Ambulance Conversion Tour | Solo Female Lives In A 2002 Ford Northstar Ambulance

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can i help you i'm telling you go this way come on round here around here oh that might be even worse oh you got oh you've been digging huh you found something in there oh now you're totally wrapped what is it oh what oh my gosh no left how are we gonna undo you here [Music] what hi everybody well today we got something really exciting we are going to look at another vehicle this is one that's uh near and dear to my heart because for a couple of reasons it's a ford number one it's a ford and b it has the seven three power stroke now this truck belongs to a new friend of mine sherry so everybody say hi to sherry sherry is uh one of you she's actually somebody that i met through um these goofy videos that i post and she was in the area out here where i am so i stopped over so that i could meet up with her and take a look at her truck and it's really interesting for me to see a truck that's really similar to mine and how different how somebody can go at it differently than than what i did you know they're not identical but they're they're kind of really similar and so depending on what that person uh wants or needs um that's how they're going to configure their rig so it's interesting for me to see a similar vehicle but not the same as mine so um so tell us sherry like uh what year is it what is it how long have you had it you know basic stuff like that it's a 2002 ford f-350 or is it 450 i think it's a 450. is it a 450 e450 e4 yes yeah e450 oh yeah you don't have the little placard on there that says yeah you know like like where it says m247 yeah okay that's the name of the yeah so yeah i don't know how you tell the difference between a 350 and a 450 do you no i don't yeah i think it is a 450. so somebody out there because if i'm not mistaken the e350s also are a dually rear end so you can't tell just by that so if somebody out there knows put it down in the comments what's the difference between a 350 and a 450 because we don't know so okay so it's a 2002 e450 you're pretty sure yeah no star box what what is the name north star yeah oh okay yeah it does have a little logo right here i didn't see that before okay so north star okay 2002 e450 northstar box it is a turbo and it's it's the um it's the 73 turbo diesel right so um everybody knows that the 73 is the best engine that was ever made so i'm a big fan of that so so just looking at it you know it's it looks a lot like mine it's uh was it white when you got it yes it was but apparently it used to be red because you can see some of the paint chipping on it and oh yeah i got it from a dealer in california last february and i think they just did a quick paint job on it oh i see yeah yeah so i need to do some touch-ups on it so are there so you don't see any remnants of like hospital name or fire truck name right okay so you think it was painted white then the title was it it came from a school district so okay um on the cabinets on the inside it still had stickers for like blood pressure you know cups the importance yeah that kind of stuff so i don't know if they used it as a first aid ban or if they use it as a handyman right okay so so expand on that a little bit so you bought it from a dealer a dealer in and i think it was fullerton area like a a used truck dealer yep i just i just saw it online and i went okay and i put a deposit down flew in got it and drove it all the way back to arizona from from from california okay so um i'm actually working on a video about how to find ambulances to buy one so where where online did you find it um i think well actually i think it was on someone posted it on one of the ambulance groups oh okay and then like as a heads up like yeah and i went to the dealer's page and um i know that i don't know the name it's not like a real big dealership it's a private dealer okay so he's got um i know that they're on um his daughter got on to a lot of the ambo sites so she could post promote them yeah once a good marketing yeah that's good yeah yeah i mean and it ran beautifully all the way i mean it had no problems at all it's a little dirty i had to clean it they're always a little dirty that's okay so you've got some blood and guts um so how long have you owned it since february okay so yeah okay and um how many miles were on it when you bought it 132 i think there's 137 okay so in in the 7-3 world just just broken in just getting going um do you mind sharing how much you spent on it i paid eight for it eight thousand okay do you think you got a good price on that um i did only because it's exactly what i wanted i understand yeah no that's good you can't put a price on that right it was exactly what i wanted i mean my main my main thing was i wanted to shower and i wanted the double doors in the back on the driver yes and we are gonna look at that thing that feature that i am super jealous of um and then uh there's a another rig you probably already caught a view of it in the background here over here that's he's very likely gonna have an indoor shower also so something that i don't have um master suite so when you were looking at ambulances to buy you probably saw all kinds of prices from super super cheap to super super expensive right right and you landed somewhere in the middle right right yeah i wanted it well a lot of the ones that were super expensive were already built out and i wanted to do something myself i see so and i i've seen and you probably did too you see some of them they can be this old but they're still sort of like certified and usable and those are like 15 20 000 because you can put them into service the day you buy them you know which is not something that we really care about yeah yeah yeah and this one i mean it was in great shape i mean it it runs well i've had no issues with it i mean just a little minor you know to be expected wear and tear with its age now put new ball joints on it um which there's a valve on the fuel filter that was leaking i fixed that oil changes it might need some new tires sooner or later okay you did mention that the the fuel drain valve that's on the the where the fuel filter housing is and that's something that i guess is a known issue that can happen yeah um it's funny because when i went in to go have it fixed um i got i got a rate really super high rate and um my brother and i looked it up online and they said nine out of ten it's not the fuel filter itself it's the little valve on the side of the fuel filter and it's like a 60 part yeah and that's exactly what it was bingo so it's that common so i got it fixed a lot cheaper than what i was i guess one of the good things about having a vehicle that's almost 20 years old is that all of the those kind of things the little bugs and quirks everybody knows about them you know so when something happens to one of these engines it's like one of these two things because it's happened a million times to other people that's a good benefit so god for the internet because oh gosh yeah you know dr google i would have never known that and i probably would have ended up spending way more than i should have just to have someone replace a whole part yeah when it only needed to be one yeah and yeah so valuable to do your own research because there's a ton of info out there on these old power stroke engines so the truck is a very nice bright white which i really like can we um stick our heads inside and see what you've done to the inside because i when i when i got my first look at her truck inside the thing that struck me was this looks and this is not sexist in any way but this looks like a woman lives here because mine is more yeah mine is more utilitarian and kind of you know not a lot of bells and whistles inside but yours is i got a lot more stuff inside mine that i'm going to try to weed out because i don't like a bunch of stuff but i mean it was like a throw everything in there and kind of figure out what i need and then i'll i'm i'm definitely giving stuff away left and right i mean that's a good way to do it so yep things i don't need i'm getting rid of yeah and there's a lot more to go and i know that's the same thing a lot of people do you take you start out with too much stuff and then you start giving it away and getting rid of it so yeah less is better less absolutely yeah so let's uh let's peek our heads inside and see what we see all right so we're gonna take a look inside here is it okay if i step up in absolutely i don't really have any light so i hope it's light enough it looks like it is so right off the bat you've got you've got flooring that you put down yes and this is this is this um wall paneling or is it flooring it's flooring it is flooring okay still need to put the trim off yeah i haven't done that yet hi rowdy good boy and to the right here you have a refrigerator refrigerator freezer yes it's dual zone yeah winter dual zones oh so that that cost you [Laughter] yeah i'm too cheap to pay for that i actually got a really good deal you have more headroom than i do i am standing i'm standing straight up wow holy smokes look at that you can't have mine you want to trade wow that's you are wow how is that possible man mine stinks now i hate my truck so as i was saying definitely um a homey touch in here that i really don't have so you have you have some nice uh happiness never stop exploring wanderlust so on the wall here what did you uh what'd you put on the wall this is a um vinyl floor okay tile and i just stuck it up here with um loctite um like construction adhesive yeah but it's the one that's rated for 320 degree because i put it up with something else and it came off oh no kidding in arizona heat yeah so i had to redo it yeah put it up with the lock type it i mean that's that's not going not coming down yeah i put the same um wood look vinyl floor on my walls and i use some kind of construction adhesive like super duty and i haven't had any issues with it yeah so hopefully i use the right stuff so you've definitely got um a good size in here so what what if any construction type modifications have you made in here or is this kind of factory as far as the cabinets and all that the cabinets are all the same i haven't done anything to the cabinets um really the only thing i did is i did put this bed in it is a toy hauler couch so it goes up into a couch yeah or all the way up for storage but i really can't put it up because i have a memory foam mattress on it for extra comfort so oh so you're you're kind of stuck in the down position right now i got you and put it up but it's pretty thick to stay i got you yeah so i mean if if anything that i would change is maybe i mean i love the toy hauler couch i love its whole functionality when you don't have the mattress on there it's so nice it's very open but it's not super super comfortable um if anything i changed would be putting a different bed in maybe a slap bed or something yeah yeah for sure but i do love the toilet couches i mean they're they're really functionable and and you have you you mentioned this the other day when you were looking at my truck your countertops are way lower yeah and you know they match up so you've got outside cabinets down in my outside cabinets are just taller you know so they yeah so it's a different get it um titled as rv too you did okay you did the bed these cabinets are all then the factory ambulance but then back there you have a little thing i cut the wall and put a shower door in there you cut a hole in the wall i did it myself too look at this yeah it's a shower door barely fit in there but it fits perfect and it's an indoor outdoor shower because it's got the double doors on the other side and you can see it from the outside if you go out there but it's pretty awesome wow it's a little tight without the double doors open but sure it's perfect with them open it's just it's great so you it's like my favorite part of the whole and we'll look at it outside so you open the double doors and you have a curtain that hangs there when you're taking a shower yeah so you got more elbow room more room yeah and i don't have it's not plumbed yet um i have just a jerry can in there with a 12-volt pump shower yeah okay yeah and i run everything off of my echo power okay 400 watt solar generator hey you've got a camp chef stove look at that this is uh except the knobs are a different color but it looks otherwise it looks just like mine that's different mine doesn't have a handle there huh yeah now i want a handle there i don't know about you but i use my see my old seat belt thing to hold it down oh yeah i used i used uh straps i put them down same same concept though yeah and this here you have water yeah i i don't use it um the reason i put that in there is for getting the rv status i had to have like a sink yeah that was one of the things and i thought i would want it so what i did this this was already here this is where they used to put their needles and stuff yeah so what i did is not that i put one of these little restaurant pans in there oh sure so um my brother cut out this was already a template that was in here that had like a round circle where you throw it yeah down into a sharps container so i had them cut it out so like a little pan you know like a little sink there's also a drain in here like if i wanted to use this but i just use that for cleaning supplies and stuff but there is a drain in the corner and um my clean water jug and my gray water jug is down there so if i wanted to so you can plumb the sink right in there into your gray water yeah it's already set up to where i can bring water in and then it can go out or i could just put it in here and dump it yeah yeah nice i think but i don't i don't really use that i mean for my water source i use this over here which is like one of the best things in the whole world it's like this little thing just sits on top of yeah jug and it's usb rechargeable and it just and that works for you yeah yeah i got one of those before and then but i was working on my water system so i i don't know i i think i left it in my folks closet or something i didn't bring it with me yeah i gave up on that i love that thing well it's pretty simplistic as far as like having to install it you don't really have to install anything yeah and then you have a sliding door that goes up front this is kind of just a makeshift sliding door this was um leftover from the piece that i cut out from doing the shower so i just kind of put it on a slider and painted it oh so that it didn't have a door there okay and yeah yeah so i mean it just that's too bad mine had a door and i threw it out i could have given it to you yeah why did you throw it out it's so nice to have a door i didn't i couldn't think of a reason why i would want to shut off the front so i just well that's my dog house yeah i need to put my dog away or whatever well another reason i wanted it to is because it looks a little bit more stealthier again sure because you can't see in the back and i think yeah there's someone back that's a good idea to have metal they just it could just be a workbench or whatever and and it when i have this closed and everything's closed it's dark in here it's like so for electrical system you you don't have solar yet not yet okay and you're you're using the stock batteries that came with the truck no i i did get new batteries uh okay they're um this well one of them is just a walmart battery under the hood but the other ones are deca batteries or which are supposed to be really great batteries and those are in the tray down below um the refrigerator part but yeah those i mean they run good i do want to separate them the house from the yeah from the front and you have an inverter i do i have the inverter that came with the ambulance um i think it's a 1250 okay inverter so it's not like real big do you do you have needs for like your electrical needs not yet i mean i do want to put up i have a 32 inch tv that i will cut it up probably right here um i don't have i mean my projector for outside but i think even the solar won't really do that i'll probably have to get a generator for that i don't know i'll have to figure that out but i do want to get solar um i do want to get solar i don't need a whole lot right now i mean i do use my um echo power 400 watt solar generator and that does my phones it he you know it recharges the water and this is my boom box is this it's what you have plugged in to the solar panels right now yes yeah okay it's full right now yeah when i want to plug it in i just take it over there and i just throw my solar panel on the roof i was going to attach the solar panel to the cab but you don't always get sun right there so i just figured it was yeah good better to keep it free you know so i like your is this like a shower curtain you hung out back here just like a uh or a window curtain oh no kidding that's a great that's a great use something i tried to get the um bug screens that go in a regular door yeah it just didn't fit right so i just put that up there just so i could have you know the breeze without the bugs coming in and it works out perfect with the pattern because even though that's a little girly for me but it is a little girly for me but the cool thing about it is is with the pattern you can't really see in so it gives you kind of some privacy too so added benefit yeah yeah so let's uh you want to go outside look around well get back to solar the one reason i do need solar is to run my refrigerator because this this runs it but if it's not sunny 24 7 or you know every day every single day it's hard to keep it going so i need a little bit more power just to keep that going so right now i'm just using the ice chest right now until i always keep the ice chest because i like my beers on ice you can't get that same cold in just a refrigerator all right well thank you for showing us in here let's step outside and we can do a once around so one of the things i noticed so these black ones used to be your your red lights is that right and they still actually work it's like a film or something i honestly don't know i don't know if he hated him oh those were done already when you got the rig yeah i see oh you got a trailer hitch i do it came with that i was pretty stoked about that and trailer and i guess because of the trailer hitch it doesn't have a step a step bumper like that yeah hi buddy hello oh thank you there's that shower look at that that is glorious it's awesome he just took this to the side i put a little sure good idea so your neighbors don't get a free show but it's pretty awesome no that's great really awesome wow it gets you some hot water heater i know pumps and that that would i had a hot water heater and i ended up giving it away because it was a little bit beat up and i want to get a newer one yeah a nicer one wow oh that's fantastic so all of you out there that have the double tall door cabinet here's an idea for you and i'm sure you've already all thought of it i'm sorry y'all can see lefty over there he's just really upset that he's not over here with us you've got the uh i don't know what they call these things these extenders so you can fill your tires that's good so i've got to ask so this is not your shower tent out here then that is not a shower tank okay enough said sink from the top oh yeah so did you put that in or it was already there my brother did yeah so it just comes in here yeah comes out here grey water [Music] great water boy that's a simple little system that's awesome yeah and it basically was just to get the rv status so i was like and if i needed it but what state is it uh titled in arizona arizona okay what else you want to tell us about it anything ah it's awesome it's awesome it's like a little apartment on wheels oh that's pretty good it does weigh a lot it weighs a ton yeah well it weighs probably almost six six tons right yeah you had it weighed no not yet afraid too i definitely want to put solar on top um and a max fan well the great thing about these is that there's a whole big area up there for solar panels but i only want it on the front part because i want to put a deck on the back yeah well thank you for showing us the rig i'm super jealous of the shower and the head room inside but other than that that's that's really awesome thank you for showing it to us definitely a cool idea they're gonna last not like an rv that falls apart good point yeah those cabinets aren't going to fall apart like a like an rv cabinet sometimes fall apart so all right we'll wrap it up here thank you sherry bye get up in there come on jump up in come on jump up inside get your dinner come on there you go
Channel: The Campulance Man
Views: 19,273
Rating: 4.8520899 out of 5
Keywords: van life, rv life, nomad, living in a van, rv living, full time, tiny house, full time rving, rv living full time, travel, rv travel, campervan, overland, minimalism, rv camping, camper, living, lifestyle, camper van, stress reduction, fulltime, truck camper, vanlife, tiny camper, nomadic fanatic, boondocking, budget, free camping, cheaprvliving, ultimate MX hauler, cheap rv living, ambulance conversion, ambulance rv, kawasaki, klx250, solar, RV solar, off grid, ford, marquee, powerstroke
Id: DX2e_FqNxng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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