A quick tour of the 'worst place on earth' aka, BaoGang Steel Mill
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Channel: TheMcThirstyBrothers
Views: 1,187,462
Rating: 4.8705268 out of 5
Keywords: baogang, inner mongolia, baotou, bbc, worst place on earth, steel mill, rare earth, molten steel, chinese train, train
Id: iy63PEgmm8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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Kinds just looks like a normal steel mill to me? Maybe the equipment is a bit older than usual bit nothing out of the norm.
Man, they really reaching in this one. Running out of terrible places to report on? They should do a documentary on the trough bathrooms in China and how it attacks privacy lol
Sigh, i miss the days when the bbc still had some credibility.
It's a steel mill, they are by the very nature not very pleasant places, this one didn't exactly look worse than some others I've seen. 'worst place on earth' what bullshit.
Seems that what they actually called the worst was the huge toxic lake.
It's like going to a sewage plant and not expecting to see shit... it's a steel mill, nothing really out of the ordinary lol.
Lol, hows it the worst? Flying sparks, smoke, dust, loud machinery - guess OP hasnโt seen videos of any other steel mills in other counties.