Starting A PARKING LOT Business To Make MILLIONS! Parking Tycoon: Business Simulator

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oh what's going on every here welcome back to another Simulator game today we're checking out parking Tycoon business simulator we're going to go ahead we're going to hop into it I have no idea I don't know anything about this game it's like I said it's new they sent me a key they said hey you want to check it out I said sure why not let's hop into it and let's see how it is now I'll have a link down below to uh to steam if you want to check the reviews and things like that um but let's see what we've got here okay this city has always had a problem with places where you can leave your car without paying a fine oh I'm going to solve that problem and make some money at the same time that's me so access get access to a computer in the office okay so this looks like a uh computer uh what do I do with this oh is this is this one of those dumpster things press G to drop oh okay wait wait hold on it was was wait hold on it what was it f f and g okay interesting controls but we did it okay why would the why would it be boarded up if there's a computer still in here why what would you I mean oh I guess I can see wait were these doors open the whole time no okay all right hold on well let's get on the computer I'm sorry I'm getting I'm getting ahead of myself here I see a big empty lot it looks like we need to we need to use it to park in oh okay parking area 1 2 3 and four purchase concrete ground for first parking area so parking area one road concrete ground concrete is a th000 great now I and it white paints okay so there is arrows office level two sidewalk level two Road concrete ground concrete owned how do I get purchase one or more white paints oh look at our look at this is our parking lot and it's like covered in dirt this is this is terrible I was not ready to open a parking lot parking 24/7 this looks awful what am I even doing here what am I doing with my life oh oh okay here uh there's okay hold on I don't even know how I did that how did I do that there's parking there was okay I don't even know how did I okay hold on I accessed the computer I was in this parking area and then I went to shop white paint okay add to cart order okay and then what oh see now it's working significantly okay so I need to I need to clean stuff um how do I okay so we have security decorations lighting and then all this okay so if I exit how do I where do I go get how do I get rid of the garbage do I have like tools and such to get rid of like okay so this is garbage it went down oh it's going down actually quite a bit um hold on we have oh we have a delivery we have a delivery do I get to use these doors now my gosh I do oh it's one of the little tiny oh he's so cute uh unload I'll find open storage white paint okay move all right press Q to run Round menu okay I need to apply paint uh okay so press Q round menu I'm okay is this a paint gun I have no wait that's not it how do I use this equip oh we're waiting for our first clients oh okay so it like highlights it for wait that was it we have one parking spot what the heck okay uh hold on well I guess while we wait we're going to go ahead and dump stuff off in here there's a lot of trash here like a lot of trash here iance I can get paid okay they're like oh man I love your dirt road for my low my low sitting car it's fantastic I'm so glad that I have that extra inch and a half clearance okay do it Park in the park in the one spot wait what are these is there like something I can do here with this no okay you know what I'm glad I'm going to tell you right now what I am glad that we're not doing I am glad that we are not parking the cars ourselves I was a little worried I was like M do I really want to do I really want to play a game where I'm parking the cars every single time like getting into a car putting into a parking spot that I was like no but just managing the parking lot that this is actually not this isn't terrible this is not bad some Sim games you you just never can be too sure oh my gosh my reputation is negative 23 points is that really what it is oh my gosh okay we got to get all this stuff cleaned up there's too much too much garbagio in here it's making everything like look terrible uh there's a guy right here uh what the heck hey get the hell out of here oh yeah you look like a troublemaker Mr Green haired man I'll see you I know you'll be back I like how we just have a a baton just whoop just whoop him oh my gosh that's funny I was Wonder I was like why is there one person running and then he like came in right there and then he turned around went this way oh my gosh it's funny um wait do I have wait hold on what is this can I oh wait a second can I wait can I use this and then just click on stuff so what what is this for oh I can get these there are okay oh oh there's basketball oh well you'll leave that there uh it looks like some of the most of the stuff is we're going to have to just use the good old hands here and get her cleaned up oh my gosh our reputation is only negative one right now check this out we're we're going to we're about to do a thing our reputation is a solid one we've gone from the negatives to the positives is that where we're supposed to sit right here to have people pay for the parking wow Shady like literally the only reason you would park in here is because it's in the middle of downtown and it's like okay well it's in the middle of downtown you know the people they they have the Land There They it's got to be somewhat legit uh because if this parking lot was in the middle of nowhere nobody's parking here absolutely is that your car he's an a fancy businessman where are you going sir yes fancy businessman driving a pink lowered Street Razer it looks you uh excuse me hey get out get the hell out of here hello pick for pi good idea to Spruce oh okay okay all right so put three places of Decor on the green area okay so I have to buy Decor to do that well hold on a second it won't even give me time to get the garbage cleaned up all right fine put three pieces of Decor in on the green area all right so I need Decor so shop decorations plant oh it tells you right there 01 per hour1 per hour 0 one per hour um plant bush okay we'll go ahead and get one of each order those up and then hey hey hey you get out of here wait for our guy to get here oh we got a new parking we got we got somebody else we got somebody else they're parking in our parking lot it's amazing oh I think my delivery is here it's kind of hard to tell I think that's it okay yeah it's being delivered as we speak come on buddy bring her in it's kind of hard to see I'm not going to lie it's very contrasty uh okay so what do we have in here so we've got okay so I want to move that move and move okay so now said the green area I'm guessing that means the grass oh it's I can't even see now um okay so backpack this guy Place wait get out of here look at that guy my gosh old man coming in here trying to trying to cause issues jeez okay and then another Bush the advanced things I gosh it looks beautiful doesn't it absolutely you can't even see anything in here let's be real uh can I sleep for the night or something is there there is well okay um I guess I'll see you guys in the morning all right we got a drunkard right here we better keep an eye on him look at this guy look at this guy he's like barely wobbling around is you better not you better not be coming in here don't even think about coming in here messing with these parked cars oh no we run a premium business here I know you can't even see them okay we got our second car sir have you been drinking tonight maybe give me a tip thank you thanks for parking at parking 247 hope you need to park again in some 247 time God okay the drunker guy he he left us alone all right we're getting close I feel like we're getting close to the rest of the trash we're at 10 on trash still but we're getting there w we got another car you know I think we're going to have to just go ahead and um put some stuff up like we're going have to do we're going to have to just you know go ahead and just do St do some things here I don't want to wait for the game to hold my hand here let's see what we can do okay so parking at Road concrete is we need 25 oh we need 20 Level 20 we need 25 likes wait what are we at right now hold on we're at we're at 40 where reputation's at 40 okay oh it's locked that's weird cuz it says we're at well I guess maybe I don't know U okay so we could do paint security parking barrier manual there's video cameras we're only at 10 on that that's weird cuz we have I don't know maybe we have to have so many things let's get some more paint let's get like um I don't know we'll see if we can get like five and we'll see if we get like five more spots open up here and I'm trying to also find the trash I have six garbage somewhere are these considered garbage oh man there's graffiti did that guy graffiti he did remove graffiti are you kidding me I just sit here for an infinite reputation and just sit here and hold this button next time I'm going to get the ray gun out we're going to take care of the graffiti guy for good maybe it's this delivery arrived okay oh you know what I bet I have trash inside oh it's so dark in here all right we're going to get this paint out we're going to see if we can't get our parking lot a little bit better here this equip yeah let's go how do I clean this H don't really have the option right now oh we got another car look at that another car before this one even left oh we're going to be in business oh here comes a guy here comes a guy you know what he's going to come in right over here uh-huh oh the guy just dipped out without paying wow well you know what we need Gates I wonder if the gate goes on this side so way they can't leave without paying you know what we're going to find out because we're buying it oh look it's daytime you guys can see again kind of it's still really dark it's kind of like a it's it's a pretty contrasty game like I said the it's very like the the things are very dark maybe it's just super early morning too I want to see how this I want to see how this thing goes up also I don't know where our ne4 trash is coming from either okay so in this little tote there there's an entire Road barricade I like it all right so let's see how we get this to work now um I imagine like I said I imagine it goes yeah right there yep it goes right here so they can't leave open close open open close I love it okay so our reputation is at 86 our garbage is oh you know why I know what the garbage is it's from the Cars everybody who gets out their car drops a piece of garbage it seems like well almost everybody where is this negative -2 oh you know what maybe it's cuz our dumpster's full let's go ahead and let's get our dumpster out of here all right trash remove $150 for the dumpster fantastic opened why can't I unlock these I don't know what's going on with that security can't do anything there decorations we already did that lighting office lamp and then food and drinks oh my gosh there's can a food cart that sounds great all right so I guess let's add the let's add a an office light and then I'm going to go ahead and get uh let's see can we get how many more of these can we get let's get six more of these wait I can't order them anymore wait can I not order anymore oh oh you know what it's probably because we already have an order on the way anybody out here cuse problems anybody son of a gun they're so fast they're so fast I didn't even see them all right Graffiti's gone thank goodness uh let's see our our order is here with a a singular office light oh we got a barrier they're trying to leave they were trying to leave without paying they can't now hello thank you go ahead you're not going nowhere not before you pay and go ahead all right looking good looking mighty fine making a little bit of money here um we got oh my gosh more trash oh hello that bag is full oh we are almost at the next level of reputation too like look at us go I wonder what the um so there's definitely a basketball in the hoop over here what does like if if I make it do we get anything or not are you kidding me forget it hey no honking honking is not permitted I will charge you extra for that go ahead you're free to leave but you're not thank you you can go I think I have to whoop some butt now yeah come over here H he get I'm going to beat him down I want to get him so he can't even remember his name then he'll forget it he'll forget to come over here and graffiti our place every 5 Seconds we're almost at level two okay all right these guys with their garbage they like seriously come on come on guys really is that is that is that what we do how many more parking spots can I have in here so we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 so I could probably have what 7 8 nine maybe nine on each side so like 18 total have a nice day all right let's go see if we can't uh let's see if we can't get a white pain oh we have an office light that we need to put on as well okay where's our okay move that exit where's where do we put this at now so if I go into here this place is there a spot oh right here oh wait collect oh oh shoot okay oh I see interesting have a good day all right reputation is looking real solid right now should we try to buy some more um actually you know what we probably should save our money because we're about to hit level two whatever that means oh here comes our favorite old man what does this do stay out of here stay out of here look he's going to run around he's going to come in right there he's going to run over here get out of here old man hey here yeah what I said bet you people are dropping trash did you drop trash of course wh lady my gosh our reputation is looking pretty good though 97 we're almost at a whole thumbs up right now all right let's collect some money there you go bye-bye don't hit that lady on the way out or not you know what once you leave my parking lot you do whatever you like look at that still at 97 H you know what let's get some let's get some more paint let's get like let's get like two more paint all right two more paint coming in see if that does anything you know what make sure there's no graffiti guy here I swear every time I pop in there a graffiti guy comes in it's just like it's magically drops his Mark and leaves what I need to shut this door looking for you graffiti man oh delivery's arrived that right there's our paint for some more parking spots okay I don't see anybody ah I was wrong right on time Mr drunken man or Mr old man trying to I don't know what you're trying to do are you trying to beg or steal get the out of here or what are you trying to do my guy I have no idea all right deliveries arrived let's go uh grab our delivery and grab our paint any graffiti I don't see anybody this guy's leaving we better uh we better go ahead and get ready to take the money I'll take the money thank you $48 get out of here go hurry up be gone all right two more parking spots coming up actually you know let's put them over here actually you know what no let's just put them over here let's keep them in line backpack this equip boom and boom Oh my gosh look at that our reputations one to wait what I I was figuring a 100 was going to be the next level did we leave more trash Oh my gosh uhhuh you can't leave you can't leave because I have a gate you were going to leave I know you were if I wouldn't have got here and open the gate yeah see we have a gate so you can't go anywhere stay out oh my gosh okay so now my next question is we have 117 reputation like can we still not so that's level two that's level two Cub really what oh wow I didn't even know you were leaving I didn't even see you leaving you know what our reputation only goes up when I think we add stuff so we definitely we need to get more paint oh oh I see you here comes our tagger our Infamous tagger out of here yeah you get out of here all right I'm going to order more paint Let's see we could do I guess oh wow look at that light oh people can actually see in my videos now oh when I turn my back it goes away I have no idea is there parking lot lights I bet you there is we just probably can't get them yet so like shopping lighting yeah street lights column lights those are all like you know looks like I don't understand level five level 10 level 15 maybe that that could be what it is all right so let's add these to the cart let's get let's do 1,500 because like I there's only so much we can do okay so let's go ahead and get this guy taken care of or this lady thank you young lady you may move along now and let's go get some more spots painted shall we oh that guy just left okay hold on we got we got to let this guy out I don't want to stay here too long he might get oh hold on whooping stick actually can I get him before you even comes in here hey here oh you can oh nice good to know for you know I just realized was $49 for parking holy moly talk about expensive all right let's go down here let's get this last spot done boom there's that one you know what we're going to just start from this side here 149 159 169 okay that's all we gosh darn it uh okay let's grab our trash now since we lose bottles everywhere oh it's telling tell me how much I have like each rate base parking stuff Decor don't worry I'll get you guys this trash for you heathens could have swar oh here it is I could have swore I had a trash bag here somewhere we only need okay so four more parking spots that'll get us all our parking spots done so four more so we'll go ahead and grab that oh this guy I don't even think so get over here get over here son I don't know what you're trying to do out here that's right he was trying oh he was trying to steal a tire he was trying to steal somebody's wheels off their car crazy old man all right more stuff ordered I even ordered more decorations can you even believe it I know I know I can't believe it either we're like actually doing stuff here dude these people in their trash like why there's my minus two right there there's my minus two I've been missing this whole time I can't even believe that it's literally right here and I have a order here oh my gosh we got all the things happening tonight that wasn't my minus two apparently oh here comes a friend out of here yeah just turn around bud just turn around the parking hey look at that level ready all right hold on we got we have more stuff though um place we got more things to place perfect okay make $10,000 holy moly that doesn't seem seem like an easy task oh my gosh my parking lot's popping now I almost can't I almost can't even leave this spot I almost need to hire somebody to take money for me I mean I did see that there was an employee T oh I wonder if I can actually hire anybody yet I doubt it I really doubt it all right hold on let's see if we see if we unlocked anything now okay so oh concrete road I can do that and then ground asphalt uh reach level three so three three and then four so a porter a guard okay and then parking limiter oh okay oh my gosh I have a lot of people here oh I don't even think so son hey get the hell out of here that's right um okay I don't this is okay this is getting wild like I can't I don't even have time to do anything else thank you thank you yep go ahead have fun go and I bet you there's a trash issue here everybody's dropping their trash everywhere oh my gosh so much trash Oh My Gosh the line's backing see this is what I'm saying I I just I need I need somebody here go ahead run over yep go for it good job I have to make $110,000 before I can hit level two what what the heck I'm going to be sitting here forever doing this oh there's got to be something I'm missing like we Ser is does it want me to stay here for the next six in-game hours to make $10,000 I mean $50 a car okay roughly $100 for every two cars um so 20 cars for every thousand uh I need to let out 200 cars go ahead go my gosh okay hold on let's go look at we got to go look at we got to go look and see if we have unlocked anything else here okay uh so we've got uh this is $2 an hour oh we can get a fence does the fence actually keep them out though because they're only entering the one spot and I feel like that one spot is probably where they're going to continue to oh plant pots oh a street light I mean that's $2 per hour you know what let's just see it you got to make you got to make yeah you got to make money you got to spend money to make money right is that is that what they say oh my gosh my parking lot is flourishing I wonder if I just leave them in here if they have to pay more like he had $49 right like what if I leave this closed and I force everybody to stay oh my gosh the stupid the stupid graffiti guy just got us oh man you guys got to wait a second I'm I'm removing my graffiti actually no I'm I'm going him sit there for a minute we going to let him sit there and see if it uh adds any more money cuz like normally I get like 50 bucks 47 $50 you know something like that like you know nothing nothing super crazy okay cool all right let's see did it go up oh my gosh it looks like a car show in here $51 oh we might be on to something cuz that did that was $51 that was more than I've seen that was 52 you know what I wonder if I can just leave this open if they'll stop you know what it looks like they will so I could just leave it open when I'm here God it okay cool all right you you're have to hold on I wish we could run faster I feel like we're running really really slow all right I need all of these nine of those okay so that should be that's $2 per thing per hour so I don't maybe that's what like increases the parking fees all right there you guys go enjoy okay so let's see here backpack this place okay so that's all of those oh my gosh the stupid graffiti guys back oh my God that guy is annoying all right so now that we have those we'll see what like see if we get do we get more money that was 59 that was more the money than we've had been getting we need to get our we need to get the roads too next $1,000 we're going to get the roads cuz I bet you that'll help too plus then it doesn't look so terrible 60 bucks heck yeah okay all right see it's worth it I mean I spent 1,000 but now I'm going to make 101 extra dollars per car so I mean it'll pay itself off in like 800 cars you know what I mean the math adds up checks out definitely want the cleaner though and you know what's funny is the cleaner is the last thing you unlock it's the last person uh the porter you unlock I think the Porter and the guard oh actually the guard would be nice like the cleaner would be nice too cuz then they go around and clean up all the trash all the time all right let's see if we can oh I'm at 986 I'm not at a th000 yet okay there's the Thousand all right get out of here we're going to go ahead and get our roads now and see what happens I don't know if that adds anything so parking area Road concrete road asphalt ground asphalt okay now does that increase anything that increase reputation at all I mean it looks oh my gosh it looks way nicer I don't know if that increased anything or not oh my gosh -40 on garbage right now oh guess who's coming over here well I got to beat somebody out of here there you go that's how we do it how come I can't take your money give me your money you're not leaving until you get give it to me there you go see rational people we make rational decisions these people are filthy I should just bag up the people to save the problem you know what I just noticed is everybody's parking all super weird hya get it later I'll show you what I made here in a second uh let me let these guys out I haven't seen the old man in a while a little worried that he's running off of some people's tires all right let me show you the parking I I noticed it uh okay so see these guys they're like all straight in here except for this guy's kind of kind of wonky nope this guy's kind of wonky too but these guys are like way off they're like all parked to the side it's like they're definitely car show status right now what are you guys doing there must be like a a fast 15 Premier here or something like I mean look at all these cars we got we got wheel on everything everything's lowered it's you know it's it's got to be what's happening I don't think so Bud hey here yeah I'll just beat you on the sidewalk I don't even care oh that one was $79 for that guy oo fancy oh I wonder if he parked in one of these ooh if that's the case we need to get those on the other side too all right we're going to go ahead and order barriers for the other side as well so reputation is oh my God I saw you I saw saw you guy reputation is solely based on upgrading your stuff so we're at 270 right now but with garbage R and we're losing a little bit here if I go in and place these down you'll see 270 75 280 85 90 95 there's 300 305 306 and 311 look at that okay oh it tells you hold on a second we got we just learned something I just learned something here I didn't realize what the point was it tells you what each parking spot's worth 16.3 an hour what's this one worth 16.3 an hour so it tells you what spots are worth how much so I guess if you have more stuff in a certain spot or something like that it's worth more you know what this is saying this is saying how much credit we're going to get for doing this upgrade that's going to give us five per deal that's oh roofs oh that's okay see that is so like a fence would give us five per piece of fence okay hold on oh my goodness these guys are so ansy it's like they're banging by the hours something oh speaking of old man here he comes so I guess we'll go ah and buy some fence pieces here so shop security fence level one guess we'll go and buy 10 of those bad boys why not the fancier we get this place the higher level we get the more money we make so on and so forth all right so we got some fences let's throw some fences is in here we're going to throw them over here under cover of Darkness I guess place I can't place one there why can't I place one there that doesn't make any sense whatsoever all right look at that we started some fencing looking good oh look at that we actually have something like look a security bar now dismantle fence H we have like a a security meter now that's kind of cool um oh here's more here comes speaking of more fencing here here comes more fencing as we speak uh-oh guess what Here Comes our guy with uh hold on a second I got to I got to beat this guy and be gone there we go $91 let's go that's the kind of money we're talking about here see if we start making that kind of money we'll have no Pro and they 55 fantastic all right uh let's go and get some more fencing in here looks like I only need like one two three more oh you know what we can expand our parking there's a lot there a lot there and a lot there oh my gosh there's a lot more lots that we can park in oh we're making we're making pretty good money now so I'm back up $1,400 we're going to go ahead and get uh let's see we can't parking area too so let's go to the shop let's get uh security let's get three more fences and then I also want to get um let's see hold on the lighting I want to get one of those and that's 800 and then uh I guess some more decoration here so like this is 0.25 an hour so let's get one of those one of those and one of those okay perfect a whole bunch of goodies that'll give us all kinds of points and uh maybe some it's not going to get us to the next level by any means but uh you know we'll try and everybody dropping their stupid trash on the this this this trash we definitely need our cleaner can't wait to get to the point where I can I can hire somebody oh my gosh there goes the guy trying to steal stuff hurry where's he at yeah yeah you get out of here oh my gosh oh you know just realized I have a I have a delivery waiting too hold on we got to go to the delivery I don't know if the delivery dude will drive off but like we got to get that delivery cuz there was a lot of money in there $1,400 worth of stuff I'm sorry you guys can wait a second this actually might take us to level three I have no idea all right there's those let's go in here and let's grab everything oh my God I already calm down I'm on it oh wow okay all right my bad a little bit there was a lot of people oh we're going to make all of our money back right now though are we good I think we're good all right let's see what I have in my backpack okay so the fence let's go and place that even though I'm I'm convinced these do absolutely nothing all right so there's our three fence pieces now street light place so we can place one here let's Place one over here where we're checking out Al so we can place a couple more we can place like two more over there okay that's kind of cool uh take your money there you go Bud then we've got um plant bed planter deal oh these look so fancy look at that we are going to be level three before you even know it look at that we just got to we just got to fill up the little thumb um what are these oh this is second level this is multi- level parking that's what that is there you go Bud so I'm C curious so we have a street light here I wonder how much the street light added cuz it was kind of expensive I'm not mistaken it was like I think the street light alone was like $500 wasn't it yeah it was like $500 500 but I mean there's another one let's get another one in here order I definitely want street lights cuz then we can see at night ooh that guy had $108 $95 oh we're going to make money we're making no probably now it says make $10,000 I feel like we've proba made almost $10,000 it's just we don't have $10,000 at once you know what I'm saying all right our delivery arrived we have a new street light is just in time because it's going to start getting dark here soon I want to see what it looks like wait it sounds like something's happening sounds like something's breaking my fence what is going on here what I heard a fence coming down but I don't huh I didn't actually see anything all right uh another street light Place Okay so we've got we can place one there and one right here and one right there let's place this one over here okay cool oh I like the street lights that is already Neato wait so did did he break one of these maybe it was over here I don't know where he was oh it's about night time let's see how the lights work will we be able to see stuff tonight only time will tell oh my goodness wow wow that's that's nice oh and oh and it's on okay that is pretty fancy stuff right there and we' even got one down there oh man these people are parking in pure luxury I'm telling you all right let me see what else we can add here cuz I need we need more levels I can't do any more of those I can't do more any of that security gives us 5 but I can't really do anything there decorations oh decorations do give us three five those giv us five per lighting is 10 and F honestly I like the lighting but it's the most expensive you know we're going to get three more of them okay I hear the fencing going again but I don't see anybody here oh he was trying to get in he was trying to beat the fence in interesting all right so we got those cars taking care of let's get some more lights in here street light place we going to place one right here uh we'll go Ahad and place one right here and then can we place any oh so this is like a parking garage area H uh-oh did I buy an extra street light for no reason I may have done that well I might have bought an extra street light I wonder if I can sell that oh you're actually waiting for me wow remember her license plate she's never coming back she's banned for life all right we're close to level three I don't know what we need for level three but we're close 491 oh you know what if we if we upgrade it to Asphalt that would probably do it uh we'll wait till we hit, 1500 then we'll do uh ground asphalt road asphalt yeah we'll just wait for that and there it is there's one of them keep them coming that's right single file and give me the money I'll take hundreds fresh crispy $100 bills one of my favorite bills to collect yes indeed let's go oh there he is hey get the he's trying to bash my fence down okay let's go get um let's go get one of those upgrades we'll do the um the ground asphalt there we go so this is asphalt now oh yeah look at that what level are we we're 508 that still didn't even get us to that still didn't even get us there what the heck it's cuz our office looks terrible looks so bad so now I'm curious if I can sell stuff back shop shopping cart I don't know if I can sell stuff oh I can okay I sold that I made a little bit of money not nearly the 500 that I paid but I just I don't have a need for it cuz I don't have I don't have anywhere else to place it all right it's time for the roads to be upgraded to Asphalt as well man it this place is looking so fancy except for this building and this shoty computer there it is parking area level parking area two I have to be level three for that o we've got to be getting close we at 521 uh I need to go through and collect some garbage but we still oh my gosh I need to I guess I need to go and get more plants so these Planters what I what basically what I did is you can place these Planters down and then you can go to your backpack and grab your plant place and you can place it like in the planter I guess that's what's supposed to happen so um that's a thing but um yeah that is actually going to end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed this is a it is parking Tycoon business simulator leave a comment let me know what you think down below and uh maybe we'll be back with some more I am definitely curious though because I think when we upgrade our next parking lot I think we unlock one of those over there and then I believe we can also do parking garage stuff so I think I'm not 100% sure but I think like because there's these posts right here oh actually that are like semi fixed now that I think this can actually become a parking garage once we get like all these things going I'm not sure I'm not positive but kind of sounds like it but we're close to level three which means we should be actually getting really close to unlocking like employees um so a porter is one a security guard was one and then there was like a whole bunch of level thing three requirement things so um but yeah if you want to guys if you guys want to see more make sure you leave a like on the video share it as you see fit and hopefully I'll see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] n
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 506,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parking tycoon, parking tycoon: business simulator, lets play, parking tycoon business simulator, pc gaming, lets play series, parking tycoon steam, parking tycoon game, parking tycoon business tycoon ep 1, business simulator, parking simulator, simulator games
Id: eh0gWYUK9uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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