Starlink Unboxing / Installation On Shingle Roof / Before And After Speed Tests / Tutorial

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foreign thanks for joining me again for another YouTube video this I'm sure if you have a star link or you're interested in a starlink you've probably seen a dozen videos on the unboxing and the installation and that's exactly where I've been I decided a little over a year ago it's been 14 months to pull a trigger on this particular project I have a internet provider it's not cable I did a test this morning and as you can see here the speed is only 19 upload actually excuse me 19 download and I think it's 1.9 almost to upload so that's that's acceptable I mean the internet works I I get Netflix and I get Prime video over the Internet so all of that works and it's acceptable but it's just not fast enough especially like these YouTube videos that are uploaded they're just not fast enough takes hours so I'm gonna go ahead and unbox this now and I'm going to go to the install and we're going to see what kind of speeds we get after all that's completed well I guess the very first thing I'm going to do is unbox this ethernet cable it's the smallest of the boxes it's got a nice little diagram in here looks like they plug this in here just to keep it clean I do believe that this is where my ethernet cable will go into and this is where my lead from the starlink antenna we'll go into and where this goes this goes into the starlink router is the mount got uh it's called a starlink flashing mount kit goes underneath shingles it looks like not sure this might be a template Trace around it or it might just be something to hold all this in I'm thinking it might be a template yeah this I believe I've watched a few YouTube videos and I believe that this is going to go here after everything is installed and then the cables Will Go On Top of here and the cover will go on top of that so mounting hardware foreign we can turn this sideways looks like there was a cover on here now this is something that I'm I have no use for I'm not sure where I'm gonna ever use this but because of my particular mounting situation this will not be used it's got a somewhat of a diagram here now this particular model you can see the Contour I I look this up and I'm going to try to put this on the screen right now I did see that on the internet so I'm believing this is the most current version of the starlink antenna and then this obviously is the router I did notice on a video where someone plugged it in turned it on did all that and they were looking at this and they're like well there's no lights I'm not sure if it's working I thought I saw something about the bottom of this and I see right now that there's a little hole right there and I'm not sure if that's a LED light but I believe that's how you determine whether there's power in this after you plug it in and make sure that it's all connected I believe that there's a light there but I'm not sure and we get we get I believe it's 75 feet of cable and yes it's 70 I believe it's 75 feet I had a couple numbers in my head I remember measuring what I needed and it was like 68 feet but I believe there's 75 feet here so if you need more than that you should probably order it from the starlink store apparently that's the only place you can get this stuff then also there's the power cord other than that there's the general regulatory notices good Lord so very next thing I need to do is get up on the roof and put some cameras up there so you guys can see how this gets put together and then also I need to get all this equipment up there I'm not sure what I'm going to lay this antenna on I'll probably wrap it in some big beach towel or something just to make sure it doesn't get all scratched up and hopefully it won't blow off the roof it's not a very steep angle but you know any angle walking on something like that is one that you have to be careful for not slip and fall anyway let's get started doing that I think I just had a senior moment and I'm going to share that with you when I unboxed all of this I it didn't dawn on me that there is no mount in here that actually I can attach the antenna to so this and you probably caught that because you're not a senior or you don't have senior moments but this is what I unboxed it's called the flashing mount and I'm thinking to myself nothing about how to put this [Music] Pole from the antenna into that until finally I start I didn't get any further than my shed here to go up on the roof but I started looking at the directions and it says you need a pivot Mount also so the pivot Mount apparently goes on this cover and then that's where the antenna attaches to well to get this kind of stuff from starlink you go on their website on the starlink application app and you order it and it takes over a week sometimes two weeks to get something and so this isn't going to happen today it's going to happen whenever I get them out I wanted to show you their website where I ordered this from and it is a little bit deceiving so this is what that looks like it shows this Mount here for whatever it is 59 I'm not looking at it right now but it shows that it's 59 I believe and it it looks like that's everything but if you look at the writing down below it it says you it requires a pivot mount okay didn't see that I just saw that picture and ordered it and you know what it is what it is it's going to be at least two weeks if not more before that pivot Mount arrives from starlink and what I'm going to need to do is quite a few other things before that gets here so I'm going to go up on the roof today and I'm going to try to install this flashing mount cut a hole through the garage roof into the attic up there go up fish that wire through get it into the house so that I can hook it up to my network but I won't do that until I actually get the mount but this is what I've got prepared I've got pretty much all the tools that I'm going to need to go up on this roof and as you can see that Tower there behind me that's that's my way up I crawl up there and I get up on the roof and it's pretty simple today I've got my hiking boots on so that I stay on the roof instead of slipping out of my slip-on shoes I want to make it to my 67th birthday so I'll give you an idea of what I've all got in this bucket here that I'm going to be hauling up there so I've got this rope going up I'll pull all this stuff up I've got the mount I've got some cameras got some caulk drill gun is in there a a hole saw a bunch of other stuff wrenches screwdriver to pry up the shingles and I'm getting ready to go up there now and set the cameras up and start working on it well I've got everything set up it's a nice day it's almost noon so the sun's right above us hopefully you'll be able to see everything I'm doing I've got a stud finder here the instructions say that you're supposed to find the stud and we're going to be centering it on that and then moving it down to the edge of one of the shingles so let me try to find that stud right now I'm not sure how accurate this is it says surface material thickness half inch one inch one and a half and there are two sets of shingles on here so it's going to go through four sets of shingles plus a half inch or three quarter inch plywood so I'm going to set it to one and a half I'm going to get a marker and Mark where I think it is after right here so I brought along a soapstone so I have a general idea of where this is they say they want that mounted there but it's got to go under the shingles I think that's what they're wanting right there all right so when I put this on there it's going to go underneath here all the way up it makes sense right and it says not to cut the bottom layer of shingles foreign I just don't know why I would yeah I suppose I could see why yep I'm gonna have to take this off you know it makes me wonder they obviously don't know that I have a couple layers of shingles on here what difference does it make [Music] if that were to go up underneath here like that I mean so what if there's a couple more layers of shingles under here they don't know that so that I can see that that would have to be plugged up there because otherwise water will get down into here but everything else looks good they want you to bend these up to get these screws in here too because there's there's one two three four five six and a seventh one up here so this is going to have to get bent quite a bit up in order to get that seventh one in there good Lord foreign sure that's what they want do I really need that seventh one in there at the risk of breaking that so if water came down and gotten there it would go underneath this plate and it would go on top of here and there's going to be a hole here so obviously that needs to get cocked up right there that hole and then I'll put some underneath there and put in the uh screws I don't know why they would have me put it right over a roof truss like that maybe I'll figure that out some other time I just obviously then when I drill the hole in I'm not supposed to drill it straight through and I'll put a I'll probably just do a drill first see if it goes all the way through write your comments let me know what you thought I should have done hopefully I'm going to do the right thing guess what that just did some tools rolled off the roof rolled right down here [Applause] that's a very old very old patio table [Music] and you know the worst part about it I gotta clean it all up oh foreign sure about that so this is an inch and a quarter I've actually seen a YouTube video where a guy used an inch and an eighth and it worked but I don't want to have to do this again that's where I thought it was so I'm gonna I'm gonna go here and Lord is this the right spot looks like it is I can see uh it didn't hit a stud two layers there we go [Music] [Music] it's been about two weeks that I started that Starling project and now I'm getting back to it again today and hopefully by the end of day I'll have this up and running I was waiting for one package from California from starlink it's the actual pivot mount my fault I didn't order it when I ordered the rest of it it didn't read far enough and you know what starlink is billing me by the month right now for access to their satellites and I don't even have anything set up yet so it is what it is right but it's only been a couple of weeks so I guess I get a couple of weeks on me so I'm going to unbox this get up on the roof and try to finish this today foreign that's what I've been waiting for it's like you get a set of instructions you get the mount a couple of nice lag bolts if you're screwing it right into the roof which I'm not some Hardware these are wire fasteners nice box of them this looks like some of that um I don't know what you call it it's like uh rubberized uh tape that you can seal stuff up with you can't think of the technical name for it yeah this stuff here sticky and a nice cover to put over the Starling and throw it over your shoulder when you're taking it up on the roof so you don't get it all scratched up that's what this is so we'll get started [Applause] now before I forget to put this on this is that goes on here to keep the bugs from getting in here now that pivot mount needs to get put on here I think it's 7 16. let's see how am I going to do this I'm thinking I'm just going to do this now because it's going on an angle like this I can't put it like that I'm gonna have to put it like that even it's got a couple arrows right here that say up all right let's see if these are going to reach it looks like they are there we go this is the garage I'm standing on so I don't recall what size hole that was again I think it was one and a quarter one underneath maybe one underneath one and a half and I don't have my tape measure but that hole that connector fit through there anything smaller than that the connector is so big it won't fit through there so it's all tarred in it's got this foam rubber on it to keep the bugs out I think we're good to go foreign now I brought up some of this there we go ah let's see how this is gonna fit all right a little more oh it's got to go in there a certain way so all right um how on Earth I think it goes like this oh and the only reason I'm putting this black flexi hose on here is to try to keep UV off of the offer the coax that's going down the you know the cable so I guess it's not really essential but I always like to do the best you can you know all right time to put these back in and that's it well by no means has this been a professional installation and if I were to go back and do it all over again I would tell the people that are going to do it that they should really take their time in figuring out what it is they need that particular pivot Mount they show a picture of it just being drilled right into the roof okay I guess that's that's fine but I want my cord to go into the roof and because of that that's why I have this other mount on here the other one that you just drill right into the roof the cord lays outside the roof and then goes down the side of the roof or the building and then into the building Project's not complete till that wire gets connected up I've got a place where I've run other wires through the garage into the house I'm going to get it over to the router and then at the rotor I'm going to hook up the adapter that I purchased to get it hooked up to my network that's my next project well this is it this is the moment I've been waiting for 15 months since I ordered starlink I've got this all connected this is not got anything to do with starlink right now except there's a cord in here when I plug it in the starter link is going to activate but what I did was starlink over there because my cord from my starlink was about two or three feet too short and I started thinking well you know what's probably better this is so jammed up with wires this is just uh the ceiling going upstairs here and when I plug the power into the starlink it'll activate and I've got a camera on the roof right now just to see how that works out so let's plug it in and see what happens so this is the starlink router and I remember somebody saying well there's no lights turned on I watched a YouTube video and I think the light is on the bottom and there's the light so that means there's power to the starlink and the starlings probably doing something right now so I have no idea what all that is maybe something comes up on there later but uh I'm gonna go to my phone now and try to figure out from the app on the phone and record that and see if anything's happening well it's working and this is what the speed tests look like [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] go up there and get that camera off the roof thanks for watching I'm so happy that I've got faster internet living out in the country you know it's it's rural it's not like the great North Woods but uh it was quite uh quite the advancement here as well just having that so hey God bless be safe thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Gerald Post
Views: 48,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MNudx89KN8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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