Starting The DINO STORAGE BARN ! Ark Survival Ascended [E8]

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oh what's going on every here welcome back to some more Ark survival ascended today oh we got a structure over there and uh we're going to talk about that we're going to talk about a few things hopefully you're all having a wonderful day I'm having a fantastic day can't complain oh we need to uh wants to go on a walk with you okay so I guess uh follow all right imprinting plus 9% hey we did a thing anyways uh we found this little guy well actually we were over we were looking for something we found this a little guy walking around so we decided to imprint on it and uh it's taking a little bit of taking a little bit of time here so uh we're going to go and disable falling for now and we're going to leave that guy sitting there just chilling but hopefully you're all having a wonderful day I'm having a fantastic day so let's talk about this giant door here well as you can see uh it's a giant door and the giant door opens into a giant pen uh that we basically put our dinos in just to kind of protect them a little bit after what happened to Queen cluck Dino storage is at the Forefront of my mind so this this is what we're going to be doing today we're going to be working on this a little bit um after building this right here I don't like it I don't like it right here so we're going to go ahead we're going to take some stuff down we're going to move some things around I have a different idea the idea I originally had um was basically having a behemoth gate there and a behemoth gate there having two of them you know like kind of like an L-shaped thing but it's just it's too big it's too it's just too much area that for for this area and for like you know the size of like all my other structures it's a little much so um we're going to stick with the one gate we're going to stick with one Behemoth gate but then we're going to use two regular Gates on the sides of it or possibly just one gate I think we're going to do two gates on sides of it um so this will be a very large structure but it's basically just you know a warehouse for storing dinos so um let's go ahead let's get on into this hopefully you're all having a wonderful day like I said I think I've said that like three times now so I'm having a good day though but I can't complain so I'm going to go ahead and take these walls down and then we're going to um yeah then we're going to go ahead and figure this out a little bit better also on another side note I will actually be streaming tonight as well over on gaming I'll be starting at 6 p.m. Central Standard time so I don't know what time that is for you I'm sorry I have no idea um but yeah I will we will be streaming over there let's go ahead and we're going to throw these on here for now I need to go ahead and empty my inventory also we did some other things actually those really exciting um is that like all of my weight holy moly that is like all my weight um but we did some other things too hold on let me grab you I actually need to ooh was really close to The Edge there let's grab you let's bring you over here we did finally go through and we organized our storage um let's go a and pop in here and check this out look at this look at all of these storage containers I know right so we've got uh wood that fiber Stone SL Flint we've got hide and Pelt metal Crystal cementing face kiten car silic pearls oil and gas charcoal and gunpowder Saddles crafted items plants items armor items items weapons and tools that's what I have it broke down to so far um and then I have like a couple other things I have an empty box here for something and then we have for all of our narcotic needs and then food in here um but yeah so I've been trying to go through kind of just getting things organized up here a little bit uh just to make things a little bit easier so um yeah but let me go ahead and move the dinos I'm going to go ahe and get the dinosaur I'm going to get the Behemoth gate moved um and then I'm going to come up with a different plan for this okay so I got some foundations picked up here um now like I said we're we're going to I'm going to get this refigured out here but what I want to do is I want to have a behemoth gate in the middle and then two regular um well they used to be called dyo Gates but I guess just two gateways on the sides um and then also have some you know like quel parking on the top things like that so trying to figure out how far I want this away from the wall or I'm actually thinking about possibly making it go to the wall I'm not 100% sure though because I know these right here are within the grid of this and that so this might work here but I just feel like I feel like it's awfully far back so I think what we're going to do is I think we're going to go ahead and uh you know what let me let me just go ahead and do this let's see what we can figure out here okay so I think I have a spot for this uh we're going to go and place it right here and uh I have an idea I'm kind of thinking like overall arching idea of how I want like the base designed okay hold on it was right uh right there I believe hold on let me make sure that is on there that is oh I forgot that one darn it I forgot this side forgot the foundation under this one right here okay so we'll put that there so now the idea is that we're going to go ahead and have our main Dino storage right in here somewhere perfect okay so what I'm thinking is that we have our big Behemoth gate there we're going to do regular Gateway on this side right here so we can have smaller dinos in here and regular Gateway on this side over here now what I want to do is I actually want to um actually want to go ahead and utilize this Foundation right here and bring this all the way back this way so that way our entrance we kind of have an entrance on this side you know we can ENT enter over here uh if we need to and then probably put you know some kind of doorway right on this side as well but enter over here uh throw a doorway right here but this will be our main dinosaur storage area and this will also be it this is kind of um encapsulating the main Courtyard area like I like I said I had had planned so we've got you know Greenhouse there we've got our Workshop there the house the main building is going to eventually go right here so basically everything is going to just be in this middle area right here that's the plan and I think this does a good job of kind of like separating off the wall and kind of paying attention more to the area that we're in so I I don't know we'll see we'll see how this goes but I do need to make a Gateway so let's go ahead and let's make uh two of these gateways and kind of to see the size of those I know they're significantly smaller than a behemoth gate but uh let's just get some in here oh you know what I might not have any oh I built these storages to store a whole bunch of materials and guess what um I think those materials are all gone yeah those materials are mostly gone um okay that's that's fantastic okay so we got two more gateways I'm going to go ahead and throw the door on here too cuz I have the door in my inventory and I Pro probably don't need the door in my inventory um okay so let's see these things are significantly smaller oh my gosh oh these are significantly small these are like teeny tiny um well then these are like way way smaller um okay so we'll put one there so that is what um one two three foundations away from that side so one two three foundations away from that side well I don't even know oh oh darn it okay that's not see that's not going to work because it's going to be behind this that's not going to look quite right trying to think what we want to do here as far as so three foundations looks a little bit better but let's do two and let's see how that works okay so I like the I actually like the three a little bit better however two will fit in the area that we're currently in well you know actually honestly three will fit just fine cuz most of the dinos going in here are going to be small anyway so they'll be able to come around this corner you know let's just put it at three yeah I think that I think that looks pretty good okay perfect so we'll do that now can I go ahead and place down okay I can place these down underneath of these okay good I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to place these for some reason that the little Gateway was going to be in the way but it looks like it's just fine and then I should have doorways as well did I get the doors I did I got the gates Okay cool so let's go and throw the gates in here and we'll throw another one over here perfect all right so there's the beginnings of our dyo storage so we're going to go ahead what I'm going to do is I'm going to basic we're just going to square it off um I'm going to do the frame around the outside first and then we'll start throwing some walls in and stuff like that um I'm not going to finish absolutely everything right now because there's a lot of stuff that's going to go in the middle here and I think we're probably going to actually use um I'm actually thinking about using wood floors for the interior because I think that just would look more like Dino Storage Barn kind of kind of sty so uh but let's grab I have I have 18 of these um four high walls let's throw some of these in here we'll kind of get an idea what the front of this is going to look like for the most part so there's those now I think we're going to stick with four high on the edges here but we're going to go down to four high so we're going to go up another one here and then we're going to angle down and then have a flat spot and then probably end right there and then that's going to be um we'll have some flyers up there hopefully that'll kind of be the plan anyways yeah there we go that looks that doesn't look too bad all right let's see how this looks uh get rid of that yeah see there's our there's the beginnings of the dino storage I like it oh you know I just realized if I'm going to keep it symmetrical I actually have to end right there uh that'll be fine that'll work okay so now what I need to do is basically go through grab all our foundations that we're not actively using okay so I expanded this down this side here and it actually went all the way down through here which is super nice so basically I'm just going to go wrap around uh we're going to go all the way down here and then basically Square it off with wow this is really long we're going to square it off with this one right here and then this whole area right here is going to be in our interior dinosaurs now there is interior stuff that I want to do um I was actually going to make rooms and stuff like that you know have like little pens and stuff like that but right now I'm trying to get like the outside in the structure done just to keep things safe and then actually what's probably going to end up happening as well is since we have like since we built that on like you know we're still on the same grid here is I'll probably end up moving this Behemoth gateway to actually attach it here and these walls will probably end up going away since we have these um since we have these right here um so we'll probably kind of like attach here you know what I mean kind of clean things up a little bit things will get a little bit more symmetrical looking and look a little bit nicer so um yeah there's that but we've got to go out and we got to collect a whole bunch of resources so let's go ahead and let's get that started actually you know what I have more walls should we go ahead and attach some walls here and just kind of see how things are looking doesn't look too bad um you know what though I might actually go ahead and move these I'm going to move these Stone foundations out of here real quick and that is only because when we come in and out I want to be able to get to these storages as quick as I can this is going to be a big building this is going to be a big building indeed but you know what it's going to be Dino storage and it's super important because we don't want our dinos getting eaten so all right let's go ahead let's go grab our Super Ball oh you know what let's go grab some food and water real for real quick first and then we'll uh we're going to grab some Stone we're going to grab some thatch we're going to grab some wood you know the basics and kind of go from there you know I got to say one of my favorite ways of getting around is got to be rolling out this is so much fun I forgot that they did this and then somebody commented in my video and then uh actually on the live stream too people were like oh you need checked this out I was like oh I completely forgot they did the roll thing ah it's so much fun so adillo came after me and it had a baby following it and I just died didn't have a choice okay we imprinted on it we fed it some food and it's just going to hang out here and be a tamed Dyno okay I don't know I just feel terrible what am I supposed to do oh my gosh okay let's get this door closed let's get uh let's get this bad boy unloaded here squeeze through we'll get this bad boy unloaded and then uh go make a couple more runs for stone go make some runs for um some wood and then we'll hopefully get some more foundations going here like I said I just want to get this like framed up if I could get walls all the way around it that'd be really nice um I don't think we're going to get a roof on it but you know what we'll see okay so we got one last little load of stone here uh my my good Stone deposit is pretty much depleted so we'll just use what we have for now and we'll go and grab some uh we'll grab some wood and get some other things going here okay we got 24 we got 24 foundations let's see how far we can take these guys um okay so we decided we're going to go out straight from this wall here on let me go a and move you I can't move you with all this weight on me what am I talking about right now see how far we can get oh my gosh of course of course we have to have a dino in the way can you just follow me oh yeah we'll have you follow me for a second over here py peety or perfect and then disable falling okay no don't land right there I was like this guy's going to land at the exact same spot okay let's see is this I think this is as far as we were going all right let's go ahead and we'll see if we can get these all connected up here I don't think we're going to have enough by by any no not going to have enough holy moly and then I might actually have to use some floors in here CU I don't know you know it actually seems like they're connecting pretty good we're actually not that far off from getting from getting this done so this is what I think we're going to do is I think we're going to go ahead we'll get this connected and then I think I'm going to continue um moving some foundations out this way you know what let's wait till daytime so you can actually see what the heck's going on okay so now that it's daytime we can actually see what the heck's going on here uh let's grab our foundations I have 15 more of these foundations let's go and place these down here uh we'll go ahead I'm going to leave a spot right here just not to connect them for now what I want to do is I want to go ahead and put some down here and I want to go ahead and make this one four wide there and then I want to make it cuz this oh actually yeah so one side's going to go right here and then what I'm hoping oh shoot I was hoping the other side was going to go right there um okay we're going to have to we're going have to play with this and see how this is going to work here cuz I was hoping to get the Behemoth gate right in here next to this wall I'm going to go and pick this up and oh that picks up the whole thing okay all righty then so now if I grab this I want it right here okay so I can't put it right there so it looks like right there's my best bet so I can place that there this one's already done that actually doesn't look too bad I can I can I can go with that that'll work that'll work okay so that's actually quite perfect and then what we'll do is we'll go ahead and put the the gate on there open that out and then that is going to line up with oh no it doesn't oh it needs to go back by one it needs to go back one more so that way it lines up with the exterior okay well well then we'll go ahead and get that fixed then and actually since it's going to come back another one I already know for a fact I'm probably going to have to have um was that my last Foundation oh my gosh that was my last Foundation let's grab this one and let's do this right there okay so Behemoth gate try number two okay I think that's the right spot does that look right yes because there's going half into the wall perfect okay so that'll work there so let's go ahead and get our gate back in here Tada look at that we did a thing yeah and then what's nice is that we can uh we'll go ahead and we can put our foundations in here and then we can start putting our walls in and then this will give it a nice we'll have a nice straight wall here that'll be all like symmetrical it's going to look it's going to look so much nicer than what we've got going on now and then we can go ahead and get these fence foundations out of here uh we'll go and put the fence foundations basically lining up here um and then basically continuing up this hill now we'll have to mess with this side because this side's going to be all perfectly even so we'll have to figure that out um okay actually you know what I'm I'm tempted to just get you know what I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put these two in here that way we can get this whole side done and then the this whole front will look it looks so much nicer okay so let's get these in here all right so that's there and then from that um you know what I'm going to go ahead and use I've got uh these four I've got four by walls they are four walls High I'm just going to go and throw those in right here because I know we can use these single walls like anywhere basically oh you know what I just realized I did this wrong again this needs to actually be up one further because this was going to be yeah I did that wrong okay well let me get these walls in first just realized I did that completely wrong yeah so I actually need to have the Behemoth Gateway needs to come out the other it needs to come out another one because this wall wasn't my last wall yep I messed that up darn okay let's see if I got close enough this time it's kind of tricky of how to place this thing I want it oh actually we had it oh oh oh right there yes okay that that one's correct all right can I get these in here though obstructed obstructed of course they're obstructed and obstructed oh you know what these are actually obstructed because of something else uh this one's obstructed because of this though I think so let me go ahead let's get this guy back out of here let's get these foundations in here yep it was obstructed because of that perfect okay so now that we have those should be able to go and place this back in here like that is that the right spot nope there we go all right so that's the right spot now we can get the door in there now we can get this open okay so that let's see how that's looking a see that already like look at that wall compared to what we what we had before that's looking so much better and that's actually the back of a building too so let's uh I'm going to go and get this wall out of here oh yeah that looks so much better okay so I got most of the front wall out here um I got it to like right here basically what I'm going to do is from here from this this corner right here uh I'm going to straighten it out and connect it out that way I think we had to angle it around in order to get the um in order to get that just right but we're going to go ahead I'm going to redo all that cuz this front just looks aund times better uh I'm going to go in here and try to get some more walls so I need I need a bunch more of these uh four high walls anyway so let's go ahead let's see I've got oh look at that 21 regular walls 27 fence foundations that's nice well let's go and grab some Stone and let's get some more of these four by walls made all right here we got nine more of these walls these walls are expensive they're like super expensive but it's so nice to be able to do four at a time oo look at that oh we made it around the corner oh my gosh okay so now that we did that let me go ahead okay now I got to I got to precariously get all these pieces out of here all right so there's all that so now if I'm not mistaken I believe the fence post will connect to the foundations yeah they will yeah see this one is kind of weird that's what we had to do before so let me grab some of the walls here now unfortunately these walls are going to kind of like not um oh actually yes they will line up because we'll just line them up with this wall right here and nobody will be the wiser oh yeah that looks so much better oh they're dar it they're not lined up though oh they're half a wall off oh that just picked up all of them okay all righty then let's see is that a half a wall off yes you know what though is it exactly a half it is there we go okay so that is the height that I need perfect okay so that matches up exactly okay good so uh Stupid Bird stupid bird we actually have some defenses that we're going to be doing in an episode coming up here soon so uh defenses as in Wild dyo defenses yeah we got some we got some plant species X that we uh we acquired in one of the live streams my last Liv stream we're going to we're going to be utilizing we're going to be deploying that for uh for some defenses here but that's going to be I think that's going to be next episode let's go ahead and let's look at our beautiful wall oh my gosh see that looks so much better that looks so good I feel like you're going to cause issues I'm I'm not dealing with you you're you're an a problem bird yep goodbye yeah that's that's a problem bird oh that wall looks so much better okay so now what I want to do is I want to go ahead we need to get this this side finished off here so I need one two is that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight N I need 10 more of the four by walls and then that'll get the box done the Box the box that's it the box it's not even anything else it's not the ceilings it's not anything else so the idea with the ceiling is what we're going to do is we're going to um this is going to be the top of the top layer and then I'm going to have it come down and then come straight down actually you know what we might just have it come down like this uh depending on what the angles look like might actually just have it come straight down like that and like that I was going to have it come angle down and then come straight down and then have another parking thing up top which I still might actually do I probably will actually I'll probably just have this angle down a little bit and come down straight and then have another um parking thing up top for like you know a PT or something like that and on the very top we'll probably go ahead and put some plant species ex as well so that way if there's any birds that come in trying to try and attack anything then uh you know hopefully that'll take care of it as well so yeah let's get some more let's see if we get some let's see if we can get nine more nine more of these things to create our our box if you will but like I said I do want to put walls and stuff in here like we're going to put floors in here and I actually want to kind of divide this off have some walls have some doors like have a little bit of like some rooms and stuff like that so um but for the sake of now we are going to just get a box done so that way we can hopefully protect our dinos as much as we can oh my gosh I have nine I got nine walls I didn't think I was going to be able to get nine walls out of that um is that going to be enough though I think I'm going to be like too short and when I say too short I mean uh I mean Too Short yep because one here and that corner right there I don't have one in either oh my gosh we're literally Too Short let me see if I have any um okay so I've gone through all of my stone let make sure that none of these have anything else in them I don't think they do darn it uh we got a little bit more wood but that's not going to help okay so I need some more Stone I do have 23 walls but I'm going to use these for other things because they're singular walls and these are all basically the same height anyway so there's no reason to not just use the the four high walls what happened who ate this who ate my Diplo what in the heck who ate my Diplo I have absolutely no idea is it you who ate my Diplo who what whatever came over here and attacked it the Diplo was literally just standing there oh I am not happy about this this is why I need to get some defenses up I don't know where these dinos are spawning in either I'm going to have to go through and put more foundations down and see what's going on because uh we have some dinos spawning somewhere and I don't I don't know what killed that thing I wonder if that bird that was flying over killed it that killed just a little bit ago Wait no that's a pelican I wouldn't have killed it would it oh you know what it might have it might have killed it oh you stupid thing wow I was actually excited about that Diplo too he was a cool looking Diplo he had like red and like he was bright colored it was really cool looking a you poor baby Diplo well I guess there's really only one one thing to do from that so sad wow that's a lot of prime meat oh my God that's a lot of prime meat holy moly I can't even believe that I'm I'm I'm like genuinely mad about that that's that's like super terrible all right let's go get some more um you know what I'm thinking we're going to have to I'm going to have to place some more a whole bunch more Foundation wow that's a lot of prime meat what do I need for a preserving bin I should go and get a preserving bin burn spark powder at low temperatures to dehydrate food and kill bacteria keeps parishing food uh from spoiling for a small time that's only a small time you know what it's not going to matter anyways I don't have anything I need to tame right now all right let's go grab um actually you know what I think I have more Stone in here hold on a second let me let's take uh let's take cling King cluck around and let's check these uh storages I might actually have some Stone in these hey there we go this is exactly why we're making our Dino storage exactly why all right so first wall right here there's that one and then our last wall is right over here oh this is fantastic perfect so yeah I think what's going to go down here is going to be actually a um I think we're going to do wood floors here all in the middle right here cuz I feel like that's a just a better uh looking Foundation kind of thing and because there's a giant hole wait actually where's the giant hole there's a giant hole like right over here and right over here like these this giant hole right here a foundation's not going to fit in here so if I do um the wood floors it'll go right over the top of this but I to worry about it so we're going to do that to fill that in and then it'll all look the same and then we can go ahead and put walls and stuff like that so um yeah and then I also need to do I'll probably end up doing I don't know if we'll do stone or wood for a ceiling H we'll have to see okay I just noticed from a distance I don't know if you can see out there in the water there was like eight fins out there there's like a there's like a whole group of Megalodons just chilling over there we got to go we got to go take a peek at these things um yeah there's one's he's trying to come Upstream for something but there's like a whole posy of them as well also would wood floors are way way easier to craft than uh than the stone ones the stone foundations is fantastic I've already made 24 of them all right I'm going to go look at these uh we got go look at these megalodons real quick we got see what's going on yeah there's one right there you know honestly I honestly feel like I should take this time to try to tame it um I mean I doubt it's a very high level like I mean how often does a Megalodon get way up here level 16 what is this one level 16 oh Jesus oh my god dude you about fell off hold on I'm okay I don't even trust you right now is this thing trying to get me right now I think that think is trying to get me right now okay um you got you have got to stop following uh this thing is absolutely trying to eat me right now that is so funny you know if you were a higher level I would I would totally tame you right now because it's literally right here like hit it a few times you know drop some food down there done tamed out but kind of want a higher level one especially with uh you know everything being much higher level now all right let's go get some wood floors placed okay so I have 24 wood floors that is not going to get us very far at all is it probably not uh let's see I want it I guess our wood floors is going to be going this way am I am I able to okay I guess the wood floors are going this way I was going to try having the planks go the other way but I don't think that's a choice yeah see that's just that looks so much better plus that really that really breaks up the foundations and like the the constant like stone look also I'm not 100% sure this is going to stay a complete box like this I think what we might do is we might actually put some we might go uh later I might try to put some Peaks and stuff like that in here you know try to make it look a little bit nicer but you know utility first that got us almost nowhere jeez all right so I just just learned uh learned something here can't place these down because I need nearby Foundation support so I guess you can only place what three away one two that's weird cuz this is what one two oh yeah it is it's three away so I'm going to have to place some probably some beams or something in there because we're going to have we're going to have an issue in this area right here because of this so yeah that's going to be a little interesting we'll have to figure that out all righty well I think that is actually where we're going to end this episode for today um there's still a lot to do here unfortunately I don't have all the time that I need to do this but we'll probably go ahead and we'll probably get this uh cleaned up and uh get a little bit more work during during our live stream today so hopefully you guys enjoy hopefully I'll see you over there uh but yeah we're going to get this uh this is good enough for now to keep dinos in and they should be safe for the most part unless anything comes from the top which I don't think it will um and then I need to go ahead we'll we'll have to figure out this whole floor situation cuz this giant hole here here is it's a giant hole is what it is it's a giant hole so I'll have to get that all filled in and get that all figured out but yeah I'm I'm pretty excited hopefully you all have an absolute fantastic rest of your day and I will guess uh I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] everybody [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 15,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark update, ark ascended, ark building, z1, z1 gaming
Id: CrZjEPr4lmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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