How To Find Profitable Government Contract | Win Government Contracts

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hello amazing govcon winners today we have a special video this is in response to billionaire status who asked can you provide more example videos like how to search for particular contracts ask and you shall receive okay y'all so let's get into this the three places to go to locate opportunities unison marketplace nico which is unique to the navy and gsa if you have a gsa schedule so let's start with you do not need to sign in you just need to search over here you'll notice notice type and in order to locate sources sought you select sources sought i like to make sure the updated date is selected and you'll notice all of the sources sought they're 13 000. that does not mean every single one of them is active it just means that in this system there are 13 000 sources sought and you can see all of them here but my goodness this is overwhelming right what are we going to do with 13 000 sources sought so what i have i love to use my search function my computer is a cheat sheet of all my next codes so the best way to leverage is not by using phrases necessarily you want to use the nakes so you go under product or service you can cut and paste as many nakes as you choose until the system says you can't that way i can see okay what are these sources sought nih they're looking for conference admin travel services we have department of army they're looking for command pro programmatic support and these deadlines haven't passed is you get to kind of introduce yourself to this agency and they may reach out want a sole source to you it may end up being a simplified acquisition it could be that the amazing input you provide to them in your source assault response helps what we call frame influence the actual solicitation and most important the more small businesses the more women owned the more a day the more veteran owned the more service disabled veteran owned responds to an opportunity chances are that agency can legitimize setting it aside if you don't respond you don't get a chance it's like the lotto if you don't play you ain't gonna win right you have no chance to win it y'all it's just how it is so that's how you would search for a nakes i mean y'all know what i mean search for an opportunity so let's put in another one let's put in my favorite one so now we have two and there's 308 and then you also can notice i mean maybe you've heard of this company maybe you haven't wow they mentioned franklin covey they're a very well-known training company so you see how it varies and when you click in here this is where all the information is the benefit of being signed in is you can follow the opportunity and receive email updates for the sake of just going in here i tend not to sign in i just need to take a look at everything now let's say you want to also include pre-solicitations personally the more options in here my brain goes crazy it's like ah 423 i start to freak out i don't like that a pre-solicitation they're saying to you hey vendors like warning we are going to issue a possible solicitation very soon sometimes they'll give you a date sometimes when you click in here it'll give you a link to go to where the solicitation is so what's really cool about a pre-solicitation it gives you some lead time so if you're like oh wow they're looking for tricare claims okay this is well this is old but let's say it wasn't you're like oh this is of interest okay they're going to release some kind of solicitation on this so that's what's cool about the pre-solicitation is it's giving you a heads up as far as hey something's going to come out then you have um just a good old solicitation whenever i'm looking for solicitations i choose solicitation and combine synopsis why because they're under both of these titles and i want to make sure i don't miss anything and what's also cool about this is as you play around in here you know you're by all means feel free to use keyword searches you're you're going to start to see what kind of language are they using which next codes are they using they being agencies you're going to start to see different trends so this is a set aside for some project management training all the information is here and yes you need to read all these documents yes a lot uh some may have several some may not really have many and the date is listed the type is listed remember it's solicitation all of it is here and because the federal government is open 24 7 and what i mean 24 7 it's in reference to there's agencies all across the world so the federal government is posting these opportunities all of the time so looking once a week or only on thursday okay i mean i guess but if you really want to be able to find bid and win profitable government contracts and get a leg up on everyone you have to look daily because it's constantly changing so i wanna from here i'm gonna to go into unison because what you'll see sometimes is like you see here for usaid they have an opportunity due on the 26th and they mentioned you need to go to to submit for this because it looks for it looks like for one of their locations in thailand they want admin assistant workshop one and two let's see if this will take us there bam so this is unison which is no different than here in order to submit in unison you must be in sam it's a reverse auction does that mean they're always going to go with the lois no federal government contracts these different opportunities are always based on the requirement in the statement of work so you have to go through here to see what evaluation criteria they're using to figure out how they're evaluating it but nonetheless they're using unison marketplace and so what you'll end up doing is uploading and submitting in here plus i recommend emailing the point of contact in the documents unless it states otherwise when you go into unison they have a whole variety of opportunities i like to go into all opportunities because in unison sometimes things in i.t may be of interest though i may not necessarily look in i.t but hey you know there's radios that they need someone to sell to them okay this could be something you could flip right so this is just the way i like to look at unison you're more than welcome to put in key terms you can drill down by active bids you can go into what was posted today what was posted in the last three days what's you know all the opportunities filtered opportunities and these are filtered by like our nakes and things of that nature and things that we're interested in so here's one of my favorites hopefully y'all know if you don't know i love religious positions but we don't bid on priests that's just my um kind of sacred thing is we don't do that however comma this is a great opportunity for those of you watching they're looking for a priest to provide 488 hours you find someone to fill the position you mark it up and bam you're making money off of a priest so this is another awesome website to go to i kind of chuckle because you're going to find all types of opportunities on unison again you need to be you have to register to go in here which is very important so now taking us back into sam we're going to drill down further so we've looked at source of sought we looked at pre-solicitation we looked at solicitations and the combined solicitation now you may notice something is missing do you figure it out it's request for information so when it comes to the federal government sometimes they'll use these words sources saw and request for information as one in the same so don't think you're missing out or you did anything wrong if because you don't see that just look at sources thought also request for quote sometimes they may put requests for quote under solicitation or combined synopsis it's another term another way of saying hey we want to quote from you and more than likely they may be more concerned about the price or it's a lower value opportunity so they're not interested in giving you 10 attachments and looking for a novel from you in response so those are the the areas i would focus on when going in here you know to just kind of summarize is you're going to focus in on the notice type you're going to use your nakes and make sure that you have updated date at the top i also want to point out and i want to show you if you use a keyword so let's put in cyber training so we have apfd training that doesn't really want to open but there we go i don't even know what this stands for okay so this is advanced partner force development and sniper integration is that cyber security uh i mean i don't think it's cyber security so i i just want to show the point that when you use key terms it's going to pull up all these interesting things like dry ice delivery net app maintenance so it's i just highly encourage you use an x what's cool though is when you use a search like that using the key terms and maybe you open this and you're like hey it's not what i was looking for but sniper training count me in and then you can see well which next code are they using okay all other miscellaneous schools and instruction and that's something for you to know and then possibly add to your list of names because there's a strategic reason as to why agents use different names okay so on is another place you go for navy opportunities i don't use this much but i have used it and i have responded to opportunities that were posted on here because here's the thing while the federal government has these different kind of acts and rules and regulations in place to reduce the use of paper to reduce redundancy don't assume an opportunity is in sam just because the navy issued it it could only be here and not in here these are not the only places where agencies place opportunities sometimes they're emailed to you privately right but you know as far as the the focus of this video we're going to dig in i like to look at i just go by set asides when i'm in here because i'm just really interested as far as what are they even looking for and you'll see switch and training marine design engineering support services you know and it's really old [Music] so there's nothing really there i put in 8a and even under 8a everything's old it could be that hey perhaps i'm wrong and they did transfer over everything i don't know but what i do know is i still get email updates from nico about opportunities so it's here it's something to potentially take a look or if you're really heavy into the navy you may want to ask a small business rep hey are you guys still using nico should i not use nico you know what's the best way to search for opportunities on here let's see some other things that come up just when i when i thought i was out i was counting myself out look y'all you got some 22s thank goodness so it looks like the best way to really leverage this is by using a keyword i know y'all are probably like how in the hell i promise you i've been awarded over 50 million dollars in federal contracts i do know what i'm doing i just don't always use this website because um we didn't get navy a lot of navy clients until the past few years so by putting in the keyword training you see how they sold source some things you see that there was a combined notice for small arms training and if you click here you can see the information what's really cool about nico is you get all the contact information no different than sam so you have the person's email you have charles email there's a link okay apparently that took us nowhere this might be on sam let's see up no it's in here and you're just going to get more information if you want to fax them you can even fax charles check that out so this is definitely if you're navy heavy to go in here as you can just tell it's not really a site i use too too much however again navy heavy go in here why because nobody ever talks about this site i bet you never even heard of nico if you've heard of nico comment and say yeah girl i heard about nico otherwise i'm sure you haven't because nobody talks about it the last thing is gsa ebuy i'm not gonna go into this because you have to have a gsa contract in in order to be able to search in here so what i'll just do is is show you what it looks like okay so for those of you who are starting out or maybe even have a million two million in federal contracts definitely sam definitely unison definitely nico for those of you who maybe you've always wondered what a gsa schedule looks like or you have a gsa schedule or perhaps you're in the middle of applying for a gsa schedule this is the portal and you go under um find opportunities now and all of these opportunities are loaded based on the nakes for my flagship company that's um on this uh mas gsa schedule and these are it there's no drilling down there this is it it's auto populated it's kind of like a dating site when it says you've been matched with these seven people and that's it you don't get to choose anyone else you only match with those seven people so it's very similar and when you go in here they explain more about the nakes and inside of here it has the number to reference and it also shares with you what they're looking for they're looking for future leaders strategic thinking and planning for the core of engineers and then inside of this document they outline what they're looking for as you can see you know it's pretty detailed as far as what they want they even use look at this nice font they use book and tica oh i'm a font person this is cute and they're um they're telling you what they're what they desire and so if this is something that's of interest and you have this gsa schedule you would um bid on it and they outline how you respond the cost should be broken out so again what's beautiful about the gsa schedule is these are auto loaded your pricing and everything is already approved by the government is easy super super easy sam while there's a lot of different techniques you can use what's cool about sam is there's a lot of low-hanging fruit and on unison they definitely are the website for the weird and unusual uh so if you're like hey i'm open to anything unison is your place and if you're super navy specific nico is it so again thank you all my amazing govcon winners and also thank you again billionaire status for putting this comment in there if there are other topics you want me to cover please write them in the comment section i just want to help y'all please subscribe hit the notification button check out it's an awesome download that i have for you and please please always remember this y'all everything is possible until next time have an amazing amazing day evening what may have you y'all [Music] you
Channel: Kizzy Parks
Views: 8,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: start government contracting, government contracts, government contracting, government contracting for beginners, guide to start government contracting, government contracting for small business, small business government contracting,, win your first government contract, unison, unison government contract, neco navy, how to find government contracts, find government contracts
Id: rBe1V00wLOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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