Steep Road Grading

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all right guys we are at a very uh job with a very very steep drive by this A buddy of mine if you guys watch the goose hunting video you saw uh you saw this guy this is Don um this driveway very very steep I don't know if you can tell how steep that is if you can tell how steep it is when I show you the view that's uh South Park Valley there that big Dozer up there this little uh what is that a T-Rex 72 000 pound blade there that's my buddy Max's he uh widened this driveway and then we got a little you can see in the middle here we got some I call it canoeing sort of fix this up real quick with this 14 foot mole board for sure [Music] good [Music] foreign this driveway has some had some Yips in it you can see here how it sort of undulates that's what you get when you do a driveway with a machine that's too small that's why grader works so well because of that long wheelbase that's why you see the different heights and volumes of dirt in this windrow because as he's cutting those Yips out it's making it flat and he's going to pull this all back across it's gonna look great [Music] [Applause] here's that big dozer's my buddy Max's it's a dresser like I said the stingray is I think 72 000 it's a big shovel give you an idea [Music] [Applause] look at the size of these knuckles [Music] [Applause] so if you can tell but the Rippers are basically in the ground about six inches and these are still up to just below my chest you can tell how good this is looking those Yips are out still got some material to spread this way and then as people drive on it they will pack this in [Music] it's the hardest spot in this whole Road right here the ground's hard all right okay [Applause] okay you'll have a nice Crown you got lots of material yeah I brought like 30 loads up here yeah [Music] [Music] a tricky tricky little corner here [Applause] it's obviously what makes this difficult is you've got the the incline of the hill and the transition of the Curve so a constant blade movement as he's going through it not for a beginner it's kind of three stages you can just click you know grab the gravel on the top or you can reshape the road a little bit or you can really reshape the road so I just want him to bring a little bit over so you're curved yeah as it slide you down as dramatic as it does so I cut that bar ditch in deep last year and it made a big difference because I was losing a lot of my materials yeah I was just pushing this way and this is going to be nice some people like to use the steel drum to uh compact in the mag but the mag sticks to your steel drum so you want to use pneumatic tires for that [Music] foreign see when you got the blade fully loaded like that you're going to get the best results the pressure on the blade makes it stable gives it weight and it spreads material consistently so you want to load that blade up anytime you can you don't want to just try to grab the crust you're not going to end up with a good result what you'll end up with is what this road looked like before with kind of those rolls [Music] look at that moose Don and I are driving through the woods here during the grading job there's one laying down [Music] look at those guys [Music] he's like no closer now why don't they call multiple moves meese like geese what's up with that I've seen eight moose this week eight right here and then six it right across the valley warm spring look at this view you guys [Music] dear El Camus will eat this it's um the same chemical that's in Aspirin is in this and so it makes him feel real nice yeah it helps any arthritis or joint pain it also has spf5 which won't help you at all but it does have some some protection this they're watching us see that guy all right that's enough playing with the moose we were back up uh back up on the other side of this opening is where the two uh where the two moose were back to work back to work he's doing a real nice job here see that snow cap Peak over there that snow cat Peak is Pike's Peak it's a Colorado Springs that's actually 89 miles from here all right we will see you guys on uh on the next grading job we had three this week this one was just unique because of how steep it is I don't know if you can tell but it's really really steep [Music] [Music]
Channel: Diggin Deeper
Views: 13,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machines, excavator, #tractor, #backhoe, #dumptruck, DIY, work, ditch, dirt, diggin, dig, digging, park county, colorado, earth, moving earth, fairplay, grading, roads, moose, wildlife, Steep Road Grading and MOOSE, moto grader, moto, john deere, john deere 770 gp, jd 770gp, how to grade a road, road grading
Id: 3EdjB41xIV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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