Starr Drop Battle - Rarest Brawler Pull WINS! 🤩 (insane luck)

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so a while ago brawl star gave everybody in the game 100 free star drops and myself OJ and Eric had a ton of accounts that all had the star drops so us three decided to do a massive three-part star drop battle across our channels to see who is the most lucky opener in Brawl Stars I think I got a good shot the rules are pretty simple every drop that's considered rare has a point value like legendary Brawlers are worth a ton cuz they're so freaking rare to pull and then like rare super rare common Skins are worth not a lot because you get a lot of them and even the good drops himself have points but whoever has the most points at the end is the most lucky and ultimate winner all right everyone start with your brawl pass drops let's go my first one in my video I got the legendary start drop first you ain't getting that lucky today sir and basically we're opening 336 on one account right now drop so I got accounts that's a lot of drops you got Rosa starting off with the one point guys oh my gosh my D actually leading with Ros what did you get from an epic but that's stupid eat my dust okay we're going with the threes now this is where the money made th that's one I can't have this slow start last time I started so strong in OJ's video come on oh no I thought that Mythic was going to be something oh oh what oh skin okay twoo lead onto the fives it's not that dude it's early it's early okay last time in my video we all came back real hard oh I got the oh Goblin Carl skin I think that's one point yeah I'm on the board though now we're under the big boy the 100 drops I hope hope that I get a legendary really early dude I feel like so you got the legendary right away I did on the very first poll in my video what the heck oh okay starting off strong for youz holy crap smelling Amber imagine a legendary pole what is that I don't know trash Panda Penny that's a epic skin that's to all right that's a bra pass one I'll take it is that a first epic skin pull well you're off to a strong start my goodness man 300 more to go and freaking arok has eight points already that was the weirdest skin I've ever pulled normally it's just 900 more to go so these points mean nothing okay Eric we're catching up to you right now you guys just sound jealous I am oh I got Mythic just a Mythic at least I'm ahead of seconds you're ahead of what smoke too soon no oh hyper charge hper charg is solid yeah a seven point drop right there caught up real quick juice hey I pull a barley skin golden barley I'll take that point last time Ben was in the lead by 20 points then we caught up and we don't talk about the rest myth it's it's going to happen again I'm going to get a big lead cuz I got some bow skin wo whoo woo we got Mythic we got we got bow I got a bowl from like a epic let's go Mythic brawler ooh gget one point for a gadget Mythic chance for legendary n just Mythic but points a Mythic brawler can be real dangerous for Five Points legendary again no he's front he's just front loading he's just front loading that's it that's not how probability works I it is still a 2% chance to legendary drop every single time yes let's go I'm still I'm still winning but I want to get my legendary now no way well I got some SK rare actually CT okay all right take that one point you need it ah oh Mythic and I got M oh let's go that's not bad that's not bad yeah one plus three yeah that's pretty good oh actually we came for the lead W wait what's going on I have Chester on this account and I am still in the lead with this legendary pull right here that you haven't even pulled yet oh that's a that's a clown Sam what is dark clown s oh that's a good one that's only a super rare that's such a good skin so that's one point really I don't like that skin are you scared of clowns OJ I saw spinning and I thought it was game over for you guys Mythic you got myth all right Ben still in the lead come on Mythic brawler dude this is a tight erase right now Mythic okay okay okay okay hope it's a pin give him give him a pin a common pin I don't need no pins that's stupid wait is that Nita need bear okay panda panda panda Mythic I one up your pandita and raise you in no no no they're both worth one they're both worth one oh I got a player icon guys we're not counting player icons cuz they suck and the only thing we're counting like cosmetic wise is literally an epic pin because they're so hard to pull you're more likely to pull a Mythic brawler then you are an epic pin isn't that weird and then plus look at this common pin no one uses these why would you use a common pin when you can use the thumbs down ex the clown pin that's free oh okay get nothing please climbing around climbing what is this epic oh about epic pin and you pull it it's one point but it's still rare it feels good it feels good all of a sudden only you haven't pulled one Ben I know the Epic 1,000 drops and we all pulled one Epic that's how rare they are we' pulled so many Mythic Brawlers but only one Epic pin F game super they're almost as rare as a legendary brawler it feels like they almost are statistically o got the tight race I don't need 200 power points that's stupid I'm going to I'm going to rage pull now myth come Rockstar Colt legendary oh y oh you go your legendary first I just got a Mythic maybe legendary ah I'll take it hyper charge still pretty good so you still are in the lead can this put me back up there I just need to pull a legendary bra give me that 15 points the win condition here if you did that on all three videos I'm going to be upset you have a win condition the legendary the legendary kind of is a win condition I will say I haven't been getting Legendary Drops here oh double myth boys I'm ahead now Ben o you talk too much trash that's how it works dark bunny Penny that's F dark bunny penny is trash it's only worth One Taste down there OJ what do you mean down there relax buddy it's one point he's legendary now oh no I'm out wao you went fast I can still catch up to you Mythic who cares who cares OJ jeez you guys are getting everything on the end of this no I just got four points all right you ready for this you got nothing Primo skin aomo how do you you guys open so freaking slow see these drops bin oh oh I'm out next account 672 star drops after this account W already we still have two more accounts after this some of us that can are going to collect the brawl pass I just got this one and it's NADA go ahead OJ you get nothing oh a skin what oh no dude holy you just I'm luck I'm still my dude I need some legendary drops Legend man popping Legends like they're nothing Ben was 15 oh God unicorn barley okay that's still that's still using your legendary look very good though I'll be honest that's the longest stretch of us no one get nothing oh I lied we got we got another Mythic can I get a legendary please at least give me a Mythic brawler Edgar thank you I'll take those three points three yeah that's not bad hey boys oh my God hey boys how many has that been you're crazy oh summer Jessie not bad summer Jessie puts him in the lead at 38 but we have comeback mechanics Ben you pulled the legendary on my video and you got gained 19 points a legendary is going to set you into first place and we still have like 600 star drops I did I need to pull a legendary drop there we go oh my God first legendary for this entire video this can change it been a while come on let's go oh my God can't even pull legendaries in over 6,900 drops said you we could have came back and I'm kind of salty you came back I pulled 7,000 drops didn't get a single legendary Ben pulls 800 drops in the last hour gets two legendaries between my video and this video I pulled five legendary star drops got nothing you caught up dude my lead was so strong legendary how's the field on there okay I I'm you know I'm not that far down relax relax we just got Sprout okay spru that's actually a really solid pull you're at 45 points you're not that far ahead relax pal ah power points I needed that I needed that big one I'm just going to stay on the screen for a little bit longer you know maybe I'll screen shot it mhm that's the rarest thing you pull all day I'm tied I'm tied oh damn I was like who you Mythic oh Gadget that's two Mythic goodbye OJ enjoy last place keep them down there yeah keep them down there okay that's all we got to say oh see I was just waiting for my legendaries OJ I don't care about your probabilities it's a feel thing you don't get any in the start you're probably going to get them in the back end let's go okay okay will watch is that one point Mythic I'll it oh is that oh barley skin all right o j it's not looking great for you sir wait it's what it's not looking what oh my god there you just tied like down down where this is going to be my legendary hyper charge is I'll take it three you're still down there no I'm not arck's down there still down there my lad freaking pulls a legendary as e balloons up to the stratosphere and we get another one let's go Mythic a bit what the Rick how didd you get an eight bit as well a legendary start drop is worth four and then a Mythic brawler from that pole would be worth five so you get nine me and AR just need one Mythic pull and we're good Mythic you're not level legendar I already got he got bling from there trash Mythic red wizard red wizard barley you guys are inching up but I got a Mythic oh surge pin the swag coming in oh I got a B nope nope nope the pin doesn't count I got a the ball does count though so we got that one point come on oh I'll take a Boy Scout Gus or just yeah that's one right I'll take it Mythic what stop it Ben stop just chill stop pause Ben stop come on pick a gadget that's a point right there all I'm saying is I'm going to draw with you did you get another Mythic are you joking wow he's dancing he's dancing now ah just the power points that's that's still a good swing of points right there that's what we get for dancing trash hey I legendary what mythics legendary stop bro a legendary I did finish first again a good another Mythic oh my what the can it yes backloaded backloaded dude I'll take the one point I'll take it account number three and I still have the lead mores bring Doom that was credits don't you lie to me that was credits yeah no no I totally pull it I toally it no it wasn't that was credits you got a myth though see that are you guys on your three drops no on my bra pass just got my three all right let's go my first one is a Mythic okay all right OJ if I get a Mythic brawler that's going to tie me I'm so far behind no and I got a Mythic you don't need anymore you're already good enough legendary ah Mythic really hey and the Carl skin that's a big two points right there with the Mythic drop and him let's go that's a good skin okay well I'm going to I'm going to start rage pulling and a legendary I don't Jing just chill man going to stay at 69 points forever now oh caveman Frank okay that's a good skin Mythic I don't want the Fred fling Stone skin if you pull a a Mythic gold barley barley let's go and I'll take this neita Panda neita that's a point you have 38 Columns of points and I have 28 points holy crap the luck is unmatched not 72 but 75 points find a hyper charge that's three let's go I got a Mythic so last time Ben reverse sweeped us with an with a legendary if I pull Mythic here Ben's still going sorry I knew I knew OJ was going to get nothing I don't want to hear his talk oh Mythic yeah the pauses kill the RNG totally that's a good five all right so you got 60 from that Mythic take another point please jeez see the comeback is initi get another you two mythics in a row oh that's actually dirty that's a good good luck right there still you're 12 points behind it can turn in an instant you can catch up so fast unless you're OJ cuz OJ is the fact that I haven't pulled any legendary Brawlers out of 7,000 drops means that I'm pulling them all right now the odds are in my favorite I just got a Mythic I got Mythic too I'm matching you all right I'm going to go first then wait you already got you already pulled it I I clicked boys o okay you guys are getting some points I mean please oh what is it gummy bear n g koala koala ER you have caught up basically only eight points behind so many legendaries but all garbage Mythic Ben stop stop you're getting coins you're getting coins I'm going to pull a no no you already pulled all the good stuff you're getting coins buddy you've been going so fast too I'm going slow this time you guys you guys are dinosaurs opening OJ's dying it's nothing ah rud myth all right one point for pocos wait wait wait you got one iic and got pear let's go yo that's a good one like I'm on fire right now guys yeah your all your luck is over cuz we we still have 150 more each you're going to pull nothing from now on Ben you already your luck saw front ended this is this is too free you know you know how you know pearls like oven bar increases when you don't shoot in over time ready that's my oven bar just going up you ready Ben I'm ready to see you get coins a okay or seven that's a seven that's a big swing though though but this be legendary drop I'm catching oh that's Mythic with a penny two points dang one and 82 points okay he's going to swing back my cookie bar my my oven bar my heat bar is just going up okay like to just crack 100 barley from an epic sure you know you know how in like Mario Kart the comeback swing oh with the blue shell and everything the whip The Comeback mechanics that's how there it feels like there are in this it does it's like you get the lightning for the blue shell oh I finished first what yeah see I've been slowing down this time sir trying to tell me I'm open them all the time and I just got oh that's a Sandy skin I was I was about to say how did you recognize that as a Sandy skin cuz it wasn't a legendary drw cuz I got trolled by this in my opening video so I knew you yeah cuz it wasn't a legendary Mythic though what and give me a Jackie oh Constructor Jackie that skin sucks oh oh no no way you're at 92 all you guys can do is just watch on this third C cuz we still have one more and it's going to be legendary oh imagine how do you have okay the last account the last account it's looking good for me not two legendary PS it is not looking good for you bro what do you mean Daryl right off the bat that is not from a star drop you're chear I am not cheating I never said it was from a star drop you're cheating by trying to falsify you were insinuating it was from a star drop you're like look I never said it was look at me red wizard barley okay I don't want any more points just for the record and I'll take that Nita Panda that's a point how strong is my luck leg I got you need it bro OJ go first I want to see what I'm up against here if you pull a legendary I'll get a little slightly nervous I'm at 73 if I get a legendary put you right back in it oh just a need Panda koala now for my Mythic Mythic I got a gadget that's a point legendary drop is four legendary brawler is 15 that's 15 that's 19 points that's going to make me at 93 and then I'm going to pull a Mythic and beat you Ben the last 100 let's see let's go no no no no you already pulled your legendary for this video you your luck is gone pal you're literally going to lose after Legendary my heat bar is full Pearl see oh oh we have legendary Let's Go full heat bar it's going to be oven cookies it's going to be a leon pole no oh the Sam skin that you love OJ how's it how's it feel down there guys what do you mean down I am up a lot Mythic oh player I bring 100 this doesn't make sense I broke a mirror when I was 8 years old that was more than 7 years ago I actually broke it when I was eight and I cried cuz I thought I was my life was over how did Ben get 20 points ahead of me again cuz I'm I'm just better I'm just better I'm just better with the luck weit 1001 with a Mythic a just coins that's what I thought Ben oh but I'm just better with another Mythic shut the front door oh just coins though again oh man I was dry for a while okay you're still dry you're still dry what are you talking about you're still dry Mythic [Music] scraps oh you guys are getting nothing oh oh speak of the devil that's a good catch up right there if you get something good oh oh come on oh touch d bow oh all right Mythic dude OJ you're just down Bad Man legend to Mythic bye OJ oh that's a Gus Gus Gus okay take all my luck pull a legendary and beat Ben he doesn't deserve this she's trash bro I don't think you have any luck to give me I offer you something you K me down even just stay away from me there going to be nothing it's just going to be coins we know you're not lucky no no that's three a little points I will say I haven't gotten anything really on this account that's not worthy okay never mind I got Mythic come on is dangerous ah you still have a chance all right get oh oh my oh Ben you're Mythic don't top my legendary here I'll show you what you're up against I'll go first to you all right a just coins okay if this is a Mythic brawler then it equals equalize come on no it's bling bling we're freezing for a second bro what the freak it's going to be Leo okay man Frank again even if you don't pull anything on legendary drops that's so swingy oh I tapped it once turn Legendary Legendary turn okay Larry that's points for you okay guys you have a chance I am out of drops so you have to get something here oh we get okay if you pull a legendary wait wait wait wait wait if you get a legendary you're going to tie with Ben that's tying me oh my just the Primo skin let's go OJ I'm I'm still waiting to see you get your double legendary pull that you're claiming I've already won Mythic there's it that's the 100 that's the start dude legendary pull for you and you win a construction jacket point if he gets two Mythic Brawlers he's going to beat you what's more realistic legendary or two mythics two mythics two mythics 5% all right there it is there it is this is a Mythic here start sweating Ben okay every drop counts I'm just still kind of OJ's at 80 something you're too fast I know my mom says that the number 88 is super lucky so I'm actually the luckiest in this room right now oh and you're done I finished with 88 points I'm the luckiest he had to make his own win condition to make himself feel better just watch he's going to cry about how he pulled an epic pin no no no no no no 88 is the luckiest I literally won this video a I already won I am the ultimate winner these fools can't even pull a legendary brawler check out OJ's video check out Eric's video you'll see how lucky I might be
Channel: BenTimm1
Views: 765,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawl stars, brawl stars ios, brawl stars android, brawl stars global, global release brawl stars, bentim, bentimm1, starr drop, star drop opening, star drop battle, starr drop brattle, legendary pull
Id: iHNlOxsea0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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