Starting Seeds (Complete Guide)

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hey everyone you're here with mark batwell at so today we got a great question from joel he ended up getting two seeds from some really great flower and he wanted to sprout him and see what he could do with them this season he's having a few problems with the seeds and in this video we're going to give you the ideal way to pop seeds and start him off on the right foot as well as give a little bit of advice to joel to help him so his plants can recover from the stress and he can get the medicine that he's looking for let's first talk about genetics seeds are one of the most enjoyable things to start from whenever growing any type of plant in my personal opinion whenever the plant can start off from seed put in its main tap root and then go from there i have always seen the plant grow thicker stems and more hardier plants the issue with growing from seed though is you don't know if you're going to get great genetics or it's going to turn into a male plant or the seed phenotype doesn't produce medicine as good as the dried flower you originally founded in so my recommendation when growing from seed is to do it for the experience especially if you're doing it for the first couple times don't expect to get great flour after you begin to work from seeds for a while i bet you'll find a lot more joys started from seeds than from clones just because you become familiar with the process starting from seeds so after i've found good genetics or the seeds that i want to test out this season the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to prepare my soil i don't want to have heavy clay soil i really want my root system to get established quickly and to grow vigorously so i definitely would recommend going to the store and picking up a decent bag of soil some of the most predominant soils out there are the fox farm brand ocean forest or happy frog 707 and normally those brands are the ones that are going to be shipping your ready-to-go soil in a bag if you do use ocean forest or happy frog i would recommend cutting it because ocean forest is pretty strong they use a spray-on synthetic fertilizer and i would recommend not transplanting seeds or clones directly into ocean forest you're going to want to take a bag of happy frog and a bag of ocean forest and mix them together and normally that will dilute the fertilizer enough to ensure that your plants won't burn as you transplant them into the soil and begin to give them water as they're growing the rest of the bags in most hydroponics stores are blends of cocoa and when transplanting cocoa i would recommend getting some earthworm castings and put in some type of organic carbon matter especially if you're going to be transplanting clones or seeds into cocoa you will find a better overall growing experience when you add earthworm castings into cocoa as you're initially getting started after i have found the blend of soil i am looking for the next thing i would recommend adding is beneficial bacterias and fungi the brand i personally would recommend is the raw nutrient line from npk industries they have a grow and a bloom product for microbes other products that are really great on the marketplace is micros and azos those are also beneficial bacterias and funguses they go a long way so you don't need a lot of it a small bag of micros can definitely go to transplanting a couple hundred clones or seedlings so remember all you're going to want to do is get a little bit of pinch of the micros and asos or the raw microbes from npk and just transplant them right into the soil where you're going to put your plug which is your clone or your seedling right into that hole so you're not going to want to just cast the microbes into your soil mix it in you're literally just going to want to get a pinch of it put it into the hole that you're going to be transplanting into because the beneficial bacterias and funguses really play an effect when they attach themselves to the root system because they're transferring the host in the bag and when i say a host that's what the bacterias and funguses are living on the hosts in your bag when you transplant them into your soil they're going to be transferring hosts onto your root system so once again you're going to want to make sure to put it right in the hole right when you're transplanting next thing you're going to want to break the surface tension of your soil you're going to want to dampen your soil down if it is coming dry you definitely want to get some water not drench it to the point where it's muddy but just to the point where you're spraying the water down you're spraying the soil down so there is a dampness to the soil by doing this you will save yourself in dry pockets in your soil because we once again water is life and without water your root systems will not venture into dry soil if you have a product called drops balance it's the product i talk about all the time it's ionic sulfate and mineral products that are water soluble i would recommend using this product at a rate of 1ml per gallon to dampen your soil or for just watering your plants which i'll get into in just a bit okay so now let's get into the mindset of popping seeds what do seeds need to pop they need water and heat because they are hard seeds and the only way they're going to pop out of that seed is if the water softens the seed and the process of cold and heat or your soil warming up and cooling down slightly basically begins to warp the seat so it opens up it's kind of like having a piece of wood on the outside and for a while and it rains and and before you know it your straight piece of wood becomes warped and it bows up or down that's the same thing with the sea when it gets hot and cold and have moisture your seed will begin to break open it will take about 10 days for you to see the first leaves pop out of the soil so don't stress out in the first 10 days most important thing is transplanting that seed at a decent depth it might be an inch might be an inch and a half under the ground make sure the soil is moist i would recommend having a humidity dome because it saves you from having to water every day especially if you're living in a drier area or a high altitude area because water does evaporate faster and higher environments if you are at sea level or below ceba level you might not need to water as much or you might not need to use a humidity dome because the water is not drying off too quickly a lot of people at this time asked me mark what lights do i need for my seeds your lights are not being used for photosynthesis right now they are being used for heat so just remember that your seeds don't need a crazy amount of light right now and they really don't need more than a t5 bulb until they're about three inches tall after that you you can shift from using a single bulb or to tuple t5 lights or even like a 250 watt hid when your seat just barely pops out of the ground it doesn't need a crazy amount of light i found so often that people put their plants directly under light that's way too intense or they put it in a spot where the sun hits it because they think the sun is going to provide heat to the seed which is correct but where they put that normally the intensity of the sun is just cooking your seeds because once again if it gets too hot in your soil environment then bad bacterias actually begin to grow because that's the ideal environment for bad bacteria that will cause pythium or root rot is being in an environment where it's too damp the water's stagnated so it's under oxygenated and the water stays warm too long the next biggest thing that i found people do is they they want to start adding fertilizer immediately and i know that's what they recommend in the backing bottle but that's just because they want you to buy more fertilizer the seed actually has enough fertilizer in the seed already for about two weeks after it pops so just remember that the the products that i would recommend up to this point are only beneficial bacterias and fungi and adding trace minerals into your water a brand i recommend called literally for the first month when you put the seed in the to the ground after it pops and for about two weeks after you transplant the seed from your tray into a larger pot or into the ground if you do not see roots coming out of the plug or if you're starting in soil you do not see roots holding the soil plugged together like and everyone knows what i'm talking about when you pull that out of the tray and this the soil falls apart it's not ready to be given fertilizer yet and if you do really want to give it fertilizer i would recommend that 25 the concentration because there is not a strong enough root system established to take up that synthetic fertilizer and process it all you're going to do is stunt your plants by frying your root system or providing synthetic fertilizer that ends up burning your plants which kind of shuts down your photosynthesis and remember we're talking about photosynthesis right so when your leaves are really small if you damage those leaves at all your solar panels which you only have a couple of them at this point they're really tiny and fragile are not going to be working as well as if you have healthy leaves this will always be a big deal but it will become less significant as your plant gets bigger because the photosynthesis and the solar panels get larger you have more of them and so tip burn isn't going to be too big of a deal later down the road so far i think i've done a pretty good job at explaining what you need to do to get your seeds off on the ideal path so let's get back over to joe right here so he's using some grow big entire bloom i definitely would stop using that those products i would go out get some all of water from a water company or just grab a buy about a gallon of our water and i would flush the soil if you are using tiger boom or grow big definitely that's what's actually studying your plants right now next i would make sure that your seeds are under some type of artificial light 18 hours on the light and six hours off because they are a little bit stressed out i would give them also possibly a b vitamin if you don't have drops of balance i would make sure that the soil is damp and moist and i would give them probably another 10 days to just recover if those seeds are not six inches tall in the next 10 days to 14 days i would probably get rid of those seeds and just start fresh because by that time you would have been growing your seeds for about six and a half weeks and normally from seed after six and a half weeks plants will normally be about ten inches tall roughly maybe eight to ten inches tall so i hope this video was helpful on understanding how to start seeds and the ideal environment they need please like share and subscribe and all my patreon buttons are down below most of my cannabis videos get demonetized so any help and assistance always allows me to keep helping all you guys out thank you so much and have a great grow [Music] everyone you
Channel: Perfect Gardens
Views: 34,614
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Keywords: seeds, gardening, epic gardening, gardening tips, organic gardening, gardening hacks, gardening ideas, garden, vegetable gardening, gardening harvest, plants, gardening tips for beginners, gardening advice, permaculture gardening, diy, small space gardening, urban gardening, Strategically Planting, Grow Coaching, Gardening, Perfectgardens, How to transplant, growing, planting, transplant, how to grow, outdoor growing, Starting Seeds (Complete Guide), Popping Seeds
Id: jdvCsmXxrY8
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Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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