STEAL THE $3,975,000 CARGO! (GTA 5 Heists)

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we're back oh my god another light ball has been hit so we're back with some GTA heists baby whoo all right Josh what's the plan let's go so we're gonna be we've got three more prep we got three more set of missions okay what are they called all right Josh can we finally take your helicopter now thousand likes and we'll complete nice by the way just saying 17,000 it's a lot of likes all right let's go so what's the plan guys the same outfit all right I think it looks terrible guys we have to drive somewhere first I have no idea we have to go to the ambush point we've got all these cool truck to you yes use my ass right it's a cow truck because there's white spots you see like pounds yeah it's good right doesn't really look like a cow or your mom okay cheese looks like my mom either come on guys come on sorry have to be done all right oh I'll head over to the point let's go guys I think we are it's right here we park it keep your eyes on their high horizon oh we got a chopper coming over there the more you we got a damage it guess Oh what's up we got a damage at all no no no no no take out living with me no more damage okay minimal damage Oh what about our job talk about but not a bit under it okay I'll just use it explosive snipers that's what I'm doing oh look at that he's already going down boys wait what about the other helicopters oh it's easy that was that was that it guys is it supposed to go that fast or does it take ten minutes of other people okay please don't crash and then die okay look there it is guys alright steal the brush I do I have to go in that thing as well alright I got the fun gun here we go oh wait do we go this okay start shooting guys shooting alright just shoot the drivers and the helicopter oh my god this is a grenade launcher watch out be careful with that what do you I'm not even driving what are you talking about I'm driving jelly aim forwards whoa why are you not aiming for each stop dude jeez jeez I already almost died because of you guys oh all right I'm going forward okay I'm going forwards there we go okay that's the way all right all right here we go here we go that's the way all right I'll just shoot forwards I'll take everybody out watch out don't fall out this cars alright there we go alright alright we're doing this guy's too light oh my god this is one hell of a machine gun man it is so strong this is a new car guys oh I'm sorry that's Jordi's now alright should all treat involve everybody who's behind me okay all right you do that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna blow it up oh I got them the nice Julie had it alright daddy you continue it before wasn't my fault I have to get have to do that guys I have to do that all right let's go to the airfield to left or do you got it oh that's me that's me off-roading Josh I like it whenever jelly shooting the machine gun my entire screen is shake really yeah mine too Oh oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm sorry I just want they can't take care of those guys I'm dying I'm dying they just died super late okay good job dude that was insane that was mile away guys one one mile away oh my goodness do we have to get this thing what we're gonna do I don't know we're gonna have to bring it to the airfield but then why did I left it alone Oh watch out watch out imagine if you flip this thing now and me and Geordie both die maybe maybe we gotta take it it's got two machine guns on the top it's a pretty explosive oh my god oh god we have to blow it up Oh God ready go all right all right right Oh Holly put it in for the plane shoot the plane shoot the plane Jilly all right all right Oh Duty the turrets are wet the blades are not spinning there we go playing down play down write backwards drive backwards Josh all right I'll help you shoot you know help you shoot teamwork okay I'm being shy our helicopter I'll take the heli I'll take the heli it's careful just go forward charge forward towards touch for it oh my goodness all right I gotta eat some snacks okay Oh alcohol nope yeah wait wait all right where's the rest [Music] oh my goodness it's a sniper rifle a couple more left guys a couple more left all right what do we got to do now why well that was everyone here yeah I know take out the sandy shores operation a couple more left guys oh my goodness okay let's go all right let's go all right I'll go to the top one again to the front okay all right I don't have much help I mean I don't have any armor I got all the help okay there we go got him okay all right - I said more in the hangar one more where's that guy I can't see you wanna see ya larious there we go got him all right let's go oh man that was intense geez uh yeah I don't know you're into the seatbelt just drop up deliver it to the drop up guys there's a helicopter really you need to start taking out there looking all right all right I'll go for heli I'll go for the heli okay Oh God there we go heli down Elio now I'm gonna aim for words all right Josh brake brake brake brake brake I got it Oh bot jeez Oh oh my goodness are you guys so quiet oh we made it nice the ear protection ah yeah it makes sense well mission passed all right at this time for the second set of pipes the second of this video come on guys I wear green every day I felt like wearing it a little bit different - you don't need your eyes driving Nami charging sitting down chocolate seat passenger you're always sitting down who's this business boy I have no idea he's quite irrelevant an FBI nope he's irrelevant um don't kill him Josh all right let's go to somewhere I have no idea where we're going quick and hot guy is quick and hard quick you know that's what we got to do it's gonna be a coordinated attack gasps oh my god what's in there hello friends oh my goodness guys get out all right I'm getting out I'm getting out here getting out the wrong side oh my goodness Oh all right let's get a gun let's do this boys destroy the equipment what we like he tells us to keep all these sticky bombs guys and I guess so there's no one here all right sticky bomb of this Josh I'm gonna blow it up three careful two boys do it there you go all right everything wipe him out oh yeah I think we need to everything that's red on the map needs to go yeah yeah okay there's a couple guys spawning everywhere here tons over here guys what they might come try fine stuff right me too - there's not a lot of things in the hangar for five right blow my bum up oh my goodness a good shot some good shots alright there you go nice Josh wait what there's a well there's a frame friendly tank coming wait no no no we need to take that tank okay dude that's insane alright let me put some water I'm wrong you get the truck there you go I'm ready for this bring it up do your goodness ooh wow what is this an aircraft scrapyard this is insane I have you know it's been a while it's been a while no I put my broken airplanes here you know what I mean too many guys too many guys I'm gonna get killded oh god oh god Oh guys be careful be careful alright steal the pun jelly okay I think you got everyone guys good get some armor get some armor alright I'm all Murdoch Oh two more guys timber guys in a map okay Oh four more now they just kind of randomly spawn everywhere it's great hey went over here oh right I'm backing up and back it up make sure you guys have full armor at all times oh my goodness I'm one shot away oh my god hide hide for more now Jordan what happened we can't risk dying where is this other oh god hey there's a lot of people here man could've done with the truck let's be honest I mean we could have done it for sure oh there he is why don't they show up with my map I have no idea right I feel like they just keep respawning or something it's crazy Oh run right there to the right of us Jordy yeah shouldn't have run that on the left on the left alright we're close to the can jolly yep oh you got him good good good the cannolis right here oh I see the tank I see the tank I'm ready go through it alright okay there's some more guys right here everybody everyone in the tank I'm going to the back I'm gonna use the grenade launcher all right this is gonna be insane oh I'm using the top gun wait how am I using oh this done I got the railgun so way I've got the grenade launcher I'm just not gonna use it right now okay Oh God Wow all right careful guys careful my grenade forwards right right oh nice shot nice shot jelly you tell us we gotta go to the drop-off Jordi yeah just go straight go straight go straight yeah just go this way going this way that's literally another heavy oh I can't really use this grenade launcher for any day oh wow I got him I got him I got it all right the grenade launcher is actually doing quite a lot of damage guys ahead Jody okay straight ahead straight ahead oh oh oh I do this is insane alright alright I'm using the grenade launcher oh my god no wait is it like a oh my god it's a real tank blow it up is that working coming in helicopter oh my god yes we got the tank alright helicopter oh nice shot I can I have one more one more oh my god what is he dropping it's got some crazy costume oh great great great great it's great there you go is that tank still good do we have a lot of left okay good good good just keep going keep going we're actually doing really well here yes all right all right watch out with that yeah all right guys we've got this this is insane I should be at the bath you should be you should be GPS boom Oh oh my goodness oh my goodness there you go some of them have rockets but it doesn't do much well I hope so we tried I don't know think so no I don't think so Oh get him get him I'll go get him oh oh oh there we go drive oh my god Geordi watch out we don't want to get stuck with this alright don't worry we've got this kind of worried now okay alright I'm shooting backwards you see one guy over there behind me oh there you go that works I guess alright to the right of us drop some Nate's down over there who thinks it's a good idea to like charge at it tank yeah everyone all right forwards forwards noises believe yourself where are they going didn't know where we are they don't know which way we're driving right it doesn't look like it at least do truck behind but they've already pulled over I'm sorry I'll shoot by me stop I'll [ __ ] behind me there we go Oh Oh what is he doing well are the guys in front of us alright alright good good good I also read the parent charging up increases the velocity okay okay that's cool that is really good so it's great for like taking out helicopter yeah right okay alright yes we're almost there call for my left there you have 11 minutes on the clock up now we will not blow up we don't [ __ ] up guys where are the enemies if they loses there comes a scramble how about yes all right let's be quiet let's be quiet we're just no one will realize we're here no one will realize no nobody would did you see that Josh Josh careful carefully that guy needs his tires turn right No be careful we don't want to drive this thing into the water all right that's good that's good what wait what oh this is right next to a facility oh there's a car go Bob no don't know all right we got a Huey plane from Clifford let's do another one guys let's do another one why not and then there's the actual heist whoa one more to go what do I do this this means to all right guys it is tiring the last setup mission before we can do the actual heist guys are you ready for this exactly so what's the plan guys do you know what the plan is you take out stuff and fly around so we're gonna fly in a massive airplane right and there should be some Sam turrets around Mount chiliad that we're gonna have to take out okay that's right that's the last set of mission and then it's time for the big final high it sounds like a piece of land I know right shotgun passion hey I love this Carter let's take me to the airport see there see there Josh the big planes on the map look at that thing all right we're gonna go into the volatile which is the massive airplane yeah you don't wanna also behind the wing please behind the wing with the car dude this behind the wing Josh I'm telling you maybe with this car but maybe not with Josh's car yeah we got guns man oh no no we just went over it no problem dude whoa so let's go to Mount chiliad Josh and I have a look what's going on Oh Josh oh no you're dropping them okay Josh a dropping them hey guys don't see that on the map yeah those are a lot of Center it's okay you can see them blinking I believe can you know there's a helicopters we got to take out those helicopters Josh don't worry about it we'll take care of it yeah we got going so my god I cannot take these guys out Oh guys one behind us sorry yeah no me neither I'm just up geurim turn top towards other words slowing up up a bit with the nose judge put the nose I don't see it I don't see those turrets oh you ready go ahead see I can't look down that's too oh there oh I see one left which way are we going good I see one oh god dash'd what do you do with this plane dude my gun is so insanely hard to control no no you should fly straight job okay yeah yes Julie that's all you I can't write down I can't I can't look down I can get him no I can get him this is so keep your place Eddie you keep your place steady keep your place steady I am Oh oh my goodness keep your plane steady Josh it's life or death okay okay you want to stay alive you got to keep it steady Josh all right now aim up a little bit him up a little bit I can get the plane yeah you gotta yeah there we go perfect keep it keep it keep gimme gimme it's just not hitting Oh what's art going I can't all right he's below us below he's lost he's blow us out the plane oh yeah it just looks like fire worse than my screen all right watch out antenna oh my goodness done done all right nice okay let's go to the other side two of them okay okay where are they oh I see one I see one okay come on over now okay go to one another place treat one more Oh more alright ok one more maybe I can reach it no I can't Josh don't sleep here a minute now almost oh I can't look down darn it oh my straight place straight there we go almost almost oh that was so close you got it alright get back to the airstrip dude this thing insanely hard to land Josh listen listen listen this plane is super tough to land there's rocks everywhere no you need to play it really far around Josh no I'm gonna go you can land on the same strip and took off from but it is super difficult to get your wheels out already I'd say no I'm not gonna do it from this side Daley it's too dangerous watch out your weight oh my goodness nope alright Josh watch out with the rocks what's up with the rocks Oh rock on the right rock on the right oh my goodness scary does a good pilot Josh just keep on driving yeah I just think you're a good pilot Josh Josh don't ask questions hey here we are time for the ice how many likes guys seventy thousand twenty thousand twenty thousand fine you can do it you know you can do it let's go for it thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 10,280,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, update, child friendly, doomsday, GTA 5 Funny Moments, GTA 5, new, heists, gta 5 dlc, kid friendly, games, best, jetpack, GTA 5 Online, Funny Moments, jelly, dlc, gaming, funny, new dlc, mods, jetpack in gta 5, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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