Steel Industry 1944 Youngstown, Ohio
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: markdcatlin
Views: 1,030,865
Rating: 4.9009867 out of 5
Keywords: steel, iron, foundry, safety, health, steelworker, USW, union, OSHA, NIOSH, industrial, hygiene, Youngstown, ohio, united, steelworkers
Id: _hlfqggGOZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 14 2008
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That was really cool! Especially knowing how important it was for the US to have such robust manufacturing for the war. 2. Just to see how human focused factories were and how our economy and labor force has had to change so much in a short amount of time. 3. The end where they talk about what America needed to focus on after the war, and what happened to our economy since 1945 is truly amazing.
Before osha was a thing. Lol.
I’m from Youngstown. My grandfather worked at the steel mills. you can still see quite a few of these abandoned mills around town. Some you can actually go inside of. Very eery. These were better times for the city but Youngstown has slowly been trying to make a comeback ever since the mills closed
That looks like really hard & dangerous work.
Super interesting video!
My grandfather actually used to own and operate a steel lathe business out of Youngstown — it was called Bostwick — and while I’ve heard stories that the steel industry was once booming in the area, I’ve never seen anything documenting it before. It’s really interesting to see what it was like when it was headed towards its peak!
Really great find, thanks for sharing it!
Yeah i definitely agree. The ending really tied it all together.