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we're all we're gonna do a bit a bit of a different video today um it's Sunday and I'm on my own I've got loads of stuff to do well to get ready for uh film Monday and I suppose all that all the rubbish so I thought today I'd have a go re-time in the Centurion R which we haven't used or seen or showed anything off for a little while um because we've been busy doing all this stuff but it had this issue where it would start fine if your Bump started it but no matter what you did it would not start on the start motor which was weird because it was cranking over Farm we got good spark and we've got good fuel and we'd obviously got good compression because when it was running it ran fine and had plenty of power but um a friend of mine in Australia has told me that if one of the magnetos is a little bit out of time to the other it could make it a real pain in the ass to start so I'm gonna re-time it from scratch and we'll do that now so let's get some tools all right well here she is said you're enough recovery tank I have my little Road in because I need to get under the bottom of the engine where the clutch is to get the inspection hole on the engine where I can see the timing marks on the bottom of the crank all right now we are under the Beast so there's the clutch there's the clutch Fork it's a bit hard to see and this is the timing cover for the main engine and as you can see got a piece of lock wire over it so no one's been in there I dare say since the army so it's a bit hard to film on one end but I'm going to hit the uh Leatherman out break off that uh break off the old lock wire and we'll get a bit of bit of a thump with a hammer right now with the lock wire off I'm going to get my brass drift in the hammer and just tap tap the collar around so I'll do that I won't film that so I've got enough hands I'm afraid I'm sorry about that now because it's a dry sump it shouldn't actually be my child come out of here I think this cross so I shouldn't get soaked but here we go I'm about to find out oh smells very petrally right well that's great so now I need to clean up all this oil before I can go any further while I wait for the small environmental disaster to sort itself out I'm going to take the caps off the Distributors Distributors the one of the magnetos and then we can see where the rotor arm is and basically what we're going to do then is manually crank the start mode around with that there um One Click at a time until we get the engine at TDC um or the timing mark for exhaust mag and then Inlet mag slight drip from there and then see how far out time we are I'll explain in a minute it's a very slow process it's amazing if I turn that one click at a time distributorial Blues at the same speed one degree of the timing each clicked so I'll come back in a second when that's made it to there and then we'll see how how out we are underneath okay hard to see because it won't focus but there's the top of the rotor arm now dead in line with the mark on the top of the Air Mag so we're going to go underneath let's see if the lines mark up okay so we're underneath we're not quite banging line we've got a bit past it but as you can see we've set the Magneto to in mag on the mark and it's actually on the crank closer to exhaust mag so we've got the in mag firing when the exhaust bag should be firing which is totally wrong so basically when I turn that then on the inmag we should be on the on the line next to it where it says A1 in TDC mag so the line to the right is where we should be and you can quite clearly see we're on exhaust mag just past it actually so it's not even very timed up for that so I'm going to climb up now and check what the exhaust mag's saying because that could even be even further off so let's go and have a look but we obviously have issues okay so climbing down into the engine bay this is the exhaust mag EX and as you can see that also isn't anywhere near the line it's a few degrees out now that in time in makes a massive difference which is amazing because it did run quite well and when it started it ran okay but it is wildly out which is hopefully as my Australian friend said the reason why she's so far out and doesn't want to start on the starter so I'm going to re-time it now I'm going to set I'm gonna get someone just crank the starter while I look at the timing wheel underneath and get it bang on A1 in mag and then I'll take that Magneto off and reset but reset it until it's lined up with that perfectly and the only way to do it is you have to unbolt the mag hold the rotor arm in line with that and then actually mesh it into the engine and then we'll actually have the timing right and then I'll turn the engine all the way around again and get up to exhaust mag because you can't go backwards on the manual crank on the start Matrix bloody annoying so you have to go all the way around again um and then we'll let we'll see where we're lined up with with this one which will which is obviously off um and we'll we'll pull this one off and re-time this as well but I'll show you that as we go so hopefully we've found a problem what are you doing up there Ted helping obviously good boy one more click one more click one more click whoa bang on okay don't touch it I'm not touching it now I'm going to set the the in mag all right I've took the in mag off and put it back on with the pointer facing at the Mark oh for God's sake zoom on this camera so that rag is now set so now I need to go around and do the exhaust mag okay start cranking it you've got a long way to go go all the way around now so as fast as you can this could take a while one more click one more one half a click well okay so now bang on the mark for exhaust mag I'll go and see what that's like okay so as you can see who's out of time on exhaust mag so I'm going to take this one off do the same as I did the other reset it to that Mark at the top and hopefully that's amended it right there we go the exhaust mag is now hard to make out with the camera but it is actually lined up Bang on there so I'm gonna bang the cap on I should try it before I crank it over I better put this back in else is going to lose all its oil before starting it's always worth throwing up the lift pumps on a scent save a load of crank you know she's all primed now I've got tension on the fuel pump so let's get in and see if the batteries are still flat I mean any good okay we're inside we have power mission is on throttle all right I think that was a kick then thank you all the fuel so that thing over there is the coolant switch and the coolant's below it so that'll be telling the magnetos not to start I need to top it up with some water all right let's build it up with water the float's gone to the top now so it should be working okay let's try again [Music] let's crank it over like hell [Music] pounds of fuel s came back two kicks definitely kicked twice then um well that wasn't really a success um so I think now it's time to probably check the valve clearances um because I'm pretty sure we got a fuel because I can smell like we had the old kick we've got good spa we're in time but it just going over quite quickly so I'm just wondering if the valves aren't quite closing that could be the issue why it starts with a pull start I don't know yeah so I think I'll have another go with this uh of probably next weekend or whenever I get a minute on my own again I'll take the rocker covers off and I'm actually going to check the valve clearances because I'm just wondering whether it isn't actually getting compression if some of the some of the barrels aren't closing fully or they'll be impressed when they shouldn't be pressed um so if I take them off I can have a good idea what's going on inside the Rockers and um the valves valve clearances and maybe that will point us or shed some light on on our fault because really I forgot you've got fuel we've got spark in the right time forgot compression it should go and it does run fine well it starts with a bump start but it will not start the starter and these engines are bloody good starters as a rule so there's got to be something out of Tolerance somewhere although it looks a bit scary this engine it does run real nice when it's going and I'll refuse to give up on it so I'm just wondering whether it's whether it could be could be the vowel clearances I'm pretty happy with the magnetos and all the spark everywhere so really it's the next thing to check but uh yeah we'll be checking that in another video sadly because I I'm hungry now and it's five o'clock and I've had enough crawling over tanks for one day
Channel: Mr Hewes
Views: 26,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oI6UoAQYcxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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