're not going to load as fast as uh tick-tock instagram linkedin google there's going to be a little bit of a delay and this isn't because i'm screen recording it's just how it is so another thing that's really important when it comes to steps to get a government contract you have to have patience you must have patience it's just how it is it's okay it's okay just take a deep breath it's okay so what i want you to notice is as follows you have apprenticeship training computer professional flight look at all of these wow there's a lot so the area that i like to focus in on because i found that a ton of work is typically under this area is what's called professional and management development training okay but i already know that so if i were to fill this out i would put down training and then that makes i just showed you but you're going to put and populate every single next that's that comes up you may find when you look at this that you're like you know what hey flight training that sounds kind of cool i'm also interested in vocational rehabilitation services hey why not list all of the names that are inter of interest to you because remember the formula this is about what brings you not only profit not only reoccurring revenue it has to be something that you like if you don't like doing it then you might as well just work for someone and i'm not suggesting that when you work for someone that you're miserable what i'm suggesting is it is such a blessing and such an honor to be an entrepreneur and to help fuel the economy but it's something i love i always knew since a little girl was gonna be an entrepreneur i love it but there are some things i don't love there are some areas that i don't enjoy and we just don't focus on them with my flagship company so own it it's okay it's okay to own it so you're going to want to go back through here list all of your ideas and list all the corresponding names and you may need several pieces of paper because as you notice look at what came up just under training a lot right a lot of things here the other big piece when it comes to steps to get a government contract involves your business model and let me explain you have to ask yourself are you an expert or are you an entrepreneur you just went through the steps where you identified all of these ideas you identified all of these next codes now you have to ask yourself are you in the position where you yourself you want to provide said products or services or are you at the place where you're like look i am open to anything that will make me a buck i'm interested in products services i heard you can sell koch or potato chips and pancake mix and trainers and i t i want to do it all just just do it kissy let's go okay that's cool you can do it or maybe you want to do a little both it's okay this is awesome i'm going to show you what you need to do for both paths if you want to be an expert or if you want to be more of an entrepreneur when i first started out i was definitely an expert i had a phd i was like dr parks i thought everyone was just gonna you know pay me for my expertise and i love diversity and inclusion and training and analytics and that's the approach i took i was the expert i was the doctor contact the doctor that's the role i was in so let's take a look at what that really means and what that entails for those of you who are interested in being paid for your expertise because the federal government has a variety of opportunities that speak to you to every single one of you watching but before i show you i know you may already be thinking wow we're this far into the video and you haven't talked about set-asides or bean and sam or anything like that that's correct because i had none of those things when i got my first contract because you don't need those to get your first contract you have to add value so let's take a look at that so i'm going to share my screen again so for those of you that want to take more of the expert route you are going to want to go to the dynamic small business search website i will also include the link below keep in mind this website takes a long time to load as i stated before so what's really cool about this website is you can look up any and everything in terms of small businesses registered with the federal government to contract with them as a prime contractor so what i recommend is that you number one you select the state where you live because we as people like to connect with people who are like us so you're not going to really know where do they go to school or if they're into sports do they have kids where did they grow up did they serve in the military you're not going to know all of that yet however comma you can at least connect on the state level hey i live in florida you live in florida oh my gosh i would love to help you we're both in florida we like to help people in which we have something in common with them we like that we like the in-group in-group is very important so here what you're going to do is select the state and you're going to put in your next code i suggest you do one next code at a time because you're going to get so many results that is going to seem like you're in the cereal aisle at the grocery store i don't want you to be overwhelmed whatsoever i want you to have that feeling when you go out for brunch and it's a prefix menu and you're like wow this is great they have seven items in there this is awesome you don't have so many things to choose from right okay let's get into it here so when you search this i promise it's going to lead to this and feel free to try this on your own so when you go here you're going to notice the name of the firm the point of contact it has their address and what they do so let's say you are a trainer your area of expertise is soft skills so you may glean through here and say okay they offer project management process improvement administrative support okay you're going through and you're like okay global resilience group they offer diversity equity and inclusion positive outcomes okay this involves soft skills maybe that's the company i want to connect with well you are in luck because guess what did you catch it here at the top did you see this there are over 1 500 companies that match his profile it's insane you can go back here and drill things down which i'll have to touch upon in another video but for now at least it's like this hopefully provides you the confidence to know oh my gosh there's over 1500 companies that could potentially use my expertise and remember we just used the training makes right that's it one makes 1 500. so the next step is you're going to want to contact them you can click here and it'll give you more information keep in mind it takes a little bit to load we have tons of information here you have when the the profile was last updated you have the name of the firm you have their address you have their phone number all of their websites their email address you also get more information about the ownership of the firm this firm in particular is black owned other minority owned self-certified you can see all of that there and you can also see the next codes so in addition to 611430 you see the other nakes and perhaps these snakes align with those that you came up with in your ideas and makes matrix potentially so the next step is you're going to reach out to the point of contact shanisa shawnee yeah i think it's shawneesa willis potentially and you may wonder well what do you say well guess what i have that for you i have it for you oh my gosh i love this space so much because i changed my life being able to help the federal government with all these amazing missions it just makes me so happy so hopefully you'll have as much joy as as i do and hopefully you find this helpful okay so what you're going to want to do email call linkedin if you don't have a linkedin profile we're going to talk about that in a different video in the interim email and call your goal is to contact at least a hundred companies because someone's going to say yes there's no reason when the federal government spends over 600 billion dollars a year on contracts that you can't at least earn 50 000 through government contracting so you're going to contact the point of contact here and you're going to just send in an email like this put in their information and you're going to call email call email i would do this at least once a week what you're also going to do is look the person up on linkedin i'm not going to go into great detail because you may not have a linkedin account for those of you who have a linkedin account simply log into linkedin look up the person and contact them same thing dm them and here's another bonus tip in linkedin whenever you engage with one of their posts if the person has any kind of post even if their last post was from a year ago that person will be notified that you engaged with them you're going to end up on the radar and that's what you want you want to show them that you have value there's something that you can offer that's going to make their life easier and ultimately make the life easier of their government client since they're registered in this system they're able and may potentially have federal government contracts and so you who wants to be an expert you are an expert this is the perfect opportunity for you to have additional revenue so i'm going to show this one more time so you can take a look for those of you who want to take more of the entrepreneurial past i have some things for you too i'm going to share my screen continue sharing my screen so where you're going to end up going is now you may be asking yourself or you may be saying but kissy i'm not registered how am i even going to be able it's okay promise you i was not registered in sam i had zero certifications and i received my very first contract that was a little less than a hundred thousand dollars how because i offered value and the agency put me as a subcontractor through a prime contractor's contract vehicle so don't get caught up in the weeds value value rules all so you're going to go to and when you're here on you're going to go to contract opportunities then you're going to go to advanced search you're also going to want to make sure you have this in front of you because you're going to need your next codes because i want to show you some things that are very important when you're here you now want to go to set aside small business why as a small business and for those who have contracts with the government a small business owners you cut out all this competition you're cutting out ibm and deloitte because it can be very difficult to compete against a large company i'm not suggesting you can't hey as a small business owner i have three government contracting companies each with well over a million dollars of work on them in total i've won over 50 million we have beat big companies before but when you're first starting out or even if you have 10 years experience in government contracting it's nice to weed in opportunities and weed out the competition right you don't want to have to worry about that so a total small business this set aside basically applies to any and all small businesses as soon as you sign up in sam or for those of you who are already registered in sam more than likely you're going to be a small business okay so you're going to go here you're going to click total small business next we are going to go to product or service and you notice that lovely next code comes up again so you're literally going to either go to your sheet or you can go here and you're going to cut and paste the next code that you're interested in and it's going to populate now you may say well kissy why don't you just type in training it's this is not google patience is important this is not google this is not youtube you it's best to put that aside just cut and paste the next code it's gonna make your life easy and you probably notice bam automatically all of these things populated and what's important is over here on the right well it's my right might be your left you want to select updated date because if not you're going to get opportunities from 2017. unless you have a time machine maybe you do i don't know if you do can we please talk it's not going to be of health so just literally click updated date okay so what we're going to do is just review what's here space mission engineering course oh that sounds fun save a back training sounds like something to help with back eliminate back pain okay great retirement webinar academic support radio radio frequency training project management training mods introduction course so you notice a wide variety of topics that's why it's very important especially for you entrepreneurs you have to ask yourself what not only will bring you profit what's enjoyable and what will bring you reoccurring revenue because just because the government wants save a back training does not mean that something you even want to offer but here's the big takeaway the way we see things the way we want to offer in products and services don't always align one to one with how the government purchases that is why we have the next codes because these all of these opportunities here fall under training right they all fall under training so then you have to ask yourself okay i'm interested in training i like training this woman dr park says it's profitable okay so are you okay then with offering save a back training retirement training training for the marine corps if the answer is yes then that's awesome because then what you do is you find experts to serve as employees or 1099 contractors to then execute the work there is a large company called management concepts this is one of their practices they hone in on professional services training they also offer contracting acquisition training and they have this model where they have employees they have contractors they have subcontractors and pretty much the majority of what they provide is training it's an amazing business and i believe their profit margin is anywhere from 20 to 40 percent so it's a awesome area because it fits well with this formula i want to recap right now because i've given you all a lot of information but don't worry because i'm going to dig deeper into what to look for how to really examine but i don't want to give you a 90 minute video because you're going to end up going uh next i need out of this i got it so what i want to leave you with is hope i want to leave you with a lot of hope because everything is truly possible it is because it happened for me and i'm not saying that because i'm lucky or i was born into some privileged family i didn't serve in the military i didn't work for the federal government i offered value i ran with an opportunity and i continue to offer value so before we kind of close the same goes for you you want to offer value you want to look at that money making idea matrix explore if you're an entrepreneur or an expert and most importantly you want something that brings you joy something you enjoy doing that you're fired up about and i know this video is helpful or any kind of topics or anything else you would love for me to cover please comment below and don't forget every single thing is possible take care you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Kizzy Parks
Views: 30,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start government contracting, start government contracting, government contracts, government contracting, government contracting for beginners, steps to start government contracting, step by step guide to start government contracting, guide to start government contracting, government contracting for small business, small business government contracting, sam gov,, naics search, how to use naics, how to win government contracts, win your first government contract
Id: By9pgOyZU_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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