STOP THINKING TOO MUCH in the Golf Swing with My EASY One Thought Golf Swing

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all right so you're thinking too much over the golf ball you got about 15 swing thoughts for just one backswing today we're gonna have one swing thought and it's something inspired by ben hogan what i'm talking about today is a way to create the entire backswing and even the downswing if you think about it just by using one arm the lovely trail arm and nobody talks about how valuable this arm is everybody talks about how the lead arm does everything and your trailer i'm sitting here saying hey hey i'm valuable too hello a lot of us the dominant arm is the trail arm it's the one that hits hard in every other sport it's the one that hits the hammer into the nail when you're working on stuff it's the one that's doing all the heavy lifting for you yet in golf for some reason we neglect the trail arm don't neglect the trail arm your trail arm wants just as much love as the lead arm and today the trail arm's getting a special feature so the golf swing how's the trail arm work well it folds to 90 degrees and then it straightens it loads and then it fires loaded meaning it's gotten to a 90 degree angle fires meaning it's fully extended after impact that's a big power move try that try punching somebody with that right now just kidding don't do that but fold fire fold fire that's pretty powerful a ton of power in that but not only is a trail arm good at punching things and giving you power more power it's also really good at getting the club on the proper path here's how the trail arm controls path look i can take the club back here with the trail arm i could take it back here which is on the proper path or i could take it back vertical the trail arm controls the plane of the club this is going to eliminate a lot of swing thoughts this thing's so valuable so with the trail arm you're folding it to 90 degrees and you want to make sure that the club shaft is at about a 45 degree angle or it's like perpendicular to your spine that tells you're on the proper path and if you want to add some more awesomeness to this drill you take a club and you take an alignment stick you get this alignment stick from home depot for two dollars and 17 cents it's the best two bucks you'll ever spend on your golf game i'm not kidding you get this club in the ground now put the club in the ground at about the angle of the shaft take your setup there's the angle of the shaft approximation take the trail arm and just fold it so that the club goes up that shaft point and then it matches it or it's close to it that's the backswing really is that simple yes it is i've just pulled the trailer 90 degrees the trail arm controls the plane it controls the power it controls the wrist hinge it is the wrist hinge the wrists are really not doing anything here they're not doing that they're just fold the trail arm you get the wrist hinges right away power loaded on the proper plane halfway back you're looking does it travel up the shaft plane good and then is it parallel here halfway back then you continue back is it fully loaded is it connected against my side that's the back swing that's awesome right and this whole time we've been thinking about the lead arm just stop doing that change the program to the trail arm watch this now i've got my trail arm ready to go it's all fired up and saying tom finally you're using me in your golf game i'm so excited there's the proper path add the lead arm there's your back swing okay then what happens after that the down swing but don't worry it's so much simpler when you do it this way back swing prop path of the club there's the plane of the club down swing plane of the club you're not pushing it over not pushing it over the top we're going shallowing it you're bringing it back the way you brought it in the back swing back swing and then back to it down swing back swing down swing back swing down swing this is so shallow it's awesome draws all day long you're getting the trail arm in a position to hit the golf ball and it's kind of like the way ben hogan would really get that nice connection of the trailer against the side and then he'd talk about getting that thing into here so he could hit it with 10 hands there's a reason why you use the trail arm i'm not joking about this trail arm stuff this is great stuff if people would just use the trail alarm if golfers over over the years would have just used the trail arm you'd hit the ball so much further i can't move my body because i've got a disability or or my hips out or whatever it is don't worry about it you got a trail arm you're you're sad that you're aging and you can't you don't have the mobility you used to use your trail arm use it for everything else in life you hit the crap out of stuff with it with everything else you use a hammer to hit a nail with it okay so we've got the back swing and then the downswing part just practice tracing shaft plane with the trail arm and then the downswing shaft plane back to the ball on the trail arm the club heads behind your body if you do that you're going to hit some really crispy golf shots just focus on the trail arm controlling your golf swing and life will be dream like that song trail arm is going to keep you in a money position in the golf swing it's going to look a little bit like ben hogan you're going to play some great golf life's too short to play bad golf what are you doing wasting it playing bad golf simpler is a ton more fun so you practice shaft plane now we get in here and we start hitting shots holding that trail arm that's the golf swing all right that's so much more fun you're gonna hit the ball and you're gonna put a big old smile on your face hitting this ball felt really good that was mashed potatoes the trail arm has a huge role in controlling the entire golf swing the trail arm could make or break your golf swing there are tons of wrong ways to use a trail arm but you can train yourself you can see well that's wrong that's wrong but if i do somewhere in between that's consistent and that's great golf that's great golf that's all it is you watch the players you watch the shaft plane there's a trail arm boom boom they might not be feeling that it doesn't matter though i want you to feel it so you can change your life and hit some great golf shots in fact that's what students are doing in the online golf school for 10 bucks a month they're playing the best golf their life in a structured golf game learning program that's where you can play the best golf of your life you can stop playing bag off life's too short to play bad golf so click here to check out my online golf school click here to subscribe to my channel for more awesome golf content and here are two selections from the segudo golf archives designed to help you play your best golf right now thanks again for tuning in and have a rocking week
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 126,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the golf swing, golf swing tips, golf tips, golf tip, tips golf swing, how to golf swing, golf swing, easy golf swing, how to make the golf swing easy, golf tips to make the golf swing so much easier, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, ben hogan
Id: 0we4xMgboZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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