Step by Step Guide to Registering an LLC - If your LLC is not properly set up, then the state may d

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here is how to set up an LLC the proper way so that you receive the personal liability protections first you'll want to think of the name for the LLC and then check to make sure that the name is available on the state's website and the federal website to make sure that you're not infringing on somebody's trademark who is selling a product or service in the same or similar category as yours once you determine that the name is available you'll then want to decide who you want to list as the registered agent the registered agent is basically the contact person for the business for when the government needs to contact your business you can list yourself as the registered agent or you can list a third-party company the benefit of listing a third-party company is that it will help keep your home address off of the state's website once you decide who to list as the registered agent you'll then be able to file the articles of organization with your secretary of state the articles is basically a document that brings your LLC into existence but when you file the Articles you'll want to make sure that you keep your business purpose very broad because you don't know whether your business is going to Pivot in the future and you're not going to want to have to update the state's website so you want to keep the business purpose very broad oftentimes I'll file custom articles and I'll list that the business purpose is to engage in any legal activity that's authorized in the state next Once the LLC articles are approved by the state you'll then want to get the EIN number for the LLC make sure that you don't get the EIN number until the articles are approved the EIN number is basically the social security number for the business and it's required to open up a bank account and you can get it for free from the website when getting the eia number for the LLC the IRS is going to ask for a business description and for this you should also be very broad but you have to be a little bit more specific than you were on the Articles you cannot just say that your business engages in any legal activity once you get the eia number for the LLC you'll then want to file any documents that your state requires such as a statement of information if you live in California or registering with the Department of Revenue and lastly you'll want to put together an operating agreement which is basically a document that sets forth the rules of your business it'll go through a ton of different scenarios and it'll list who the managers and members are if you don't have one then the state's laws will automatically apply to your LLC which for obvious reasons is not in your best interest and if you're looking to have all of this done for you then feel free to reach out
Channel: Robert Goldberg
Views: 104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business, businesstips, entrepreneur, entrepreneurtips, llcregistration, newbusiness, shorts, startup
Id: prC1V2PlEsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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