START AND GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST FROM 0 - Step by step for beginners

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this is step by step what you need to do if you're looking to start and grow your email list from scratch what's up everyone it's Millie welcome back to my channel where I post videos every Wednesday teaching you the latest strategies and Trends on social media to help you grow your brand so give a little love tap on that subscribe button to stay up to dat on all the latest tips and tricks I have for you first I want to say a huge thank you to this video shout out I literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you so if you want to shout out in one of my future videos be sure to screenshot yourself watching this and tag me over on Instagram stories or leave a comment below and subscribe to my channel as always time Stamps will be in the comments below because I value your time and you already know why you're here so let's get into it I created a YouTube video called how to start an email list for beginners and I got one comment of someone saying they wish the video was more of a stepbystep approach instead of the basics of an email list so that's what this video is you asked I listened I love constructive criticism so if you want more of a breakdown of the importance of an email list why it's more important then Instagram go ahead and watch this one here without further Ado let's get into step one step one know your Niche I I don't think I could ever give that tip without rolling my eyes because I am tired of hearing people say this but you know what it's so the core of your entire business it's the nucleus really without this part of your business identified you will have a very very very very very hard time making any progress in your business with your need to find that means you know the answers to these questions what topic does your business evolve around who is your business for how does your business help that target audience what makes you different from all the other competitors in that space when you're able to answer all four of those questions then you have your Niche if you need a little bit more help with defining your Niche then you can absolutely watch this video that I made which basically helps you how to define your Niche or Niche whatever you want to call it I don't care just don't come for me in the comments because I've had lots of that once you have your Niche to find we go to step two which is pick and create your freebie your freebie is how people will get onto your list this is how you will entice them to exchange their email address for something good something juicy something worth trading their email address for none of us like signing up for an email list only to be bombarded with the bajillion emails so we're all very hesitant when we put our contact information out there for other people to have that's why it's so important to have a freebie created for your audience because that gives them a reason to be like oh yes take my contact info because I want that that's why having your Niche defined is so important there are a lot of different freebie options out there that you could make you have templates ebooks quizzes trainings discounts all the things and your freebie will change or vary depending on the type of business that you have for example when I first started the very first free I made was a visco editing preset I made this because at the time the only YouTube video that was performing well for me was how to create your own editing Style on Instagram my audience at the time was really looking for editing presets so I made a freebie for it then the next thing that I created were templates teaching how to pitch to Brands these templates it was I think two or three simple copy paste emails that other influencers could use to send to Brands and land collaborations the next freebie I created was an ebook called five secrets to growing on Instagram because that's when my audience really started to pick up speed start growing and they were following me specifically for Instagram strategies so I knew the thing that would entice them the most is a eBook that teaches the five secrets for growing on Instagram and then finally my favorite and most recent freebie because it's the juiciest is a free 1hour training teaching how to turn Instagram into your full-time business as an influencer these freebies evolve D with my business and notice how each of them were created to serve my audience at that time they were exactly what my audience was looking for so start asking yourself that question what is my audience looking for what would be helpful for them to have and create that thing there are freebies and opin for every Niche so by you saying oh it doesn't make sense for my industry it doesn't make sense for my business that is just an excuse for you to not do the hard work don't come up with excuses there's literally a freebie for every Niche out there literally go to Pinterest type in your Niche and you'll see a bajillion freebies okay so it's possible you just got to get creative with it step number three now that you have your freebie you need to automate your freebie on an email host once that freebie is made get it set up so that it automatically sends whenever someone signs up that'll save you a ton of time so you don't have to get a notification that somebody signed up for your email list and then you're like oh I got to send the freebie set it up on an automation with an email host to do this step you will need an email host if you don't already have a website where you have that option to upgrade for email hosting I'm a huge fan of flowes I used flowes for a bit before switching over to active campaign but I wouldn't recommend active campaign just yet flowes is a great starter tool for somebody who is just starting and growing their email list for somebody who is a little bit more advanced or has a little bit more different funnels in their business than active campaign but again flowes with flowes you don't need to have a website because they actually allow you to set up your own freebie landing page on their website however if you do want something that's a little bit more cost- effective you can always use convert kit MailChimp or mailer light all of the options I talked about can be syned with different web hosts I I believe the only web host that doesn't sync with other email hosts is Squarespace because Squarespace has the option to upgrade and they don't really want you to use any other platform but their own so if you have a Squarespace website you can just upgrade pay a little extra a month and then you have their email hosting option now if you're overwhelmed by all of this or if this Tech part conversation is something that's scary for you have no fear don't worry I'm with you I hate the techy stuff the backend the website development all that gives me anxiety literally it's my least favorite part and that is exactly why I created a mini course called the email list accelerator this mini course goes further into detail for growing your email list are starting and growing your email list it teaches everything that I've taught my students including screen recordings step by step on the back end for how to automate your emails how to write your emails how to create whatever freebie it is that you want to create the quiz the ebook the training it teaches you all of that goodness so if that sounds like it would take a lot of stress off your shoulders so you don't have to learn it all on your own or do it the DIY way then I'll be sure to link my mini course down below to help you out step number four put your freebie in your freaking Instagram bio y'all waving my finger at you I remember last year I had just signed up a new student and her goal was to hit 10,000 followers on Instagram we did her branding and then I said let's make an email list and she was like uh okay has nothing to do with growing on Instagram but she was an amazing student and she listened to me and she was like okay I'm just going to trust that Millie knows what she's talking about so we created her freebie put her freebie in the link her bio and then started to work on growing her Instagram she had zero subscribers on her list 3 months later she had gained 30,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 people onto her email list how did she grow her email list she put the freebie in her bio that was it we didn't do any other growth strategy with her email list other than making a freebie that was exactly what her audience wanted and put it in a place that was really easy for them to grab she was able to grow her email list hand inand with her Instagram account I know a lot of you who are watching this you want that secret sauce for like well how do I grow it exponentially like what's that one secret thing to skip all the hard stuff and just grow it overnight like don't overlook the simple stuff put your freebie in your Instagram bio with the call to action saying free meal tracker free macro cheat sheet five secrets to grow on Instagram that was my freebie five Secrets grow on Instagram or I have free Instagram master class with arrow pointing to the link and get people to sign up that way don't overlook the simple stuff y'all it really pays off in the long run step number five post your freebie to Pinterest if you've done any research you probably know that Pinterest is a really great tool that you can use to grow your email list so what I recommend doing if you're just starting out is create five different graphics for your freebie in canva to get an idea of what those Graphics should look like you can use the canva templates and go to Pinterest and search for your own freebie for example if your freebie is meal planner template look up meal planner template on Pinterest see what some of the other highest ranked pins look like choose five different designs to replicate and use as your own then you're going to write five different titles and descriptions for your free meam if one title says meal planner template for 2022 then the next title should say easy to use meal planner template basically you're just adding in different types of keywords keyword phrases all the juicy SEO stuff into your title if by me saying keywords keyword phrases and SEO intimidates you or you're you got lost let me know in the comments below and be like hey Millie love you can you make a video on that because I don't know what you're talking about um just let me know in the comments below if you'd like a video on that and I'll make one in the future but what you're going to do is you'll gradually over time post each graphic with each title this way you can test to see which graphic performs best and which title performs best which which combo of things perform best and continue to replicate that so if you have your five Graphics right here's your five graphics and the five titles you'll post this graphic with this title this title this title this title you'll post this graphic with this title this title this title this this and so on so each graphic is posted five times with the different titles over a period of time pinned to different boards it's a thing I swear if you want a little extra growth then you can find group boards on Tailwind which is a free tool that goes in tandem with Pinterest and start pinning to group boards as well to help your pins get a little bit more traffic step number six talk about your freebie nobody is going to sign up if nobody knows about it so talk about your freebie once a week on your Instagram stories add the link in sticker option because now Instagram has it so that any profile you don't have to have 10,000 followers now any user on Instagram can add the link in their stories so once a week talk about your freebie what it is what's it about who it's for put that link in your stories and tell people about it they need to know it exists and they have to hear it multiple times before they end up signing up if you notice after talking about it for 6 weeks nobody is signing up ask your audience what they need ask them is this a freebie you you don't want what would you rather have would you rather have something on this topic talk to your audience and ask them like hey what's going on here is it you or is it me have that conversation and let them pick or tell you what would be most valuable to them step number seven which is is optional and that's to run ads to your freebie no this is not necessary to grow your email list I've been able to grow my list and my students lists without ads but if you're confident in your copyrighting and you're confident in the imagery then there's nothing wrong with running ads towards your freebie when you do choose to run ads you're going to do that through Facebook ads instead of pressing the blue boost post button on Instagram we don't do that you don't need to do that we're going to use Facebook ads it helps a lot better with targeting the Right audience when done well you actually get a lot more people to click through on that ad when it's a freebie compared to running ads on something where somebody has to pay like you're selling this course you're selling this running ads to a freebie will definitely help with better conversions with your business something to think about something to consider as you grow if you've made it this far and you're not already subscribed be sure to click that subscribe button and turn on the Bell notification so you don't miss when I post my videos and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for watching follow your joy [Music] bye
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 49,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: start and grow your email list, how to grow your email list for beginners, how to grow your email list, grow your email list from 0, grow your email list step by step, email list building, how to build an email list, email list building strategies, tips to grow an email list, email marketing, grow email list, email list, how to build an email list on social media, how to grow an email list, email marketing for beginners, email list building tips, how to create an email list
Id: TxUas-7TXvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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