#StarsInTheHouse #54: Desperate Housewives

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and we relate this pronouncement I let me just print there is more coming but danny elfman robot anyway hi everybody we changed locations I just read something that said you shouldn't ever have a bookshelf behind you pal I assume because it's too distracting is it what you think it's amazing hey I'm sad this is James it stars in the house what it starts that we don't we have all these new viewers tonight because Desperate Housewives stopped you all in rows on the house something we do twice a day for the actress phone we started a little lesson four weeks ago we do to 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern but then it always remains online it starts in the house calm and it's basically like a telephone it's an interview show there's music it just funsies to make you guys feel close around of the united world cuz we're people watching all over the world plus we'd love you to donate the minimum donation is five dollars the maximum is so much money you join it right there donated stars in the house comm and all those to the actors phone but James what is the actress fund the Actors Fund has that name not because it's only own search actors but because it started 138 years ago when there was no TV there were no records there were no films it was only stage and everyone this is what Bebe Neuwirth told us everyone behind the scenes in front of the scenes were called actors they were show folk and they haven't changed the name but the help that they give has only grown exponentially during this crisis and so they give money to people to pay their rent to pay their utilities their food medical bills their health insurance premiums and we're talking about any professional in the performing arts around the country not just New York not just LA anywhere anywhere in your community where there's a professional performing arts person that could be your teacher a singing teacher net a dance teacher or amidst a singer a ballet dancer a singer a crew person a spotlight operator the script supervisor anybody in the arts and nobody's working right now and people really live kind of check to check in the arts they can get their rent money from you when they can get their medical needs met from the actress fine I just want that or you if you need help right now go to Actors Fund org that's right and they they have they are giving out two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a day in direct financial assistance to people in the performing arts all over the country every single day so we wanted to give a shout out to a few people who gave from the last show and just so happens that you may have a certain cast member who's known for her voice overs from Desperate Housewives who will be reading some donations throughout the show so if you make a donation you can have an amazing yes voiceover my Brenda a lot of times that we have said yes in our household you don't want to know all right we wanted this give it a quick shout out to Susanna from Washington DC who already gave $100 Lisa from Virginia $25 Darcy from New York $25 New Yorker Samantha from New York $50 Patricia from New York $100 and Michael from New York hundred dollars now belly that's just amazing cos New York New York is and we New York is suffering right now so much it's actually really very moving that people are taking the time to join a cause it's what was really set out there so anyway but we're here to really feel United and wonder what those comments could you say I know the comments are still there but we literally had comments were they fun James members earlier but it's I think by scroll up I mean I can't even this already on Nigeria Brazil Italy Germany people watching from all the way down with the time difference we think um in the morning and they're watching because you're all of sensitive housewives as we are you so we were just full disclosure we were late to the game for Desperate Housewives the creation of Marc Cherry yeah great it's a Desperate Housewives we were late we watched it after it went off the air but boy did we catch up on Hulu which our friend David Katz who helps put all this together confirmed that you can and it is I believe the perfect the perfect show to watch well we're all self quarantined so like I said we're all we were all late to the game Julia or 90 year olds will be making a couple of occurrences today usually we watched it together as a family but sometimes she would be up all night and would get ahead of me so you cannot tell us what happened so frustrating yeah oh he's dead already we're like we don't know that anybody else all right can we first bring in our narration yes yes please welcome Mary Alice herself the wonderful Brenda strong exactly eight years have passed since Desperate Housewives went off the air it all began with the suicide of Mary Alice played by me Brenda strong while I was alive I was friends with Katherine Mayfair played by the fabulous Dana Delany and here she is now hi every morning while alive or dead I would sing Gabrielle Solis exercising in Gulu lemons and 6-inch heels we called her Gabby but she's also known as eva longoria Renee Perry moved into town why she's beautiful enough we Miss America as a matter of fact was Miss America in real life presenting Vanessa Williams and finally I'd love to tell you some of the raunchy things I've seen but they mostly involved rubbing the floor with the toothbrush dipped in baking powder [Music] but we all know her as Marcia Cross for housewives back then but underneath it all we were good friends and we still are today so excited you're all here game it's an amazing culling of various videotapes so much it's north well yeah we can we can let's start right here with the first one set the other day so for those who don't haven't seen it here's how the whole crow begins spoiler alert suicide but go into that right now No [Music] my name is Mary Alice young when you read this morning's paper you may come across an article about the onion about my life that all changed last Thursday of course everything seemed quite normal at first I made breakfast for my family I perform my chores I completed my projects I ran my errands in truth I spent the day as I spent every other day quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection perfect that's how okay we have so many questions first off hey because Brendon started off really you were the first housewife and then you're basically gone right after that but yeah every single episode so what we're wanting to know is did you guys have table reads and were you there Brendan's like how did it work did you never see these women except for flashbacks no we actually you know Mark really wanted to hear everything out loud before we would shoot so do you have table reads before every episode so that's pretty much my through-line with them they got to see each other all the time but it was really nice to be able to have that connective tissue because my work was separate from their work on on camera unless I was yeah you're such a great speaking voice and just recently with my diligent research I was reading you actually sing so what's the deal with that I I got a musical theater degree in college and studying light opera but never really put it to professional use except for singing throughout Italy for a composer but yeah what role did you play in college I was I was loom in kismet actor so few viewers don't know Eva Longoria has an actual baby in real life you're gonna have to a baby 31-point right I'm gonna I'm not breastfeeding him he's two now but I have to go I'm just gonna run downstairs and shove the food to my husband so he can do it but that's not telling but tell a little bit but yeah I love Brenda's like oh I just through Italy kind of you know that celebrates again but it was Christmas fun the question I'd like to ask everyone and all this so we don't talk over each other what are you doing to stay healthy during all this and not you know physically mentally spiritually emotionally Marsha what about you oh my god I've never meaning in my life and I'm not like free Bandcamp but um you know suddenly my housekeepers on my now see is like the queen I miss her really spoiled but that is one of my pleasures is having her and so I I don't know that that that's my exercise laundry trying to cook not like greed nature of the notifications could sit down knowing happening I don't know if you guys can hear me I can't hear you guys at all and James I can't do you at all there we go I've never seen someone move around more beautiful viewing yes Rodney on the show on there she goes okay bye Vanessa while we're waiting for Vanessa Brenda what about you what are you doing - um I I've been doing yoga in my office I have I have two yoga teachers that have got on Zoom have created their classes and all of us are finding it keeping our sanity together I don't have very much room in my office so I'm trying to do you know big long standing poses is a challenge but that I'm walking my dog we have doggies we know what that's like Wow what about you Gina Delaney uh this really is not that difference from my life I am a loner slice than all my own alone anyway I live alone I did my yoga i watch Criterion channel really Maria what about you oh my gosh I don't I've never worked out so much in my life that's what I'm doing working out and cook I cook a lot I actually am Bree van de Kamp I am I've been weaving baskets I mean you name it I've been making masks and donating masks sewing them yeah I mean I feel more busy now than than before and of course spending all this time with my son which is amazing because I was actually starting to get a lot of anxiety of being I was going to start directing this feature and it was I just just the thought of all those hours on set away from him was giving me anxiety and then this happened then I was like okay this is a good time for the universe to stay stop slow down right and then continue after this is over a little bit older I just want him a little bit older before I was really diving back back into work and so this has been really nice to do although it took a world crisis for it to happen a lot of people have been saying very similar things now you get to bond with your family that doesn't make you outside we're in our case fighting non-stop Vanessa can you hear us you look great yeah it's still choppy but now at least hear your your voice as long as you keep [Laughter] hold on Vanessa some assassin you they need to change any parity Vanessa Williams Vanessa put that in herself that was her choice look at that lighting that was my that there we go this is the ring light I brought up Instagram like last week because everyone's like can you do something okay so yes we can hear you I guess uh Marcia Cross you're really the one you really learn that God everyone together know so we wanted to sort of show a little on the classic three banner camp clip this is this bubbly is not you in real life that's just so crazy that you're not an uptight person and you're not controlling no just the opposite I wish I could be controlling I can't even follow my own thoughts let alone did you get a kick out of playing someone that is so rigid yeah I loved it I actually loved it I yeah I am it worked I don't know why that was the complete opposite of me like I did I loved her and yeah it's nice to see everybody makes me miss it did you base REE on anybody you know um yes I did a friend of mine her name is Maryanne Contreras who who's my roommates now been a lifelong friend and I literally would like when we were dealing with her I was going back and forth from New York to LA you know trying to get my bearings get a job and I would like take a sip of my coffee I'd put it down and then I would look for it and it was you know washed and cleaned it in the dish rack and she was up going to you know Jane Fonda and I was I see this all I was modified but like I wasn't that healthy and she was just he's like a 5 stars gap and brilliant and so he was my role model Marian conclusion now this clip is from I guess Germany or something right but it's the subtitles are not in English that it was the best look we could find because so much of your character is defined by food right I'm controlling this is early on in the series so how's the that's okay it's okay Andrew I spent three hours cooking this meal how do you think it makes me feel when you say it's okay in that sullen tone who asked you to spend three hours on dinner excuse me Tim Harper's mom gets home from work pops open a can of pork and beans and boom they're eating everyone's happy you'd rather a suppor canned beans apologize now I am Becky I'm saying do you always have to serve cuisine can't we ever just have food are you doing drugs what change in behaviors one of the warning signs and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months I certainly would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom just me that is not what he is doing shut up mom I'm not the one with the problem here all right you're the one always acting like she's running for mayor Stepford Rex seeing that you're the head of this household I would really appreciate you saying something pass the salt oh my god that was the pilot you didn't know the show was gonna be picked up yet oh no no that was Wow I would remember that oh my god Wow you guys remember when you all first met what was the what I'll talk about that it's a I'm fascinated uh I just remember Eva coming into the reading and she was you know like this beautiful little waif and just like the loving woman on the planet and pretty much stayed that that's all I remember - I remember being terrified we walked into that table read and Marcia was on a hit show before Felicity was on a hit show and Jerry was and I was like hi I'm Eva I've never done anything in my life and and Marcia would like immediately wrapped her arm around me she goes our lives your life is about to change like she knew from that table read the magic that happened and I was like what do you mean what does that mean and I just went I went to Marcia we you cutting off the climax you go again what Oh Marcia was like my moral compass and my spiritual compass throughout the whole show and Vanessa was he crazy for you coming on to a show that was already a big hit were you like high ranking no I I got the gig because I was just we were finishing four years four seasons and at the end of the [ __ ] and I was just about to do Sondheim and Sondheim on Broadway before and of course as you know Marc Cherry is a huge Stephen Sondheim man and actually names every episode after a Sondheim song so so marking to see in the show in May and I got the call like a week later hey what do you think about coming on I because I was staying in the ABC Family obviously different housewives is a huge hit and great to be able to jump into something that is already a well-oiled machine but also bring what I had to and I loved playing these gals it was so my father hey that's Brenda I think I did you get the donations the first batch we already got in I did I think you mean yeah the show Thank You Julius from Delaware Ruth from do you want me to actually say that dollar amount Delaware dollars Ruth from Ontario Canada Robert de Guzman from Pennsylvania 50 Newton California 250 mark from Texas 25 Mike from Indiana hundred Alexis from Eva we have this amazing clip for you Nick and Jesse yeah go ahead she says something to me or about me to tell me that I was in the Miss America pageant for you what was your talent Brenda C graduate has some of the night before art history wonder wait so what was your song oh I barely sing go yeah it was a I don't know from on a clear day you can see forever anyway I have Brenda going back to the pilot you know I didn't get cast in the library I got cast after they shot the pilot so I want to go in and all the scene with Mary Alice Young and I remember sitting at that table where Terry was telling us about you know her character Susan achieve it on call and an evil look over in between the takes and she goes it's amazing how things change when only one person in the dynamics shifts it was like it was a totally different scene and so wishes I was so grateful to enter this amazing already existing group of gorgeous talented phenomenal women and I was intimidated because they were already bonded so I know how you felt you know Vanessa when you said that so and with Dana you also came in late right you came in happy this isn't right for Susan wasn't you to enter it's you know it's a crazy show and honestly as an actor it took a little while to get used to the shot oh the tone of the show because it's so you know big and strong and over the top over the top but big and once you realize I remember mark giving me a direction in my first day and he said do it like this and I was like really Joan Crawford I'm playing Joan Crawford and then I just went with that and I had a ball I just had a ball Marsha Marsha got the brunt of that of Marx Arthur I could see it right now it was brilliant and I would think he's brilliant I can't do that but he's well maybe I can see that hand going I see her walking what Devon why did you guys all submit whose amazing look at me oh my god doing your viewing but only because not cuz of us we were amazing yeah he came to blocking every scene he would line read for us because he wanted a rhythm of the line you know you had to say the words the way they were written and we I had such a great a great appreciation for it cuz I it made my job so much easier I might just tell me how you want it you know but we're gonna show this comedy web and I do that our line waiting for it it still it's so natural that's what I love about we were laughing watching this we've already watched it a couple of times today this is with that I'm not none that trying to see your damn husband something like that then mostly I do charity work are you tell you have to be worked with with mark no you hear me but we should I mean let's face it Gabby buying more stuff isn't gonna make our lives any better exactly money can't buy happiness well sure again that's just a lie we tell poor people to keep him from rioting Gabby it's a joke I was trying to show that scene to my husband when I beat that nun up and I remember what season was it I I'm almost positive his first season because he wants haven't maybe it was around I usually can tell the seasons by my wait game [Laughter] and hair color you know great line when she had cancer was of course a real highlight but I mean my mom had cancer and we know some people who had had it and thought it was done so well and this is beautiful we also just want to say on a side note yeah we were talking we have a couple of friends that have koban 19 well a lot of people on Broadway have it when we were talking to her friend Gavin Creole and he was saying that she had a lot of shame because you you have to isolate from other people and you kind of feel like you did something wrong and that's what I feel that scene just reminds me of the shame of being sick and how sweet you're all you all are DUP opens up to all of you about how she kept it a secret but once your friends know you're sick you can't pretend anymore cuz you can see it in their eyes the fear the pity oh you seen our eyes [Music] of course you know what let's make a pact no more secrets from now on we tell each other every shocking detail of our lives I meant me new with us [Music] no more secrets [Music] you're watching that oh I just feel like Felicity up one is slipping yes she's just unbelievable actress and I actually remember doing that scene once it came up I forget everything until I'm watching and then so yeah so yeah I remember that that storyline it was hard cuz we were a true John dramedy we were always a joke and then that gravity you know would take you by surprise and that's what I loved about the show we got to do both things but when Felicity had this storyline she sunk her teeth into it she had so many questions and then everything from her look and every scene she was always you know she's the act or and and it was I remember Marcia I remember that scene do I forget all these scenes until I see it and then I go home I remember getting goosebumps when I did a scene with felicity in the hospital during that cancer storyline and oh my god I was just watching her that I forget my lines cuz she was so amazing it's so beautiful well sweeping of hospitals we should bring in our medical correspondent you may not know but every for those of you new to watching we recently began with fun you go to Charles Newhouse calm but besides having fun we have the chief medical correspondent PBS as our permanent guests are we somehow watkins everything dr. Jon LaPook so ladies they're gonna come back I'm remembering now dr. Jon LaPook you have any questions get back to us okay so peace now and if you have any questions while you're watching you know if we can keep it safe this wave and then we'll bring you out yeah we'll bring you a question where's that lady buzz dr. Jon LaPook all right guys I love the little smile that Marcia Gay because she and I know each other I had done a story with her on on CBS this morning and I love that she said about Felicity that she's such an unbelievable actress and it's amazing how you can be such an unbelievable actress and be a believable actress at the same time yes she's an unbelievable actress by being such a believable actress yeah that was an amazing scene and how vulnerable she was but of course there's something I think people have to learn I know I've had to learn with the help of my wife that as you know I think when I was younger I didn't that was hard to be vulnerable and to you know that intimacy of that and that was why that was such a beautiful scene but he is just having this emotional mosh pit you just leap back and you you know that you're gonna be caught that was beautiful so dr. Luke we were talking earlier about this about especially because we know so many people in the city who have tested positive and along with that shame is also fear from people who live in the same apartment building is you just you know walking down the street especially I'm sure if you're in the medical profession I mean can you just speak to that because I think that's there's that there's the fear of one of the witnesses going to be over but there's also the fear of this if you live the pier living with it right now a stigma it a stigma thanks yeah so every time in history there's been an infectious disease outbreak there have been somebody who's been blamed and I actually I'm looking at an article that's in the CDC from 2018 it's called addressing disease related stigma during infectious diseases outbreaks it goes back and I remember during Ebola people from West Africa were stigmatized in this current outbreak people from Asia there's bias against them you name it of course during the HIV outbreak which I was an intern in March of 1981 when that broke the stigma associated with that even walking down the street if I'm you know if a health care worker is walking down the street with a mask and scrubs there's been both hi thanks so much and also a little bit of sort of let me just give that person a little bit a wide berth so you understand what right people naturally want to protect themselves but the stigma associated with it has no place whatsoever and I I thought it was great if Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson right at the beginning to just model that and right this is what's going in and Marsha you can talk about it if you want but Marsh has been a real role model for trying to eliminate stigma associated with with any kind of illness we have to use our words whether it's nothing to do with cancer or whether it's having to do with infectious diseases and you know we tell our kids to do that right use your words right in March I think a lot of people are being maybe quiet about Koba 19 what inspired you to speak out about cancer um gosh you know I first I didn't realize that they were that I didn't think about that so um I'm a little bit surprised but of course it makes sense you know I had no intention of like talking about it I was just gonna get through it and move on with my life and then because the internet I was reading um stories from people all over the world really about how ashamed they were how they were lying to their friends their family and I don't know if it's my you know very New England no-nonsense upbringing but I thought this is ridiculous very you know it just seemed absurd that they should have myself or have cancer and then also be ashamed and to me it was just it's a body part I didn't feel like um embarrassed or you know badly that that I should feel badly about myself that that's what happened to me and like you know again I wouldn't have wanted the job I would say but um found myself in a position where it was like how could I not speak up and try to help people and you know if I died tomorrow I feel very good about people who've reached out to me and and and I've changed their lives in some sort of way so like that's that's um that's a gifts for me to be able to give so I would have I would have been we've got a loss for me if I hadn't done it thank you and for those people who don't know you know because you were I don't think I'm saying anything out of out of school because we did a National Peace Nazi yes this morning we're talking about anal cancer that was associated with HPV which is a virus that we met we now have a vaccine against and when you did that piece you were the very first person to really go wide with it Marcia and it made a huge difference we got a avalanche tsunami of mail of response will he help me and say oh my god I had no idea I was on the fence about the HPV vaccine you know drains are associated with not only cervical cancer but cancer of the of the anus and also of the the head of the of the of the neck whereas our head of the base of the throat of the pharynx the tonsils so a and we have a vaccine against it which now has been shown to be lowering certainly lowering the risk of cervical cancer and it looks like it's also lowering the risks of those other other cancers so god bless you really Marsha courage to do that it has made an enormous difference and I know we've talked about it right here I know if you saw you know we're talking it's very it's actually relevant because this is during this pandemic we have to use our words about how its spread and one of the ways that it might be spread is that if we know it's shed in the stool and so when people wipe themselves they have to be careful because you could get on there the virus get on their hands and then when they go to wash their hand they have to make sure that they don't touch the knob with that hand touch the net knob with the other hand to turn on the water and get the soap and be very careful you don't touch it close with that because you're not going to reinfect yourself but you can touch the the faucet and then somebody else comes and touches the faucet with their hand gets the virus on the hand and then touches their face so here I am telling people basically how to wipe themselves you know all these years and it's something I was talking to another gastroenterologist tonight about this and I said like I know it sounds weird and I know it's icky to some people and and they fit you've been great James and except not making that a joke because it's so it's it could be life and death and it's not is this and I'll get down off my high horse in a second I know you don't get down if a horse you get down off a duck but this could this could relieve the food borne illnesses you know when they see the sign in the restaurant boys must wash their hands that's what they're talking about people going yeah yeah of course you wash hands no they're talking about the fact that if they have any coli infection or a Campylobacter affect or some other stool infection in there they get it on their hand and then they don't wash their hand and then prepare your food boom or that's how you could get it here in your you know salad or whatever else because in the place where was processed in a farm or whatever it wasn't washed so there's a hundreds of thousands millions of people who get foodborne illnesses and we also think may be a silver lining of all this honesty will be as we're doing proper hygiene may be flu will go down which killed thousands of people each year maybe we'll be better at that and so anyway that's a that's the spiel but but Marshall good to see you so good to see you too and it's I feel like it's been you know um I think I thought I was doing really well at the time and now I see it's that much later and I feel like myself again so I mean hopefully my version but you know so it feels good and thank you you can sneak up on you can't it it's like but the whole psyche the psychology of it so when me happens and you're fine and you'd fight or flight mode and then sometime later you bolt up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat you go that was a bullet that just went by my head and really honestly it feels to me completely completely surreal it doesn't it's almost like it didn't happen I mean it did of course then I'm changed or whatever but there I'm sure one day we'll go the pandemic remember that it's a surreal like this is as real as it yet I mean that was like you know surreal be this is like mega surreal how how is this happening I mean yeah I actually was um I'm gonna brag a little but I was reading about this from day one and I'm not a like an uptight person I'm not a germaphobe nothing and I was home in Boston and I was reading what was happening in Wuhan and I was like oh my god and I was tweeting and I went home left Boston I wore a mask home and I remember thinking I'm not gonna get it I said I know but I want people to start getting used to it and I and that's how I was so I was so on it so while I've been doing is because I bought masks I did everything I've spend more time at the FedEx because I'm constantly shipping masked people and saying you know because I just no idea that currently everybody's gonna be in need what they did bragging about that I forget being that's the real dollars just so it's just crazy so yeah like this the virus was around much you know in February and prop January probably much more than we even realized so I can't wait for the end see who's actually immune right now I'm interesting I wish I had already got it so I could go do something I'm happy to do this you know but I would I'd want to run to the hospital maybe we already had it Marsha and so when that when that antibody test becomes widely available you should get it yeah I would love that I'd like be able to go help well I'd give it this comment Marsha is the truly one why does nice to see you he's so soothing so soothing alright let's bring on all the ladies because we're gonna ladies lunch yes yes and Dana and that I'll look who's back from breastfeeding breastfeeding Catherine yeah come on we gotta talk about Catherine a little bit yourself okay so next apps okay so Dana we thought you were sort of nice free to join the show like that before she did it all when when you gonna keep her car did you only have one car like only one take because the car had to be you know keyed one that was so much fun to do I mean who has not wanted to key a car I became a lesbian with my stripper girlfriends alaya nervous breakdown that was fun too yeah and then BRE and Catherine were like kind of like best friends after all it was great all right you didn't really like each other at this moment let's see I'm gonna need you to give me your keys there you go swimmin air of our friendship you wouldn't know it to look at her but the lady next door is having a nervous breakdown was my best Joan Crawford things I love about the show it's like Brenda it's like you're part of it every show like right there it's like we want to hear from your character and what you have to say and think I love it well you know I think the thing that was so much fun was it I you know we have the table reads and then the ladies would go away and they create this amazing relationship drama and comedy and then I get to come back in and just comment on it and kind of do the emotional reaction to what they were doing and you think that it would be pat based on what's written but I'd actually be acting with them because their performance is so impactful we never really got to have a ton of time with me I felt like I was with him all the time would you see the show and then do the voice-over like did you get to watch the dailies and then comments on it not the dailies I would I would see the show once they locked it and then I would go back I do it create kind of a pre voiceover and then our script supervisor would actually read the mavs Oh on no set Richard because it was so dry unfortunately for Bri I mean there were only two times that I actually did the voice-over live on set and once was for Bridget's hundredth episode when he was sitting in his truck having an emotional breakdown because he realized that I knew I was going to commit suicide and I had given him this boss that meant something to me and the other was when Kathryn Joosten scare achter had cancer and all the ladies were together saying goodbye and I remember coming I almost didn't get through that voice over because I was just I was so moved by what they were doing on camera and I was just sitting in video village kind of doing the math Oh like called Alice voiceover from there so this video makes you live version the what was down in the basement of the Alfred Hitchcock theater but poor mrs. McCluskey really was sick in real life right it was a very meta moment yes I'll turn that show man great fantastic no acerbic and she and Felicity had such great chemistry they just really played so beautifully off of each other so yeah everyone began as enemies it became friends on the show there's so many cranky asses Brenda some more donations Mary Alice voiceover the money came for the Actors Fund match to is Jenny from California and five dollars cherlene from Florida's $25 Matt from California 150 wil from Vermont hates Juan Carlos from California 255 from Massachusetts 25 I hope I said your name right I'm sorry if I didn't John from California 250 thank you these donations are so big amazing it is amazing so Seth says they did when you began during the show did you know that after being obsessed with um um the house is named Mike right yeah myself you know you know that suddenly become a lesbian was that always part of your subtext I really I really do well we were we have talked about the season that suddenly skipped ahead five years when did you guys find out that's certainly that concept of it's gonna happen that everything was gonna go ahead five years I don't remember I don't remember either but I do remember we had to do a reset for some reason it was like we had so that show had so much pressure to be am as amazing a season one and I remember being on the red carpet at the DVD release of season 2 which was we still want a Golden Globe for it was still a hit show but people kind of criticize season 2 and then this reporter going what do you think about season 2 being being not as good a season 1 and I go oh well I actually IG next season and then I'm gonna go to another important thing I what do you think about season 2 not being as busy and I go oh yeah I actually like season 2 by the third reporter I was in tears and like five-year jump was was kind of Mardin being under that pressure of like I thought a reset I thought yeah I've gotta shake things up and jumping ahead and I was short hair and gained weight and I remember it was like a necessity mm-hmm and also also the kids had all gotten older and I think they wanted to have the kids down five years and that was an opportunity there it was quite brilliant and especially I don't think anyone's character changed as much as he was with the kids I mean gonna show them also real wiping off the media when did you find out how that was gonna happen me yeah their whole season where there was I had gained in life wait and so I was she had a word for where the fat goes he didn't expect it to go and English she I came back in for a fitting for that season season five and she goes she pulled all these clothes based on my normal size and and nothing would zip up by like this much I mean it was it was not like ooh and so she kept going oh okay well just gonna try something else hold on one second you get another dress and she goes okay like she was so glide polite about it so you had you went from like a triple zero to a zero never seen anything we love the comedy here and love this thing hey I'm not a short-order cook I don't have time to make different meals for everyone it comes in a box it's not that hard okay look mommy needs to lose a few pounds and it's not easy eating healthy with you two in front of me scarfing down all the good stuff what do you say you want to help mommy be beautiful again no you got a lot of nerve part of the reason I'm on this diet is because carrying YouTube brats for 18 months made mommy fat and you with the head you ruined me so this is how it's gonna go down you're gonna eat fish with mommy and you're gonna like it got it well the comedy kept going people think I was so funny and it was not me those lines were written by Mark Jerry in the most he gave me the best lines like that one about you know that's a lie we tell poor people I mean all of those I mean sometimes I was like I can't believe this is coming out of my mouth that the rhythm was I was already in the line anybody could have done this role and read the same thing and you would have read the line no no no no it was you it was really good riding it was really good season you had the comedy amped up more when Vanessa Williams joined okay so Vanessa's frozen contemplating what okay good it's always hard to know on this something that Williams you came in and you became the town [ __ ] did you love playing that even seven and eight yeah it was Rene was a piece of work and and when you were talking about mark he not only was he brilliant but you had to do WordPerfect you can Borka and some shows that you can kind of fudge around and get the idea of a line mark was WordPerfect and you made sure that and Linden was the script supervisor make sure that you do stop you do it completely but it was right James has so many hilarious lines you had because you for sure which is so these are three someone just reposted the yes I'm just reposted this scene were even I were talking about how beautiful we both were and what burden it was and don't we understand what it what a pain it is to be beautiful but two nightmares here you are with with Bree van de Kamp I have never seen so many sweater sets are you sure this is a closet and not a portals of the 1950's I was going to do a little clothes shopping later and I was hoping you might join me oh thank god are we burning your clothes before or after we go so what do you say you up for a little stud hunting that's a lovely offer but I think I'm gonna pass oh come on we gotta get back in the game cut loose let our hair down that hair does come down doesn't it alright so we have actual questions from fan and we have one of our superfans yeah yep women superfans I'm gonna move the cam over I mean I'm so happy that you're all here these were emailed to us and Julie tells and What did he say did you take any props from without asking the show oh my god actually I have Dana Delany's chair from her dressing room in my living room right now a red chair I what you never told me that afterwards like that is in the nest [ __ ] um picture that was in my kitchen the last day everybody was taking off with everything and um finally I was like okay I can't stand it I'm gonna go get that picture and um I pulled it down and it was you know 14 dollars from Marshalls and I'm slowly but and in my kitchen and I loved it so I'm so happy but that was the last day remember everything was like it was crazy yes why would I there was nothing I wanted because honestly like I said I was Bree van de Kamp in real life so like I didn't want any of my clothes because it was like Leopard and but I did steal all of Teri Hatcher's sweaters cashmere sweaters I heard you guys may not know but in do you remember in the production office over the couch there was that ten foot sized pinup production uh publicity shot up all new in like different things yeah oh that was good when I walked in the office right before we wrapped and I said well who's going to take that and I asked George Perkins our executive producer and our line producer and he said nobody wants it and I said can I have it ah you guys don't know there's in my house in Oregon in our game room and my husband and I and my son and my family played ping pong and whenever the ping pong ball hits that poster and it hits one of you my husband will go delaney you know it's a ceremony you in different places if so you're in my life all the time we've been asked so you had so many great clothes did you snatch them that's true she was all right we have another question from Gary okay what do you miss most about working together these faces I miss these faces yeah I miss I miss seeing the same people every day I actually have anxiety when I do these you have to meet people and you have to meet the boom guy and you gotta meet the scripts ooh and you got to meet people and then you get a bond within a month and then movies over and like for years we've got to see the same faces the same camera guy the same piays the same Doug boom guy but I mean of course the ladies faces the faces as well but like I just I couldn't I hated when I was off because I missed I missed being on set and I you know Marsha and I have such a strong connection Felicity and I have such a strong connection and and then Brenda and Vanessa and Dana folded in like they were there from day one I don't remember the day that they came because it felt like they were there forever and so we've all created these amazing friendships outside of the show that that are lasting forever and so for me it's it's I miss them like if we could go back and do that this this show right here I would we want it back all right we have more questions after this the work one thing that I missed about is mercs writing was so I compared to Shakespeare because you could be as broad as you want or as small as you want and it would sustain you could be funny you could be serious and it's really rare to find that that combination as an actor and I miss then mark is watching well you know it's perfect even just lost power for a second you want to talk about some of the terrifying villains you had perhaps you remember Oh leave his neck alright Evo we're about to bring on available we can of say sonic speed all right how are we gonna do this I guess y'all for a minute grama take you out for two minutes cuz you didn't interact with this evil person perhaps you remember the meanness of this particularly evil neighbor what was it like for you because you were such a combination of you meant well but you are so evil I was the sweetest one [Laughter] [Music] actually some trivia for you would you remember Felicia oh dear you know what you don't want a flight of stairs for Zak attacked you Zack attack you with a candlestick with a computer or something wasn't it I don't have any hug for scrapping oh yeah anybody remember know the hockey stick yeah [Music] that would have hurt we're gonna show slippy through the network I have more tribute how sweet and warm you are it knives to tip the guard who does your cavity search listen to me you son of a [ __ ] I don't care what I have to do I will see you behind bars again or dead whichever is easier what about that wig entire season and a wig why was I wearing I had like four people's hair on my head you're so welcome by the viewers when you keep on someone said Oh [Music] Harriette we wanted to make Paul look like a murderer oh all means of support more than one I think I cut off these marshes no no I cut off I cut off these because I think I caught my keys with these so yes I cut I cut these two off no tied up what did you have in the drip going into Paul it was what belong right here to me fancy freeze MacGyver of all the house she really knew how to use what was there what was available it was a very peculiar experience to do it because I was never I never got to interact with anybody I was always like lurking in the shadows stirring some batch of brownies opening mayonnaise jaws with malice you know I was always looking through windows so I never interacted with anybody sometimes Nicolette and I had something to do and then I when I was trying to kill Terry 1:5 you know we had we had a few scenes together was most the time I was just sort of removed and off on my own so I can't imagine why people thought I was because you know I really was to help me out with that and she was amazing so she want to do all to know she misses you Oh Jana we have a little clip of you work it kind of was really groundbreaking that you were a lesbian on the show cos you were the only lesbian I think on the whole show ever right I don't know I'm not I think did you get any fan mail and how did it what was the effects of you playing that role oh it was very popular very day and a lot were very angry that I didn't come back in the final episode and I understand wasn't gay you know like that but that was a little problematic but she was successful instead of being gay I don't know why she made a choice well yeah being a kind of a secret I won't that's not it next Demi Lovato's is it really the audience this scene I was talking to Karen's doctor you made quite the impression on him me yeah he begged me to introduce you didn't do mind why would I really roommates I had this little Kyle doll that I was gonna have with me and I thought it men on the show I was just with Jesse Metcalfe the other day we were we were hanging out the other day and so Jesse and Ricard I love the men away we had great men in our show yes yeah we yeah we're gonna see what you remember he spent like the long two hours before we went on the air trying to stump you ladies with these tribulations I'm just warning you now guys all right Vanessa Williams frozen or listening can't tell listening intently remember your address of a stealing my address yes ma'am but I don't remember the address it was four three five six get it together replace your dead daughter do you remember where you adopt meet your new daughter from oh it was an Eastern Bloc country like Slovakia or something Czechoslovakia heart surgeon art Oh Oh Romania very good yes what about 300 do you remember your maiden name is Bree Mason ringabel banned from the funeral play by um yes early night do you member when her first name was I knew I loved Shirley Knight she's just yes I miss her I'd like to see Mary Glen she just she's just she was just fantastic um but I don't her first name yeah here try one of us Phyllis but I appreciate the moisted know Phyllis yes Phyllis Phyllis jus little too late when you were faking being pregnant what happened at that barbecue that kind of gave it away all right ah there you are remember your address god no no I don't mind it yes oh my god boys now minute that's impressive there was a publicity photo used forever anything the address was right behind my head and the mine was like it looked like a Mickey Mouse ears so that's all okay so Carlos proposed to you very quickly to our house soon he proposed you after how many dates three yes how about I go back to the freeze-frame most important thing is she looks beautiful coming in again listen is this gonna work she's a determined woman I have a Mary Alice Oh what exactly did the blackmail note say I know what you did and I'm going to tell very good no no Clark please I know sister - yeah - Harriet so I killed her sister or actually oh no you're a husband Paul killed her sister boiler alert logging up okay hold on add many more questions so um do you remember you know since Mary Alice wasn't your real name do you remember your actual real name oh yes Oh God what was it Marsha do you remember when she was the nurse let me see if it in the fans do hold on any fans remember her real name it makes me sick what was Mary Alice's real name when she nervous one two three Angela that's right Angela Forrest reading it but excellent you remember this when that nice handyman wanted to fix something an obscenity need him to but then you notice something on him and you said you know what I might need your services what did you notice that made you decide to ask him for help so you came yeah you you wanted to pay him because you saw something you look down his hammer he had you see a hole in his shoe we shoot that's right because he had a hole in his shoes I wanted to paint him so that he could support his family and by that correct it was very kind of you I back to Bree van de Kamp hmm and then after this I sent you Brenda I think some more donations that are gonna continue yes um remember you didn't want to Orson to inherit or divorce your expensive things so what did you do to prevent him from getting your nice stuff you did it with your lawyer I don't know okay fans hold on fans what did she do in order so that or someone to get his stuff there we go one today they know this show me there it is it as well as this vitamin storage because you you faked a burglary I lent you donation Gregor did you get them yes I did so uh batch three Hillary from New York $50 Alex from California $100 marshalene from Quebec Canada 255 and Marco that Canada was one of the donors for my film that I directed so Thank You Marcia defin for Massachusetts $50 Oklahoma $100 Abby from Pennsylvania $75 falinda what a fabulous name from Rhode Island 100% connection she was on the show she was really good no we'll bring her back so we have more before we go well this this next clip is is the intervention theme that's good yeah I think it's game it's number ten would be this one right here dr. sweetie why are you behaving like this I know are you talking about it's not like we can't see what's going on we know you're drinking again Oh what about all these men we know about that too Wow can't hide anything from you girls huh did you also know I tried to kill myself what oh my god hi that little nugget of information slip past my nearest and dearest friends if this is a joke it's not funny it's not a joke I checked into a motel room with nothing but a bottle and a gun and you're wrong Susan it is funny funny that the women standing here before me professing to be my supportive friends are the reasons I was in that motel room I stopped no don't give me this friends nonsense all I ever was to you was the organizer the problem solver a leader are you needed one it's so beautiful we want to show one more dramatic scene you see because I know everyone has to go to eat especially with the little baby so what is this movie wrong after you've been trying to have the baby are you Indian you at the adoption scene I don't want to give it away but it's one of the things that I think we love about the show and all the fans said it has the comedy it's real too it's out landish at times but and these some of these story lines like Felicity's cancer storyline and Marcia's the drain alcoholism and even with the storm that you're out to sea so this really has happen and I think you played so beautifully I know this is my third time to see it I've already cried twice seeing it your acting is amazing and it is it all line reading Siva yeah nice try yeah nice guy until the adoption is legally finalized the birth mother can still change your mind she has no no no you you don't even want to be a mother look Frank quit using and he got a good job down at the plant he's really stepped up so well so we're gonna give the whole family thing a shot well I'll totally give you all your money back I don't want my money back I want my baby come on let's go Carlos no fellas what's happening no no no ma'am you don't understand you don't understand this is our babies no we've been we've been feeding her and we've been bathing her and we wake up in the middle of night and we rock her which is crazy cuz if you knew me I don't do that don't do that and my husband my husband he sings to her so you can't take her away it's too late we've already fallen in love with her [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh was that before you were mom oh yeah yeah and I remember having trouble with that scene I'm not a crier I can't cry ever since I had a baby oh god how do I do the scene when I grab this from and the words helped that bad line we've already fallen in love with her just tore my heart into every time I had to say it every take every day I was like a mess just for that line we keep it up we have a question from a fan that jou throws are you saying yes no I'm here and would you want to go back go back to Wisteria Lane yes and Marsha will everyone else says yes no he'd come to a real finish with it and so I really that's why I say that it's really about maybe you know it's like right right which we'll see and is it mark writing a Broadway show he's doing a lot of things mark here isn't isn't he writing a Broadway show mark I don't know if he doesn't emailed me [Laughter] you want to wrap up this is like a this last scene yeah it's just a really fun thing lighten it a little bit for Lionel Oh how you guys work so well together hey so what do we know about the new guy definitely rich check out the car definitely single check out the fish rich and single wonder what he looks like he rarely got the trifecta what's your guess wonky eye rabbit teeth comb over one normal eyebrow one really big one baby hands I had it all on one guy did not end well well I actually saw our new neighbor this morning 6 1 190 he was wearing this great-looking pair of jeans and let me just say I can tell you one thing that isn't one key oh come on I'm married a my dad still imagine all the dirty things I'd do to it so many men one greedy Kyle is it boy I had a lot of men but anyway Vanessa when I'm getting married to him right we can't thank you all enough for joining us so lovely all right well we think this is gonna go on for a little more clouds maybe we'll have a second one boom credits credits all right reduce the credits and we'll just wave goodbye one more time baby and nation [Music]
Channel: Entertainment Community Fund
Views: 145,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fvX2YXoSjz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 45sec (4845 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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