Starlink Unboxing + Speed Test + Full Installation

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well i got the starlink satellite i'm super pumped about it and i'd like to show you uh what's inside the box and uh the stuff to install it which i'm i'm gonna learn as i go i'm in northern idaho it cost 500 to buy the satellite and it's a hundred dollars a month for the internet and up until now i haven't had a choice other than to use a verizon for internet and i've had to use equipment like this wilson products to amplify and and pick up signal where there is very little just to get a little bit internet so i'm happy to try something new that might be a little bit faster so let's take a look at what's inside so first thing we see here is a very simple instructions you got your satellite looks like you hook it up to a power source router and you control it with your phone also a step here where you can download an app where it tells you where to point the satellite so easy enough at least we'll see all right there it is satellite router power source lots of cable it actually looks really nice i like how it comes pre uh everything's plugged in it almost looks like i could just uh plug it into the wall and test it out i think i'm going to try that let's take this inside and just see if it works on in on the inside without actually installing it outside i kind of doubt that that'll work but it looks easy enough to try so we'll give that a shot okay here we go let's uh pull out the dish oh it's interesting it's a flat surface looks like you just snap it into place here yep and there we go we got our satellite set up and now we plug it in now who knows what's gonna happen uh i'm looking for blinking lights i don't know looks like i got some lights here so i obviously got power okay directions uh who reads this shortly after plugging it in the uh dish went flat and i looked online and it says it's uh now searching for uh satellites to connect to and it could take 15 minutes i suspect it's not going to find any given that i'm in indoors but i'll give it 15 minutes and just see if it connects and then we'll take it outside 15 minutes later and it did not find anything to connect to all right let's take this outside oops my cable got snagged [Applause] and it says it'll take 15 minutes for it to find a satellite so i'll just send it out out here i'm going to put it up on the roof but i want to test it out first before i actually install it so i'll just set it right here and wait and see there it goes it's starting to adjust it found the satellite so now we can go on inside and see how fast turn around is all right let's see if we have a new wi-fi connection looks like we do so i just connected to it ah enter your wi-fi network name password and password all right it's just asking for me to type in a network name name and type in a password probably shouldn't use the word password but it's fine for now once you hit submit it shows you this screen so now i should be able to see that under my network which i do and now we're connected it uh i don't know if you picked that up but it was beeping at me the star link was okay now for the fun part it's a nice ping wow look at that that's awesome with verizon i was lucky to get two oh i'm happy about that let's see where the upload is a little slow getting started not sure what it's doing huh i have no upload that's concerning we'll try again see if we get different results good ping oh it got even faster hey the more times you run the test the faster it gets just kidding i like that there we go there's some upload oh that's great oh feels like i'm in the city and i'm out in the sticks this is the way it should be thank you starlink i'm super happy about that let's uh see if google comes up with similar results yep looks pretty fast so i'm getting somewhere between 50 and 100 anything above 10 and i'm happy so i'm happy there we go that's a good upload speed i can live with that and latency of 38 milliseconds so that's good as well for especially for a satellite that's amazing good job starlink all right now that i've verified starlink is awesome i'm gonna use this um volcano mount to install it up on the roof it came with some leg bolts let's see leg bolts from my pocket and uh some i don't know what to call this stuff sticky sticky tar type stuff that to uh help seal seal up when you you screw in to the roof so i'm gonna put this up on the roof so grab the things i need here lost my drill bit is in my pocket you can't find it it's in your pocket all right i need to verify the leg bolt size [Applause] [Applause] all right let's get them done and i have a flat roof which can be a problem in the winter when there's gosh i've seen at least four feet of snow up on this roof so we happen to have a good spot right there so you can see that go back down and grab the satellite yeah i can't just install it on this roof without getting it up a little higher otherwise it'll get buried in snow so nice to have a couple holes up here already some old ones so i'm going to reuse two of those going to pre-drill the holes that went in real easy [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] so my understanding is to take some of this sticky stuff and you're supposed to ball it up so i'm going to tear off i think i'm going to tear off wow there we go head tears i'm just gonna i've folded it i don't know let me fold it over a couple times i'm just gonna stick it right on the hole actually i i'm gonna put it right trying to think how i'm gonna do it so i can see where the hole is it's gonna be a little tricky okay i don't know that i needed that much but oh scissors might have made this a little easier that does i was planning on using silicone and just dipping the screw in a little silicone but they gave me this stuff i think it'll get the job done too all right got two long leg bolts i assume that's for the two middle ones and four shorter ones which i assume is for the outside so i'm gonna see if i can come through so i can get it started there all right started at least so now i'm just pushing it through so i can make sure i hit the hole once i hit the hole looks like it likes to spin a little bit but it's still into it [Music] i forgot to stick a little there i think for these turret nap almost good all right we'll back these off well you can see how that worked definitely uh kind of had a similar idea to what i was thinking with the silicone so how about i drill those holes real quick okay got it wet there it is that in half stick that there and this one do these guys [Music] didn't i drill that [Music] that's not going anywhere that's solid okay i'll just disconnect these now to point out these have holes in them too so this could be mounted as well uh it just won't fit on this ledge where i want it and the satellite dish likes to move when i pick it up readjust so it detects pretty quickly that it is being moved and needs to reconnect to the satellite so that's all there is to it installation complete well mostly i still gotta run the cable in a nice way let's run these down [Music] so so i just realized there were six of these little rubbery things which were already pre-cut i probably should have used them instead but oh well the stuff i used to work just fine too i just used a little more than was necessary gets the job done all right what's next also the volcano mount comes with these guys so those can be handy for just gonna see those this could be handy for uh attaching the cable around the house i'll probably put a couple these on the roof just to keep the cable up there and then the next step is to find a place to go into the house i could drill a hole uh but i don't need to because i actually found a place right here i can an old cable so i'm just gonna pull that out and stick my line through there i might have to make the hole bigger because it's a pretty thick networking cable so we'll see i'll give that a shot all right time to secure the cable [Music] i think i'll come back with a little bit of silicone and just dip those screws in it or dip that scrub only gonna put a couple of screws on the roof here this cable isn't going to go anywhere with a couple screws [Music] yeah i should do it i don't think that has too much play in it i guess i could put one in the middle for good measure okay and there you have it just looking at this make sure i put this in a good spot or am i gonna have trouble with that tree i think it's okay something else i'm noticing here is this dish is somewhat warm which is nice i don't know if they intended to do that but that feels like enough that it might melt any ice or snow off the top of it if anything was sitting on it if you had a freeze so that's that's a really nice feature i think it'll be warm enough to melt stuff off it won't have to get up here in the winter and brush off the snow let's see and down the side battery died let's grab it everyone come on that should do it let's see if that worked well that was the perfect size i wish i could tell you guys what y'all what size that is it doesn't say though it's all it's a rusty one there you have it i think i'll put the router right here or the power power supply will need to get a surge protector but for now i'm just going to plug it in here and this gives power to the satellite dish as well as power to the router i guess i'm just inside installation complete
Channel: Brett Batie
Views: 1,394,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starlink, satalite
Id: h0Itx_TUOKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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