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rev up your engines 2009 Honda card made in Ohio it's got misfire codes p300 misfire is on 4 five and 62 and here's the weird thing he bought it from a mechanic and it did the same thing only now got a junkyard engine they always label them and they put paint on the bolts so you know take parts off the engines and then say Oh that was a junker so they can tell if you messed around with it but with the junkyard engine in it it's doing the same exact thing now mechanic changed all kinds of things and even changed the three cill converters last week and the codes are still coming up so diagnosis all right it's already Reddit no the VIN number USA Accord 2009 V6 engine you can do a full topology scan so here we go while it's doing the scan we'll look around he's own it for a year nice interior Dash everything's fine me it's really nice car there the problem is keeps dripping those codes and it has 133,000 Mi but it does have a used engine so we don't know what kind of mileage is on the engine we look at the data first now the first thing I've noticed is it's reading the data really slow it's only got what 12% done normally by now this thing should have gone through all of the tests so that's got me wondering about the computer itself the PCM the power training control module it shouldn't be this slow on a Honda have a ton of codes already 11 already and it's 45% done and like I said it's going really slow so kind of makes me wonder about the computer in this thing finally done and it's dated 11 trouble code so we're going to start with the PCM which is the probably the main codes we're going to be messing around with p172 p175 fuel system is too rich front Bank fuel system too rich Bank two now he was getting Miss fire fire codes right well we don't have that yet cuz he's erased them before obviously but we have the the systems too rich especially on the front bank now that can cause misfires so it might be that the misfires are more something that occurs because of a different problem and then they show up later it's not showing up right now it's been reset so this is what you want to do when you're working one of these cars if you got a bunch of weird problems erase it then drive it and then check the codes because the codes that pop up first are going to be the most important ones to fix they may be the cause of everything so before we go further with that we'll look at some of the other codes we don't care about the TPM that's the tire pressure that doesn't mean anything we don't care about the SE airbags and we don't care about the antiock brakes that's not going to have anything to do with the car acting weird and tripping misar Cod so we'll check the gauges that probably won't either but you never know afcan communication line air this gives us more information it's a communication code and it could be anything from a positive circuit open in a communication base to the negative circuit open to even the bad control unit like I said said there's something funky going on with this computer system and see one of the things is to replace the control module but before we do anything we're going to start it up and look at live data check all this data out anything has to do with why is it running rich and misfiring the math sense is given really bad data it's giving 5.96 G per second now it does have an aftermarket intake sensor Ram cold air intake Ram I don't believe in using those things I would have never put that on in the first place because this is a three and2 L engine the G per second should be more of 3.5 and you can see it's 5 to six so it think it's getting more air than it is so it's going to give it more fuel hence it will run rich it's an idling pretty good there's nothing wrong with that you see the target idle the idle 3.3 that's all the same so that's good now you can see Bank two okay that's uh. 1.18 63 I'm bank one so Bank two is obviously the bank that has more problems than a bank one and it was Bank two that shown it's running to Rich catch you can see they're working both bank one and Bank two have the same temperature so they're doing their job Dan now there's presently no misfire he was getting misfire codes but it's not misfiring right now now I've erased all the codes I'm going to take it for a little road test to see if anything comes back to give me a good idea here we go on a road test get it some serious driving so we'll drop it into low gear I mean it's a nice car otherwise it actually runs pretty fine on him he he doesn't have problem with the car running weird it just keeps tripping all these codes even though it's got new Cadillac converters a used engine it's doing the same thing it was doing before nobody's coming out where so here we go man the car runs perfectly fine we even drop it down in the first gear he runs like a scall today down Chi's good handle's great you got to take off takes off fine what in the second gear he I mean the car runs fine we'll look at the data when we get back doesn't backfire or pop when you're accelerating or decelerating I mean if somebody would have given me this car said Road tested I would have said you doesn't seem like there anything wrong to it other than I plugged in the computer and got all codes so let's check to see a lot of times you got to restart and get codes back so we see if anything has come back yet well nothing's come back no codes well it continues to run fine there's no codes at all now so that means the codes have to come over a period of time of driving and since there is a communication code and codes for One bank is running rich when before it was different codes for misfire intermittently I'm assuming this Baby's got a bad main computer the PCM now hey just told me that he had the cadalac converts replac because he could hear them rattling and of course the new ones don't Rattle and they're working perfectly fine and I kind of gives me a clue I really never see Honda Accord catalic converters going bad unless they hit water they're hot the ceramic inside Chatters and then they rattle not a common thing with Hondas some of them will clog up if the engine Burns a bunch of oil but they don't rattle then they just get clogged up and they won't AC the exhaust the car won't be able to go over certain speed cuz it can't breathe out in this case they were rattling and when I see these things rattle I immediately think the car has been flooded at some point in time he bought the car used and all these problems occurred within a week of him buying it so I'm assuming the guys since they were mechanics that sold it to him they knew what was going on and they turned everything off sold it and then as you see now it didn't come back yet but I can guarantee you Don a dollar that the lights will come back in a few weeks of driving cuz when he bought it took about a week and it started doing it it runs so good now I personally wouldn't do anything as long as it runs as good but the next thing would be to change the PCM because that controls all of that stuff it shows a communication fault now it's saying that the front cylinder running rich before it said it was misfiring you're getting Oddball codes and it's running perfectly fine whenever you get Oddball codes and a car is running okay it's almost always the computer has gone bad the main computer the PCM ECM or the wiring has gone bad from being flooded and now the connectors AR connecting right and it acts squarely but in this case this thing runs like a top mous so I personally wouldn't go any further if it did start to really act up the PCM would be the next thing you'd have to take it all apart look inside it see if the wires are corroded see if the circuit boards have any kind of shortage in them but it runs so good now I just say what the heck drive it around see what happens because it's an expensive fix and since it's got this cold air intake setup on it different systems hey a lot of times they won't jive with the original software that you're going to program one of these computers with so since it runs so good personally I'd leave it alone because hey it's doing the same thing with the used engine that it did with the original engine so we know it's either the PCM or the wirings going on and here's some bonus questions and answers Charlie 545 says my cousin's got a 2013 Subaru Forester 14 3 6,000 Mi it died shop head was the alternator so it changed the next day the check engine light came on took it to the service center they said no it's got a bad Kettle a converter it runs fine otherwise does this seem odd it sure does seem odd here's the thing if you drove it and a car died while you were driving it right and you turned it nothing happened then you ran out of power and the alternator charges the battery if the alternator stops charging it will run until the battery is dead and then when you try to start it nothing happens so and I fixed and it ran now you all of a sudden you check engine light is on right I don't know what they did while they were working on a car but Numero Uno there's no code that says catalytic converter is bad there are ones that say inefficient catalytic converter it can be the converter it can be the oxygen sensors it can be the engine running too rich to lean many things but you said the car runs fine my advice would be drive it now as long as that light check engine light doesn't flash on and off when it flashes on and off it's a serious problem that you got to get it fixed but if it just stays on and it runs perfectly fine drive it for a while you might find the lights go out who knows if they reset something or what went on now ask them too what the code is if it's the code for inefficient catalytic converter yeah put some cleaner in a gas tank and fill it up with high test Shell Gasoline their most expensive one and a lot of times the light will go off because it'll clean it out and it'll run more efficiently but if you have an inefficient catalytic converter I've seen people drive them 10 years that way and they still run perfectly F so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 174,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, honda, honda accord, accord, honda accord review, honda review, honda car review, honda car repair, car advice, how to fix car problems, serious, serious car problems, serious problem, serious problems, honda accord problems, honda accord problem, honda problems, honda repair, problem with honda, this honda accord has a serious problem, engine, sad day, hondas, owner
Id: mLTRpXSh050
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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