State of Decay 2 | Season 1 Episode 1

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alright guys we're gonna try something a little different on this series alright I'm gonna play this like Netflix does like like Hulu like Amazon video all them shits when they have a show they drop every episode at one time BAM so people can jump on they can binge watch they can watch it whenever they want on their schedule and they don't have to be waiting and waiting and waiting for the next one to pop up so I don't know how much of this game I'm gonna play but what I do know is I'm gonna play it and play it and play it I'm gonna get a [ __ ] ton of videos made of it and I'm gonna post them all at the same time so I don't know if it's gonna work this could be the biggest failure that I've ever done but there's something I've been wanting to try for a while and I figured this is a good game to do it on because like I said I don't know how it's gonna perform anyway so I'm just gonna throw it all out there I'm gonna throw it to the wind and just see what sticks so let me know what you think of this idea and if it honestly if it works out pretty well I might do this all the time for future series right just like boom drop them all on one day and let you guys watch them when you get to get the top anyway I'll put all these in a playlist so you can find them there and I'm gonna shut the hell up and let you guys get to watching a video so hopefully you like it let me know [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] keep moving keep moving shut the damn oh [ __ ] shut the door there you go whoa is it locked did you lock this [ __ ] what is that [ __ ] man it's like its whole body as an open wound I don't know man dude we got to keep moving all right yeah i way mosconi's better be worth what it took to get here I can attack [ __ ] off me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you back up off me that's me [ __ ] [ __ ] biters got through their security what's security there's nobody here well this is like a refugee camp with no refugees yeah tent house looks like they left all their stuff to my bad broke search this [ __ ] come on all right got me some some bandages that look like tuna all right what's in here I'm a fast search sometimes it makes noise like that and then the zombies come and they try to [ __ ] you up oh [ __ ] up off me miss me [ __ ] nope not today not today you ain't getting yo ass up either come in was he dead you're dead come here [ __ ] it's dead now fast search there you go give me the goodies I want them goodies yeah I want him goodness he made him goodies yeah give me them goodies nothing dude you're gonna die if you can't scare up a stronger weapon [ __ ] I'm trying what do you think I'm looking for and listen well you got a problem with my damn screwdriver huh come here fat boy am I gonna die huh fat boy didn't like that [ __ ] pop this ass like a balloon popped him like a balloon um if you see a stronger weapon I am getting a real bad vibe from this place you let me know this was your idea proud of Simonides there are too many zombies behind us to turn around now oh yeah that'll work open inventory way and hit F on that [ __ ] there we go are you happy broski huh you happy I got me a better weapon I'm dumbass don't know how to search all right I got all kinds of potato chips we're gonna go hungry Wow after all this time these people still hope to find their loved ones there's a thought your friends are dead I didn't leave you man we've been over this are you gonna order for me oh the food I selfishly shared with you right I don't get up Colm I need you to fight a little bit better I'm knocked him clean out look at this hey hand up in this guy up hook it up [ __ ] Carla can you handle that can you handle there you go Jesus Christ the old limp wristed [ __ ] alright I think I'm damn scavenge about everything I could get no nothing boss nothing Moss let's go what is this place Oh central booking uh-huh can I get through there No Hey the [ __ ] back nasty looks just like that thing we saw outside the gate big red up quite a bit me oh so much for food and beds oh [ __ ] my homie gonna turn into a zombie even turn into a goddamn zombie all like zombies Carlene [ __ ] out the way alright umm kind of search this yeah guidelines I'll give a [ __ ] about no damn guidelines I don't care about the rules this fight is really itching you act like you never got bit before whoa what the hell happened here a lot of [ __ ] got killed oh hey [ __ ] how y'all doing shoes I'm allergic to zombies holy [ __ ] hang haha [ __ ] okay I'm sorry apologize for that I feel like I'm burning hot Oh God all right let's see if we can find you some medicine column at the turn to a [ __ ] zombie imma have to kill him dead end oh here's the medicine that was easy tell is easy this is useful but it won't do anything for that fever never mind oh search [ __ ] machete that'll work equip should I quit yeah I did I'm a slice on my [ __ ] up just keep quiet we'll slip past him [ __ ] I'm stealthy [ __ ] I'm stealthy you don't see nothing [ __ ] I'm stealthy oh [ __ ] oh hello how you doing you're doing alright huh you don't alright [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I honestly [ __ ] yeah I don't see nothing wrong with killing as I believe oh [ __ ] come here [ __ ] not good oh [ __ ] go dude move Oh this [ __ ] already up the ladder hey come in come here mother how's that they don't see [ __ ] don't see nothing ah ah give me these [ __ ] I'm gonna level up my damn stealth the kills all right here look at this [ __ ] I don't want for trouble all right I've got troubles mother [ __ ] ass Oh you miss me well I got no stamina so I gotta let my stay I'm gonna come back alright that's alright that's alright [ __ ] [ __ ] miss me miss me I will keep crap I will kill you all of you all of you ah I'm out of stamina I know okay catch got me fat boy oh god I'll get my ass whoop come here you're gonna arms it's what you're doing go goddamn my arms huh huh lend me a hand [ __ ] I'm making my stamina back y'all get just give me a damn second gives a man a this [ __ ] tell you what back to [ __ ] me son of a [ __ ] huh huh how you like that i'ma eat some goddamn tater chips no ma'am I massage my arm mmm mmm that felt good I should have level up my my fighting a little bit you know what are you doing here this camp has been decommissioned what are you doing here in the food - we haven't eaten in days strategic redeployment of resources the brass pulled the whole op the Army's gone my friend except for the few misguided fools who thought they could still do some good here like you seriously dude it's like my [ __ ] blood is on don't tell him that I've heard that symptom before yeah I'll shoot you hit by a real nasty zombie with blood all over it yeah normal meds won't help better head to the SMB the suck and blow [ __ ] still has what you need that's sucking blow tell us since you all right will do will do hello zombies I hear you sleep over obstacles there you go it's easy how y'all doing yeah all right keep your ass back there oh [ __ ] what's up doc why are you still here trucks left days ago he told us a compliant do it I apologize I ain't got bit he says his blood is on fire I see you better come with me alright maybe I will all right maybe cage looks like the one that bit me you're looking at Blood Plague once you catch it you just burn up from the inside oh [ __ ] you would if I weren't here you time to help your friend alright where's your flashlight and look for a sample case in there bring me whatever you find this we found if you use it soon after infection the army took our lab when they left but they didn't get everything lady hi did you found it yeah I did no cure that's bad I'll need an infirmary to culture a new dose hey Doc the camp is compromised thanks to all the noise disease of swarming the east perimeter oh [ __ ] it's here we got a late time to go you know I can't leave Charlie if you stay I gotta stay then we all die Charlie's gone but this guy still needs your help it's chocolates [ __ ] and to get it I need to say goodbye this is dude in a cage I bet we don't have much time Hey I need your help with something that was a king in the cage it was a person once this guy Harley and I we were all we had left he was your lover option now but I don't have the strength oh I'll kill her please take this gun yes give me that [ __ ] gun T or I I'm sorry what's that gonna equip that [ __ ] [ __ ] yes hey Charlie listen you remember that time you bit my finger huh [ __ ] never again never again please now no he's not he's still in that cage you see he's literally still right there he didn't go no way he just died I'm sorry I know I'm a [ __ ] I know I'm gonna shoot you soon don't let me go out like that no way someone's got to come up with all our great plans yeah let me turn this damn flashlight off can we leave thank you I hope I never have to repay the favor you won't because I will shoot him I don't give a [ __ ] I don't even care we need to find a place to settle down there's some towels in there here um so you can be in the valley to plateau to foothills I want to be high I think you know being high is good so let's go for the foot hear that I'm getting behind that Drive all right shotgun all right it's good [ __ ] out of here and drop alright let's get the [ __ ] out of here how the hell do we do this without the army around it's simple we stay together we find somewhere safe we survive easier said than done now guys like I said I know this is probably a long long game and I don't know how much of it I'm gonna play so if you guys loved this video or you love this series you want to see more of it you have to let me know right you have to you have to like it I have to see a [ __ ] ton of likes on these videos I love to see a [ __ ] ton of views cuz I don't want to keep playing a goddamn series that I'm getting you hate or had a gasps eight views on you know better start scavenging apparently a fuel won't help us now okay what do we need way that blood plague is progressing your friend won't last long without a place to rest so you gotta find a bed we listen to the doctor all right we have to find a place to settle down now now oh you watch the way you talk to me the army and I agree it's time to get off the road and find a home someplace we can build what we need to keep your friend from dying okay let's go let's go I think I spotted a possible home site as we came through town all right but first let's check it out we're too exposed out here to stay for long she and I'm single searched all this goddamn was that header sticking up call mom I don't know why I pick that up but I will search every single thing I can ok no way I can fit this what let me drop this damn bet pick this [ __ ] up and I'm gonna climb my ass up here anything up here hello Oh ain't in a survey mode yes look at this we could make a solid outpost out of that spot anything else what's this okay nothing more to see here nice so I surveyed the whole area all right don't want to check up here I think I do before we get too far because we're supposed to go that way I'm pretty sure so let's let let's not leave any stone unturned you know I'll see them zombies I'll see y'all all right you think I'm scared I think I'm scared of a goddamn zombie [ __ ] think I give a damn about a zombie who your boy don't give two shits about coming [ __ ] a piece of [ __ ] grab it huh we got dead inbound that's what we got seemed like somebody left a cooler right here that screamer sees me it's bad news luxury item I don't know what that means what screaming what are you telling my homey oh that guy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you somebody thought it was gonna scream it's hard to scream when you're dead as hell and wait for that to go you showed up your ass man [ __ ] come on let me get rid of this damn note see it says search fast search [ __ ] okay bring it Oh goddamn that's a eight eight pack I got a big-ass backpack no mommy Oh got the two hitter quitter to hit a quitter I'm go ahead and drop this [ __ ] cuz I don't need that [ __ ] I need that backpack for alright search this ethanol here yeah and open s nope I'm a damn scavenger I am a damn scavenger what'd I say abandoned campsite what I thought I said secure I mean ah maybe I'll strip let me slow down [ __ ] oh I didn't want to get bit by a rat Out Boy you saw what happened potential resources attained a certainty and oozy [ __ ] first aid kit where should I put this um tell you what drop these tapes these cheddar chips there you go what's that Oh three bags of snacks all right so we got everything here oh [ __ ] calm down calm down Oh Fat Boy don't see nothing you don't know nothing damn I love it up my wits I'm smart as hell there we killed a zombie oh yeah that's where we came from all right so we cleared everything out there except for the zombie maybe they're blonde maybe zombies are blonde [ __ ] so yet I can't really see that well alright well I'm glad y'all sent over here not doing a goddamn thing want me in the home he went over there all right yeah blues out [ __ ] huh you go catch the disease girl you bet you nasty all right you nasty attention resources all right oh [ __ ] nothing heard that yeah I didn't mean to bust em off like a wide open we're saying anything nothing in here but some zombies on the other side of the wall it's another read something [ __ ] right there you know see nothing you don't see me I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna use my theory there's Amish can't see they can't see [ __ ] come here my [ __ ] come here tell me you're deaf blind stupid [ __ ] yep yep zombies attack off sound all right we learned something locked [ __ ] it let's go loud it was loud but you know it was the best I could do best I could do I apologize rucksack okay all right so there's one more place I'm supposed to areas explored I supposed to explore this back area oh I supposed to explored this door right here am I supposed to break your [ __ ] huh don't I supposed to do I want that I killed him oh thank you appreciate it what's it search over here I don't give a damn fast search no way I can fit this handle that handle that [ __ ] for me homie you know do your job I'm making more noise so got to fight some more people cases of chemicals what do I not need treats hi trade value hmm for now let's get rid of that [ __ ] forget that are you killing everybody out here huh are you doing good no I need to tell you how to follow me or what what the [ __ ] are y'all doing there's no room for mistakes on this one okay this Blood Plague [ __ ] you know it I so really just need to stop doing whatever the [ __ ] I'm doing I need to go here which is 200 meters here so soldier with me yeah let's go there's still a lot of [ __ ] I done search like we got houses and buildings every [ __ ] where but we got to get to that house over there we gotta make gotta make ourselves a home do you oh [ __ ] hang on it's all red I don't like red eyes I don't like all red eyes I'm a [ __ ] well should he drop some play example that you go [ __ ] I feel like that's some I damn sure need this is probably stupid I'm gonna drop that dropped a tire hopefully when we get this house we can like there's a box I can push it in that place might not be a half-bad homestead maybe not yeah I'm tired oh [ __ ] this bad boys see got locked out of his house you live here so did you forget your keys sir sir you forget your [ __ ] keys this [ __ ] watch I bet you don't see me I bet you don't see me oh yeah she does she does but she wish she never did all right she wish you never saw Maya all right what is all this [ __ ] I got a area I got a sport areas all right somebody running around outside excuse me she's just locked in here she's just trying to get out let me help you wanted to live here before everything called scavenging building Oh [ __ ] I got goddamn blood play why you gonna give me a pop-up or I mean I'm getting attacked that was horseshit that was [ __ ] just so we all we're all aware all right I've explored these areas and I got to go upstairs see if I get attacked again when the pop-up happens all right we're clear we should clean this place and get everybody moved in all right hey Doc we found a spot that should work well as a new home base claim yes what did they miss sight but then what happens I'm gonna keep these on me keep those on me leave all this [ __ ] in here community supply Locker all right um Ramirez where you at girl huh Ramirez ha ha that dusty ass house holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] is all this [ __ ] clear trash clear all right I'm down with that hello is there a timer I don't think it's a timer like it clicks now we're mayor's like if you want me to talk to you you got a B somewhere goddamn where you at watch the noise we're at home I can make all the goddamn noise I want [ __ ] in the kitchen all right listen [ __ ] how to Ramirez all right I had to click put you on a goddamn Waypoint so I could even find you and I still don't know where you are there you are what you doing out here girl done infirmary will lose calling the blood plague can you server the area for building materials I saw a cell tower nearby that should give you a good view Godspeed I think I do all this by my goddamn self while you just sit here and do nothing alright you know if you say so what can i what can I build right here anything I don't have any build materials all right well let's go park it I got my goddamn self no [ __ ] the noise [Music]
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 1,069,259
Rating: 4.969934 out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, face reveal, state of decay, state of decay 2, xbox, xbox one, xbox 1, xbonex, state of decay 2 walkthrough, walkthrough, state of decay 2 gameplay, gameplay, zombies, best base, best weapons
Id: fwkcDK-r3Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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