Step-by-Step Flutter Map Tutorial: Getting Started

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hello world and coders welcome to my Channel today we are going to talk about how to implement flutter map package to our flter project let's go [Music] in welcome again first we should open our Visual Studio code and click we section common pallet and click flter new project and of course application and then we should select a folder to create this project I'm choosing a folder desktop I'm I usually prefer mobile development folder to for my mobile applications I'm creating a new folder for example FL map create select this folder to create project and it's expecting me from me and a name for the application for example fter map tutorial is creating and at the same time I will open pbd to implement this flutter map package I'm writing flutter map search area and this Library this package fter map there is an section here installing section and you are able to install this package for your project and if you want you can copy this code uh paste your terminal and install easily or there is another option here you can copy this code and paste your pops speec email and save and uh everything is done and but I usually prefer uh First Option copy this code and open a new terminal paste this code here and it's installing to your project as you can see here I'm checking again pops spec email dependencies yep it's looking good everything's looking good flutter map is here and I am open main main Dart file and then at the same time I should open a device here yes you will see this project and then this this is default project when you create a new project uh on flutter using flutter and then you will see this default project and I will create a new dart file tutorial Dart and then I will create a stateful widget tutorial I'm writing scaffold and here body container child and then I'm cleaning this code where is [Music] it yeah here I'm removing this all of them codes here I am writing my video tutorial page here yeah okay we will read read me section together and then visit our documentation website okay there is a do documentation web page here and how to implement this package to your project and there are a lot of examples here and you are able to see detailed examples and Cotes on their documentation and GitHub and then but today we are going to implement easily uh this package quick start yeah here this is a basic implementation for this package I am copying this fullet map code here and then we should import this Library it here I will check again sometimes it's not importing this package and that's why you have to import this package man manual and then I will importing this package for example as let link let link and let link do let link open Street I will close this section here and then removing this code and let's debugging it's done as you can see here today we basically implement the flter Mac package in the next lessons we are going to create a new tutorial how to show some markers on the map using flutter map package thank you for watching me take care o
Channel: Emre Kabalı
Views: 2,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OlPbzFgaO0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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