Lex’s Mars Hydro LED Grow Journal - 3 Weeks In

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hey everybody welcome to Lexus world just checking in on the blueberry plants we just did a transplant about four hours ago put them into their final parts and they're looking pretty good they are exactly three weeks in since I threw the seeds into the water and so about I don't know probably two weeks two weeks and change in from when I planted them they're doing quite well we did put a little bit of chicken manure into the soil during the transplant and yeah we did have to eliminate our weak seedling that one that didn't sprout properly that you saw in the old episodes we still have this fellow just keeping him elsewhere he's not quite up to par compared to the others he's a little bit smaller as you guys may be able to tell but we're not gonna toss them out yet he may replace one of these that takes poorly to the transplant just in case that happens I find that the biggest problem is people wait too long to transplant out of parts of this size I did this as I said quite quickly and quite quickly the roots were filling up the bottom of the pots it was quite surprising these guys especially went fast I think if I had kept him in the pots for another week then they would have started to get root bound to the point that it would have started to slow their growth down so yeah that's what's been going on we got pretty good conditions going on inside the room the lights so far is performing pretty well no particular complaints growth is proceeding at a good tempo and we're going to be checking in in a few days I will try to make more frequent updates than once every few weeks because you guys have been asking for this grow journal for a while so we may as well check in on these blueberries a little bit more frequently hey everybody just a little bit of bonus footage after the transplant this is about two days after the transplant and as you can see everything has just perked right up I really enjoyed the pre transplant of post transplant pics and then to compare it with a few days later again always big boosts and growth otherwise everything is looking good and proceeding well subscribe hit that like button we'll see you all next time
Channel: Lex Blazer
Views: 35,664
Rating: 4.921288 out of 5
Keywords: blueberry strain, cannabis, experiment, grow journal, horticulture, LED growing, led lights, Lex Blazer, lex’s world, mars hydro, seedlings, test, week 3, transplant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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