Staying Focused with Chace Greene - "Keeping It Player"

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you are now tuned into the staying focused with Chase green podcast we have a special guest my brother from another mother one of my best friends boss king cool they're real nice rocking with me today brother let's get it yo yo let's get it um I'm feeling good how you feeling bro hey it's a beautiful day it's hot but it's beautiful it's hot we in Miami is always hot all the time valid so um what I what I brought you here to talk about well to talk about with me um a monks a multitude of things is keeping it player right okay that's something that um you know what I'm saying we always talk about yeah we always talk about keeping the player and um that's important to us that was always one of the rules you know what I'm saying absolutely that we have to follow absolutely from Young and and to adulthood and even now and what I noticed when I'm looking at you know I'm saying the landscape of things how it is it's like that principle is being forgotten so um or it's just not even being taught anymore yeah really know what I'm saying so um I wanted to know what is keeping the player mean to you first okay okay you know ever since we're legits keeping the player was basically uh keeping your emotions intact yeah you know what I'm saying if you're going outside but but ain't no play that [ __ ] what you're doing yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying so it's basically keeping your emotions intact being playing got nothing to do with how many [ __ ] you got how many hoes you're [ __ ] facts is keeping your emotions intact when that [ __ ] going down how you gonna handle it that's a that's a fact and I think um there's a big misconception that keeping it player or just because player in general tends to have like a notion of multiple women yeah that keeping it player is more more so about dealing with a multitude of women yeah when it's really what you said is really about controlling your emotions it's really um about emotional maturity right you know what I'm saying seeing how something's going down and realizing and then your reaction you know what I'm saying that that that's really what it breaks down to why do you think um why do you think that's important or do you think it is important oh it's very important because I take a strong six player ass [ __ ] over a dime any day that crazy emotional [ __ ] hell no yeah give me that six yeah she really do that so you you don't just equate it to men yeah because women got to keep it played too okay you know what I'm saying do you think the significa well do you think it's importance is is is more to men like it's it's more important for men to keep a player or is it equal how you think it is it's like a 55-45 with the men I really expect you to keep in place that's a fact you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] they said I expect to get to keep it clear so like you know what I'm saying like when they don't almost be like damn disgusted by a [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying what part of the game is that see when a [ __ ] don't keep it playing like you say disgusting what part of the game is that yeah and when a [ __ ] keep it player yeah yeah yeah I love that [ __ ] I love that [ __ ] but um and and and it's sad that I expect women and I mean it's just you know how we were raising how we grew up in you know things that you hear um in society that you know women are emotional things I experience I'm sure you've experienced that too but um so I expect them not to be as player exactly I really expect them to crash out a little bit more but yeah they used to be going outside and that should really be disappointing no male role models no players so so why why do you think um why do you think that is that [ __ ] be crashing out like that well why do you think that keeping the player isn't what it used to be or is that just something I'm seeing what was it always like this no no it's different now bro you know we born in the 80s where you know you had your uncle's correcting you I had my uncles correcting me yeah yeah you know what I'm saying I mean one time a real story I was about to go outside at 16. you know what I'm saying oh boy that but they don't play that [ __ ] you can't do that you know it's not about to go outside I want to tie the whole of it all boy to go outside it was out of stone old boy girl they don't play that [ __ ] don't do that I'm like that's what uh yeah yeah yeah but thank God I had you know a male role model ain't no player [ __ ] if I only had women around [ __ ] around bottom went outside when I said so that's why you know the [ __ ] like me and you we gotta talk to the younger cats man we oh geez now I ain't trying to compete with y'all [ __ ] just keep repeating p i take out the game yeah I tell you how to stay focused I'm all about the continuation of that [ __ ] for real I'm not sure I done did my thing and you know what I'm saying I still put at some points but um yeah like you said it is about um you know putting them on in yeah and uh continuing that that that that that um that tutelage hell yeah you know what I'm saying giving them that [ __ ] yeah yeah but um what would you say what would you say like in your life I know you said um your uncles and yeah you know what I'm saying oh boy like is that where you um I'm not gonna lie bro you know what keep it 1K JT Money and juvenile was like where's the wisdom to my young brain though you know it's funny um saying JT and juvenile like when I compare the music that we grew up listening to and the music that's out now is way different of course in regards to like their relations with women facts I remember listening to to [ __ ] where it was like man you don't give a [ __ ] nothing all right you know what I'm saying so I grew up like man oh [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying now you hear everything is I'm gonna buy you the biggest bag in the store I'm gonna buy you this I'm gonna buy you that ain't nothing if I'll buy you this I'm not saying [ __ ] is wrong they do whatever they want with them after 2010 after that after that little tax [ __ ] these don't change the world but they change the music they change how we treat the old you know what I'm saying hey so so getting into that right so um when I see when I see when I see things like what we talking about it automatically puts me in a mind frame of like the Zion and the Mariah Mills okay situation right so just to frame it for people who aren't aware of the whole um Zion with Zion Williams and Mariah Mills situation NBA player um you know what I'm saying he ends up getting one of his one of his joints pregnant and a girl he was dealing with who is um porn star yeah who did not keep it you know what I'm saying she just crashed all the way out all the way like volley and I'm like you know what I'm saying no or um exposing all his business the tags how much money he used to give her everything and this went on for what damn they're weeks right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this went on for weeks until she had to get um well it's suspended I think on account guys on Twitter so I look at [ __ ] like that and I'm saying like damn John you a millionaire you a star like you know what I'm saying like why you ain't keeping your hoes in check see to the point like they can violate like that I'm gonna tell you something at his age though at 22 he ain't experienced too much you know what I'm saying at this age that we are now I see that red flag [ __ ] you're dead yeah I'm not [ __ ] with it you know what I'm saying yeah that [ __ ] off you know what I'm saying so she probably doing stuff he probably think it's funny yeah because you know you sweating a bit so yeah she's just crazy until it's crazy it's really crazy yeah yeah you know what I'm saying but yeah he should have been cut that [ __ ] [ __ ] that so I look at I look at that and I think you're right I look at that [ __ ] it's like when there's a lack of guidance or and I'm not speaking of Zion specifically because I don't I don't know his situation I don't know who he has around him I'm speaking in general but when there's a lack of guidance or there's a lack of um you know that that ideology like when it's not really present in your home or when it's not present around you then I think you become susceptible to [ __ ] like that absolutely like you know what I'm saying I don't think that um he went out sad after him getting exposed but I think like everything he was doing I think I think certain [ __ ] be like damn that's Mariah Mills are damn absolutely such and such when in reality [ __ ] you're Zion right you know what I'm saying you you Zion and I don't like to use the cliche like I'm the prize she's the prize yeah I think that [ __ ] got mudded out but in this instance [ __ ] you're the star but she definitely stepped on them and when I say stepped on them oh because I got rich guys talking to me all the time you know what I'm saying so if she pushing a Lambo and she's living in the high-rise you really start believing this one yo and yo in your field yeah you're the one or 200 million yeah not her see when and one of my definitions of keeping a player right outside of emotional control is having that abundance mindset facts right where I know regardless of whatever opportunity I lost I can always create another one I'm saying and um I think a lot of people operate in the scarcity mindset so when a [ __ ] does put a foot down and be like well I I did what these type of [ __ ] all the time but when you don't have that keep your player message you know what I'm saying that abundance mindset versus the scarcity mindset like I said I think you um looking for a victim to that [ __ ] so how would somebody go about preventing some [ __ ] like that bro sometimes that [ __ ] is in you are not on you you know what I'm saying um elaborate I could think about you know [ __ ] we grew up with bro you know what I'm saying [ __ ] we grew up with y'all we the same [ __ ] yeah basically getting the same game yeah now watch y'all [ __ ] flame out yeah I'm watching one of my own homeboys Flame the [ __ ] out hoes put them down on you [ __ ] [ __ ] watching this [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] I'm the dogs I'm telling you man that [ __ ] is crazy yeah so sometimes hey somebody gotta be the crash test dummy I know it won't be me you know what sometimes it is it is in you it's not on you sometimes it isn't you but sometimes I think you can um you you can learn by Trials of fire oh yeah true right yeah yeah I I would say me personally um I had to learn I had to learn the game hell yeah right and I tell you when you go through those experiences right yeah yeah here's where I think the differences between um certain [ __ ] certain [ __ ] can experience something or certain men starting to make it experience something right and then they take it they analyze it they realize I don't like that feeling that really so whatever I just did I'm never done I'm going to do the opposite of that you know what I'm saying so I know what I know what the reaction is or what the result is when I do this yeah I'm gonna try this you know what I'm saying and you got some people that'll experience something and then it's like all right well let me just do it again let me do it again let me let me do it again do it again like you know what I'm saying and then I [ __ ] up and let me do it again let me you know what I'm saying and I know that there's a if at first you don't succeed you got to dust yourself off and try again yeah and I believe that you do have to dust yourself off and try again yeah but I don't necessarily believe that you got to keep taking this thing I'm sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] up that dude path to it [ __ ] [ __ ] up back Chase yeah they're telling next [ __ ] what they just went through you know that [ __ ] gonna tell that [ __ ] what you gonna tell that [ __ ] hey what's she gonna tell that [ __ ] that is some [ __ ] I've done before I can't I can't even this [ __ ] I can afford [ __ ] right I can afford you because I want you to learn from my experiences and that's why I'm so open and I'll be sharing because I don't want you like my [ __ ] Jay said hope did that so hopefully you wouldn't go through that you know what I'm saying so I've done that before you know what I'm saying thinking that you could be vulnerable event and tell her and she gonna tell you everything you want to hear absolutely she's going to condemn them joints yes and then tell you oh they was this yes so you thinking that plan just didn't work for that [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna try it on this [ __ ] she's gonna say that golden world is in a Hamp [ __ ] isn't a handbook to say I don't know the type of girls you were dead I know they're gonna say before they saying they go they go act like you know what I'm saying like yeah I'm the outlier like that's I'm the exemption the anomaly yeah I don't know what you're youtubing they ain't me yeah yeah with a violin you know I said so you have to learn [ __ ] like yo if the pot is hot why would I [ __ ] touch it I don't care if it's a red pot green pot it's still a hot pot [ __ ] yeah don't touch it yeah but they go sit there she could be blinking off fathom lashes and they're gonna fall for the same [ __ ] game dirty game and I'm right here to look at them 30 days all right all right so um keeping it in line with keeping the player right so um we've seen social media was a blaze with the whole Keke Palmer situation right yeah yeah and um I've seen a lot of men pretty much going against her baby father yeah I'm sure I hope you guys already know what the whole Kiki Palmer situation was she went to the Usher concert she was getting a little too fanned out her baby father had a problem with it so he went to Twitter to express his Grievances and the internet pretty much got on his ass that's what he did because that was not player okay all right so you say it's not a player no all right yeah you know what I'm saying I'm not checking in my [ __ ] on the internet okay I would have I would have called that [ __ ] phone get your ass here now you understand because internet is Hey listen Kings the internet is not your friend okay women rule the internet that's a fact they are not on your side okay so for you to sit there and try to blast your BM or your girlfriend whoever she was is at the time yeah they're not going to be on your side they're going to bum you out and now you're gonna feel stupid okay no no if I had a problem with her I would have been hitting her phone up in that know what I'm talking to them for I get it I get it the way I feel though I I feel that I feel he was justified in his feeling absolutely you know what I'm saying I thought he was justifying this feeling I feel like he could have definitely handled it a different way for sure yeah and that goes along with what we're talking about about uh managing your emotions yes in that moment yeah I'm saying because that's going to determine if you get the player if you went outside there are um but I understood you know what I'm saying I understood and I didn't I didn't have a problem with him feeling how he felt I just was like damn you gotta handle that different what I had a problem with is the amount of I always got a problem when there's [ __ ] jumping in and kicking other [ __ ] when they down these [ __ ] want to get the likes from these [ __ ] there's some pick me ass [ __ ] dog yeah we'll never get rid of them because they say hey pay all her rent it don't matter if she sees you or not shut your ass up man what are you talking about but yeah the [ __ ] jumping on his head yeah and it do it do make you be like the game feels it's filthy it's a dirty game hey yeah she never did that and then bro you didn't care about the outfit you have her dressing crazy all the time okay okay so right there yes I see it from the old stuff you got up in her panties when she pregnant all type of crazy [ __ ] okay that y'all do that's cool with y'all relationship okay [ __ ] if your gripe was Usher and why it can't be I should have been hot since [ __ ] 97 98 I'll be hot too [ __ ] you know what I'm saying [ __ ] been told for real hey hey so [ __ ] be mad at that don't be talking about all your outfit [ __ ] you love when she dressed like that that's why she got the outfit but you hate that Usher was singing to her I love when she dressed like that that real now I potion when she around me you know what I'm saying okay and even if she's dressed like that it's not the fact that you know what I'm saying it's not the fact that she's dressed like that it's the fact that you fanned out over another [ __ ] that's what it is and you fanned out publicly that's what I'm saying you're not just keeping it as a fan at the concert yeah right the fact that you posting and this is this is available for everybody to see how fanned out you are they probably have pressure before that concert could be you know what I'm saying [ __ ] go for your juggler and for her to keep doing that [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's why you cannot show these joints your vulnerabilities you can't show them your weakness oh he a jealous [ __ ] oh yeah I'm gonna turn up on it I got your ass I'm gonna turn up one I bet I drag you can't you gotta stay you gotta stay focused you have to they gotta you gotta always stay in a constant state of I cannot figure this [ __ ] out that real nice once they figure out that little they get you a little Kryptonite but um yeah so what was interesting um to me about the whole situation was when I saw women talking about it right and women always gonna have these crazy takes and opinions about you know especially online never in real life online right so a couple of things that are a few things that I saw that that really interest me um one was the amount of people saying she doesn't have a ring so she can do whatever she wants and and then I gotta thinking about that like yo y'all don't even like when y'all [ __ ] like a [ __ ] picture online come on now and he's not your husband and you're never getting around [ __ ] you're never getting a ring the onion ring what is that Dan Marino straight up straight up but um you know but y'all putting down yeah you're putting down at anything that your non-husband on the first date you try to put down I like you you're my man yeah why are you liking her you ain't got no reason yeah you don't have no ring so it was so interesting to see that perspective like of course because you know if you're saying he doesn't have a right to put down his baby mom because that's not his wife you know the president you know you know the precedent that you're setting of course and saying that like you know what I'm saying just one week prior along with JT's JT got [ __ ] married the uzi that's a fact right only with JT that's how I react yeah break your foot I didn't I swear crazy I swear I don't be I don't be caring about people's reactions to things I just be wanting them to have the same principles yeah that'd be it like if you far left if you fart right off you just be the same way like you know what I'm saying it can't be I'm I'm I I'm condoning yeah wilding out because my man is being a fan and he's fanned out like Uzi was fanned out to ice spice come on now so you're Walling about it yeah but then Tuesday that's on Monday but then Tuesday yeah now you oh she she not married when it's Kiki Palmer and it's just like well well what's your principle where you stand on this type of [ __ ] and that [ __ ] just be blowing me that's the point one more it ain't got them at that point it ain't gotta make a point that's just crazy so um yeah and also um another point that that I saw was she's the breadwinner so she's the breadwinner he should just sit back and shut the [ __ ] up when it's like how do the people know she's the breadwinner I mean bro like who released that you know what I'm saying I mean if they did if they looked online I guess you know what I'm saying like we know Nicki Minaj is the breadwinner how do we know that because Nicki Minaj you know I know this [ __ ] finances and I'm not clowning because I don't think he's a bum like that you know I'm saying but just how the internet just bum Nikki Palmer baby daddy you know I ain't even trying to job shame nobody yeah you know what I'm saying like like he was on food stamps or something yeah he was homeless yeah cleaned him up and it was just like damn it is a dirty dude it makes more way more than the average person even if you Google the [ __ ] net worth I think it's like what 500 000 a million some [ __ ] like that I don't know yes but he's still in that space to be able to attract uh like you know what I'm saying but it was just interesting how they're like if you make less you're the house husband so shut the [ __ ] up right but then it's like isn't that what you all fought so hard against in your own homes like you know what I'm saying don't don't you guys call that the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and [ __ ] like that when when a man is saying yo I make more shut the [ __ ] up so it's just these conflicting ideals that just be having me like yo what are we talking about anything to keep their foot on a [ __ ] neck the nigga's down and that's what it is I read that um that [ __ ] is crazy um you seen it out of 22 [ __ ] yeah that's the white boy yeah there's no jumper [ __ ] yeah yeah no jumping [ __ ] so um I see that the internet's also in the frenzy over him allowing um the the boy Jason love the the porn star guy to [ __ ] his wife yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you think that's player bro let me tell you a [ __ ] something yo if I could sell this recycled puss I know he made 500k minimum hey yo go [ __ ] this [ __ ] babe bring the bad back to Daddy babe the hell you got these [ __ ] talking about I would never bruh your [ __ ] is cheating on you anyway [ __ ] the [ __ ] are you talking about so okay okay okay so you would your wife or your girl okay you would let your girl get [ __ ] by another [ __ ] that's what you're saying are we talking about 500K whatever whatever Mom you let your girl get stuff for 500k okay let's let's stop this turkey yeah 500k million that [ __ ] made money did he WWE oh yeah man you never [ __ ] my girl again yo this [ __ ] playing it yo yo so you're wow by the way but before before we get into why you uh it was like to me like he knew he was going to have people emotional of course with that [ __ ] of course like it was not our plan does porn yes his girl does porn yes so to have a porn star yes let another porn star of course [ __ ] his porn star wife of course and people act as if that's so crazy come on now it was Genius of course like you know what I'm saying I I'm a porn star yeah she's a porn star she's a porn star yes you know what I'm saying and it's like oh this is her first male scene like when I see these guys in the up world I'm like do y'all understand what Pimpin really is that's how it came off to me that's how it came off to me like yeah let's [ __ ] [ __ ] my bottom [ __ ] for x amount of dollars you know what I'm saying like bruh I do porn she does porn he does porn that's what we do like you know what I'm saying peop porn stars that are in relationships and we could break it down to the smallest form right you'll have people let's say [ __ ] let's take it to the left right quick yeah if you ask the average [ __ ] would you be in a a tour relationship with your [ __ ] or a [ __ ] you love you mean open open relationship yes or polygamy like both okay okay both copy all [ __ ] say no hell no yeah now hold on hold on so you saying that just to make sure I'm understanding that you ask a man what do you have two [ __ ] no no can your [ __ ] have two [ __ ] okay copy copy yeah can your [ __ ] have two [ __ ] hell no you're gonna be [ __ ] up that game [ __ ] yeah but there's so many [ __ ] play the sidelines you play the second boyfriend on purpose love to do it yeah I see the DNS of my [ __ ] I see it they got [ __ ] yeah you know what I'm saying and I know you're going home to get [ __ ] you know what I'm saying sometimes I want even much it like that black boy I let a [ __ ] get the rest of that little [ __ ] in me you know what I'm saying so you go to [ __ ] favor I'm doing them a favor I don't let her talk bad about it [ __ ] don't talk bad about that [ __ ] that fact I don't like no [ __ ] talking bad about they [ __ ] around me come on he's not that bad of a guy yeah he's not that he's not terrible good boy I mean but I know and you know a couple you know it has some stronger feelings for her yeah but I know you're going home to be with this guy yeah yeah you know what I'm saying well what the [ __ ] the difference is with all this stuff I don't know maybe I'm the alien all right from this planet you know what there is no difference okay in regards of what's Happening yeah there's no difference yes so you're right you know what I'm saying I guess what I would say the difference would be if I had to say there was a difference was this is my girl you know what I'm saying so it's a it's a matter of possession yeah I guess you know what I'm saying you know what and that's why the [ __ ] I say out of relationship so I don't got to do it no [ __ ] like that so I'm smacking everything and then and I'm good I ain't got to feel nowhere about nothing all that my girl [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying I'm cool off all that [ __ ] and she like my girl bruh in my lifetime I had two different [ __ ] I ain't gonna spread their name you know what I'm saying but I had two different [ __ ] yeah beg me bro can we just share just make sure she come back home what yeah and you know what you know what I told a [ __ ] hey we got to cut this off your [ __ ] dming me talking about we could share you and she like man [ __ ] him no I wouldn't never is that I would never so much like him and his guys like me it is what it is I never had no [ __ ] tell me let me let me please just just spare me so like just give me some item man that's that's [ __ ] crazy but I have had like um I was coming out of joint house and um my [ __ ] was pulling up and um just to keep the story short her [ __ ] was pulling up and he asked to talk to me well um now this [ __ ] here Wilder [ __ ] had told me that her neck wasn't talking like that no more yeah you know what I'm saying and I'm beating [ __ ] dangerous games always you know what I'm saying and my stupid ass might find a whip yeah like you know what I'm saying [ __ ] like I'm trying to always get to the whip just in case like for real I don't know why the [ __ ] I left [ __ ] for real that's crazy but my [ __ ] was a little stepping I said [ __ ] but I have I had my I have my Jordan in the whip so you know what I'm saying he's coming up I'm leaving out so we cross path so you know what I'm saying I'm I'm tunnel vision I'm doing like a B-Line to the whip yeah you know what I'm saying so they like hey bro I could talk to you want to talk about yeah you know what I'm saying like I turn around I'm like yo what's up yeah so [ __ ] like bruh like you know what I'm saying I ain't even trying to um I ain't even trying to you know come at you wrong or anything like that but bro like you know what I'm saying I really love her like oh you want an event man like oh look like I wanna like we gonna get married he crashed so so as I'm looking at him his eyes is tearing up you know you know what I'm saying is he talking to me and that [ __ ] like I ain't gonna hold you bro like I really empathize with that [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying I was like damn damn bro like you know what I'm saying and it and it really made me consider like because at one point in life I used to love [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah yeah like I used to love that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you get all the perks and I don't get none of the [ __ ] but but it's so much potential [ __ ] behind that when you [ __ ] oh yeah bro that is true as I'm older I don't like doing that [ __ ] like oh you got a [ __ ] I mean because [ __ ] Not Gonna Keep a player I'm Gonna Keep a player yeah he's gonna be mad at me and try to keep that [ __ ] they really mad at your [ __ ] leave me the [ __ ] alone you know it's gonna be me you got a strong hairline and [ __ ] [ __ ] six three oh yeah that [ __ ] me so I I try to avoid that [ __ ] these days but and in that story when he was telling me I was just looking at like but this is a man at his lowest yeah you know what I'm saying and he's pretty much telling me please leave my [ __ ] alone bro it's you and I can't tell her I told her she's not listening yeah can you help me out but I didn't even look at it I didn't even look down or discussion I just I just felt sad bro yeah and I was like all right you got it bro like you know what I'm saying I ain't even know that y'all was still rocking like that whatever whatever and you know what I'm saying I I kind of like you know cut off fell back off that [ __ ] um but yeah man damn yeah I wanted to stay together hell no they're not still together so you and I sat for nothing I can see if he got married to a [ __ ] hey [Laughter] that's [ __ ] crazy dirty game dirty game bro damn dirty game so um let me ask you um you got kids right yeah yeah uh two you got two beautiful kids um how do you feel right that there was always a possibility that there will be another man let's just say you and just hypothetically speaking right you and baby moms um you know what I'm saying y'all don't see eye to eye situation moves on and then now there's a stepfather a male figure in the household you know what I'm saying yeah um how do you feel about those situations and the reason I'm asking this because I see the whole future in Russell thing that's happening right now like recently future just released a song who I think he's on a song with quavo okay where he's taking shots at Russell I think he said something that I get it at the field [ __ ] Russell some [ __ ] like that yeah you know what I'm saying and I saw you know you know there was a lot of online discourse and you know response to that yeah so first as a as a man with kids how would that impact you um just going back to the beginning of what you said uh if a man was to step up or she finds somebody I would love to meet him you know what I'm saying I need to check this nigga's Spirit yeah you know what I'm saying I need to chop it up with him you know his thoughts and how he's moving and stuff for sure I don't have a bridge at least in my brain of I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] you're my BM I don't I'm a player for real you know what I'm saying so I would love to meet him you know what I'm saying but we could we keep him kicking to take the Jets out somewhere yeah I'm cool with that you know what I'm saying um as far as but let me tell you about it let me get in the back of this Russell [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I I lost respect for Russell when now let's have let's say I'm on the other side let's say I'm dealing with a woman with kids right it's certain things I'm not doing because the kids have a father that's alive okay I love it you know what I'm saying I respectful so I remember when they had like the paternity shoot and they all naked so what the [ __ ] are you doing naked this is not your son [ __ ] yeah the [ __ ] are you doing I remember that that's a weird [ __ ] I probably broke his jaw what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah you know what I'm saying yeah but you let your [ __ ] oh this would be cute if we do this you should do it instead of standing on 10 toes no we're not doing are you crazy that's crazy yeah you know what I'm saying so from that little aspect right there it lets me know bro you be going outside about some dumb ass [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so when I started on the internet I see people oh if you just mad because you can't get his family back oh why would you talk to somebody who's raising a kid so y'all missing the point y'all not seeing what Russell doing behind the closed doors yeah nobody you know what I'm saying you just we just see future say something now is Russell the best man in the world you understand what I'm saying so when he did drop that line yeah what Russell did [ __ ] you supposed to be on the field practice [ __ ] you're a trash as [ __ ] last year yeah you like that would love future again somebody throwing a ball future throwing the ball better than you [ __ ] you get out there but you trying to send a shot dad life yeah he made me go across your Noggin boy okay I just stay out of that because everybody was trying to be on Russell's side yeah she'd be playing some little [ __ ] [ __ ] games boy okay okay oh yeah yeah hell yeah and all these women with these slow ass baby daddy yeah I just wish I had a wrestle but you gotta wrestle your DM you don't want him you damn sure got arrested you don't want him yo listen listen women have so much opportunity right to get the man that they claim they want you know what I'm saying they have so much and it's so funny how they dropped the ball yeah they really from speaking of football they really fumbled that [ __ ] all the time they really do fumble them that [ __ ] they'd be in the late 30s close to 40 talking about acting bad yo that [ __ ] who's singing this song is in her 20s yo you're 40. stop acting bad what got you here that's what got you doing bad but you keep acting bad stop it they're real now so do you think the way okay we said Keke Palmer's baby father the way that he responded was not player so do we think future publicly you know what I'm saying always sending shots to Russell or whatever is that Blair the heck with that fine line the future is a very uh emotional slash not emotional guy right when you listen to his records whatever he going through at that time is where he'll put a network okay you know what I'm saying like you got stub I was on the phone with Doughboy really on the phone with this guy dropped the phone jumping the booth you know what I'm saying so maybe something happened in that era that you just jump right in the booth man [ __ ] Russell whatever y'all went through as men yeah um do I believe he should be saying that out there like that because same thing what he did with Lori Harvey yeah you know what I'm saying yeah exactly you know what I'm saying so like when he's going through something he just put it in that situation he did in that situation hard to say that it did it did I like future man foreign [Laughter] so far I need you all to stay focused like comment and subscribe and also visit get your truckers get your shirts all types of merch we got in store for you so stay tuned stay focused and visit the website and also like comment and subscribe if you liking what you seeing let's get back to it speak in the future right as you listen to his records um he is what I would call Big trick okay big trick right okay and you know what I'm saying he he says it you know what I'm saying okay tricks off on in his records okay so this is not anything that I'm putting on it's not attacking I'm putting on them um so you know what I'm saying it ain't tricking if you got it right okay and you know what I'm saying in sense of us talking about keeping the player yeah what do you think about tricking yeah it's needed it's needed yeah okay I save a lot of time trying to keep playing with this [ __ ] hey is your end goal money you know what I'm saying because bro you got [ __ ] who really think let me give example a bit to tell you oh you need money to talk to me okay right yeah all right cool so [ __ ] you want me to have money to take you out on a date to spend more money to see if you're gonna make up your mind to give me [ __ ] yeah that's crazy let's get to the point you know what I'm saying you already planned a whole lot of games you're already [ __ ] somebody who doing nothing I didn't even say that [ __ ] bum but just somebody's getting a lot more for a lot less absolutely you know what I'm saying somebody's doing a lot somebody's always going to get more for way less you know what I'm saying so when I cut that chicken [ __ ] it depends on if you trying to cut straight to the chase if that was she on hey get straight to the to the chase I'm not looking to I ain't gonna know you after the day baby yeah you know what I'm saying I'm gonna do you for the night yeah what's the price okay all right so here's here's what I think right okay so I think in society today and especially um online right online has a tendency to take the meaning of things yes and just totally twist and manipulate and conflate yeah and make it a whole new thing right yeah so like you had tricking and you had simple right yeah and it's like they tried to combine the two right so when I grew up tricking was just jumping along okay right it was just it was just jumping along like you know what I'm saying you had you know what I'm saying [ __ ] that's on some player [ __ ] they're gonna try to get [ __ ] strictly off game yeah you know what I'm saying they're trying to spend as little as possible yeah when I mean if you compare it sometimes you do end up spending more on that side you know what I'm saying when you when you do it do you do the math but um tricking wasn't this pandering and pedestalizing [ __ ] that it is now that that was always just simple yeah and it's like women have kind of chant and I wouldn't say I wouldn't say Just Women I wouldn't say Just Women because this is a big contingent of [ __ ] that do this too I mean to do this too and they they try to merge the two simple and tricking so it's almost like I gotta I gotta pay you to date you yeah you know what I'm saying and it's like I'm not [ __ ] paying to date you in fact like you know what I'm saying I'm not paying I'm not and I'm not gonna chase you to spend money yes like you know what I'm saying like that's the simple part yeah I gotta get you an entry gift yeah just to get around you yeah just to schedule some more time for me to spend money and feed you yeah and then like and all it is before I even get yeah anything that's simple like you know what I'm saying is straight to the point that yeah tricking they're trying to make that tricky yeah when I think of trick I think of Nate oh [ __ ] Set It Off absolutely that [ __ ] wasn't playing who's the Sony with Jada Pinkett whatever the [ __ ] character name yeah that [ __ ] wasn't playing with her you know what you got to do but you know what you got to do yeah like you know what I'm saying like you telling me this sad story you telling me this sad ass story hey what's up yeah what's up yeah you want this bread or not for real you know what I'm saying it wasn't how [ __ ] is today where like you know what I'm saying yeah I'm gonna pay your rent I'm gonna do this you gotta cash operation gotta do this like what the [ __ ] is you [ __ ] talking about too many [ __ ] got the game in their pocket yeah you know what I'm saying yeah they jump out the window you know what I'm saying if if this woman was willing to say you know if you're in your bag of you know on this chicken [ __ ] yeah and if she's willing to say if she was willing to say 200 yeah two bees yeah but you come out and I pay your rent no Mission blessing [Laughter] they lower their self-respect and then she sees that [ __ ] and be like damn well all right why should I respect that [ __ ] that don't respect itself she gonna drag you you know what I'm saying absolutely and it's just like we all [ __ ] got that [ __ ] from but it all goes back to what what I was saying in the beginning like that keeping in player [ __ ] is just absolutely it's just not there it's not there no more because even even tricks kept it player with the with to the to the to the to the respect of respect yes like you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] like I'm giving you this money I'm up yes like I'm up you need you need me like you know what I'm saying like I'm not pining for your yes affection the [ __ ] like Nate was the real trick yeah you know what I'm saying because [ __ ] try to look at that back in that day yeah it was I'm getting [ __ ] off game yeah and they was looking at [ __ ] like Nate like [ __ ] you got no gear you got to pay for the puss yeah so that was more of the negative light like you ain't got no you got to pay for okay cool but then that [ __ ] term mutated to yeah simp yeah where just just text me back I give you a hundred yeah yo no when [ __ ] start talking about 1500 for the unblocked fee I say yo y'all [ __ ] is paying what you paying what and a lot of these [ __ ] live in another [ __ ] of Life they they do but just the fact that they're saying it yeah you know what I'm saying and it's putting it and other women in the head that you can charge a fee of anything oh you get unblocked first of all if I'm blocked I don't even know I'm blocked that real man because I'm gonna hit you you don't hear me and then I'll be like all right well [ __ ] it then yeah all right you know what I'm saying so I won't even know if I'm blocked and then if I do find out I'm blocked then that [ __ ] dead [ __ ] you're dead it's dead like you know what I'm saying I'm not I'm not gonna find other avenues to try to contact you I'm not a [ __ ] that's gonna hit you on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger you know these [ __ ] be getting real creative but I would never do no [ __ ] like that so it's like to me you know what I'm saying I have way more respect and my respect don't mean anything in the grand scheme of things [ __ ] do what the [ __ ] they want to do but I have more respect for the normal trick than this if you got it it's not about having it yeah it's a to me it's always about the respect always because I'm not a [ __ ] that'd be like don't get these whole [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying like if I'm [ __ ] with you oh yeah yeah like I'm doing nice things for you but go ahead and bless yourself you mandating [ __ ] yeah yo I get big problems with [ __ ] is mandating yeah don't demand [ __ ] for me yeah you know what I'm saying especially on some monetary [ __ ] yeah I I I find it I always get a huge um I always have a huge problem with that [ __ ] so um I don't know I don't know what do you think the remedy for that [ __ ] is because it's only going to get worse oh no because it's not just women saying it it's men you know what I'm saying they're saying these things to end what happens is when these [ __ ] get online and reinforce these these and most of the time limit is not even living like that they're doing this that'd be the craziest you ain't even living like that that's a crazy [ __ ] you ain't really doing what you saying oh it's a beautiful day send her 400 show me your cash out [ __ ] show me yourself that's what [ __ ] need to start doing show improve yeah show me your cash up that you did just saying dumb ass show me a cash app that you did that show me your room yeah you did that show improved come on you know what I'm saying come on and then your [ __ ] show me that [ __ ] that's doing it ain't nobody sending you nothing man I don't see not doing it more than doing it [ __ ] did it one time a [ __ ] right that way forever one time three years of pandemic [ __ ] tell me what's going on now been telling you pandemic dreams God I make a band a night come on what hey get out of here with that [ __ ] is dead that [ __ ] is dead man somebody so what do you think what do you think is the remedy for all of this [ __ ] bro bro um most people don't have personality so it's gonna go get worse when I say personalities if I line up 10 [ __ ] and say go to the club and go talk to a woman at the bar or anything yeah right Dale is more of you see a [ __ ] at the bar I wait till she leave oh I saw you in the cave that was you with the blue one weird ass [ __ ] You're Gonna Stand and [ __ ] the whole night okay so now I'ma I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate all right a lot of a lot of women make themselves unapproachable so I can understand why a guy would see her not say something and then DM her right would talk to her from what he perceives to be a safe space I'm not advocating for that [ __ ] because I think like you just kind of just you you blew your shot [ __ ] like what are you doing I can understand why they're doing it and I'm gonna tell you [ __ ] I think you're gonna get the best version of her in person when they got that phone in that hand she's a different person you understand what I'm saying you know how they say liquor give you liquid courage yes liquor is liquid curve yes that phone I swear so brave over that phone lip up [ __ ] this [ __ ] somebody been watching me y'all [ __ ] don't be watching me yo you got me [ __ ] up I'd rather Bliss a [ __ ] yo I understand you know what I'm saying hey I'm the big guy you know what I'm saying a little Ease on the eyes my my power is blitzing [ __ ] I see you at the bar I don't care I imagine looking what up what they do what you drinking you know what I'm saying so you just move a supreme confidence what through the roof it's not like I don't know that right through the roof yeah you know what I'm saying and if she ain't feeling all right cool well look at your little friend here somebody in this group feeling it you know what I'm saying like I tell [ __ ] [ __ ] be intimidated from groups of girls I don't I don't like that groups of girl [ __ ] but yeah like I don't like you hate it it's Pro five y'all if it's two y'all three y'all yeah let me get all of them a drink somebody if this one like yeah not my style yeah that lonely [ __ ] over here I'm her style somebody go bite that so you just trying you just trying to get it killed hey put my worm in there what basketball hit it no I don't I don't I'm with that group [ __ ] bro I think I think just like you said how they be charged up over the phone um or over the Internet DM whatever wouldn't it be charged up when they in them groups bro and it always be the challenge I don't want to buy all y'all no [ __ ] drinks attention if you ever notice that if you're talking to whoever the bad one is yeah ugly but she's mad as [ __ ] like damn [ __ ] I came with you you talking to this [ __ ] all night that's your fact bro I don't experience not keeping it pee yeah yeah now she mad so yeah Let Me Entertain oh y'all what's up what they do you wanna hit the hookah I don't like buying all the [ __ ] drinks that's another reason I don't like groups now y'all y'all could drink from my bottle yeah yeah absolutely over here I got hit this [ __ ] over here oh that's a fact you're gonna drink what I paid for Already There You Go music what the [ __ ] but um but yeah not them groups we should be too charged up in them Crews yeah they get too bold like you know what I'm saying and you know what's crazy I ain't never really been tried like that but [ __ ] you won't get me you won't get me like you you ain't gonna run away nah never happening never but um yeah I don't do no damage in groups I'm a I'm a straight put you know what I'm saying dolo yeah you know what I'm saying one-on-one killer sniper yeah yeah I love Blitz in them though I love when they look back yeah yeah I smell good yeah [ __ ] yeah it's me yeah and I'm tall yeah ain't no way more than you you know these [ __ ] only 150. but you can't pick me up you know real man this [ __ ] wow all right so listen this is this is a segment that we're doing called men can't do [ __ ] right so I was looking on the internet I seen today of course what it's called douche they can't do [ __ ] bro we can't do nothing you know what I'm saying so I seen and this isn't this isn't today this is just period I've seen that [ __ ] can't smoke hookah and I bring this up because you yeah you are the biggest yes who could smoke a [ __ ] I know yeah you know what I'm saying to be a hookah consumer you know what I'm saying you even brought your hookah yeah you can't like that [ __ ] in here I'm low-key mad about that I know y'all [ __ ] so you know what I'm saying like you would be considered sassy yeah you know do you know that you sassy absolutely I mean how you feel about being sassy bro it's always online because I'm bad at [ __ ] yo the baddest [ __ ] is eating up this dick when I'm on this hookah you understand what I'm saying they wanna you witness can I go to close my eyes they definitely love it you know what I'm saying like definitely even when I'm in the club they you might ever hit your friend hookah like they definitely always ask for the hookah like is it I never I never in in real life not this fantasy internet [ __ ] in real life had a [ __ ] oh you do who could never ever you know but like you say on the internet we can't do nothing it's a problem with me drinking Fiji oh you [ __ ] you that [ __ ] drink Fiji it's a problem right now let me turn yeah it had a flower that boy chicken what type of [ __ ] drink water bottle hey but um yeah you know what's funny when they when they when they say the um that that hookah is feminine or sassy when you when you when you know the origins of [ __ ] hookah right it's um you know what I'm saying like from India the Middle East like that culture over there is hyper masculine right to the point that that culture here in the west will be considered toxic masculinity the way that you know how they are with women and you know what certain things that women can't do and things like that so something that comes from a culture that's so hyper masculine to come here and all of a sudden be called sassy it just always reminds me that these [ __ ] don't be knowing what the [ __ ] they talking about all the time and then when the [ __ ] jump in it and be like I'm like damn it it'd be that same [ __ ] anything full [ __ ] on one blunt [ __ ] don't licked all on it every hole as he can see y'all should have said when I really look at it like yo y'all [ __ ] be sharing weed come on come on and [ __ ] dead ass be licking all over this [ __ ] and then you got four [ __ ] hitting it pause come on and then you do it come on but you agreeing with these hoes that that's sassy come on but y'all [ __ ] Smoke the Weed off of another [ __ ] come on but it's just I just I just tried to look at [ __ ] objectively and I just be like how the [ __ ] is that Sassy when y'all know what where who comes from like you know what I'm saying like when is that feminine like it's crazy but online [ __ ] can't do [ __ ] it's a dirty things it's filthy out here anyway in closing bro it's been great to chop it up always great Vibes man sit down with you you know what I'm saying like that red now my dog since day one appreciate you rocking out been about 25 years you know what I'm saying from high school yeah yeah yeah high school middle school middle school middle school middle school and guess how we met y'all a [ __ ] tell me hey that's a boy Chase busy yo what that [ __ ] is everybody looking for YouTube okay I see him what real players do real pleasure night you know but you know what you know what from then from then yeah right if I had somebody giving me the game yeah be like what you looking for a [ __ ] about a [ __ ] you should be looking for your [ __ ] about the [ __ ] like you feel me I had to learn I had to learn but I did though I learned now I'm teaching the game um brother I appreciate you rocking with me you know what I'm saying we staying focused you definitely will be back oh yeah recurring you know I'm saying my dog I wouldn't have it no other way stay focused we got a lot more coming you know what I'm saying get your merch teas truckers hats we're gonna have all all types of [ __ ] make sure you um lock in also like comment and subscribe if you [ __ ] with it appreciate y'all the real name
Channel: Chace Greene
Views: 1,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OO-wTsyvPMk
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Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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