Starlock Multi-Tool Adapters. Run Cheap Blades on your Starlock Oscillating Multi-Tool.

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foreign boys and girls today we are taking a look at multi-tools once again so the two omts we have on the bench today are the Makita DTM 52 in the states that would be the xmt-04 and we have the Bosch the GOP 18v-28 these are both 18 volt Cordless oscillating multi-tools but these two tools by themselves aren't really the main purpose of this particular video when I did my video on this tool up against the previous two Makita multi-tools there was a lot of interest but some of you have a problem with this tool and this tool because they use the star lock blades and a lot of people do not like the starlock blades and it's not because the blades aren't good the problem is a lot of you find them too expensive and so you want to be able to run your old school blades on these starlock tools so that's what we're going to look at today converting these into running ois blades the original sort of multi-tool blades that have the holes in them such as these sort of holes like this now this blade also has the cutout which sort of gets called the DeWalt sort of Blade because the DeWalt ones you slot in the front and you have pins on the tools that hold the blades in place with these holes now there's no pins in this tool or this tool because they run on starlock blades non-star lock blades are very thin as you can see whereas Starlight ones are sort of three-dimensional look at that thin thick you've got that extra depth there that goes inside the tool to give it extra grip to stop it from damaging your tool and just shaking around and vibrating in ways that it shouldn't be because if these get a bit wobbly on it then it will Shear off the pins that hold it in place and ruin your tool whereas the style lock grips the blade on the outside there with the shape on the tool and that stops any damage hopefully to the tool it gives you a far secure fit so you can push harder you can use longer blades that sort of thing but if you don't want to use those blades if you've got tons of these old ones but you want the comfort and the lower vibration of one of these newer multi-tools then this video focus is for you now you no doubt notice the paid promotion banner up in the top left when you started this video that's not because I'm about to tell you about nordvpn or hello fresh or anything like that it's because somebody sent me some adapters for these and I'm going to show you them and that company that sent them is the Oslo Tool company which most of you will be able to work out where that is but if not they are based of course in Norway now they have sent me some adapters to show you guys how to turn these tools into ois blade running machines so as you can see on here we've got the pins that are missing from starlock tools so once we put this into here hey you can run all your old blades so this makes this tool not only a star lock tool but basically makes it able to use just about any multi-tool blades around but not only do the Oslo Tool Company make adapters for these tools they also make blades for them as well so once you've put your adapter in you can chuck on some of their blades if you wish because they do multi-tool blades reciprocating saw blades circular blades when I say do jigsaw blades I've got some jigsaw blades over there we'll might take a look at later and yeah so take a look at their website the links will be down in the description they have a Norwegian website and an international website but let's take a closer look at the first of the adapters because I'm sure you a lot of you are aware that this adapter is not going to fit on the Bosch but we'll start with the Makita because I think more of you are going to want to see that I'm going to assume that most of you watching are familiar with this tool and that's why you're watching this video in the first place this tool takes starlock starlock plus and starlock Max whereas this one I do believe only takes starlock and starlock plus so with starlock Max there is less of these holes and stuff in the blade so the blades are stronger so basically it just has a slot through the middle and a circle where you can put your pin through that means you can make these longer get a bit more swing on them then the longer a reciprocating sorry the longer an oscillating tool blade is the more it's going to move at the tip if the Blade's that length you're only getting a very tiny vibration down here so it's not going to cut much the longer this is the wider your Arc is and so you are likely aware that to use this tool you have to remove this pin put your star lock blade in poke the pin back in and then lock the tool in place with the lever all good and well basically you do the same thing with the adapter take that out in you don't need the original Makita pin because as you can see the adapter has the pin attached poke the whole adapter in locks in place there nicely bam done that is well good and solid now basically looks like it's part of the machine then you can undo the bolt and remove the washer put on your Blade with the holes for the pins like so washer and put your screw back in bolt back in and you are ready to go and so if you've got hundreds of these blades like so many of you said you did when you watch this the video I did on this multi-tool then you now are back in action if you're one of these people that likes buying El Cheapo blades off AliExpress or something you can now use them on the Makita starlock tool simple as that so when you want to change blades instead of using the lever to remove the whole thing you can just use an allen key to take the bolt out I mean that is a little bit old school of course having to put a bolt or screw in but hey kind of everything right now because effectively you have turned your OAS blade into a starlock blade you don't need to undo this every time you want to change the angle you can just lift it out turn it lift it up turn it lift it up turn it and just lock it in place obviously and that way you don't have to undo this every time you can just stick it on whatever angle you want and lock it in position pretty good system will it fit the other way it does that's good that means we can get into some different positions if need be able to come forward further rather than having the blade down that way so you've got the two options there with these Starlight ones for instance it's dead straight or nothing this one I can offset it as you can see this is an Oslo Tool Company blade as well they sent me a few blades so that we can have a play with those see how they go because you've got the circle all the way around of pins that means you can put your blade on pretty much any angle you want so it could be outside like that I tend to lock them in that position when I want to leave them on the tool that way it's not in a dangerous position and it's not going to get bent or anything like that they just sit nicely up against the tool so you don't lose any of the angles or anything that you had with the star lock it's just as good as the star lock in that regard for getting into different angles so after I made my video on this tool a lot of people said is there adapter we need an adapter I want the adapter so I can use my old blades well there you go now Oslo Tool company have been making these I do believe since 2019 they were the first company to make one of these adapters for a star lock tool to be converted and it's a nice looking well made unit and the link of course like I said is in the description so we'll now take a look at the Bosch one and then we'll sort of put them up against each other have a bit of a bit of a cut or something but that ain't gonna fit in the Bosch so where is the Bosch adapter well here it is comes in a cute little box first let's look at the tool and see why we need a different adapter it's very different to the Makita one Makita went with a totally different system which does allow them to do the full range like I said earlier stylax dialog plus starlock Max this one you can't get the starlock max blades on there because this is too big to fit through in the groove have I got a Starlet Max blade here to show you let me take a look here is the design of the star lock and this is a starlock plus it doesn't have all the pins in it this would never work on one of these adapters that I'm showing you so you can't put this at all on any multi-tool apart from a star lock plus one see it won't fit on the old style because it doesn't have those holes for the pins and the starlock Max has even less here so it won't fit on this Bosch tool but this dialog plus one should click on like so so as you see that's an automatic thing just clicks bang locks in place good and solid when you want to remove it lever like the Makita and off it drops and it stays in that sort of locked shut position again ready for you to put on your next blade push it down bang nice and quick and simple which is why a lot of guys like starlock they lock in place tightly and it's quick and easy but once again what if you've got a whole lot of old blades or you need a blade that you can't find in starlock or it's too expensive in starlock and you want to try one of the old OAS blades oh they don't fit let's open up this one I've used the Makita one but I haven't used this one yet so let's take a look at this one oh nice little box look at that eh that's nicely packaged now when you push a blade onto the Bosch tool these two pins open up as you see to hold the tool in place so they're going to have to go inside the adapter here is the adapter and it looks like it's sort of one unit yet they've managed to have that all Hollow under there so that those teeth can pop inside and grip this adapter and lock it in place and then you screw on your blade just like the Makita one I showed you can feel it's magnetic it's trying to pull itself on click we are done we are locked in place now let's remove our bolt here this is a magnetic washer unlike the Makita one I just showed you so that sort of automatically just helps lock your blade in place so that's good so you can ping that off stick on our blade that'll help hold the blade on with those magnets too presumably these are holes there we go yeah that's holding it in place lightly then we put our washer in place and our screw up and we are ready to go with that tool so they're pretty simple now if you've got the two different styles of blades the OAS ones with the pins and starlock blades and you're using a couple of different ones at the same time you can leave one like this attached to the adapter and every time you want to change you just drop the whole adapter off with the blade checking the stylock one do you cut chicka chicka chicka chicka chicka and then take that off you might have say a sanding attachment on this you just clip it back on do your sanding and then oh bro I gotta do another cup off it goes again back on with the old Cuddy styling blade so there we go that's quite useful if um because there's a lot of sanding attachments that still have the old system so that'll be quite good speaking of sanding actually I saw on the website I'll um take a shot of it on the screen now Oslo Tool Company you have this cool adapter so that you can use a circular sanding pads like you would use on your random orbital sander so it's a 110 diameter pad with velcro on it so you can use that for four and a half or five inch 125 millimeter sanding pads and that would be quite handy I'd be interested to see how good that worked with one of these vibrating away like that instead of spinning um might have to try one of those one day but I don't have one for now I do have a different sanding attachment actually that I was going to use when I made this video but I forgot all about it when I made the video for this tool so I'll just go grab that and show it to you this is an attachment from Bosch which take a look it has the star lock attachment but also has the pins there so you can put it on either way and it's for sanding curved surfaces click it in that's it plug it in thank you and now it's a bit odd looking than that because there's nothing here but that's because when you put the paper on foreign you put it on one side first and then you can leave it a little bit loose put it on the other side and now look we can sand a curved surface and I've got some things I need to use this for now I've had it kicking around for ages and haven't used it but I do actually have a use for it at the moment so I will use it shortly in this video hopefully so yeah that's starlock so it will fit on there or it will fit on one of these adapters as well it's pretty rough [Applause] [Music] I was all prepared to say that you might as well just do it by hand if you because there's not much good that's what I assumed was gonna happen but turns out that was pretty quick and effective actually yeah that's stupid [Music] with minimal effort that removes stuff pretty damn fast I will be using that to smooth off all these boards very good Link in the description and it does say it's compatible with All Star Plus starlock Max and the old ois systems now anyway enough yakking let's go cut something eh actually before we go and cut anything I better just tell you a bit more about the two tools we're going to be using eh drop that out of there and we'll have a look at the Makita and the Bosch next to each other right if we do look at them directly next to each other you'll see the Bosch is much Slimmer the nose on this thing much better for getting into tight spaces the Makita is a fatty it is one of the things that people don't like about this tool is that it is so bulbous on the end but it is comfortable to use it has a nice grip and it has low vibration and sound compared to Mini multi-tools so what about the Bosch well I'm not familiar with this tool yet but holding it in the hand nowhere near as comfortable as the Makita the Makita is much narrower in the grip area than the Bosch and it's rounded much nicer and as you can see my finger and thumb touch each other quite easily holding the tool it's a good comfortable size it's perhaps a little short in this area for blokes with big mitts but for me yeah it works pretty perfectly this one however it you can't look at that that's much wider can't get my fingers anywhere near closed and from the top very uncomfortable to hold it's actually way more comfortable to me anyway fits better in the hand on the angle on the side there like that rather than holding it from the top so that's a that's a bit annoying I mean that's straight off the bat that's just uncomfortable compared to what I'm used to with this one that just feels so much better and your hand is right above the trigger as well the Makita the trigger is up the front it's in a natural place for your thumb when you're using it like that just slide up bang flick it on and off whereas this one if you're holding it like that you've got to sort of put it in a weird place to you know your hands over it so you've got to juggle it around to flicker on and off put your hand back up while it's running rather than this is just bang bang right in the in the logical place to me of where it should be both tools have a maximum oscillation of 20 000 per minute the Bosch starts at 8 000 and the Makita starts at ten thousand so they're both variable speed with a dial on the back on the top of the Makita going from one to six and on the Bosch on the side at the back also going from one to six now the dial on the Makita feels quite nice it's smooth and feels high quality whereas this one on the Bosch is a very cheap feeling piece of plastic and you can feel everything graduation as you wind it along and it just yeah it just doesn't feel very nice both of them feel fairly solid tools there's a little bit of vibration dampening for the battery here on the Bosch same with the Makita you've got this sort of whole area here where the battery Clips onto that is suspended sort of from the tool just to give a bit of vibration dampening to not damage your contacts on your battery and keep those contacts in contact now one of the most important things when it comes to multi-tools that a lot of people aren't aware of doesn't matter really about the oscillation speed if your oscillation Arc is too small so this one has an oscillation Arc of a 2.8 degrees so basically your blade will go 1.4 degrees to the left and then 1.4 degrees to the Right add those together you get 2.8 degrees of cut now that's not a huge number the Makita 0.8 of a degree more which doesn't sound like a lot but trust me it does add up when you're using multi-tools that have low oscillation the cut speed drops dramatically so the arc on the Makita is 1.8 to the left and 1.8 to the right so you get that 0.4 degree of an arc more each side and that means you're getting much more cutting per stroke and the Milwaukee ones cut at I think it's over four degrees of Arc it might be 4.2 can't remember I'd have to go back and watch one of my videos so bear that in mind when you buy one of these tools tools like this one and the DeWalt have very low Arc angles and therefore they don't cut anywhere near as fast and they can even feel a bit more vibrating because of that but we'll find out whether this feels more vibrating than this and just how loud they are and stuff in just one moment what else do I need to tell you before we do that well this one is made in China and this one is made in Hungary if those two facts are important to you and now I'm going to do some Cuts with some star lock blades with then with the adapter and some non-star lock blades see if there's any difference in vibration or anything see of the adapters cause any issues or whether everything is good and hunky-dory it was at this point in the video making process that I realized I was not well I'd been coughing and spluttering I stopped filming I started editing the video and realized how dull I sounded and then the next morning I tested positive for covert that was two weeks ago I'm still not right in my voice and I keep coughing a lot so bear with me I will of course edit out all the coughs and splutters and sneezes and what have you but yeah I might sound a little bit off for the rest of this video so I'll go find something to cut foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] go back and watch that test again you'll notice that this basically sounds the same through all that cutting whether it's cutting or not cutting it sounds pretty much the same whereas the Makita very quiet when it's not actually doing the cutting and the Makita was much quicker as you can see if we put them next to each other like this [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] and so the Makita was much faster because it has that larger Arc that larger angle of cut but that does cause other problems because it was much easier to keep this straight because with that size blade and the size of the Timber I was using it can easily get out of whack if you've got a blade that was much wider like foreign this for instance and you're cutting a piece of wood that big the Blade's gonna always be cutting your Timber when you've got a narrower cutting area and you're cutting a large bit of wood it's much harder to keep it in the right position and when they're basically the same size you can easily go off track as you'll see here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that's down to the Makita having that bigger Arc of cut and so the blade sometimes goes past the edge of the piece of wood and then deflects you off in an odd angle whereas that didn't happen as much with the Bosch because it's not vibrating as far that Arc is much smaller so that leads me to this tool manufacturers how about not only a variable speed oscillating multi-tool but a variable oscillation so that we can change this so that it's not always going All or Nothing depending on which one you buy because the Milwaukee ones cut super quick but their new and error is good for precision stuff like these ones are so if you could dial them down if you could have this going from like one degree up to five degrees then that would be awesome how about somebody comes up with one of those that would be a very good Improvement to multi-tools why didn't somebody tell me how long this video was getting um I better wrap this thing up it's just you're all going to be falling asleep so I might just go and cut some Nails eh and then we'll wrap this thing up [Music] yeah so the adapters work great they do what they say on the box it turns this from a star lock into a universal or OAS capable tool so if you're interested in some of the Oslo Tool Company blades and adapters take a look down there they do sort of deals where you buy the adapter and you can get some blades and stuff at the same time if you want to try out their blades otherwise you can of course use just about any Blade with these adapters that is the purpose of them now as for which tool is the best well the Makita in my opinion much better far less vibration far better balance tool this is way too back heavy with an 8 Amp Hour battery on it with a four not so bad but nowhere near as comfortable to hold in the hand more vibration takes longer to cut so you get more vibration from that you know because you're doing everything longer than you are with the Makita so the Makita overall a much quieter quicker more comfortable tool than the Bosch so I don't really need this Bosch do I um I think I might give it away who wants a Bosch GOP 18 volt 28 brushless oscillating multi-tool that is starlock and ois compatible I will of course include the adapter so you get the whole unit able to run just about any blade you please I will give that away over on my patreon channel so if you're not familiar with that take a look down in the description up here there'll be links to patreon a few bucks a month you get the videos earlier you also get extra videos plus I tell you what's coming up other updates stuff like that and about once a month I give away a tool or something similar so in about a week's time I will put this up on patreon so if you're interested in that get down there join up for that up there down there yada yada and yeah I will run a competition over on patreon to give that away to one of my patreon members and I will keep the Makita adapter for myself thanks again for watching guys it's about three weeks coming this video because of the old covered but got there in the end it's maybe a little bit different to how it was originally going to do it but hey such is life so thanks for watching hopefully I'm back on track for the regular once a week videos again now and it'll probably be a Makita one next week so I will see you then thanks for watching cheers guys oh and if you want to see some more Lego builds I've just stuck a couple up on this channel up here and down in the description
Channel: Tools & Stuff
Views: 42,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tools and stuff, Tools, Makita, New, Zealand, Dewalt, Hitachi, Ryobi, Bosch, Milwaukee, Kiwi Tool Reviews, saw, tablesaw, drill, chainsaw, festool, tool, review, 18v, 40v, lxt, xgt, vs, fuel, m18, m12, 12v, cxt, HiKOKI, oslo tool company, oslo tools, O.I.S. vs starlock, ois vs starlock, star lock multi-tool, multytool, multi tool, multitool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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