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good morning if you're new to the channel my name is Brandon and I live and travel full-time in a converted ambulance that's what I'm in right now this is my bed this is how I wake up every single day and I'm going to show you guys what an average day in my life is actually like including all the boring The Good the Bad and just every single thing that I do in a day my bed is not normally this high and close to the ceiling it's just raised up right now because I have a dirt bike underneath so I have to make room for that normally it's a little bit lower and I have actually space up here but I kind of don't mind it it's kind of like nice and cozy up here but it is absolutely freezing in the ambulance right now which is one of the problems I just never want to get out of bed because it's so warm in the bed but it's freezing everywhere else elsewhere else so I'm probably gonna lay in bed for like five more minutes okay I have to do a little bit of Parkour every day to get down and that's how I start my day normally I just use one of my toes and I click this button right here and that activates the diesel heater which starts pumping out some nice hot air from down there but I don't know if the noise of it would be annoying on camera so that's the only reason I uh got up today with no heater and we're camped at this beautiful spot let me show you these views wow so luxurious and beautiful a parking lot in Scottsdale Arizona it's not always amazing campgrounds on top of a mountain but you know that's just the reality of it and sometimes I like waking up in little parking lots like this because then I have access to like every single store I could possibly need which is kind of cool but this morning starting around seven or maybe even 6 30 some douche bag with some loud car was literally just doing laps around every Street near here and it was just obnoxiously loud going on for probably an hour so that's kind of what I woke up to so I just like laid in bed and listened to his obnoxious car just watching Tick Tock videos but I finally decided to get out of bed so but let's Retreat to the back and make some breakfast all right let's get some eggs uh honestly I finished a lot of my groceries yesterday so I don't have much I'm gonna make like eggs and put them in a little tortilla and maybe some ketchup and some water and some juice Pam the lighter [Music] you know I was only gonna make two eggs but I forgot to hit record the first time so I literally remade them again just for camera and now I'm gonna eat four eggs I'm literally so stupid and let's heat up the tortilla another one I'm done get that one going wow we eat this one this is a very boring and basic breakfast I know gotta go grocery shopping look at this little tiny egg burrito wrap taco not gonna off boom there's some ketchup up on there simple but delicious [Music] this is uh my makeshift garbage can because when it's in a smaller bag it's a lot easier to throw away a lot of places that I go in little garbage cans instead of having one giant trash bag where I gotta go find a dumpster makes my life a lot easier just having these little tiny things okay threw on a hoodie because it's freezing in here but it's time to hop in the front and drive ourselves to the gym okay let's do it it's my favorite thing about an ambulance or a van versus a truck camper or something like that or a trailer is that I can wake up pop right in the driver's seat and never have to go outside which is super nice it's actually gonna be a little bit of a pain in the ass getting out whenever all the cars are this tight to me because when I pull out and the back end swings out like the dirt bike rack it can hit the other car so I have to take it really like not crazy you know like [Music] good old Planet Fitness not a huge fan of Planet Fitness but it makes the most sense for me traveling all over the place because they have like the most locations of any gym I believe and they're like the cheapest yeah no you got to do what you gotta do and some of you may be thinking Brandon have you even brushed your teeth today that's kind of gross and you absolutely are right I did not brush my teeth I'm gonna do that when I go to Planet Fitness I can do it here in my sink but it's like more of a pain so why not just go do it at the gym when I'm gonna be in the gym I'm gonna be working out showering anyways just brush my teeth while I'm in there you know knock it all out at one time [Music] foreign [Music] gym is over and done with time to go try to find something fun to do but I have honestly no idea one thing I'm going to do before I do anything I really want to check all the fluids on the ambulance because I have not checked them all in a while been going through all kinds of maintenance on this thing so I want to make sure everything's topped off and good to go we got a ProMaster right next to us all right let's put all these clothes away and grab some tools check everything that one is the transmission so I need to have it running to do that but let's check the oil uh it could use like a half a quart what about that coolant is good brake fluid's good I'll just check the power steering fluid this should be good because I just replace the entire power steering assembly oh yeah we're good all right I'm going to leave that open so I can check the transmission when I get it running but there's one more that's a pain in the ass for me to check and you normally know how to check it I'm gonna need this guy and I'm gonna have to get underneath here for anyone who doesn't know car things this is the rear differential where the Driveline comes in does some magic in there and then spins the actual axle and a gear oil that fills up this and goes all the way through the axle to lubricate everything including the bearings and that one over there was leaking for a long time I had a lot of issues with it I replaced it a long time ago I think it finally stopped leaking but I still want to check this to make sure it's always somewhere right on the side just a little plug and basically the way you know it's full is when you take this off if it starts leaking out and it is full if you take that out and it's not leaking and you gotta add a little bit so that's a relief very very glad to know that my rear axle is not leaking anymore it's like tighten the bad boy up but that's a slight sign of relief sigh of relief science I don't know I'm just glad that all my fluids are good just got to check this transmission fluid and I just had a whole new transmission put in this thing so it better be good basically just want it to be getting up to running temperature and you want to check the engine when it's hot and when it's running you got to warm up for a bit and now take it all the way out clean it off all the way in and let's see oh yeah he's looking good and boom it is such a disaster in here I have too many things like a speaker big Power Station little power stations new tires for the e-bike dirt bike stand skateboards clothes everywhere my table that I need to flip around it's a mess I could have cleaned it up and made it look real nice for you guys and pretended like I'm a clean person but this is how it really is so and a little post gym snack it's gonna have a banana with some peanut butter like my favorite go-to snack because I'm always in a rush even though I don't really need to be I'm always in a rush and it's just such a quick easy snack look how amazing that looks every time before I drive I have to remember to lock the fridge also to lock this or else this door will swing open there's another one on that cabinet or else it'll swing open and then there's one right here because the Mistral can flying open it's so annoying when I forget to do one of those because then I start driving and I hear a cabinet come swinging open and all my stuff falls out and somehow I still forget to do it all the time but now let's really go do something never been to Downtown Phoenix I've been in Phoenix for like a week now and have never actually seen downtown I don't know any I know nothing about it so I went on this app that I have this is not an ad whatsoever but it's called spot Angels you can just go and find anywhere there's a green road so I typed in downtown Phoenix anything that's green is free parking so boom get directions Google Maps because I'm not a crazy person using Apple Maps and what the okay that took me to Los Angeles what the heck Downtown Phoenix boom it says free parking for up to seven plus days that's crazy yes 11 minutes sounds much better all right let's go hey we got a fellow red oh that's a heart our truck but you know mine kind of looks the same a lot of people ask me if it's a fire truck sick road that I just saw on my way to downtown how badass is that but it's so sick such a tourist thing never seen a road like that all right step one raise the bed two make the under dirt bike out of the way and the tire yeah [Music] now it won't close on me [Music] thanks man I think I was just like yo that's dope thank you man go for it yeah for sure man all right oh boy she's already trying to come out get these straps huh my fingernail just like hold it over that sucked boom just like that she is out all right let's go for a little Cruise you can see all these spokes at least 90 of them are just like completely loose the whole back wheel actually moves I kind of blew that thing out but big shout out to ebikezilla um this video is not sponsored by them but they are sending me a new wheel I email them about it and they're shipping me one out right away so that should be here in a couple days but we'll ride it today and see if she explodes got the free parking got the bike let's go cruise around downtown Phoenix and hope that my back wheel does not explode feeling a little bit unstable I mean I guess like the worst case if I go too far then I just gotta push it all the way back [Music] yeah yeah let's cross the street here if we can that might actually be kind of tough just kidding got an open spot right now hey I would love to climb this building because it's like half unfinished or something like that where to go where to go looks like this car is having the same debate huh this back wheel really ain't feeling so hot watch out Birds all right let's cross here see that sign spinner guy I wonder how much those people get paid I feel like definitely no matter what it is it's not enough to just sit there and spin a piece of cardboard all day I mean prompts to him for doing it but [Music] oh this is not even the way I wanted to go damn it ah it works some sort of Festival oh that I'm sure there's no way they're gonna let me come in there on my bike I'm gonna loop around and try to go the road option whoa looks like a little art festival or something yeah I don't feel like bothering Everybody by trying to go in there it goes all the way over to here all right well I won't bore you guys with too much riding I'll continue this in a moto Vlog that I will post Tuesday this coming Tuesday so if you want to check that out I'll be cruising all around downtown Phoenix and downtown Scottsdale because there's usually a lot of like rich people I guess in Scottsdale and I just think there'd be some cool things to go see over there so I'm gonna cruise around downtown Portland and downtown Scottsdale on uh Tuesday's video but for now I'll end this we'll go back to the ambulance and continue the rest of the day all right we're back in the ambulance now finish the ride that video will be up on Tuesday just gotta strap this baby down and get going and find out what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day because I have no idea right now stopping at Taco Bell real quick to get a little snack and also dump some of the footage off the GoPro onto my laptop and start sorting it out for videos so it doesn't get too built up make my life easier so I'm gonna do that real quick foreign I just got to Scottsdale but all of this is going to be in Tuesday's video as well as the Moto Vlog from Phoenix just gonna be like a whole motovlog thing on Tuesdays this section I'm about to go film right now will go there but I'll catch you guys right after this ride and we'll go find somewhere to stay for the night all right new plans going to a Christmas party at the old place that I got certified in skydiving two years ago stopping at a grocery store real quick pick up some juice boxes I don't want to show up empty-handed I don't know if I can say that I'll change it to like Capri Suns I don't know how YouTube advertising works if I talk about alcohol so we'll just say Capri Suns but I also might as well get some tortillas while I'm here high fiber two net carbs don't even know what that means but it's got flaxseed so I don't really know what that means either but sounds healthy the Capri Sun section down there all right I picked up these Capri Suns right here boom tortillas juice boxes well I think I'm gonna end the video here hopefully if you guys enjoyed what a normal boring day looks like for me uh stay tuned for that motovlog that's coming on Tuesday hope you guys enjoy that as well but I'm gonna go head to this party got like 30 minute drive I think and I'm gonna go hang out with some friends that I haven't seen in two years and I will catch you guys in a couple days peace thank you guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Brandon Gross
Views: 19,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4wd ambulance, 4x4, 4x4 ambulance, 4x4 conversion, adrenaline, adventure, ambo, ambo camper, ambulance, ambulance camper, ambulance conversion, brandon, brandon gross, bus, bus camper, bus conversion, bus life, camper, camper van, conversion, diy, life, mercedes, on wheels, project, school bus, series, skoolie, sprinter, stealth, stealth camper, tiny home, tiny house, van, van conversion, van life
Id: 47QlulbxMIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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