step by step how I became a millionaire online (copy me)

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hey everyone it's Charlie Morgan here and in this video I'm going to explain how to actually become successful and get rich and make a ton of money so that you basically become a person that no one can recognize um how do you become really successful well I've managed to figure this out um and I'm 25 at the moment I make about eight figures like $10 million a year give or take and I have a pretty good life and I'm happy with how things are going and if you're unhappy with how things are going right now and you're not happy with your life then this video should help you address that and basically become successful now just to show you that I actually do have some inkling that um I know what I'm talking about I want to show you where I live um cuz apparently I'm supposed to make some sort of attempt at building authority there's actually an interesting psychology bias called The Authority bias right I don't know if you can see this but I live on the palm in Dubai it's cool yeah I make loads of money you can tell I wasn't bullied as a child right um but look there's a there's a psychology bias a cognitive bias called The Authority mising tendency and it states that we're more likely to listen to people that actually have what we want or in some way shape or form have authority so that's why I have to pathetically Flex on you like that but look everything aside I'm going to tell you um a few things that I know or that I've learned going from someone who's dead broke um and pretty hopeless and useless to someone who has actually built a business of value and has been able to sustain that for you know 7 or 8 years now the other thing is this video I don't know how long it's going to be um but if you can't sit through and watch uh half an hour 1 hour video whatever it's going to be 20 minute video on how to do this then you don't deserve to be successful right if if you just if you're all like jittery and you're trying to like shiny object and you're just going from video to video you're never going to do anything or achieve anything worthwhile so what's the first principle right what do we need to actually reason from and begin with um success is is essentially a state it's a byproduct of of our behavior um and we need to understand the first principle of The Human Condition so that you can optimize and routinize your behavior and basically you know get what you want okay so really it's all about one simple word okay and that is sacrifice now I know that immediately this single weird like abstract term doesn't really click into your um the idiosyncrasy that you're expecting you know in this video I'm not going to talk about so you might be like oh no this is I know this I know I need to sacrifice I've heard enough David Goggins or I've I've listened to enough you know Chris Williamson podcasts to know like it's all about giving stuff up respect to those guys by the way but what does this actually mean because if you understood what sacrifice meant and you knew that it was like necessary for Success then then you'd already be successful right or you wouldn't you be wouldn't be doing things that will counterintuitive to your goal so don't click off just because you assume you already know everything about this in fact one of the first things you have to understand to become successful is humility right and it's understanding that people who are ahead of you know more about the world than you do and when you listen to them talk you should pay attention and when they give you a piece of advice that you think you already know everything about you probably don't right so I'm want to tell you about this and you know if you I'll make a deal with you how about this going to tell you about sacrifice going to tell you what I know about it and how you can use it to become successful in a way you've never heard before and if you think it's a load of rubbish or you already know it and you've already heard it before then you can dislike the video and just leave a nasty comment all right sound like a good idea sound like a plan right negotiation over to that right as a human being you have two things at your disposal you have time and you have energy okay these are the two things that you have to play with right energy is basically like you eat food you digest that food that that food turns into glycogen or ketones you basically have caloric potential that you can expend through behavior and through cognition right so energy is broken down into it's burned in two ways it's burned into cognition and it's burned into Behavior right so for example if you went on a run you're going to use energy or if you were reading a book or making an important decision in your company you're also going to use energy right um now the thing about these two things is you can we tend to use a lot more energy in our cognition than we do in our Behavior but depending on your behaviors you can use a lot more the second thing you have is time right and and this thing just branches out into all sorts of different things but this is a really interesting um principle because time is is very Universal right we all have 24 hours in the day to attend to what we want to do and so why is it why is it that if we all have the same amount of energy well we we don't all have the same amount of energy but if we all have a similar amount of energy and a similar amount of time like everyone this is like a sort of universal trait right we all we all have energy and we all have the same amount of time so why are people more successful than others well you might argue well it's because successful people have more energy right if you look at and you read the biographies of of people like Napoleon or Caesar or Alexander the Great or any of those you know Great Men throughout history you'll find constant account of them um of these biographers and historians referring to them as people who have um Limitless energy you know um and and just basically an uninhibited like force of energy but the chances are is you're not trying to conquer the world or build an Empire you probably just want to make 10K a month and have a girlfriend right or maybe just make a little bit of money so we don't need to concern ourselves too much with the extremes where these freaks of nature seem to have so much energy that it's terrifying um we're not worried about that so what this basically comes about is where these two things go and this is going to Loop in the sacrifice in a second here because you know let's say that you have over here you have 100 units of energy and you have 24 units of time and let's say that these are how many units of these individual well actually it's not 24 let's say you know after sleeping and you know doing everything you need to do let's just be pessimistic and let say you sleep for 8 hours and you just mess around whatever let's just say you've got 10 units of time and this is obviously in hours and 10 units or 100 units of energy right what you do with these two units determines the entire future state of your existence right it determines not only the state of your existence but the existence of your children and your grandchildren and their grandchildren and generations to become right if you're not in a good place financially it's probably because you know the people that came before you in your family line did not understand how to use their energy and time properly to become successful and I'm not blaming them I'm not saying it's your dad's fault or your mom's fault but I'm saying that if you understand this you can create generational wealth quite easy so what is this about okay so I want you to imagine for a second and I can actually make an example here so here's how this goes right you're going to as you progress through your life you should have a goal right and I'm going to draw this star here right to represent this goal okay and down here I just draw this right down here you can see the that you can down here represents you know earth right this is where we are right now we're on planet Earth it's which're is where we are and this is obviously we're just going to call this the atmosphere now I am aware through my very limited knowledge of physics you're not going to find stars in the atmosphere right they tend to be a little bit further away than that but just we're going to keep it simple right so basically your hair on earth like this okay and you're looking up into the night sky and you see what you want but it's obviously quite far away and you have to get it so what you need to do is you need to assemble let's just let's just say a rocket right so this here is a rocket right and the rocket that you're assembling it's going to draw this and let's just pretend this is a rocket right Tada doesn't it like a rocket you get the point right now the rocket represents your business okay it represents the um the vehicle that you've chosen whether it's smma or Drop Shipping or Amazon FBA whether you knit for a living or whether you are a professional swimmer like anything that you could think of that you're going to use to project yourself or you know get yourself to up here is the vehicle now here's the thing right this bad boy demands fuel right you need something to fuel this rocket because you can build the rocket I.E you can build a website and you can build a sales script and you can build an email system but the thing is is we all know that that's not how you become successful right this thing needs fuel you can build it at face level but if it hasn't got any substance to it or it's got nothing running through it it's not going to get very far so essentially what you need to do on Earth where you are right now is assemble I'm just going to refer to this these are logs what we're looking to do is we're looking to to assemble a fire right now bear with me this is going to get abstract and weird this is the easiest way to explain it this is a fire I hope looks like one I hope um and what you what you need to do is you need to do an AIT on yourself right so let's just project you and your yourself into this box here right and this is this is you and so remember we have time and we have energy and essentially what doing right now is you're putting your time and energy into things that aren't fueling the rocket and this fire represents an opportunity to burn something in your life and get rid of something in your life and by putting like this fuel by the way is time of energy okay this represents time of energy it's a synonym for it right metaphorically speaking and so what you need to do is you need to look at your life and you need to ask yourself where is my time energy going right these two fin finite resources that I cannot get back every day what am I putting them into so I'm going to list a couple of examples down right so let's say that we've got Instagram say we've got Xbox um let's say we've also got um I don't know like twitch streamers you watch Twitch streams say we've got self-improvement right let's say we've got fictional novels I don't know right like you know Tik Tok could be another example you know there's a lot of things that we do that we spend our time and energy on right you could have some some up there like you could have family time right you could have church okay so essentially you need to do an audit on your life and ask yourself where is my time energy going and if you say I don't know well it's kind of stupid just think about what you did yesterday every action you took every thought you processed took away from you the energy and the time that you could have put into fueling the rocket right and so essentially what we're doing is we're looking at these things that we do right and there should be one big thing on this um inside of this box right that you're doing I'm going to draw a little compartment for this and that is work okay so what you need need to do and what you need to understand is that something's got to be sacrificed something's got to go right because you can't get more time and energy it's just it's it's impossible to get more time and more energy you can get more energy by doing an Elimination Diet and exercising and meditating and stuff like that and you can optimize the e but not significantly you can get more time so when you do one of these things any of these things you are using your time energy right pretty simple um and you need to understand that right now in your life through your day-to-day routines you are partaking in activities that you shouldn't be and I think that's pretty obvious right but the reason that you shouldn't be is because they're taking away time energy so what does this actually mean every time right let's just take Tik Tok down here for example I know it doesn't really read well but let's just let's just say you spend 45 minutes a day on Tik Tok right scrolling through getting all angry and emotional and weird and just you're spending your time on it and just burning these ideology and stupid things into your brain well if Tik Tok is taking you you know 45 minutes a day you know this is you know 3/4 of you know of 1 hour right and then let's just round up and say we spend an hour a day on Tik Tok right well this is taking you remember earlier we said we had 10 units of time and 100 units of energy right well let's say Tik Tok you know demands one unit of time like this and let's say that it just takes away EAS the seven units of energy right so what we have here immediately is leverage because what we want to do with all of these things is do a little bit of an orbit and see how much time we're spending on these things and if we remove Tik Tok from our Behavior then what we've just done is we've bought ourselves more time and we bought ourselves more energy and your ability to achieve your goal and get to this state that you want to be in here it's all about how much work you can do right and how much you can actually put into this thing and so what we can do by basically if I just write Tik Tok here if you sacrifice this is the key word sacrifice Tik Tok and stop using it well now suddenly you've got another hour each day and another seven of units of energy each day and what we can do using like an accounting method is reallocate this you know capital of success into work which is the thing that actually matters right so that was that's what would happen if you got rid of Tik Tok right so just by getting rid of Tik Tok we've gained plus one time and plus seven energy for example right so let's say we're looking at the list again right and I can give you an example of what I've got rid of right so I wrote Xbox up here I used to play Xbox quite a lot right um and one day I realized like I was spending like 2 hours a day on the thing and then it was more like 3 hours net per per day because on Sundays and Saturdays I just spend my entire day on the Xbox right and so really like the Xbox was a big one for me so if we if we extrapolated out the capital that the Xbox was requiring from us it would be like 3 hours of time and like I got quite good at it right I got pretty good at Xbox I spent a lot of time watching videos about how to get better at Call of Duty cuz I used to play Call of Duty rebirth Island and stuff my kill death ratio was was pretty neat as well and I I'd spend a lot of time like figuring out the best loadouts and like learning how to do the movement and practicing and like all these things so honestly I would say objectively the Xbox was probably taking like 15 units of energy you know per day and what I did is I got rid of it I sacrificed it sacrifice is basically defined as the um voluntary removal of something from your life you fundamentally do not want to remove right the only time a sacrifice is really happening is when you want to do something but you're not doing it for the greater good of your company or your success okay and so what I was able to do is remove my Xbox and reallocate this Capital back into my work so by removing the Xbox I had an extra 3 hours a day net right over the course of an average week and an extra 50 units of energy now the thing about your work and the thing about becoming successful um is the more time you spend on your craft or the more time you spend doing what you do and the more energy that you take and put into that thing is basically the better you become right so all of these things and I honestly want you to make a list here right just list down everything you do it doesn't matter if it's just taking a quick 10-minute cig cigarette break once a day or it could be anything it could be whether you think it's good or bad right for example up here I've written family time and church you probably don't want to sacrifice those things right there are going to be things in your life that I would call biological or spiritual um imperatives right for example if you meditate every day or if you journal every day those are healthy good habits that funly enough actually feed back into work right and so what you eventually want to do is remove everything and you notice here how I've crossed out self-improvement well that's quite a soury and contradictory thing to say Charlie but the truth is that self-improvement honestly hinders your ability to become successful because if you want to improve yourself all you have to do is set a goal that by its nature demands you to become someone different and the go will do all of the work for you so for example um you shouldn't be looking to improve yourself you shouldn't be looking to you know level up your individuality you you should be setting the goal and the goal will determine who you need to become to achieve it and it's through the achievement of the goal that you will improve so say for example you you hate your life and your goal is to make 10K a month through high ticket sales well in order for you to do that you have to be you know sharp and and and articulate which you might not be right now um you probably have to take good care of your health because you can't be turning up to calls like all sluggish and you know stupid um and basically like what a goal does is it will force you to behave in the right way to achieve it and so I don't really believe in self-improvement this is a contradictory thing to say right to to to people on YouTube I don't really believe in that whole thing like reading the books and like you know meditating Like You Do It For The Goal don't do it for yourself this is why you self-sabotaged because you hate yourself deep down you don't feel like you deserve anything and and deep down you don't feel as though you should be improved because you know what you've done you know what you're like you know what you've done in the past you know that you haven't got any utility or use and I'm not saying this is exactly the truth with with you all the time um but my point here is like don't wor don't worry about self-improvement worry about the goal and try to achieve the goal and if you just try to achieve a goal you will improve so you still want to improve yourself but people have got the relationship between goal and self-improvement completely inverted you need to have a reason to become someone don't just try to improve yourself just to improve yourself try to improve yourself so you can achieve a future state that you wish to desire because there's not much point in just like you know being a better person obviously there is right you want to improve yourself but it's really difficult to consistently linearly consistently improve yourself when you're not doing it for a specific reason because it's painful to do it you have to have a why nature said he who has a why and be almost anyhow so that's another thing that I chucked with f the self Improvement thing like I would still do behaviors that improve myself but only for my goal so get rid of it all because what happens is all of this energy and time that you can put into work what's going to start to happen here um I'm going to write thing here s forget what's going to start to happen here is every time you get rid of something right every time you get rid of Instagram reals or watching twitch or 20 minutes a day or watching YouTube videos or doing something that isn't work that is that doesn't you know um contradict your health what you're doing is you're taking it and you're burning it on the fire right and I want you to imagine here that through the combustion that happens as a result of burning one of these behavioral entities into this flame what you start to do is you start to create fuel right and when you burn something and when it when it's gone you basically free up your energy in time because what happens when we get rid of one of these things we get rid we we we add more time and energy and the fuel that's going to make this rocket go if you remember earlier is time and it is energy and so this is basically the nature of sacrifice we have something that we're doing right now that we find pleasure in or we find enjoyment from and we remove it and through that removal we create this this this Chasm this vacuum of potential because this time and energy has to go somewhere it won't just Ling around you're not just going to sit and stare at a wall for 3 hours and just like you know have the extra energy lying around it has to be channeled into something and so this is why you have to remove it all because if if you remove Xbox and then you just take this time energy and you put it back into twitch well that's just stupid you're not going to get any further forward right now I know what you're saying here because you're probably now saying oh but Charlie I need Xbox or I need Tik Tok or I need this or I need that you're probably starting to make excuses and the word you're probably using is I need right I need to have these things because they keep me happy or they stop me from burning out or anything like that well the truth is is that you don't need them and if you're wondering why you don't need them it's because there's lots of people that don't do these things that are perfectly fine so you I know it's obviously like painful but you don't need them they're not necessary and you need to get over it you know if you are over the age of 18 like becoming a man a lot of these things are very pathetic to do if you're a grown man and you're on Instagram what on Earth is wrong with your brain and I'm not talking about like using Instagram for business I'm talking about like just posting pictures of yourself like selfies and stuff if you're a grown man and you're scrolling through Tik Tok what on Earth are you doing you're a grown man or you're you're growing into a man and you're spending time on Tik Tok it is pathetic it is a completely pathetic thing to do you're a grown man and you're spending your your time on video games it's pathetic now I know what you might be then thinking and what you're thinking is well if I can't do any of these things all I can do is work I'm going to burn myself out and I'm going to become miserable cuz I'm what all I'm doing is work I'm not suggesting that all you do is work you need to take a break so so what you have to do is remove these things you have to replace them with something else right because we still need to have downtime and we still need to have time to do things that we want right otherwise it's just working and just boring right so what I did when I removed all of these bad behaviors is I replaced it with reading I replaced it with movies I replaced it with conversations so what I do now really with my spare time is I read stuff the key to the reading thing if you want reading to be relaxing and you want to replace all of your recreational scummy activities that are quite pathetic with something productive at least not destructive um I find that reading biographies is really helpful um do not or like do not read like non-fiction heavy hitting knowledge books when you're trying to relax cuz if you're if you're trying to fall asleep and you're reading like principles by Ray Dalia before you fall asleep it's not particularly relaxing and you're not actually getting rest your brain is not switching off but what I've been able to do is figure out that reading biographies and um you know biographic things of successful people it's kind of like watching a movie or kind of like watching a show um it will take you months to get used to this stimulus because it's significantly less stimulating than the Xbox or the short form content thing but ultimately the great thing about reading biography specifically is you you learn a lot as you read them it's also the same thing with documentaries right you know basically documentaries biographies any form of media that is um essentially a medium for lessons through entertainment is a pretty good way to do it right but the other thing that I do is I watch movies right so movies like specifically older movies like ones that haven't been made in the last 10 years even the last 5 years they're quite good for you right they're good for your attention span I watched Pulp Fiction today it was like 2 and 1/2 hours long and like I found myself every 20 minutes like thinking I want to check my phone I was going to check my emails and like when you're watching a movie it teaches you to just sustain your attention onto one specific thing like a story line right so that's another thing that you can add or like one a series right so I'm watching I'm rewatching pey blinders for like the fifth time right um and like just watch the series don't watch a bunch of series at once right if I'm watching a series that's the only series I'm watching and what you're looking to try and Achieve through these things is the habit of completing things where you're watching One series and you don't start another series until you finish that one series because modern day stimuli for entertainment are not that damaging if they are longer form and you focus cuz what you're going to do is train your brain to do what you need to do at work in these things the other thing I've done is changed the conversations so now instead of like aimlessly sitting around and doing stupid stuff like playing on my Xbox I sit out and talk to my business partner or I call my friends or I talk to my team or I talk to my family right and that's a pretty good thing to do and the last one is documentaries this is the same as reading biographies but just with documentaries you can learn a lot and so essentially once you burn all of this like cuz these aren't going to take as much time and energy as the other things because they're not as they're not as exciting and also like they're just less stimulating less like rewarding less chaos right and so the first thing you want to do if you want to become successful and rich is understand that something's got to give there's a quote from Sam ens my beloved Mentor Sam that says that if you're not willing to sacrifice if if you're not willing to make sacrifices for your goal then your goal becomes the sacrifice and nothing could nothing nothing could be more true right and so look at everything you're doing get rid of it and then take this time energy and put it into work and so what we're looking to do is we're looking to throw things onto the fire right the big fire and basically the more stuff you throw on the fire I.E the more stuff you sacrifice the brighter this flame burns the more fuel you get and we can have combustion to take this rocket to the goal right that's how this works it's a simple way to think but a painful way to think because you've got to give up a lot of things for example this is currently Sunday it is about 7:00 p.m. and I'm making a YouTube video I could be you know watching a twitch stream or I don't know I know people do these days right but you got to get rid of it you got to get rid of it I I had to like you know um like throw out my Xbox I threw out all of my junk food as well like I can actually show you this this might be an interesting thing for you to see cuz one thing I had to sacrifice was junk food and bad food right so if I take you I can show you some sacrifice in real time right I take you to my fridge you know the fridge and the cupboards is really where most of the sacrifice is going to be made soz if you can get rid of bad food you can get rid of everything right so if I show you my freezer all you can see in here is just some steaks I show you my fridge here don't know if you can see that all there really is in there is steaks and eggs and a cold steak that looks pretty harrowing it's like gandy's flip-flop you'll also see some aloho in here H to light I have a beer every now and then I'm not going to make like extreme sacrifices in every single regard there's nothing wrong with like the odd drink it's just when you drink all the time so I might have like one beer a week or two beers like every two weeks or something and then sometimes I'll go wild and get drunk like I'm not this Paragon of discipline I give you an example like Friday night I went to an Irish bar here in Dubai with some friends and um we all got a little bit drunk and I was hung over the next day and it sucked but that happens maybe once every like 2 3 months of me right like I'm a human being and you can do the same thing it's just when you do it too often um that you create problems right so that's just me being honest with you I haven't got perfect at this whole sacrifice thing but I've got good enough at it to be able to um become somewhat successful right and everyone that you watch online that preaches discipline and self-improvement they they do the same thing for the most part at least the ones that I know so this then all becomes about work right because what we're trying to do here is we're taking all of this stuff burning it on the fire and taking the the the gains you the plunders of of the sacrifice and we're putting it into work right and so I'm going to just rub this off we're going to talk about work right we're going to talk about a specific type of work so if I just get this pen here so work is an interesting idea because essentially what what work is if we if we if we once again reason from the first principle is it is um expending your time and energy onto actions that create results okay time and energy going into actions to get results right this is what work really is and work is is basically pretty painful right it's not always nice and you're going to have to do things that you don't want to do to get what you want I think that's pretty obvious right but where work gets really interesting is we want to reperform and this is where it gets exciting if you've made it past the 30 minute Mark I congratulate you because you're about to learn a little secret the successful people know and use so once again we can redraw this diagram and we can do it for work cuz most people think that the leverage comes in your personal life which mostly it does you can get maybe 80% of the success from just your personal life but if you want to go the extra mile which you always should be looking to do then you want to do this so we have you on the ground again right and we have your goal up here the thing you want to achieve we have the rocket once again just going to draw this this time you know forgive me it's terrible but this is a rocket right and then once again we can extrapolate your your psych out into a box of actions right and then once again we have down here the fire so what you want to do is the real key to getting to $10,000 a month is the personal thing right if you want to get from 0 to 10K a month then it's all about making sacrifices in your personal life to put as much time and energy into the work as possible right however if you want to get to 100 Grand a month or a million a month unfortunately I can't really teach you how to get Beyond a million a month because I haven't gotten beyond that it's kind of where I am right now so I'm not qualified to teach you how to get beyond that however I have an inkling that this principle will um the validity of it will sustain itself as I become more successful but if I am wrong I'll make a video and tell you right but once again we have the goal up here in space or the atmosphere and so what we're looking to do once again is we're looking to have as much fuel as possible now what is fuel once again well it's energy and it's time right WR here okay so what I'm about to teach you is one of the most important lessons you can learn in the world at least from my perspective and it's about leverage right leverage so with your work you should have things that you do right and I can give you I'm just going to give you some examples um specifically from my work right so my goal right right now is to become a billionaire right $1 billion and I need to work to achieve that okay and so I'm going to make a list of everything that I do in my day right so um talk to team actually no let's not do me cuz I've got this one pretty dialed in and it won't be as valuable from thinking let's say that you're trying to build a marketing agency right and that's your your business now you might not be in that camp of entrepreneur but you can probably get the point and extrapolate into your own life so these are the things that you do on a day-to-day basis with your work so the first thing you have to do is you have to do enough work before you can optimize your work you have to optimize your personal life and that is basically sacrificing things that you're doing in your personal life that don't in any way shape or form um constitute the achievement of your goal of anything they actually do the complete opposite right where if you're watching a twitch stream you're actually inhibiting your ability to achieve your goal because you're frying your attention span you're getting cheap do me and wiring your brain for short-term instant gratification which is just silly so what's in the Work Camp well let's just say that there's an early stage entrepreneur and let's say every day they do invoices right let's say um they do Outreach um let's say they do like web design let's say they do their branding right branding let's say they also do um they work on their product now what else do people do in their day what did I do when I was saw starting out um they do research you know they they they they listen to like podcasts like business podcasts in their workday they reply to their emails um what else do they do yeah let's say they're they're also like they're making Instagram posts and social stuff um and then let let's then say they also um talk to their team right there's going to be more things like this but now what what you have to learn to do now sorry I have my back turned to you for an awfully long time how rude right what you have to do now is look at everything you do in work and apply the same principle because all of these things are taking time and energy so if you're spending 10 hours a day on work which is really the minimum you should be if you want to become successful if you believe the 4H hour week if you believe the 4H hour work week for a minute is a good idea then I'm awfully sorry to tell you that you are being an absolute idiot my friend kettin even so don't think that because I don't know anyone that's become successful in working 4 hours a week and I know quite a lot of successful people so there's a pattern right trust me so what we'll doing again is you know we're try to basically isolate the most important thing so remember what I said earlier the word leverage well what the best form of Leverage we want to achieve is asymmetric leverage right what does asymmetry mean quick lesson in in some abstractions asymmetry is basically defined as a skewed relationship between inputs and outputs and asymmetry basically means putting the least amount of effort or input into a system to get the biggest reward and outcome and so what we need to understand in business is there are certain actions in our day-to-day life that drive the biggest reward and if we put all of our time and energy into those specific actions I.E we focus on the things that we can do that drive the biggest result we get the most result because I hate to tell you that everything that you do in your work day everything that you're working on not all actions are equal right not all actions are equal in the outcome and and the result they can actually achieve on the business because my goal is to be a billionaire here well I don't know any billionaires that listen to their emails right I don't know any billionaires that actually read and reply to their emails they have an assistant right I don't know any billionaires that well I don't actually know any billionaires right but I'm I'm guessing here and you can guess with me I don't know of any billionaires that are going to sit around and just listen to podcasts I don't know of any billionaires that are going to sit around and do random research unless it's very intentful like Elon learning about rocket science right I don't know any billionaires that post on their Q Instagram page I don't know any billionaires that worry about their branding obviously they do but they don't have they don't do it themselves right so what I'm doing here let's just say that you're an agency and you want to get to 100 Grand a month or you're a consultant you want to get to 100 Grand a month right in order for you to do that you have to isolate the activities that drive the biggest result it's very simple right the term as the term asymmetry means putting in the least amount to get the biggest result right um I'm trying to think of an example here um but it would kind of be like you know a Chef cooking food right like if you're if you're making like a curry right and you're trying to make the curry as spicy as possible by putting in the smallest amount of this is obviously a weird abstraction right but if you're trying to make a curry that is as spicy as possible using the smallest amount of chili possible then you're going to pick the hottest chili right so like for example Carolina Reaper or a ghost pepper like the some of the hottest chilies in the world they are asymmetric in terms of their surface area to spice level that's an example of asymmetry where in order for you to get the same amount of spice like in a curry or like a dish not that you use a jalapeno in a dish Let me Give an example right you might need 700 jalapenos to have the same spice level as like a third of a Carolina Reaper that's asymmetry and so what we're looking to do here with our activities is isolate what's the Carolina Reaper and what's the jalapeno right what what if we FOC focus on can we put requires the least amount of effort to get the biggest result and like so I can tell you what I'm doing right now in my work to basically make this happen right so my entire workload at the moment really consists of of a couple of things right it consists of I'm just going to write this here so I'm basically can you see over here yes you can so it consists of YouTube it consists of ads it consists of management and it consists of product okay and also finances so in my business right now with where I am what I've really done is I've isolated the key actions Key activities that if I put effort into drive the biggest result and rewarding business so you might have heard of the burito principle before you know the whole at20 principle and this is kind of how this works right what you're looking to do is you're looking to isolate like the 20% of actions and activities that you you you perform in your work but get 80% of the results right because a lot of the stuff you're doing at work is just cope you don't need to do it so if you're trying to start a business and get to 100K a month it's really just about two things it's about Outreach and product so I can tell you now that really the most asymmetric thing you actually can focus on in your business ever is your product and that's why for the last 2 months I've spent pretty much every single hour of time I have on my product I'm working on a new module called Consulting Nana and it's basically going to be a series of of 30 videos for our program that explains how to transition from an agency to a Consulting business or how to transition from oneon-one coaching to a Consulting business don't worry I'm not trying to sell it to you it's not available for 997 I'm just telling you what I've been working on right so you isolate the activities that drive asymmetric reward and like aredi said give me a lever big enough and I will move the world and what that quote basically means is give me an activity or an action that provides so much value with so little input that if I just focus on that I destroy everyone right and so if you're trying to start out really what are the only two things that matter in your business right is getting customers and keeping them that's what a business is it first principle it's building something that's really good which is focusing on your product and telling people about it so they buy and if you just nail those two things you can Chuck everything out right when I was building my first agency I didn't listen to business podcasts I check my email maybe once every 5 days um I didn't post on any social media or do anything like that um I didn't talk to anyone I had some team members but I wasn't spending like hours and hours a day just randomly talking to them I didn't do my own invoices and I didn't focus on branding hell I got to 20 grand a month without a website I got to 200k a month with Imperium without a website you know I didn't do anything all I did was just build an incredible product like a marketing service or a course that I do now and just did a ton of outlooks my first year in business was basically 200 300 400 Co calls a day that was all I did and I'm not joking so what you want to learn to do is isolate make a list of everything you do in your day and then critically isolate the activities that bring about the biggest output and then if you just focus on those you have leverage because these activities here these have the most fuel in essence if you take your time energy and put them into asymmetric activities you know the you're going to have so much fuel and it's going to really make you it's going to make this thing get as far as as successful as possible so this is the thing I was telling you about sacrifice earlier sacrifice at the first level you know the first sort of like if we imagine that if we imagine that building a company is like trying to Siege a castle right well the first sacrifice the first thing we have to get past is like the moat right and so you know if you're trying to Siege a castle here you know obviously around this Castle we have a Mo and then we've got these castle walls right so if you want to see to the castle you have to get past the moat the moat represents your personal sacrifices right like how much can you get rid of at at the expense of your short-term happiness to you know get in and penetrate the walls of this Castle the second thing you have to get past if you want to Siege a castle is the actual walls of the castle and this represents what you're sacrificing in your work because a lot of the activities you do in your work like ironically the stuff that you spend the most time working on is probably the most enjoyable and least painful because developing a great product and and doing Outreach those things kind of suck they kind of painful so I guarantee right now in your work you spend more time messing around with things that don't matter like building logos and building your website and talking to people randomly and doing random stuff and you're not doing what needs to actually be done because all of these activities they they drive such a small amount of fuel if you try and put it into the rocket to get to the start I'm not going to go very far and that's wasn't supposed to rhyme but who cares right so yeah that's basically the nature of sacrifice if you learn to do it you'll become successful bye
Channel: Charlie Morgan
Views: 46,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlie morgan, charlie morgan course, smma, entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, smma clients, smma outreach, smma course, how to start a business, how to start an smma, social media marketing, social media marketing course, ecommerce smma, real estate smma, social media marketing strategy, digital agency, digital marketing marketing agency, online business, cold email, cold outreach, cold messaging, appointment booking, sales advice, grow marketing agency, get clients, grow agency
Id: 2L-6qVyLgaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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